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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 177 KB, 606x784, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
107516 No.107516 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>106567

>> No.107517

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 210 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.107525

Help me :(

>> No.107521

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.2): http://bamboohouse.info/release.zip

UPVOTE THIS THREAD PLEASE: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3/

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee)
http://poolesclosed.net/ Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)
http://wolongsucks.tk (1% pool fee)



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.107528
File: 1020 KB, 317x219, wolongmad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.107529

Wait so we're still being raped by a multipool even with KGW?

>> No.107531

This is the coin's history, I recommend that we don't try to change it. This coin should not be shilled on false pretense, it should stay true to itself. There is someone trying to pump it saying we should buy at 6 satoshi. That is what wolong does.

If you want to make it more successful, do it honestly.

>> No.107533

yes, we're that profitable to mine right now

>> No.107540

remove thread concurrency line and delete the bins in the cgminer folder

>> No.107541

Just a week ago I would have never dreamed of the type of growth we are, as a coin and now as a mining pool, currently experiencing and yet here we are.

As this pool is hosted on a low-end server that was originally meant to be just a simple webserver I'm now looking into stronger hardware to keep the pool up and running.

The current estimated point of failure seems to be at around 600-800MH/s.

Thank you.


>> No.107543

This is what PND has going for it. 100% honesty. All natural crypto with no added bloatware.

>> No.107545

Multipool miners are the dumbest niggers on the planet. They dump all their coins as soon as they get them.

>> No.107546

but there is no trading volume. nobody wants to buy PND

>> No.107551

Please shill.


Look at all the buy orders on swisscex or cryptorush.

>> No.107548
File: 44 KB, 235x236, youwentthere2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amDOGE being sentimental

>> No.107552

nobody wants to sell it either

>> No.107558

>being serious about a coin with a dog on it

>> No.107553
File: 375 KB, 746x1119, 1392882030157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being serious about a 3rd panda coin

>> No.107554

Hey guys so i have roughly 35k PND...im mining roughly 40coins an hour (i know it's fucking slow). Is it worth swapping my mine over to DOGE or will it be just as slow? Should i continue to stack PND or start a pile of DOGE?

>> No.107557

>24Hr Volume: 31.45153311 BTC

Top kek m8. That's amazing for a week old coin.

>> No.107559

she looks pretty japanese for a korean

>> No.107560

yeah dis goy has a point. y'all should attain something more level 31™.

>> No.107564
File: 1.93 MB, 245x255, tumblr_mzxu4seEmy1qbyzjyo2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says amDOGE

>> No.107567

Cant get cudaminer to work.only get this when i start it, "Unable to query CUDA driver version" any tips? also no pnd help out a fellow anon


>> No.107568




>> No.107569

so does koreaboo still lurk here?

I want to know how that faggot is doing

>> No.107572

Get latest Nvidia driver.

>> No.107571

How are the TiPS going?

>> No.107577


Shh, don't threat him, he is pretty unstable™ and when his mind is overheated he start quoting the bible.

>> No.107578

Did he really lose all his cryptos?

>> No.107576
File: 228 KB, 580x580, a0126590_2243380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aren't allowed to do that, you must be kind at all time ;)

>> No.107584

PND current bounties
PND-Dice: 55k
Android wallet: 325k
PND- roulette: 50k

Contribute here:

>> No.107579

No but i think he did some stupid shit.

>> No.107585
File: 616 KB, 1500x1000, 1392874557558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tips is an investment that everyone in this thread should have merely as a rational investment perspective atleast like 5% of ur ROLL


>> No.107595

okay, im new to all this mining and just wanted to start mining PND. i went to http://doges.org/index.php?topic=592.0
and did everything im supposed to do and when i start my bat nothing happens

>> No.107589


anyone know till when voting lasts?

>> No.107591

I'd rather not.

>> No.107592

What is this?

>> No.107594
File: 1.62 MB, 164x181, 1390303578223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your face when you bought tips at 50

>> No.107600


Why you don't try something, i don't know, more stable™?

>> No.107601

Bounty, if you develop one of those you get the reward.
It's a way to give incentive to developers.

>> No.107598

come on
someone has to want one of these trips

>shilling feels disgusting

>> No.107602
File: 111 KB, 595x335, size 600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey koreaboo, how much do you know about web history?

also i don't see a future in tips.


