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10755270 No.10755270 [Reply] [Original]

holykek. you niggers ever watched this? im in tears

watch from min 11 if you dont wanna hear the whole story. based prison guard must be a bizraeli


>> No.10755294

Bcore cucks are so pathetic, it will be a fun day when it gets BTFO for good.

>> No.10755326

Ver is a clown and so is csw.

>> No.10755330

you got memed son

>> No.10755385
File: 21 KB, 363x550, ede2b35ab00e4365be8e199112a17567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont even have to support btc to kek at this absolute bitch ass pussy nigger ver

>> No.10755571

>hurt durr torture is funny because it happened to a bcash supporter
kys statist bootlicker

>> No.10755584
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did you even watch the video you fucking room temperature iq tier brainlet? kys

>> No.10755784

>how I was TORTURED in prison
>a guard played a prank and made me cry then i got special treatment and a fancy bunk because i'm a bitch ass white boy

>> No.10755870

wow absolutely shocking experience! i has chills down my spine when he mentioned he started crying

>> No.10756024

I get why you all say it's no big deal but when you're in it, it's torture. Greentext time, It's been like 20 years but fuck, like it's only funny to me now

> Be dumb kid
> Get some bruise playing or who knows how
> Mom sees it asks me how I got it
> Tell dunno
> Dad looks at me all angry if someone has been harming me
> I tell him that I don't know and I start crying
> They get extra worried and won't stop asking questions and saying I can trust them and if a teacher has tried to touch me
> Cry super hard because I can see they don't believe me but I don't know what I've done wrong

And that's unintentional shit, someone doing it for bants is kind of fucked up, it's just much funnier when the joke is on someone else. But in the end, these are situations that will happen.

>> No.10756076

sounds like your parents are not too bright if they can't understand kids get bruises from playing and don't know about it. hell, i still get them. they probably sterilized everything.

>> No.10756112

>be a criminal
>get raped
sounds fun

>> No.10756610

he got TORTURED and EXTENSIVELY ABUSED there is nothing fun about that you core cuck

>> No.10756848
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It was their first time being parents. I liked to play with the gas in the kitchen, one day I threw milk into an electrical socket to see if the same thing that I saw in the movie happened, tried to have a dead bird I found in the street as a pet... At some point my mother became proabortion, maybe that's when she got smart, they were trying to figure out things too.