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10788424 No.10788424 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else who's all-in or a true believer of LINK noticed any 'strange' things happening in their life lately?

I don't want to post my experiences yet because I want to see if any of you can confirm my suspicions first...so notice anything odd lately?

>> No.10788464

No, but that may because I'm a linklet. Care to elaborate?

>> No.10788501


I don't want to give any false positives, want to see if Anon's here can describe some things they find weird then I'll share mine

>> No.10788517

This should be good.

>> No.10788529

I was fingering my ass the other night, next day I shat out a cube that said smartcontract.com, strange

>> No.10788534

Feeling less depressed I suppose?

>> No.10788537

Yes, got 125k LINK I feel great.
Quite unusual.

>> No.10788544

Yup its called a glitch in the matrix. You're transcending the programming of this world and once ascended will be able to travel through space-time unhindered. But only if you hold past the singularity. Its called the singularity for a reason : its a After Death / Before Christ event.

>> No.10788545

My dreams have turned from stressful events which is typical to ones where I'm fucking thots and general having fun.

>> No.10788548

Getting triggered by number 7. Yesterday I was pucking a shitting at the same time and I’ve been having insane mood swing

>> No.10788623


This is the only one that closely resembles what I'm going through, but yes the number 7 is prevalent for me.

Anyone else here not LARPing?

>> No.10788631

I’ve been thinking about how to stay strong and not sell when it hits $10-$20 range.
FWIW I’m a top 300 wallet. I’d be in a really comfy range.
It’s strange because I’m already wealthy. The $ wouldn’t change my lifestyle one bit.

>> No.10788719


Dude think about it logically. We're off topic now but here:

XRP went to $140BN MC on SPECULATION alone last bull-run....more than ETH

If Chainlink goes to $30 that's roughly an 100x
bringing it to a MC of only 10BN

If Chainlink gets to XRP's old SPECULATIVE MC, it would be a 1400x, or $420 and MC of 140BN

Obviously numbers can change with regards to amount staked and amount released by dev fund but yeah.

>> No.10788939

stop anon stop it I can only cum so much

>> No.10788978

I've unironically stopped being such a bitch after reading Adelyn Zhou's article about acting like a white man to succeed.
>t. white male raised w/o alpha father figure & top LINK wallet

>> No.10789019
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My farts have been smelling more pleasurable than usual.

>> No.10789057

I unironically enjoy the smell of my own farts.

>> No.10789072


yarly. I have different price points spanning from $2.50 and $250 written down on my whiteboard alongside what I'd have if the price hit each of them. $420 LINK would be off the charts.

>> No.10789077

The illuminati crashed the entire crypto market late December in an attempt to steal those stinky linkies from a bunch of weirdos that hang out in an Iranian soap opera forum.

>> No.10789119

i bought boxer shorts for underwear yesterday with one of the main reasons being to help stop my nocturnal emissions, and I had a wet dream last night.
it was gay as hell. there was not even anything sexual in the dream. I was just going through the dream, then all of sudden I could feel my penis being stimulated and like I was about to ejaculate, then I did. It sucks because during regular sexy dreams, I can tell when I'm getting close so I wake myself up and stop the ejaculation from happening. Couldn't do that this time because there was no sex in the dream.

>> No.10789139
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100% serious ever since I went all in LINK (~25k @ $0.23) my life has gotten better in almost every conceivable way. I kicked my weed and porn habit, gym and MMA gains through the roof, cute young girl fell in love with me, parents proud and giving me money to buy more LINK etc etc etc. It's surreal.

God bless all LINK holders, we are going to make it friends

Matthew 7:7

>> No.10789192
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I'd like to smell your farts

>> No.10789216

The other day I took a shared Lyft at 11am and the woman riding with me used to live in my apartment. Took another shared Lyft the next day at 5pm and the same woman was riding with me. During the ride she gets a picture text from her sister who was in a liquor store that a car just drove into...

Also the past three times I mentioned Oreo Os cereal to three separate people, they responded by asking me if I ever had Rice Krispy Treats cereal, one of which was this Lyft woman.