>> No.107603
File: 337 KB, 2362x3543, 1392871797179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just got dumped

so what?

everyone knows the real value

itll be back to 45-50 in a few days

i barely even look at that crap

>> No.107606

make sure your using the correct miner IE minerd, cgminer etc. and that they match your OS

>> No.107607

Just did this, my computer crashed and if I try to start my GPU makes a very alarming noice.
I have no idea what I should do now.

>> No.107608

PND current bounties
PND-Dice: 55k
Android wallet: 1,325,000
PND- roulette: 50k

Contribute here:

>> No.107610


He is gone totally retarded /biz/antins.

RIP in piss koreaboo ;_;7

>> No.107618

>anyone cares at this point

>> No.107614

HOLY SHIT IT's @31?!

When I posted that face I thought it was still around 40.

koreaboo, please, when it ever recovers buy your shit back.

>> No.107616

Lay off the bible shit faggot.
You'll scare the newfags

>> No.107621

Hey guys im new to mining PND im currently mining at 0.55khs can anyone help a bro out with some start up?


>> No.107629

Help me ;_;

>> No.107623


>Voting for the next market closes at 2pm GMT today.

sauce mintpal twitter

how many fucking hours left in 4chan time?

>> No.107624

hey faggot what coins you bagholding right now?

>> No.107630

i downloaded cgminer and the bat says quickly that 'cgminer.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external comman, operabla program or batch file.

>> No.107631

I'm just gonna go back to mining

>> No.107635


We need to be at least in the first 10 positions!

>> No.107641

>>ich wette du hast noch nie mit einem Deutschen gesprochen.

>> No.107642


>Hurr we killed off a scamcoin but our coin is really just dogecoin with WAY less of a community
>Please buy our millions of coins

>> No.107637
File: 2.84 MB, 280x342, 1392879519937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the single most important thing internet currency can ever be used for is quick tipping

nobody can get payed a lot for being a photographer, video maker, blogger except with ads

adblock is becoming the norm

the new way it will be just a little tip button at the bottom of their page like the facbook and twitter links instead of TWEET THIS it will be TIP AUTHOR or whatever

i emphasive again this is the main use for a cryptocurrncy i could ever imagine

you cant easily donate through paypal to people
or on a microscale and have ur bank involved and chargebacks and every little thing

>> No.107639

>We need to be at least in the first 10 positions!

i think we need to be on top no?

i think they add only one coin?

>> No.107640
File: 147 KB, 300x300, TIPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNDOGE will crash so hard and you will all bite your asses that you didnt invest into something euphoric.
You might get bucks now - if you sell. But you are not selling, you are holding while china wolong rapes your market. Raped markets will crash, that's a natural law.
Fedoracoin is meant to be euphoric, that's why it is a intelligent investment.
So why don't you become clever ONCE in lifetime and get your coins into a save habour like Fedoracoin or Atheistcoin? I made $15k USD from Fedoracoin, nobody made anything over $10 with that intrinsically worthless mists of pandaria shitcoin.
But because you can't into enlightenment. Yes, have fun being raped by woolong.

Also, here's my PND address:


Come at me! Try to hack me you worthless faggots and I'll shut down your fucking internet!

>> No.107643

you can do that with any crypto

>> No.107644

OK now try a very very low TC setting and work your way back up to maximum.

>> No.107645

jacob pls go

>> No.107646

that's what doge is for you

>> No.107647


Hey faggot, people need air to breathe in order to life, that doesn't mean that oxygencoin is gonna be used by everyone.

>> No.107649
File: 147 KB, 720x600, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.107650

that gif is somehow creeping me out

>> No.107648

Check out the info in this image.
Also are you starting your miner with the .bat file and not the exe?

>> No.107651

if it makes you feel better, my trip in my previous post was supposed to say liMPLyiNgA and took over an hour to find, but failed, and i am disappoint.

>> No.107652
File: 996 KB, 1500x1000, 1392830593256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya but tips is tips

do you understand that m8s

its got the monopoly on the tipping currency brand

>> No.107655

I've been here from the start but it's obvious that stableshills are taking over and thinking that we are going to carry them to a fortune while living off MUH HISTORY MUH FUCKA. Literally nobody cares about our involvement in the wolong saga but us. I'm sorry amdoge, but this is dead, this coin has no attractive value to anyone outside of /biz/ and their deluded dreams. I'm out.

