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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10782711 No.10782711 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there /biz/

This bear market has me bored as hell, and I've got some time to kill in the office today.

For some background, I've been in crypto and since 2012, and have a decorated background in STEM. I've made a killing mining Ethereum since the early days where it was being shilled on /biz/, and since then, I've found myself advising and investing in crypto projects full time.

I have an active team of autists I hired that monitors market manipulation, and I am in some of the important old-timer whale telegram groups like Satori and Minerva.


Note: Before anyone asks, I am 80% consolidated into BTC right now, and most of the remaining 20% of my assets are locked in ICOs that have not dispersed my tokens yet.

I have a small stack of a couple dozen BTC waiting on the Mex waiting to DCA margin towards the direction of the ETF decision this week.

>> No.10782730

Thoughts on the whale absorbing the huge sell volume on 'finex the past few days?

>> No.10782748

so you had good job prospects and you still got rich with the cryptos?

>> No.10782761

What's gonna happen cryptoboomer? Tell us what's coming in 2020

>> No.10782778


There are hidden buys and sells at all levels.
What the market operator typically does is dump enough that he breaches a critical level of support (usually a fib line), and has algorithms snipe sells below that level.

If supply momentum is maintained at a certain velocity, the algorithm halts and automatically rebids lower. I'm big but I don't have the bankroll to move the price at will like this, however I've used variations of this to great success to accumulate.

>> No.10782798

My question was more why was he doing it? What does he know?

>> No.10782805



Fun fact, if you've been in the space long enough, you learn to pick out other whales at conferences. We're usually nerdy 30-year old boomer IT types dressed casually side-eyeing all the low level wall street workers come dressed stiffly in suits.

>> No.10782824

>I've found myself advising and investing in crypto projects full time
Well, it would be a shame if not disclosing such conflicts of interest would not be illegal in your jurisdiction.
Wopsie, it is almost everywhere.

Prepare for the fist, because the fisting in inevitable in the next couple of years.

>inb4 "not tracable"
>inb4 "knows what he does"

>> No.10782836

Are we going bull end of this year or what.

Alts like Zilliqa yes or no? Should I wait till btc pumps?

>> No.10782842

do you think vechain is a scam?

>> No.10782843

nice LARP fag

>> No.10782847
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All in holo, will I make it?

>> No.10782863


Lol, institutional money has been nuts deep in crypto as early as January. CME group futures are almost 100% short right now and retail doesn't have fingers in that. Huge players can't really buy big lots without driving the price up, so the best they do is create shakeouts at a level they're 'happy' with (like the 6311 line yesterday) and catch the panic selling.

Protip: This objective is why we've been getting 'bartcharts'

>> No.10782884

hey fag what alts do u expect to survive the bear season? looking to maximize my ROI , just holding btc rn

>> No.10782923

Have you heard if block collider?

>> No.10782924


Anyone with half a brain is sidelined (unleveraged) in BTC on Finex an/or Mex right now. ETF rejections have historically been massive market bear catalysts (-15%-25% in a week) and you bet that we're entering a bull run on approval.

The first dapp platform with a scalable high throughput blockchain is likely going to catch massive valuations. There are better team/tech/adoption projects on CMC than Zilliqa right now, but Zilliqa has the most hype.

I'm not here to shill my bags though.


No, but I do believe they are overmarketed though.


Whale and comms engineering consensus is that all decentralized internet coins are vaporware for at least 7 years.

>> No.10782952

How likely is approval for proshares on 8/23?

>> No.10782963

I thought I did my research well, and went balls deep into Zilliqa, any coin I should research along these lines?

>> No.10782971


Every alt with an active tech team that is either already loaded or managed to cash out eth above $500 for payroll should come out just fine.

Truly decentralized PoW coins with open source dev communities should be fine also.

For the monopoly token projects, check their ICO wallets, apply the Howey test, and follow the money.

>> No.10782977

what is the deal with chainlink?

>> No.10782982
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When 5000?

>> No.10783006

dude these are the real deal, don't waste their time. literally nobody of any importance takes chainlink seriously at all.

>> No.10783016

What % of conferences are deloitte employees or ex employees

>> No.10783018


Not shilling my bags, I'm not done accumulating either and won't be until BTC is done with its thing in Q4.

>> No.10783033
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Mr. C. I got 2 BTC to invest right now. What should I do? Continue to hold it? Move it to mex and wait for ETF?

>> No.10783041

Hire me. I made some successful memes.