>> No.10789217

I had a crackhead jump in front of my car 2 weeks ago

>> No.10789221


I don't know if I'd describe it as liking mine but they are interesting.

>> No.10789237

OP. I had this happen when i was buying link. This is an old post, but was mine, and was very weird.

Link related. This was weird.
Ok biz. So im a link hodler. Was in ico. Have made many memes that you have seen. I realize how low link had gotten and had decided to buy more to add to my stack, and up my rank. I decided when it hit 20c... but had to move funds around the traditional banking system into crypto which takes time... so i missed the low of 17c.. and as you can see, its had 3 good jumps up from that following a long slow gradual fall/squeeze that looks like some pretty obvious accumulation. I am not a trader. I just walked in with my 5k bank wire i sent to gdax. Bought eth, and sent it to binance. Already annoyed that i had payed fees for the bank wires, for the trade from usd to eth, and then to binance, was like 40ish bucks down from my wired amount, and staring at the price of link with my modest amount of eth... that had gone up to 23-24c from the 17c it was at when i decided to buy in... i made my order for my link. Pretty much at the top of the order book. INSTANTLY the order book went nuts and i had atleast a dozen small and med size orders placed above mine just a few gwei apart from eachother. I had set my order for the 23c mark, but the order book freak out freaked ME out, and made me jump up even higher. I ended up buying my stack at an average price of 24ish cents, which as i write this, is the average price of link, instead of fighting for 23c. I still have a small bit of my buy order on the books, and REPEATEDLY, i have had buy amounts and totals containing "666" appearing and disappearing right next to, above or below, the rest of my order.

It feels like i pissed someone off and theyre doing that to make it obvious, the only way they can. Thank you for reading.

..... ive also been seeing shit tons of repeating digits irl

>> No.10789254

Why are you using my fucking memes faggot? I am fomo. Make your own.

>> No.10789270

recently when I wipe my ass theres been a lot of blood. I think I tore something the other day when I was having diarrhea. My ass wont stop bleeding. The spicy food I eat doesnt help either.

>> No.10789290

God is silent on crypto because it won't save you

>> No.10789293
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I started having dreams again since investing in chainlink. I have a pretty boring life and my sleep is usually just nothingness. But now it's filled with news of partnerships and green dildoes. At least three chainlink dreams a week. The thing is those dreams are particularly vivid and credible too, which is something I have rarely experienced before, often times I dream I am waking up to these great news, but it's just a dream within a dream. I always get disappointed when I do wake up for real and check biz and blockfolio. My mind is starting to play tricks on me and the dreams start to blur with reality. I know it's just delusion but I start thinking things I see in dreams should be investigated further when I wake up, I start believing in signs despite having been a rational person all my life. Is this what it feels to be brainwashed into a cult? Anyone else experienced this?

>> No.10789294


I unironically am with you there. My asian qt 3.14 gf has been applying ointment on it, I don't know what kind, but it got itchy as fuck and when I scratched it obviously it got worse.

get some ointment man. I tried baby powder but it didn't have much of an effect after awhile.

>> No.10789316

What the fuck you can't just apply it on your own asshole, you need to make your poor gf do that?

>> No.10789319


He missed something else incredible.

BTC is going to go up above it's previous ATH along with the entire market in the next bullrun, so XRP'S old speculative price should be low.

And don't forget Teeka currently recommends a buy price for BTC UP TO AND INCLUDING 25 grand.

>> No.10789327


I didn't make her dude she offered. She's a sweetheart and we love each other, what's the issue?

>> No.10789333

You're both faggots, I'm fomo.
Don't make me use a trip

>> No.10789358

Well I'm glad she's that kind to you, just seems like something you could do yourself without someone else having to look directly at your brown eye.

>> No.10789364
File: 67 KB, 1024x1004, 13AAD6E5-06A9-4D3C-8B9A-C70F09B3DFC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... I got my first assbleeds and hemmoroids around the time I first bought link. is this the power of oracle smart contracts?