>> No.107653

absolutely retarded

>> No.107654

your on the right train track again anyway.

but dump your tips and get back into doge.

/r/dogecoin = safe pleb gains.

if you don't put 2 + 2 together soon i'll have to get more blatant.

>> No.107656

>mfw no image

>> No.107657
File: 82 KB, 480x615, 1392782706865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it is based off a fat neckbeard who wears a fedora

>> No.107663


They gassed my grandmother when she was 2 years old.

>> No.107658
File: 1.10 MB, 2084x902, 1392782254707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image....

>> No.107659

Doge went to the moon

Panda goes to MARS



>> No.107660

Good bye.

>> No.107665

That is why the hashrate is so high right?

GTFO sevoque you fat fucker.

>> No.107672


See you in 1 minutes jacob™.

>> No.107666
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't help it but

>> No.107667

doge got that, also tips is changing it's fedora image to "Total Internet Security & Privacy" what the fuck does that even mean.

Now excuse me I'm gonna tip my 16 year old sister some doggycoins for posting a retarded face on her wall

>> No.107668

Yea lol

>> No.107669
File: 182 KB, 800x800, done5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about doge coin

i'm not very good with a computer and don't understand technical terms. so explain as if to a 5 or 85 yearr old. where do i start and what do i do, do i have to put a program on my computer? walk me through it.

>> No.107675
File: 718 KB, 1280x853, 1392898776455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey im all for doge too bro

i even said in my post
i would like to see tips future be that it would be right under dogecoin in most used for tipping

because i gota be realistic here

>> No.107673
File: 18 KB, 917x546, 12345356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news? went to bed after shit hit the fan

>> No.107674
File: 220 KB, 487x540, post doge itt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amDOGE is love ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ

>> No.107677

You can download the official client from http://dogecoin.com..
What else would you like to know?

>> No.107680

My computer won't even start

>> No.107681

you were never part of the team brah
you think you're important?
if amDoge was the lead dev of dogecoin you would probably think you were part of that team as well just because you can randomly be an autistic vegetable around her, wouldn't you?
You are cancer to this community, we don't need you.

>> No.107682

It's a non issue.


>> No.107683

...actually just hold your tips.
you might do ok...

but what other coins do you have right now?

have you considered making your own coin?

>> No.107684

>Download a Wallet from the OP post
>Sign up to one of the pool links in OP post
>go to the getting started tab of the pool you signed up for and there should be detailed instructions on how to start mining.

>> No.107687

Reset bios and if it still doesn't start take the GPU out and try to start it, if it does then you need to RMA that gpu it is broken.

Have you ever used vertminer?

>> No.107690
File: 1.28 MB, 250x198, 1390989757952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the worst that can happen?

>> No.107693

Yes, I did mined with it for a week.
Fucking hell I should have listened.

>> No.107697
File: 517 KB, 1280x1887, 1393069246197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have like 77% fedora 17% nyan 6% other

i didnt actually add it up but something like that ratio

i thought of making sica coin LOL

no but i got a project coming out for doge soon. it gone be epic. i cant actually say here that im behind it lest i be sabotaged down the road

>> No.107699

ahaha just give up, we are internet professionals you know

>> No.107694

Who else is hyped for the new maxwell cards?

>> No.107695

there are 6 options
and what am i downloading?

>> No.107696


>> No.107700

Which operating system are you using?

>> No.107704


>> No.107706

Vertminer fucks up plenty of GPUs.

>> No.107707
File: 17 KB, 127x117, 1366559204263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more obsessed with tips than a mohel

>> No.107701

wait till the PND train is calm koreaboo,
I might just mine your coin but not while the PND is hot.

>> No.107702

I don't think any shibe's would sabotage you.
We're all chill here.
also post nyan address please :)

>> No.107703

>there are 6 options

pls no

>> No.107711

Then you want to click on the Windows button.
It's the client that enables you to send and receive dogecoin.

>> No.107708

english is not my native language so what does the last line in step 2 mean for dummies?