>> No.10783049
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I see what you did there

>> No.10783072
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How big is your link stack

>> No.10783092


There is a top 20 market maker actively pump and dumping Chainlink on bizlets.

If Chainlink solves the decentralized oracle problem, it will be worth an absurd amount of money.

I have a stack split between a bunch of wallets, but anyone who is deep into chainlink has 0 concept of risk management.


Too many.

>> No.10783116

What do you think of NANO?

>> No.10783127

What's your prediction for end of year price BTC?

>> No.10783133


Move maybe 0.25 btc of it to mex and dollar cost average towards the direction of the ETF catalyst using cross the minute it hits. TAKE PROFITS and do not go over 20x leverage

>> No.10783138
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please respond op

>> No.10783150

what kind of tokens do you bet on? sec, infrastructure, dapps?

>> No.10783154

Does anyone care about NEO ONT or ELA

>> No.10783182


It was a grand scale pump and dump campaign orchestrated on Redditors. It has adoption and successfully applies its use case of value transfer, but it is only good for value transfer and succeeds at its goal whether nano is 0.10 or $100. I won't ever touch it with a 10 foot pole.


$40k-50k with ETF approval.

3k-5k with a string of rejections.

We will see >$25k again as long as BTC is the most liquid trading pair for innovative tokenized asset projects like the 1/4 of binance that doesn't consist of shitcoins.

>> No.10783188

thoughts on eth wise one? will we see it got past 1k again this year?

>> No.10783201

Breh biz won’t make a dent in your accumulation process, in preparing best I can for next bull run don’t want to be stuck forever working for mr shekelstain

>> No.10783205

Will an ETF get approved in 2018?

>> No.10783238

>but it is only good for value transfer
what do you think crypto is about? fucking dapps? fuck your shit thread, brainlet

>> No.10783243

Smart contracts?

>> No.10783245


The next halvening is in 2020, and the market manipulators will definitely pump off that news.


When you own more than 0.1% of a coin, you start to run into serious slippage and liquidity issues so I have my fingers pretty wide. I look for strong token economics and low valuations when making bets, because first mover advantage is a meme in tech and second mover + fixing first mover mistakes is more important.

I've invested in the ICX ico and took profit before the January conference because its valuation was absurd.


I used to be really bullish on the ecosystem, but Da Hongfei has kind of turned me off with his ADHD

He's been bizdevving a little too much for ONT and neglecting NEO for my taste. It only makes me think "what are you gonna do when you get bored of ONT too?"

Try to catch him IRL and you'll understand..

>> No.10783253
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>1/4 of binance not shitcoins
you are far too generous sir

>> No.10783257
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>> No.10783332

When are XRP, EOS and every other scams going to die?

>> No.10783335

Thoughts on OMG at current price? Every estimate scenario I run shows a return of greater than 2 usd per token per year.

>> No.10783340

does the price of btc follow the spot exchanges or the mex?

>> No.10783414


If start doing ICOs again with good, sensible regulation (kek) it will moon like crazy.


Lol I know how /biz/ will react if they see this autistic ass site and team.


EOS if/when the US guvment gets on their case.

XRP is probably here to stay

>> No.10783471


The price of BTC goes where the market operators want to move it to take profit or accumulate. This will change when volume returns but for now, these guys can move it at will.


It isn't a bad r/r at all at current prices

>> No.10783474

Have you heard of Matrix AI project? I saw a post on biz here about it, about 50k tps.

>> No.10783489
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>> No.10783556

Thanks, interesting thread.

>> No.10783576

Isnt it funny that anyone can be larping but you always get a good vibe about certain people in this case OP

>> No.10783601

I believe this is no larp. Any general advice OP?

>> No.10783604

If I post your old thread will you give me an interview? :D

>> No.10783624

Nice LARP. ETF news has nothing to do with the upcoming price movement. This ETF isn't even a bullish catalyst, CME futures don't move the spot market.

>> No.10783627

Thoughts on Xspec, Mr. C?

>> No.10783635


Personally I've stopped caring about whether or not things are larps or not on /biz/, because there's no way to know. Pay attention to what they say and how they say it. That alone will give you information about the quality of the individual posting. Then do your own research and see if the info checks out.

>> No.10783639

What do you think of Oasis Labs?

>> No.10783647

Thoughts on EOS?

>> No.10783670
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>have 0 concept of risk management


>> No.10783685


Risk management and capital protection is more important than gainzzzz.

Be aware that BTC has entered the great economic landscape and no longer exists as its own bubble outside of traditional asset classes.