>> No.10789379

you can't do doggy style without looking directly at her brown eye, so what gives?

>> No.10789399


Thanks man. I could probably do it myself yeah but idk she's got the nice touch.

>> No.10789411

Yeah but my gf has a nice, tiny, hairless asshole compared to my hairy hole I wouldn't ask anyone to look at.

>> No.10789420

this is the real red pill

>> No.10789429


Im not even kidding.. i was lurking on my phone smoking a cig outside work and i thought "i wonder if links gonna make it, i need a sign" just then some drunk dude hollared "do you like golf? You look like you do, take sone time off and go"

Fucking wierd man

>> No.10789445

>That drunk dude's name? Jason Parser.

>> No.10789448

some things have been normal while others not. I stopped giving two shits lately and have befell across great fortunes as a direct result

I don't want to post my experiences yet because I want to see if you confirm your suspicions first

>> No.10789485
File: 32 KB, 696x413, DB5097D1-CDAE-4A7E-9211-3BBA642E95D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn now that I think about it ever since I bought $LINK last week, my life’s been good. unfortunately it’s too tough to tell if it’s $LINK cause it’s been good for a while now cause of BTC. godspeed biz bros

>> No.10789514

>because LINK is a hole-in-one
I understand now.

>> No.10789530

I've been creating a Tulpa for personal financial successes. It gave me a first response in regards to an internal question I had regarding chainlink a few days ago. All in since that filterless fucker told me what's up.

>> No.10789548
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>> No.10789590


>> No.10789656

My tulpa told me Link would be $2.50 next December. Screencap this.

>> No.10789663
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Youre not fomo faggot.

>> No.10789668

Your tulpa is still accumulating

>> No.10789673
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>> No.10789683



>> No.10789780

I have had absurdly bad luck. I like to think it’s wave particle duality because of what could happen in the future, but I really don’t know.

>> No.10789937
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LINK won't be worth anything.. nothing good ever happens to me.

>> No.10790067

Literally never had an hemmoroid in my life until I bought link

>> No.10790083


i'm 90% in chainlink with other 10% being meme coins i flip for more link. I was born on the 7th day if that tells you anything.

>> No.10790138
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>> No.10790306
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This will sound insane. I fixed a toilet in my dad's summer house and he thanked me and jokingly started calling it "the assblaster". I obviously laughed, but there was no way I could explain to him why that was extra funny to me. No larp. That actually happened.

>> No.10790334
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Saw this today. We are all going to make it.

>> No.10790357
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I thought about it and I've noticed more repeating digits lately. Also I've been noticing cubes and other anons posting subtle memes and cubes across other boards. However anyone who outright shills will receive fud immediately.

>> No.10790364

this must be pasta

>> No.10790381

I didn't realise I was looking for this post, but here it is; it's been more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.

>> No.10790497

I got on a bus number 777 today (or yesterday don't really remember)
but it's a small city and I've already gotten on it before, there's also a 666 bus

>> No.10790510

also I've been bleeding abit from my bunghole lately
but I think I should change my toilet paper

>> No.10790878

Girls have been checking me out at gym, havent done that before.

>> No.10790898

ooh the other day I brought a girl home from a party for the first time

also a friend of mine who asked me to get him some LINK met a girl at the bus stop and she asked him to take her to a party


maybe it's the confidence we inspire?

>> No.10790910

And i have been noticing 7s wherever i go.

>> No.10790934


Same, I had a cab cut me off in traffic a few weeks ago with the number 777 on his license plate.

>> No.10790956
File: 2.31 MB, 4032x3024, F81112A0-B1D5-4389-A55A-BC88C2582DD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.10790977
File: 1.07 MB, 4032x3024, 8087DCFE-F608-42F0-AF31-4CE5AAF21D18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related. It was actually a phone number.

>> No.10790983

you rolled 77
with the 7777777 pic

>> No.10791048
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Praise Lord Kek.

>> No.10791057
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My entire life I have never made sense of time. Weird things. I feel something new now.