>> No.107710

reminder that OC gets tipped nicely around here

>> No.107712
File: 161 KB, 434x600, 1393069381552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PND isn't some jew shekel to cash in about, PND is about PRINCIPLES and STARDARDS, about those listed on the very coin itself! The coin came to be as a countermeasure against the relentless jewery in the cryptocurrency scene, personified by scammers like Wolong.

It's about striking back at the mad greed taken for granted in this scene, abut fake generosity and lies served to pinch the cash out of someone else.

PND is about JUSTICE, about doing the right thing no matter how hard it is. Get going, space cowboy.

>> No.107714

I feel like crying right now, why does that always happen to me

>> No.107715
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1500, 1393069410322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not obsessed with tips
you guys should already know the story

i had to move on to the next best thing to recoop my position


>> No.107722
File: 22 KB, 331x470, judgehammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.107723

ah yes koreaboo, what a sad fate.
You also missed the PND train.
You are miles level at crypto

>> No.107724

i have still 7m tips from the 1st week mining. am i gud

>> No.107718

>It's the client that enables you to send and receive dogecoin
what is a client, is it downloading?
why can't i just open up an account like an email or paypal?

>> No.107719

based amDOGE

glad you've got a nuclear option, a lot of creepy greed seeping into PND lately

>> No.107721

your on the right track with holding long term.

It's a nice strategy.

Look into interesting altcoins.

I hear good things about mintcoin

>> No.107727

No, that's DOGE.

>> No.107728


>> No.107725

Fuck off.

>> No.107726

Use Minerd if you don't have a graphics card
Use CUDAMINER if you have an NVIDIA graphics card
Use CGMiner if you have an AMD graphics card

>> No.107731
File: 540 KB, 400x300, hear hear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukken signed

>> No.107733

>missed another train
300k isn't too bad, I guess

>> No.107729


it's as always, the generous people get left behind while the beggers and hoarders try to talk this to the moon

>> No.107730

It's software that runs on your computer.
You could but it's more secure to leave your data local instead of depending on an online service.

>> No.107735

may i get some pnd?

>> No.107736

jacob you little shit pls go

>> No.107737
File: 277 KB, 500x368, 1392519593444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the link with wolongcoin again (not panda2)

>> No.107739

You can find it in >>107521.

>> No.107740

>It's software that runs on your computer.
what will my computer be doing?
also its an old crap laptop that barely runs mame

>> No.107742

can someone create something like this for PND?
Basically it hides the message/link until you pay the ransom
This would be a good way pay 4channers for sauce.
Also reward leakers.
many other cool things to be done with it.

>> No.107743
File: 341 KB, 818x1200, 1377163892211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God what shit board did your faggot ass crawl in from?

>> No.107747

no, this morning someone posted a link to bitcointalk with a wolongcoin. not panda

>> No.107745

You might want to look up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin..

>> No.107746

i have AMD Radeon HD 6800 series, have downloaded CGMiner, joined bamboohouse, made the MineWithAMDGPU.bat and turned off UAC. dont know whats wrong

>> No.107749
File: 180 KB, 514x509, 1376387891941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello dear friends, anything notable happen overnight?

>> No.107748

wolongcoin is panda2.

>> No.107753

Paste the text within your .bat

>> No.107755

nooo i know panda2 i trolled them hard in their thread. this morning there was an actual wolongcoin

>> No.107750

when you were sleeping someone announced an actual wolongcoin named "wolongcoin"

>> No.107751

/g/, like the rest of us

just a sec, i know what he's talking about

>> No.107752

Eh, nevermind.

>> No.107759

Oh hey look it's amDOGE

>> No.107761

>/g/, like the rest of us
Maybe he need to go fuck off to /pol/

or learn more about /g/ and the oldfags that lurk there.

>> No.107762


>> No.107763

you know how to use search engines, i dont ;_;
ty based lady

>> No.107757

what is the origin of that character?

>> No.107766

time to make therealwolongcoin?

>> No.107767

Post* Hide your worker password if you want.

>> No.107768

./cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://bamboohouse.info:3334 -u gontte.gontte -p gontte

>> No.107764
File: 76 KB, 244x237, WOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it

>> No.107765
File: 133 KB, 300x881, 1376387637163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Chen, she's a 2hu drawn by Bkub

>> No.107771

I kinda suck at 4chan but some people probably suck more.

I just want to shake them sometimes.

