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10753220 No.10753220 [Reply] [Original]

>work in lab, using dusty "iron" weights
>touch daily without washing hands afterwards
>had headaches recently, small amounts of blood in shit and throwing up once every few days
>assume it's from "lifestraw" I used a few weeks ago
>30 minutes ago colleague comes in
>hey anon can I borrow some of the lead weights

Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a pleasure. Going to the hospital now, if this is the end I couldn't have spent it better than with you.

>> No.10753238

Do you live in soviet Russia?

>> No.10753242
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Same guy on phone. The culprit.

And don't think about begging for money you niggers. I'm giving it to charity.

>> No.10753243

first and rip

>> No.10753255


>> No.10753289
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See you in the next life anon, it's been a pleasure.

>> No.10753295

Go all in on Chainlink. It's all about the energy and frequencies. Chainlinks mainnet will release such an amount of energy that you will be cured forever.

Just do it you faggot.

>> No.10753296
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>> No.10753299

RIP op, we hardly knew yee

>> No.10753302

Are your gums blue?

>> No.10753321

As long as you're not already retarded because of the lead, you'll be fine

>> No.10753324

keep us updated. can you not sue for not getting info about this or something?

>> No.10753365

>suing your workplace
God I hate you fucking communists. This is why I bully anyone thinking about joining an union out of my company. Loyalty is a virtue. I fucking keep you alive and now you're suddenly gonna act like a big boy? Get the FUCK outta here.

>> No.10753382

Call the Schlomo Brothers OP -sue them until their assholes bleed

>> No.10753385

>If I exploit you that is fine if you try to defend yourself fuck you scum.
Capitalism everybody

>> No.10753389

>get money and survive
Fuck you entitled scum.

>> No.10753395

>I don't want to die from lead poisoning boss
>Fuck you entitled bitch you better be happy you can afford food

>> No.10753397

nice b8 retardo

>> No.10753400

Go see a Dogdor. Lead poisoning is not a certain death sentence, depends on the amount and where you live though.

>> No.10753403

People like you is why we rather hire immigrants. They don't complain, don't stab you in the back and is grateful for twice as little pay.

>> No.10753413

Everyone point and laugh at this boomer faggot

>> No.10753419

T. Illiterate wageslave

>> No.10753420

Good lord, have they confirmed you have lead poisoning? At least try to sue for your family so that they can get something out of it.

Op if it makes you feel any way, we all will endure death, nobody escapes and even if the tech is there to prevent it, eventually people will have enough and diliberatly stop using it to pass onto the next stage of life.

God speed OP, I hope it was just a coincidence and your colleague misspoke and you happen to catch a flu or just get a random bout of nauseau

>> No.10753432

Great posts you underage entitled faggot. Next time try to actually add something to the discussion. Heck, maybe I'll even end up hating you kids less and will give you a chance. But clearly not bloody likely seeing your generation has the same mindset as you.

>> No.10753449
File: 542 KB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180819_111434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the hospital ae dept now with colleague/friend. It's fairly empty probably cause it's Sunday. Honestly crying a bit that I might have killed myself by being a complete fucking retard. Anyway I wish you all the best and godspeed.

>> No.10753466


At worst your going to be dead in a few weeks.

At best your going to be infertile.

Hope your mother has grandchildren or other sibling.

>> No.10753483


You would have probably got lead poisoning from breathing in the lead and not the touching the lead weights if they are dusty.

>> No.10753496

so is acute lead poisoning more dangerous than mercury poisoning or something?

I believe OP has good chance of survival if he just stops current lead exposure no?

>> No.10753516

Dude you'll be fine they used to give lead crayons to 5 year olds

>> No.10753549

He cute though

>> No.10753565

what about people who go fishing all the time touching lead weights?

>> No.10753583

I think you'll make it anon, you're probably just panicking right now. Just in case, any last words? This could be your last chance to share your wisdom

>> No.10753603


>> No.10753604

OP, in all seriousness you shouldn't have gone to the hospital about that. Even if you do have lead poisoning it's not an emergency.

>> No.10753618

I handle a lot of lead from shooting. If you just wash your hands before eating and don't put your fingers in your mouth you'll be fine. The exception is dust, in which case you're fucked without a mask.

