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File: 53 KB, 800x450, vogue_watch-irene-kims-japanese-hot-springs-adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10755404 No.10755404 [Reply] [Original]

Japan is the most cucked nation on the face of the planet, yet is the nicest place to live.
How does it work?

>> No.10755417

Japan is a meme

>> No.10755420

Barely any niggers and muslims

>> No.10755427

>allows zero immigration
>cultural and societal death before dishonour
Go to bed chink

>> No.10755435

Pure racial status anon

>> No.10755476

I want a japanese gf

>> No.10755491
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>> No.10755514

>posts Okinawa club as evidence
>not American degeneracy leaking out of the base there
Round eyes out

>> No.10755531

you mean the most based and homogeneous country on the planet that despises niggers and mudslimes

>> No.10755551

Woman on the poster holding a can of monster. Checks out.

>> No.10755554

That's not the point cuck, image is just for extra spice. Watch the video.

>> No.10755564

>protest in favor of freedom of expression
>demanding a halt of production of all materials deemed blasphemous
lmao wtf

>> No.10755566


pretty sure japan is a very homogeneous society, and have very strict immigration, so its the opposite of being cucked and that is the answer, dont be cucked, and you will have a nice place to live


>> No.10755576

It's a fucking minority, brainlet.
Compare Japan to europe or any other western shithole.

>> No.10755615

Dubs confirm. Jpaan is homogeneous and strict with on immigration. They also have a very strong work ethic and feel like a part of their country.

>> No.10755765

Came to post this

>> No.10755893
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Japanese girl feet!

>> No.10755901


Lol in a couple of years, Japan will have fucked itself over.

It's a cucked nation, with all beta males.

>> No.10755914

Fuck off Chinaman, stay jealous

>> No.10755927

So you think, wh*te boi. We are rising up

>> No.10755934
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To see if a nation is good you have to just look at demographics. Japan has next to no niggers. I just hope american shit doesn't drag them down, we ruin so much with our nigger animals.

>> No.10755936

That is where we come in with our white seed to impregnate qt jap waifus

>> No.10755966
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>70 hour workweeks

>> No.10756003

is he ok

>> No.10756062

Wait maybe not

>> No.10756093

>It's a cucked nation, with all beta males.
Cucked doesn't mean national policies, but with males that are cucked on a personal level. White men are considered bulls there for fucks sake.

>> No.10756105
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America is the nicest place to live in the world. Though, Japan has its charms

>> No.10756127

What are you basing your opinion on? Pretty sure poor places in the US are horrible.
Not so much in Japan.

>> No.10756171

I watched this hundreds of times. Thanks anon.

>> No.10756175

Economic freedom. Much easier to be self-employed, and not only that, but become rich doing it. In Japan, you either work 80 hours a week in the corporate world, or you work even longer and harder running your restaurant or whatever.

Best advice I have ever heard: get rich in the United States, and then move somewhere with higher living standards like Japan.

>> No.10756219

Thinking that economic freedom is made possible by the beta male cucks respecting abstract laws.

>> No.10756220

I've traveled a lot and I've never been anywhere with as much natural beauty combined with as much modern convenience as the US. But this is just my opinion.

>> No.10756227

How many btc for this specimen

>> No.10756228

>Japan has its charms
>posts freaky alien goblin

>> No.10756230

>stares at racially homogeneous society, mirin'
>immigrates to racially homogeneous society to benefit from their higher standard of living
A nigger is you

>> No.10756246

Literally the only place where you see them

>> No.10756333
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, HELL-101 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.11.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freaky alien goblin
Apologize NOW

>> No.10756345

muh racial purity, muh traditions hahahaha go back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.10756351

>80h workweeks
>nicest place to live

>> No.10756366

the coming decades will be all about rich vs poor and poorer this racial thing is just a distraction. money has a gravity it tends to gather. no matter what you try it just want's to form planets form dust. and when it gets blown apart that's a pretty blood affair.

>> No.10756367

>blacked poster is a r/asianmasculinity gook
why am i not surprised

>> No.10756374

no, its actually not.

>> No.10756380


>> No.10756387

DJ OOGA BOOGA in the house

>> No.10756396


so fuckin based and I hate japs

>> No.10756403
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The women in japan shit all over the west when it comes to having a healthy marriage/kids+they age better but the extreme wagecucking over there is what bothers me. Plus it would be impossible for a gaijin to start a business there. Still learning japanese so I can visit in the winter though.