You have absolutely zero idea what's driving price action right now, don't you.

>> No.10783691

>CME group futures are almost 100% short right now
More absolute bullshit. CME is slightly net short.

Ctrl+F bitcoin

>> No.10783738

supply chain projects, who is the greatest if them all?

>> No.10783742


Correction: CME BTC Futures asset managers*

>> No.10783800



VEN, WTC, AMB, TRAC, MRPH, all of them are absolute shitshows or overvalued right now.


Tor integration will be critical towards its future, as Alphabay has driven most of the valuation on Monero. There are literally thousands of privacy coins competing with each other on bitcointalk and adoption is going to determine the ones who survive.


I have 'em watchlisted but they haven't really piqued my interest yet.

>> No.10783815

what do you think about REQ?

>> No.10783850

Thought on JNT and Coinmetro?

>> No.10783852

You've changed your opinion on VEN


>1) 2x lev BTC

>2) Wanchain

>3) Icon

>4) VeChain

>5) BNB

>Honestly it's hard to lose entering in this market.

inb4 "not the same trip".

>> No.10783856

are Teekas PBC picks just a PnD

>> No.10783896

Mr.C. what are your honest thoughts on projects like trxp. They acquired bittorrent, amongst others. I don't expect anything coming out of this for at least 5 years

>> No.10783907

are any of your fav. projects getting shilled on biz? I have a feeling none of them are.

What use case are you most bullish on and will disrupt their industry? finance, supply chains?

>> No.10783926

Hello Mr. C,

do you think ICX will ever make a comeback?

>> No.10783933


R/R isn't bad at 28 mil, unfortunately I think they may still have further to fall in a continued bear market.


JNT has a great idea, positioning, and use case. Atrocious marketing.


Coinmetro has the best exchange token economics I've ever seen on a whitepaper but they STILL can't get theirshit together.

>> No.10783944

Also, is being a crypto whale the best life? I would assume being rich, shitposting, and being in crypto 24/7 is fun as fuck.

Us bizlets do that minus the rich part. That would just make it more fun.

Are we honestly going to make it?

>> No.10783959
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>> No.10783966
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Thoughts on Enigma? It appears to me as a Monero for smart contracts. But I'm a newfag, so I'm interested in the opinion of someone who was in the crypto space longer than me

>> No.10783974

when will REQ go up? pls help im down so much

>> No.10783998


Basically yeah, they seem kinda arbitrary


not the same person but ok


In the long run yeah, they're imploding right now because they don't have bullish catalysts being put out in a maximum fear climate

>> No.10784005


>> No.10784038

OP, in your opinion, will the ETF get approved?

>> No.10784061

Do you have any vacancies? I need a job. I've pretty much spent the last year and a half non-stop reading about crypto so I could be useful to you.

>> No.10784067

Link is indeed risky, but very rewarding if they succeed. Since i'm a student, my portfolio is <$5k so having coins like ETH/XLM or EOS are less risky but also less rewarding. Guess it's not being risk averse since it's not a large amount.

>> No.10784068

I saw an article saying Jeju island could become an ICO hub. I feel like the market doesn't give a shit about ICOs anymore, so do you think this will be a bullish catalyst.

t. ICX bagholder who bought day 1 on binance and still holding (fuck everything)

How did you learn how to take profits and not be a retarded bagholder? I think this market cycle has taught me not to baghold these coins. Is it just a matter of experience, so next cycle I will not be a faggot and be able to sell this shit.

>> No.10784070

Redpill me on BAT, POWR and SUB pls senpai

>> No.10784079
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>> No.10784085

hello mr. c
let's say i'm just about to start putting little money into cryptos each month. would it be smart to dca eth or should i go for neo regarding all the gas i might earn until 2020?

>> No.10784099

>have a decorated background in STEM
did you do anything meaningful and do you miss it?

>> No.10784149

All of the above


The three ETFs with decision deadlines by September (ProShares, Direxion, Graniteshares) are all essentially the same: funds that will track the CBOE/CME futures and primarily trade those.

The submission notices as listed on the SEC website look exactly the same and were probably written by the same lawyer.

Whichever way the ProShares one goes this week will likely indicate what the other two do. I think there's a slim chance they get approved because CME and CBOE are averaging 30k daily volume, but I'm not taking the risk

>> No.10784153

yawn faggot. kys.

>> No.10784191

what do you think of NANO?

>> No.10784197

Hi OP. What is your honest opinion about IOTA?