>> No.10753628

look into two things;
EDTA - Exactly what you're looking for. Literally one of the best lead chelators known to man—and boy, is it good. Go fucking get some, and load your body with it (following a reputable guide) before you suffer more damage.
Emeramide - Literally one of the best mercury chelators known to man, with the added bonus of being a somewhat okay lead chelator. Currently hard to get your hands on, but causes NO side effects and binds to NONE of your body's natural, necessary minerals.

>> No.10753632

ever heard of something called ... insurance? get some insurance and look after your employes you stupid cunt.

if an employer is at fault, then the employer deserves the death penalty.

>> No.10753637

>work in lab, using dusty "iron" weights
if you live in america why not sue your employers and live in peace the rest of your days?

>> No.10753638

Kill yourself
The only entitled faggot itt is you and faggots like you
again, kill yourself.

>> No.10753640


He cute.

>> No.10753647

>My company
spotted the LARPing faggot. Neck yourself faggot.

>> No.10753751

fuck you nigga don't give us a send-off
read my other post, at >>10753628

you're both wrong
capitalism works the same for everybody; if your employer isn't even trying to compete with other employers and provide a workspace that doesn't have hidden fucking death hazards, then you get to dump his ass and go with someone who isn't fucking around
remember—in a truly capitalist system, EVERYONE is in a competition to provide the best
the scenario that we have is one in which the government gets to sit back and tax people, building up and running unprofitable industries that provide shite service but nobody can compete against in cost, and so the only people that can run businesses against increasing taxation are those who have connections and are not necessarily good employers

>> No.10753771

lead doesn't absorb through skin

were you getting dust on your hands and touching food or something?

>> No.10753781

OP, where are you?

>> No.10753823

Get lead poisoning and die

>> No.10753848

>all these triggered communists at that guy
Kek. Do like your ilk and starve to death

>> No.10753885

>Lead poisoning is a type of metal poisoning caused by lead in the body.[2] The brain is the most sensitive.[2] Symptoms may include abdominal pain, constipation, headaches, irritability, memory problems, inability to have children, and tingling in the hands and feet.[1] It causes almost 10% of intellectual disability of otherwise unknown cause and can result in behavioral problems.[2] Some of the effects are permanent.[2] In severe cases anemia, seizures, coma, or death may occur.[1][2]


>> No.10754098

You sound like a communist.

>> No.10754134
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It was an honor, fren

>> No.10754159
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goodbye fren


>> No.10754216


its not F, he didnt even experience all of these symptons and death is sever case and rare.

he will probably get the 10% reduction in IQ tho hehe, he will turn into a brainlet

>> No.10754238

Op I hope you are ok and you will be 100% healthy. Let us know how you go at the hospital.

All the best buddy.

>> No.10754262
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>you better show gratitude for getting paid pennies to do a shitty job, its what keeps you alive!
I shiggy diggy

>> No.10754266

Doesn't know his work environment. I doubt you'd get that lab job without knowing what you work with. Even to a janitor, the people there would tell him basic safety instructions. Unless you live in some shitty 3rd world irrelevant shithole.

>> No.10754326

Your reading comprehension shows me you've been exposed to way more lead than OP.

>> No.10754351
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Holy fuck imagine getting poisoned while wageslaving

>> No.10754384



>> No.10754419


Romans injested lead and lived to be like 40 you will be fine

>> No.10754483
File: 55 KB, 640x625, 1534297302987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suing a corporation or gov entity is the most capitalistic, american, liberty loving, god fearing action a man could ever take.
Literally the pure essence of capitalism

>> No.10754502

not so fast schlomo

>> No.10754524


>> No.10754556

where did i ever say that capitalism hasn't been tried
relatively true capitalism has, in fact, been tried—and it worked spectacularly
ushered in a totally unprecedented era of wealth production, allowing living and working conditions to rise to levels that the people who enjoyed them wanted
even with today's fucking bum welfare states, we still enjoy the benefits that our ancestors sparked into existence and grew for themselves, and for us
how did i sound like a communist? relatively real communism has been tried, of course, and it was one of the biggest abject failures in history
we know that liberty and negative rights work really good and lead to people going from lives of misery in the dark ages to lives of abundant wealth and prosperity and happiness with more objects of interest that they may manipulate to their liking in their greater amounts of free time while collectivism and positive rights are inhumane and lead to everyone leading really bad lives in which innovation and production occurs at the pace of a government bureaucracy and the slightly larger part of the population that doesn't die outright gets to live without working utilities in constant fear of starvation

>> No.10754611

>in military trying to save money for chainlink for past year
>notice lots of weird bumps on elbows
>been getting diarrhea a lot more frequently
>upset stomachs
>google symptoms
>celiac disease and diabetes top results
On the bright side if I get released I'll be a priority hire for a cushy government union job.