>> No.10756404

Why doesnt pol just fuck off

>> No.10756424

you will see communist and national socialist scum will rear up their ugly head again because wealth distribution will be so fucking uneven it will be intolerable to the masses. it won't matter that those systems utterly failed to deliver their promises nobody alive remembers how shit they were. this new generation of incels will lap it up they will rage and sperg and try to solve it through violence and radical socio-economic solutions. earth will be a shit place to live on for a while once more 3rd world war could very much happen in the middle of that.

>> No.10756429

uniformity of culture. why is this hard to understand?

>> No.10756441
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You're a fucking dumb newfag fuck. You even acknowledge it why its nice and refuse to acknowledge why it is that way. You're like the immigrants who leave their shithole and just take the shithole with them to other countries.

Open your fucking eyes you dumb nigger.

>> No.10756477

Nice thing about Japan
>no fucktards shitting up the place

Bad thing about Japan
>work till you die and just try to do something different, you will get socially lynched.

>> No.10756503

>uniformity of culture.
there is no such thing nigga. when i leave the capital city and visit my gfs folks those people are almost like a different breed. they speak the same language roughly they got their own funny words and all but the way they think and react to the world sometimes it's like we are not even the same species. totally different customs and thought process. they can't comprehend the simplest mathematical approaches to problems. and all their neighbors i seen over the years are the same. and those are ethnically the closest to me, there are villages where you better not get out of the car just go and never stop.

>> No.10756694

it will go to shit once enough immigrants come in

>> No.10756726

A lot of countries in africa are homogeneous and horribly shit

>> No.10756734

He didn't die, but in a coma

>> No.10756735


Wow the worst race in the world filling a country is shit who would've thought it?

>> No.10756758

Still homogeneous ethnostates

>> No.10756791

Doesn't matter when its the worst race known for being stupid, violent and useless.

>> No.10756800

Perhaps we should add the provision that it be homogeneous and have an average iq > 80, so as to not confuse people like you (with an iq < 80). Thoughts?

>> No.10756853

>worst race known for being stupid, violent and useless
that was how all humans been in the past. africa is basically a bunch of cavemen teleported into the information age under a few decades.

>> No.10756875

And? Other people even in similar positions have excelled far past niggers. Niggers are genetically inferior useless animals as proven by their behavior in every first world nation, even those they've inhabited for generations like the US.

>> No.10756884

>Most cucked
Actually that's Sweden then Canada.
Japan is actually the LEAST cucked place. No foreigners allowed to live there, no feminism cancer, no flamboyant mentally ill naked running LGBT faggots.
Age of consent is 13.
It's Heaven.

>> No.10756888

>Other people even in similar positions have excelled far past niggers.
name one... poo people in india are not better abos in rooland are not better the only exception seem to be na indians but even there inbred violent no good trash is prevalent.

>> No.10756895

>That is where we come in with our white seed to impregnate qt jap waifus
If you can outlast the muslim/nigger plague agenda. I doubt it. Japanese population isn't in crazy decline but whites are.

>> No.10756898

Indians in first world nations and plenty in India have excelled far past niggers. You're fucking deluded if you say otherwise.

NA Indians all died out and faced far worse than the nigger ever has, and even still they are far less violent than the nigger.

>> No.10756956

you know when you're talking to an actual retarded autist online when they have fallen for the "muh sweden" meme

>> No.10756958

dunno about that there are a few famous rich niggers indians seem to be doomed to mediocrity.

>> No.10756972

what >>10756884 said, heaven

>> No.10757020

Indians are less criminal, and on average more successful. Also less stupid than niggers. You're speaking foolishness.

Successful niggers are useless shitheads like sports players, film industry, "musicians", and social media ecelebs.

>> No.10757065


>> No.10757096

>Japan is actually the LEAST cucked place. No foreigners allowed to live there, no feminism cancer, no flamboyant mentally ill naked running
Japaniese men are the most cucked men on the face of the earth, that's hardly debatable.

>> No.10757308

The men literally hand over their entire paycheck to the dumb-as-a-box of rocks/Peggy Bundy-esque cheating waifu and ask for an allowance - of their own paycheck. Fucking cucked.