I wish i could just push people where they needed to be.

but that's a terrible thought.


>> No.107772

the fuck you have against /pol/?

>> No.107773


>> No.107774
File: 164 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.107775
File: 517 KB, 115x86, lol-wasp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wolong is shit to Bitcoin's gold
>wolong is shit to Bitcoin's gold
>wolong is shit to Bitcoin's gold
>wolong is shit to Bitcoin's gold

>> No.107776

change the port to 3335

>> No.107777

It's the worst board in existence.

>> No.107782
File: 322 KB, 546x700, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone posted this in here when we got booted from /g/

i love it

>> No.107785

too many fucking conspiracy theories.
only nutjobs would go there.

>> No.107779

Is this what an asian with Down syndrome looks like?

>> No.107780

Reminder that we all agreed to not to fight about /pol/ in a sacred bond of trust

>> No.107781

the btcforum has seem to caught wiff of wolong being a giant turd.
mission accomplished

>> No.107792

still nothing

>> No.107793

It is known

>> No.107786
File: 137 KB, 900x649, 1393070283433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty for the 500 nyans btw

>> No.107787

nice quads

>> No.107788

/pol/ pls
scummiest place on 4chan. it is known

>> No.107799

good thing i dumped at 10 satoshi

>> No.107800

/pol/ are a bunch of losers who are always wrong

their conspiracies aren't even entertaining or realistic. at least /x/ is fun and interesting

>> No.107801

It is known

>> No.107802
File: 133 KB, 800x600, 1366478256968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.107794

confirmed by quads

>> No.107795
File: 191 KB, 512x288, r8E5M5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god that back to the future faggot was way too fucking stupid to pick up the hints.

>> No.107796

I have never visited it before, will there be any repercussions if I were to visit now?

>> No.107797

>block reward should vary from -1,000,000 to + 1,000,000 so the coin supply is always in flux. We want to see price movement of +- 20% per day as well so traders can make decent profits.
>Perhaps all mined coins go straight to wulong's wallet so he can manage them for us. Or... only one wallet address exists, we all get read-only access.

le kek

>> No.107806


>> No.107805


>> No.107809

The multipools dump site of choice is cryptorush
If you want cheap PND that's where you'll find it

>> No.107807

/pol/ is getting mad.

>b-b-but must be the Jews. it's not because I'm a smelly loser

>> No.107811
File: 159 KB, 400x400, 20373510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up
>Turn on PC
>6969 PND received
>That barely made me reach 300k PND

thanks guys

>> No.107812


>> No.107813

not if you are of a sound mind
you'll just feel dirty afterwards. it's the cesspool of people who grew up on /b/ and were not smart enough to detect irony and sarcasm, so there whole worldview is based around that

>> No.107815

Hmmm..then that beats me man. Sorry i couldn't be of more help, but it's near 5am where im at can't think too well.

>> No.107817


You should all read this.

lots of good info

>> No.107818

can i filter replies with certain words in it?
I could filter like 95% of /pol/ fags with 'goy'

>> No.107814

>still holding grudge
>you being sentimental


>> No.107819
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>> No.107822


>> No.107823

So is there anything we need to get done right now that doesn't require computan knowledge?

Like, any more exchanges we need to petition that haven't been yet?

>> No.107824

Vote for PND I guess


though I think we should be on coinedup soon

>> No.107828

alright. convinced

>> No.107829


AND email coinedup
just having upvotes on reddit won't get their attention. Also be clear that you want a PND/DOGE to be thrown in as well.

>> No.107827

is there a specific folder im supposed to download the cgminer or something?

>> No.107832

No usually after making the batch, the worker, signing up. Your good to go. You seem to be having some other form of problem that i'm unfamiliar with.

>> No.107837

ask /b/ to help voting like we did earlier

>> No.107833

its just an gpu bro. if have enough pnd's you gonna earn your gpu back in no time

>> No.107834

I emailed them already, but I'll do the rest of this right now

>> No.107835

Pointing out >>107375 for those who haven't seen it.

>> No.107836

more like Pump N Dump right?

>> No.107839

...anyone else ever think they might have met someone from 4chan IRL?

It's a scary thought

>> No.107840

you're a fast one

>> No.107841

no its pandacoin

>> No.107842

what's it like living in a place where you get arrested for asking simple questions about the past?