>> No.10754649

fuck off boomer

>> No.10754681

>apply for a job out of your free will
>read and sign a contract explicitly detailing your rights, pay etc
Blue collar poorfags are the worst.

>> No.10754736

How does one get a better contract though?

>> No.10754762

Be valuable due skill and experience, and negotiate.
Too few people attempt this because they're weak willed.

>> No.10754782

>wagies literally dying
holy fuck. hope the sunday edition neetposters show mercy today.

>> No.10754786

Any job worth negotiating for will require a college degree. In the mean time your only source of income is through jobs like what OP has.

>> No.10754888
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You can't sue for shit in commie countries like Venezuela or NK. You'd be tortured and killed.

Suing is the most capitalist thing on the planet. It's a god given right provided to Americans thanks to republican jesus. kys commie fag

>> No.10754915
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>> No.10754957
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All I'll say is that if he comes back I'm not going to forgive him unless he comes reborn.

>> No.10755122

An older friend of mine (about 55 now) got lead poisoning earlier in life (late 20's) from drinking from unmaintained lead pipes in America that were severely rusting. It took them awhile to figure out what it was, so it was pretty bad poisoning. She now has memory problems, but other than that is healthier, more active, and more intelligent than most people her age. Good luck, OP.

Also, I agree. You should sue your company. If you hired someone to paint your house and they painted the whole house with lead paint, it would be your right to sue. No difference with a company that exposes you daily to toxic lead and doesn't tell you. The company essentially poisoned you. If you're in America, suing people and companies is pretty easy. Get a lawyer and go from there.

>> No.10755140

m8 how did you think that was iron?

>> No.10755753


>> No.10755796

how the fuck did you think that was iron anon

>> No.10755811
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Hows your weekend wagie? Myself I wrote a great symphony, I'm sure yours was equally thrilling.

Lead poisoning? Oh dear. Well as sorry as I am wagie, I told you the dangers of this lifestyle.

I would say another day another dollar, but that just doesn't seem realistic now. Cha cha

>> No.10755824

You literally need your employer to survive because you’re too retarded to do anything but wageslave. You should be thanking them. Employees become too entitled when things become too good. You give them an inch and they take a mile. M-m-m-muh capitalism...
You’re fucking scum.

>> No.10755827


>> No.10755895
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holy fuck im in tears

>> No.10755986

The meme is funny but this is not the time.

>> No.10755998
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oh shit i suffered through years of mercury poisoning this shouldn't be funny


>> No.10756016

He is

>> No.10756023
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fuck off faggot normie. this is absolutely the time. op would be proud of this. atleast he had a purpose in the end and left with provided keks


>> No.10756027

Honestly when I used to be a naive NEET I would think that something like this would be impossible but after working a few jobs I’ve seen these incompetent “managers” throw people into situations with zero information on what the duck they’re doing so it wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t tell this guy it was lead.

>> No.10756058

fucking kek

>> No.10756126

>TA - Exactly what you're looking for. Literally one of the best lead chelators known to man—and boy, is it good. Go fucking get some, and load your body with it (following

EDTA is found in shampoos anyway. Don't need to over do it.

>> No.10756144

You, and people like you, are the primary problem with capitalism.

>> No.10756153

... You can't tell iron from lead?

>> No.10756158

Kys schlmo
F anon it’s been a pleasure shitposting with you over the years <3

>> No.10756162

>dude stop being so capitalistic you're hurting capitalism!

>> No.10756177

Fucking lol

>> No.10756182
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>next stage of life

literally thys OP, read pic related and if you are really poisoned prepare accordingly.

I might have saved your soul or saving you another pointless reincarnation giving you this info.