>> No.10757368

you asked how japan works. japan works through a homogeneous culture and population. obviously the japanese are japanese and not africans. point is they would remain japanese (and japan would continue to be a nice place to live) forever in absence of immigration. but immigration will happen, and japan will get worse, because the "japanese" will lose the particular characteristics (genetic and cultural) that made the place nice to live

>> No.10757371

whats it like being retarded: https://qz.com/1295721/the-japanese-population-is-shrinking-faster-than-every-other-big-country/

>> No.10757447

Japan also used to be a homogeneous culture that sawed each others heads off on the daily in tribal/feudal warfare until about 1800ish. They made centuries of progress in a span of decades.

>> No.10757476

The argument that an ethnostate by itself produces nice places to live isn't valid. So the question must change into asking what cultural and racial characteristic makes it so nice to live in.
The theory is that it is so nice to live in because the men are huge cucks, being nice to everyone and allowing to be trampled like the little worms that they are.

>> No.10757760

Only if you live in a rich 85%+ White area in the city.

Otherwise you are surrounded by insufferable fags, basedboys, niggers, etc..

>> No.10757782

You fucking idiot comparing japs to niggers. Fucking kill yourself you retarded kike rat.

>> No.10757790

Holy fucking shit this thread.
Yes. Japanese boomer men really are a cucked generation. The declining birth rate is a evidence of anti-cucking. The Japanese have stopped spending money on the opposite gender.
After the war the world police aka US reformed Japan, shaping it into what it is today: quasi-western asia. They are now a country where typical business regulations don't apply. To be able to run a moderately successful company you have to be a part of a keiretsu; a cartel which has very strong ties to the government. This is like the capitalist dream plus a little more. This is also why the corporate climate is how it is over there. One reality is that the new generation of Japanese look for different things than career, another is that one paycheck doesn't cover a families expenses anymore.
I find it funny to read posts by inbred amerimutts that probably never been outside of their home state.
We are on /biz/ after all so we should keep this stuff business-realted. Post the rest on /pol/ or some other shitty ass part of 4chin.

>> No.10757811

> is the nicest place to live.
Japan has one of the highest suicide rate in the world.

>> No.10757889

>The women in japan shit all over the west when it comes to having a healthy marriage/kids

No they don't. You weebs know nothing about Japan

>> No.10758614

You're a fool, at the height of its power the Japanese empire was only 70mm people, they are a small ass island nation with barley any natural resources, the USA has at least 400mm while Japan has about 131 mm, considering how the USA has all the extra room it makes sense but Japs don't have this and could definitely use less people. They don't NEED more people, they need less. Once their population cuts down to about 40-70mm and stabilizes they will be just fine and have more living space and job opportunities available to them. The only people "concerned" about Japans population are Jews trying to flood in with their pets and desperate white guys who want to act like niggers in Japan.

>> No.10758797

you a spastic or something op? Race consciousness in Japan is through the roof. they even have restaurants where foreigners aren't permitted. It a nice place because they have an advanced culture and population, and they maintain the purity of both. Not being some absurd american thug does not make you a "cuck". You are weaker than you think you disgusting fuckers.

>> No.10759600

>impossible for a gaijin to start a business
that's not true at all

>> No.10759649

I like this article on japan: the gist of it is that Japanese are robotic, conformist, annoying, not funny, and mediocre.

>> No.10759652

Mostly because of over-work and high expectations.

>> No.10759660
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Fuck off

>> No.10759694

only fat greasy neckbeards would like that

>> No.10759710

all the real men died in the war

>> No.10759720

Why do Japanese women hate their men?

"Feminists" in the US hate men but they still fuck. In fact, fucking as many guys as you is a feminists ideology here. We're proud to be dirty sluts

>> No.10759746


>> No.10759754


>> No.10759805

Yep. Foot fetishes have been a thing in China for thousands of years. They were literally bred to achieve that.

Foot fetishes have existed forever though.

>> No.10759871

we need to nuke japan again just in case they think we're sorry about the first two times desu

>> No.10759964

There is literally no reason to. Japanese culture is huge in the west and yet they are far from a threat. I'm not even a weeb. If I play video games, which I rarely do, I play PC games and they hardly hold any market in that field. Their best selling games for PC are literally adult anime novels and steam no longer allows them.

>> No.10759975

that's a dude

>> No.10759976

Shit, I just realized this isn't even a /biz/ thread. Why don't mods do their jobs?

>> No.10760026

You know you can look up and see how many Muslims are in the country right

>> No.10760161
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