>> No.107838

Include your PND address in the name section so I can tip you :^)

>> No.107846
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>> No.107847

No idea.

>> No.107845

I always hope to see amDoge with her shibe

>> No.107853

So what happens if we get on CoinedUp? I've been voting for the past 4hrs now without actually knowing.

>> No.107854

not falling for that one goy,
post screen shots

>> No.107848

Sure 'ting

>> No.107849

if you are on windows, change "./cgminer" to "cgminer.exe". also put the bat file to same directory as cgminer

>> No.107851

yeah that would be nice :)

I also wish some of my friends were on the train too.

>> No.107857

gibe train ticket pls


>> No.107861

sent ;)

>> No.107862

coinedup is great for volume
trying to sell doges on swisscex and the only person buying is at 201
also much more LTC volume, swisscex is non existent.
Coinedup has ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO fees.
Coinedup use to be really slow but have since upgraded their servers and are fast.

>> No.107865

Is there open-source software for setting up a crypto dice/casino site?

>> No.107867

The guys at 2:25, 4:15, 6:38 and 7:55 seem like they would have been around in the first /g/ dogecoin threads, and are probably in this thread right now


This shit is horrible, and makes everybody involved in doge look stupid.

>> No.107866

Are you serious? I have my whole wallet in SwissCex...Fuck.

>> No.107870
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;_______________; don't you belieb me anon?

>> No.107868

no, we need one.
we aren't on coinedup yet
that's why we need more shilling
coinedup is top tier

>> No.107871

Yea but i should have left it in my wallet and transfered to CoinedUp when we get there

>> No.107872

I think so

We had one guy that made a casino for doge.


Those are just faggot buttcoiners.

>> No.107874

No it's the dogeparty. Did you even watch it.

>> No.107878

>tfw cool shit happens in other countries
>tfw no passport

>> No.107880
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>Nobody buying on dogemarket

Maybe I should start selling on eBay

>> No.107882

they should have left those bits you mentioned out.

>> No.107883

not working, fml

>> No.107888

My ex-gf's brother was a bigtime 4channer back in like, 2007 or whenever

>> No.107889

now when you transfer it out you're going to be pounded by swisscex 0.1% withdraw fee.
I do now, sent 5k :^)

>> No.107892

Can some rich panda please consider doing a giveaway here:

We need this.

>> No.107893

Gracias amigo

>> No.107894

>inb4 DOGE coins become the new BitCoin

>> No.107896
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is there a way to sign up without giving a mobile phone number

>> No.107897

4chan is not /b/

>> No.107898


pretty sure i have a friend who was in the same position i was for the past 3 months

I had to throw myself through some weird logical loops and felt like i was going crazy before i figured it out.

I just wonder how much of a helping hand might be allowed

>> No.107902


>> No.107905

the fuck are you talking about

>> No.107906

I don't know what he's talking about.

too many ed/g/y teens in here.

>> No.107911

I'm going through and paying all of them 500

>> No.107916

>Actually thinking about buying PND with some DOGE

>> No.107915

Ok guys not even kidding DOGE is gonna take off, im cashing out my PND for DOGE

>> No.107917

Make your own thread, need publicity

>> No.107921

Newbie here :P bought 30k DOGE a week ago.

>> No.107922

>all that red volume

It's going down when it starts moving again

>> No.107923

oh....kay I will try that

>> No.107926

good morning, newfriend

>> No.107929

>all these lazy faggots

You need to rebrand PND to be marketable.

>> No.107930

Reminder that sometimes different software can fuck up your system

head over to /g/ to find out what's not good.

be careful with your downloads :)

>> No.107932

That's because PND has rocked the market, but once it stabilizes. And that the following that it has already amassed comes out of the woodwork. It's value will skyrocket

>> No.107935


>> No.107940

It'll only ever be a 4chan shitcoin because everybody here is too autistico to market it IRL.

>> No.107942

you forgot to post your address ;)

>> No.107945

sorry lol :)

>> No.107947

tfw found 100k of wolongs scam coin on some pool i forgot about
wat do they worth anything yet?

>> No.107949


*sheepishly walks in again*

/g/ is for fagtard autists.


>> No.107952

Where can I buy mint with doge?