>> No.10784202


A little, and let's just say I'm involved in a very obvious use case of blockchain tech in science and engineering.


I mean if you have to pick between the two, go with ETH, but if your bags are small you should bet on 1-3 <100 mil caps with a good probability of bringing their project to market.

See my early comments about decentralized internet. BAT's a cool project though


Huge overvalued 50 mil raises probably aren't happening again soon but crowdfunding through ICOs probably isn't going away.

>> No.10784216

he already told that its shit

>> No.10784217


Spaghetti code

>> No.10784222
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You are blatantly the same person but I don't care, this is better than shitty forced memes anyway.
Dunno why you changed irrelevant details though, did you forget to bookmark the last thread?

>> No.10784235

>if your bags are small you should bet on 1-3 <100 mil caps with a good probability of bringing their project to market
I know I'm being a brainlet and asking to be spoonfed, but do you have any reccomendations?

>> No.10784253

Thoughts on TRON? Looks like they will dominate the chinese market.

>> No.10784260

What would happen if a token which is used for global investments gets FINRA approved?

>> No.10784266

Do you legitimately see any reason to be in any alts at all until we're deep into a new confirmed bull run? I've been thinking consolidating all in BTC until it breaks 20k again. Sure I might lose out on some early alt gains but on the flip side we might be bear for another whole year or two, and so long as we are I fully expect alts to keep shitting blood every time bitcoin barts up or down more than $100 at a time.

But I'm worried that I'm basically falling prey to the market stages meme chart when I think like this, "alts have been shitting themselves for 6 months so they'll keep doing this forever now" maximum depression thinking. Don't know what to think.

>> No.10784286

Any opinion on what Liquid/Qash is trying to achieve?

>> No.10784313


They're hiring engineers for 6 figs at angel.co. With the amount of money they raised they can probably build something out of it lol.




I'm at maximum risk aversion when it comes to alts right now. Personally I wouldn't bother until we confirm a bull run.

>> No.10784336

What would it take to confirm a bull run in your eyes? Break bitcoin/total crypto cap ATH? Or are we full bull as soon as ETF gets approved, irrespective of price action?

>> No.10784346


The latter

>> No.10784349

Thanks for the insights fren.
What's your opinion on sophiatx?

>> No.10784361

Makes sense to be risk averse since you've already made it, us regular cucks got no choice but to take risks

>> No.10784396

I have 60% in BTC and 40% in BCH, should I change the ratio?

>> No.10784417

True that.

How much btc hodl to make it until 2025? If I'M not making until then I won't care anyways.

>> No.10784462

You mentioned XRP is here to stay.
Will it dethrone BTC in market cap?

>> No.10784464

Thoughts on Ambrosus? Seems the only supply chain project that's non-chinese with legit tech and honesty about their (lack of) partnerships. However there's uncertainty whether any public supply chain project will gain traction against the private consortiums.

>> No.10784485



>> No.10784497

Talk to me about QASH, reeeeeeeeeere

>> No.10784529

Any comments on IOST?

>> No.10784539

Gonna throw my paycheck into crypto on Friday. Is ETH the way to go?
Also any thoughts on EOS

>> No.10784587

Thoughts about blockchain.io?

>> No.10784731
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>> No.10784765

What are the odds the ETF will pass? I’m very hesitant to buy more BTC now but I know if I wait and it does pass I’ll miss my shot.

>> No.10784839

At some point something will dethrone BTC, BTC is digital gold (7trn marketcap) whilst the financial market such as derivatives and such is far larger.

>> No.10785011


Thought it was a shitcoin scam, one of my whale groups changed my mind.


QASH is good but more competitors like XTRD are starting to come onto the scene.


Solid tech team but their branding/marketing is hilariously bad.


Valuation of EOS was and still is a little bit nuts


Not very good

>> No.10785149
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0xBitcoin thoughts, or thoughts about minable tokens using PoW for transparent fair distribution? Aren't most ICOs created out of thin air?

>> No.10785156

Hey OP,

what do you think of Bakkt?

Its importance compared to an ETF?
And the influence on BTC price when its out?

>> No.10785161

What are your thoughts on the wider markets effect on crypto? If the ass falls out of the stock market or real estate what happens?

>> No.10785249


Although I benefited greatly, I am against pooled mining, GPUs, and ASICs as the first exposes an ecosystem to 51% attack risk, and the latter two decrease accessibility.

Bitcoin was originally meant to be mined on decentralized AND distributed individual nodes for fair distribution, but the arms race in mining technology has all but killed decentralization via PoW.