In case you want to thank a fellow seeker: 0x618d30e87dA88A3c95dB01bF4f35a0ae711Cc813

>> No.10756190

drink some bentonite. it lowers levels of heavy metals

>> No.10756191

No, most people can’t. Why would they be able to? Why not just tell your employees what they’re working with?

>> No.10756201

Wear the fucking gloves next time, jesus, you don't run around touching shit in a lab if you don't know what it is.

>> No.10756242

>not getting info about fucking lead poisoning
it's 2018, brainlet. this is not new information

>> No.10756247
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If F, please transfer any crypto to me; I promise I am heavy metal free.

>> No.10756254

>what are gloves
commies really are brainlets

>> No.10756265

I doubt that you received a lethal dose, anon.
How long were you exposed?

>> No.10756287

>lead doesn't absorb through skin
i'm guessing you've never been to a shooting range

>> No.10756307

But via breathing. Breath in --> stuck in your nasal sinuses --> same as eating it, as it ends up in your stomach.

Which is why I dont think / hope it is lethal.

>> No.10756313

Megadose vitamin C. 6-8k mg daily, either a brand that includes bioflavonoids that improve absorption or buffered vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a mild chelator that will help you get rid of heavy metals in your system.

>> No.10756327

Forgot to mention this is one of the most readily and cheaply available supplements that exist. Amazon is your friend.

>> No.10756350

>suspect lead poisoning
>better order some supplementals on amazon instead of consulting a doctor

>> No.10756372

you know...
you could do both.

>> No.10756390

>not swallowing lead fishing weights as a child to build up immunity
only got yourself to blame.

>> No.10756406

lethal wasn't my point. read it again and the post to which i replied.
>Which is why I dont think / hope it is lethal.
why would anyone hope it is lethal? you're trying to sound smarter than you are.

>> No.10756421


>> No.10756448

don't worry, you should watch "The terror" it's a series where a bunch of people have lead poisoning from 3 years of eating from lead cans, but they seem okay mostly

>> No.10756467
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Stay in the higher planes of existence. Say no to reincarnation.

>> No.10756475

Did OP not answer after getting to the hospital? It's pretty bad then. Wish you all the best, fellow waggie. We all eventually die, even the richest and most prosperous of us. Don't be sad, you didn't miss or fuck up your life, it was unique experience only you got to experience. Not much can be said, if you want to do something in the time you have left, do it and have no regrets.

>> No.10756506

>Myself I wrote a great symphony
wew you fucking wish

>> No.10756509

what am i missing here?

>> No.10756597
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Welfare states are the reason why capitalism is still around. They give those on the bum end of capital and with the most reason to revolt a stake in the system. It's funny how many cuckservatives don't get this and try to cut the ground out from under their feet.

>> No.10756662

You are gonna be fine op. Stay strong.

>> No.10756728

>electrons have no defined location or size
>hurrdurr atoms are empty

Somehow this really grinds my gears.

>> No.10756786

People who work and support themselves get 50% of their stuff taken, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.10756943

yoink i'm the "cOnSeRvAtArD" you were responding to
you assume that in real capitalism, "the people" have an authority who is entitled to flex control over others to which they can revolt
tell me—what is going to become of the welfare state when, increasingly, the population that is taxed decides that they want to engage in commerce with the corporations that operate purely on decentralized, nearly-or-completely untraceable cryptocurrency? what will happen when the welfare state can't get its money, and the money that the welfare state can exhibit complete control over is "powered" by a workforce of fluoride-grown, overmedicated welfare bums?
you have to admit—that's a lot of state power all centered around collectivism and socialism coming down at once, no?

>capitalism is still around
let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, statist
pic most certainly related
the smug forecast for the next indefinite period of time looks gOoOoOolden

>> No.10756981
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yo my piC Didn't post haha

>> No.10756991

take care there, remember to rest once in a while
stray stronkk and good luck!

>> No.10757140

It's not communist to not treat employees like disposable trash, guy. It's good business practice

>> No.10757231

Sounds like asscancer to me. Sue the shit out of them if you live in a civilized country

>> No.10757247


Godspeed, OP.

Remember - you saved Mr. Shekelbergstein a lot of money by using those toxic weights as opposed to safe ones.