>> No.107953

sent ;)

>> No.107955

Main problem is the stolen logo and the confusing wolong stuff. Change the logo and market it as doge 2.0 to redditors that missed dogetrain. The autists here needs to understand that not everyone gets the inside jokes we've created in these threads

>> No.107956

Received ;)

>> No.107959

For a 4chan shitcoin it's done impossibly well.

>> No.107961

mintpal, but through BTC, not directly.

>> No.107962

Look, the coin has done this well as a "Fuck Wolong

>> No.107965

It can still be fuck wolong without a stolen logo

>> No.107963

Yeah nobody gives a fuck about the long ass back story.

The coin is too crowded with all of the characters. Chinese people don't really give a fuck about cryptos.

>> No.107969

Made a giveaway post, should I add anything to it?


>> No.107966

We've already got all of the people that hate wolong on board and we need more.

>> No.107970

Sold 1.1m PNDs @ 10satos
D-Did i do good, biz?

>> No.107972


Fucking 4chan eating my sentences.

Look this coin has done this well as a "Fuck Wolong" coin, but you're right in that the logo needs to be different in order for people not to get too confused about it anymore. The coin is essentially about anti-manipulation and whatever, and I think we should keep the "Don't Trust Wolong" thing, but the image does need to be altered now if we wanna keep this train moving.

>> No.107973

yep, it's not like you crashed the market.
Profitability miners are dumpin hard now

>> No.107974
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Get hype.

>> No.107975

yes, the value will increase soon and you will regret selling it

>> No.107976

The logo isn't important you stupid idiots.

>> No.107977

amdoge i want to sex you

>> No.107978
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>> No.107981

Daily reminder


>> No.107982

Agree. We need to modernize it and differentiate ourselves.

>> No.107983

Should I know that guy?

>> No.107984


>> No.107985

still have 1.3m left.
Thinking of investing in mint.

>> No.107986

I just dumped all my PND for Doge amidoingitrite?

>> No.107987

>Come give cryptsy.com a try

>> No.107988


>> No.107989


>> No.107990

what happened to dogecoingem?

>> No.107991

Invest in panda :^)

>> No.107996

No, we copied wolong's coin so people will be confused as to which one is the real one. Now that we are coming out on top, that could work against us and people will start downloading wolongs wallet and working on their pools.

The logo is extremely important because it gives an immediate visual association without making them read about the coin.

>> No.107998

He is literally the operations manager at cryptsy, WERE RICH LADS

>> No.107992

what exchange is he talking aboot ?

>> No.107995


>> No.108001
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>> No.108003

GUYS where do i sell doge for PND i want on the Train...

>> No.108002

is this really habbening
>instant boner

>> No.108005

oh shit

>> No.108006


>> No.108007


>> No.108008

bigvern confirmed for /biz/raeli

>> No.108011

Current Bounty's
PND-Dice 55000 PND
Android wallet 1375000 PND
PND Roulette 50000 PND


>> No.108012

DONT sell Doge at all, you fool!

>> No.108013

crypto rush and swisscex both do DOGE -> PND exchange

>> No.108015

it gets better everyday!

>> No.108016
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>> No.108017


>> No.108020 [DELETED] 
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>> No.108026
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Fucking awesome

>> No.108049

found the problem, i was lacking the .exe file for some reason, thanks for the help anyway

>> No.108040


>> No.108053

how long does the transfer usually take?

>> No.108062

Oh lol nice

>> No.108072
File: 1.99 MB, 245x230, 1383684782160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling so stupid now...

>> No.108078

Please tell me that the DOGE-PND exchange is automatic right? I'm not waiting for some guy to but it im selling to the exchange?

>> No.108087

no you are not selling to exchange, you are waiting for some guy.

also new thread:

>> No.108097

well then im boned...sold all my PND for DOGE like an idiot literally seconds before amDOGE posted the picture.....i feel ashamed.

>> No.108109

Wait if i sell DOGE for BTC and then to PND am i back in?

>> No.108445

Building dice and roulette at the moment.

Finished flip-for-rolls poker and going to make it multiplayer soon too.

I do need a better bankroll for the house though. I got 210k PND. I think I need 1 million for smooth payouts and to reduce variance.

Anyone want to back me and own a digital satoshi casino? Planning to go online this wednesday.

>> No.108879