I am seeing some cool projects on bitcointalk dedicated towards individual node mining though, almost all of which launched in late may through mid June. Hopefully one of them will catch on.


There are highly correlated manipulations in Forex along JPY pairs, which seem to ripple out from CNY/Gold, CNY/JPY, and BTC/JPY.

Expect panic selling to fiat and gold if the stock and real estate markets implode on us again.

>> No.10785346

>Jeju island could become an ICO hub
Why? It's a tourist island. Quiet and none of the locals will be happy with an influx of financial scammers ontop of the already shitty Chinese tourism/construction.

>> No.10785374

Sir why do u think TRAC is a shitshow? They seem legit and have alot of interesting partnerships. Also they are bo chink coin which is great.

>> No.10785496

Thoughts on LTC?

>> No.10785598

Thanks for sharing OP, nice to see a thoughtful thread for a change.

1. Do you think it is worth hedging BTC exposure by holding some BCH, or is BCH enough of a lost cause at this point that BCH can be safely sold and redeployed elsewhere?

2. Why do all the OGs seem to shill Zcash even though Monero seems to have more real world adoption? If you had to make a privacy coin bet(s) now, what would you do?

3. How does one get invited to a decent whale group? Is there a minimum amount of capital you need?

>> No.10785638


>because first mover advantage is a meme in tech and second mover + fixing first mover mistakes is more important

Have you looked into Nimiq at all?

>> No.10785812
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Please repeat thoughts on chain link. Surely if they achieve their aim it's going to be the most important coin in the whole of crypto.

>Pic related

>> No.10786219

Nobody is even close to Zilliqa level if you not include ETH, now i know your'e just larping or brainlet

And how exactly Zilliqa is the most hyped one? literally didn't see anybody talk about it outside of close telegram groups and a small portion of /biz/

>> No.10786257

well, holo is in the works for 10 years...

>> No.10786375

New friend in crypto here.
1. BCH is like eth. You're playing with fire. Be careful.
2. Zcash is well organized enough to actually be a functional project. Also, there's enough of a network to prevent a 51% nicehash attack, unlike other equihash coins (including kmd iirc). The only other equihash variant that I think is worthwhile would be Raven. That said, I have stronger sentiment with zcash, it's "private enough," well known, and more or less liked. I don't think it will have as much support from individuals moving forward cause asics

>> No.10786441


>institutional money has been nuts deep in crypto as early as January.

'institutional money' has been in crypto since 2013...

>> No.10786468

I'm in absolute pisses at that image

>> No.10786545



Linkies honestly believe that the morbidly obese russian philosopher in that pic is going to solve the oracle problem and make them rich. Imagine ACTUALLY being this delusional about how the world works.

>> No.10786749

Are you familiar with ISO TC 307?

>> No.10786921

Would you invest in SKY?

>> No.10786950

Glad to hear you mention XTRD, I have a million, bought at 1/30 ICO price ... if we can go back up to 3x ICO price i.e. 30cents then that's 300k $.... seems not unlikely. Any inside news, how's it going?

>> No.10786987

Thoughts on Republic Protocol? How much of a need is there in whale circles for dark pools? How possible is it they'd be outcompeted by an institution, say Bakkt, providing the same service?

>> No.10787057

Pfft ive been in since 2011. Any idiot could be rich from eth. If u arent aware of xby then u wont make it to the billionaire club.

>> No.10787148
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>Thoughts on Republic Protocol?

Ditto. I've been look at this for a while.

>> No.10787185

Thoughts on Request Network?

>> No.10787217
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Why do so few old time Bitcoiners hold Monero when it is literally Satoshi's vision? In my mind Monero is a filter that sorts the early Bitcoiners who get it and the ones that got lucky.

>> No.10787225

Any thoughts on the price action of Metaverse (ETP)?
I'm waiting on a short entry for this.

>> No.10787228


also desu you'd know this if you actually were what you say you were.


>> No.10787324

ty for ur time op was a good read.

>> No.10787429

>51% attack
0xbitcoin can't be 51% attacked though.

>> No.10787606


Hey Mr. C, any interest in helping our blockchain project get off the ground? This crypto crash has made it difficult to raise a seed round. We have the best tokenomics ever though, and everyone loves the idea. Team scores very high on the ICO scorer tools.

>> No.10788093

Hey what Alts can you shill me? That way I can do some research.. cheers op

>> No.10788135

great read thanks.

>> No.10788202
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thots on skycoin?