>> No.10791066

ya i bought link and now im poor

>> No.10791403

been having bizarre experiences all year.
cubes hanging out in my day to day life and wherever they are, good things or unusual things happen. waking visions of the world post smart contracts. also I've begun to have what you might call 'psychic links' where I get tunnel vision and suddenly the people I'm with know exactly what I am thinking, or I can anticipate what will happen next, or sense what somebody is doing behind my back. i don't really like it, it feels sort of sinister, but his stuff keeps happening over and over since I got into link.

>> No.10791425

I've been getting lots of "1" gets IRL. Checking the time at 11:11 and 1:11 when i haven't looked at the time for hours beforehand. Happens all the time.

>> No.10791446


I got lucky with XRP (well, I knew normies were gonna love it), bought at 6c,sold at 3.20 (trailed my sells). Sadly, didn't buy enough to make it, but still insanely profitable, only reason I'm still in the green. Hoping Link repeats that run.

>> No.10791509

I know it sounds like fun anon, but take it from me, don't fuck around with psychosis

>> No.10791573
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I think this is as close of a sign from God as we're gonna get, unless anyone sees a panhandler with 7 7's next.

>> No.10791931

Every time I browse chainlink related websites or CL threads and I check what time is it, is always a repeating digit (10:11, 11:22, 13:55... Etc). Also the other day I was doing my clothes washing and I had my tv on background, I was thinking about Linkpool's revenue and suddenly i heard "We love you Link" (i went to see what was going on) it was just a local comic con interview and a group of people cosplaying as Ganondorf, Zelda and Link. Also the number #11 seems to pursue me everywhere: tickets, bills, chats...

>> No.10791964

I have seen flashes where I saw kek looking on us from above and the whole world was in fire. We may be millionaires, but at what price?

>> No.10792019
File: 230 KB, 1841x464, 5000 EOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 you say?

>> No.10792083

How do you know OP? how?

>> No.10792110

Yes. Basically I'm being well, motivated by inner naggings to do things that make people happy based on rather unusual happenings that would seem spooky if I described them but don't feel spooky. Returning things lost a long time ago and reuniting people separated for decades. Think supernatural my name is earl

>> No.10792116

God bless you too

>> No.10792118



>> No.10792968

Okay here's something weird that happened to me and I can't explain if it's related to LINK.

Every time I've felt the need to check the price of LINK I noticed my phone is at 11:11 either am or pm. Sometimes I happen to check the price at the same time each day. I'm not talking shit, dunno if my brain made a bias to 11:11.

Something big is gonna happen for chainlink on November 11 is what I thought. I kinda thought it meant the day I would make my first mil, but ever since I bought more I haven't come across 11:11 anymore..

Scary stuff anon, no clue if it's related to you.

>> No.10793034

I've also been seeing numbers 911 everywhere.
>Wake up in the morning and check clock. It's 9:11 am.
>Play overwatch and notice the match time was 9 minutes 11 seconds.
I started noticing those numbers after I did some research on chainlink and bought in.

Does this mean sergey did 9/11?

>> No.10793044

I've been seeing a ton of 777's lately as well.

>> No.10793052

I’m a 35k Linklet and have been feeling as miserable and hopeless as usual. Deep down I feel like we’re all fucked and that my life will end with suicide within a few years. Link gives me hope, but I’ve been wrecked so many times before by things giving me hope.

How do I get on the comfy level of you Anons?

>> No.10793062
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Just a couple of days ago i did a yolo market buy.

>> No.10793307
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Your memes are basic
Step up nigga

>> No.10793325
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>> No.10793331

I have the feeling for about 3 years that i in some way can feel meme magic it began with the german suicide pilot through trump and now chainlink

>> No.10793337
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>> No.10793354

Is it the stink? No seriously guys, I don't mind the stink. Is it really about that?

>> No.10793361
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shit definitely got weird around 2015, I think I (we) switched timelines some time around then. I did lsd in June of 2015 and tripped hard before passing out. A few days later Trump announced he was running for president...

>> No.10793364

I cashed in my shares at work to buy link. The company that managed this for me?
>Link Assets

>> No.10793376
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