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10741030 No.10741030 [Reply] [Original]

How is this good for the peer-to-peer electronic cash? People are panicking that Kobayashi have 130000 BTC to liquidate, but this guy have 6% of the BCH supply and keeps mine more and more every day. BCH cant grow in this kind of environment, right?

>> No.10741153

Awesome thread

>> No.10741297

What a fucking idiot to buy BCH. He better have a plan that makes sense to even try to flip. You cant claim Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin when its name is fucking Bitcoin Cash and not Bitcoin.

>adds smart contracts and thinks its still Satoshi's vision
>being this fucking dumb
>looking that fucking dumb

>> No.10741312

Fuck your mother if you want fuck

>> No.10741416

If you leave out all the unclaimed and lost BCC from the fork it is very likely that this 6% is more or less 10-20%. So BCC is pretty much a IOU issued by Bitmain.

>> No.10741477
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That is what happens when your ((("free market")) lets manufacturing move over to China. Its invisible hand solved the inefficiencies!

>> No.10741511
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>> No.10741517

So jihan is now incentivised for btc to fail

>> No.10741535

>You cant claim Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin when its name is fucking Bitcoin Cash and not Bitcoin.
>Being that dumb
Do you even know how a fork works? Its been forking since its inception, it's just happened that almost always only one fork was kept as a coin.
Now back to Plebbit.

>> No.10741823

No, he's incentivized for Bitcoin Cash to succeed. Killing btc wont help anything, it will just be much easier to grow adoption on a chain that can support it, rather than putting large amounts of trust into external layers.

>> No.10741832

Fun fact: the first instance of Adam Smith describing an invisible hand is when he suggests national companies would never outsource work abroad, as if guided buy an invisible hand. If capitalists ever read Wealth of Nations, they would know this.

>> No.10741834


I know exactly how a fork works and it was chosen that Bitcoin was the fork with the most usage, proof of work, and transactions, all of which this pathetic fork, BITCOIN CASH, has failed to achieve.

>> No.10742378

>What a fucking idiot to buy BCH. He better have a plan that makes sense to even try to flip. You cant claim Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin when its name is fucking Bitcoin Cash and not Bitcoin.
He's just insanely arrogant and greedy
>Finish 16nm antminer design, haha no need ASIC design engineer for 2 years too bad you're fired.
>Haha hire younger engineer for new chip, even lower wage I'm business genius! Wait $50 million chip design failed? How could this happen!

>> No.10742927

>most usage, proof of work, and transactions
You don't know how it works.

Smart contracts are in the white paper.

>> No.10742942
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>China is free market

>> No.10742954

Well you forget that in BCH's world that Craig whatshisname guy is Satoshi and thus also holds 1000000 BCH.

>> No.10742962

Plus Roger Ver, who had pre fork around 300000 BTC has swapped some of his stack to BCH and might also have about 1000000 BCH

>> No.10742970

Fun fact, most companies wouldn't outsource if they werent at a competitive disadvantage by hiring local labor which has a high cost due to over regulation and over taxation by authoritarian faggots and the blue haired stooges that support them.

>> No.10742972

He was the jesus of Bitcoin, he preached everyone about it when it was still worth $0.2...

>> No.10743120


When you realize the BCH price would be $50 without Bitmain buying...

>> No.10743485
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what an idiot.

>> No.10743505


BCC price is only so high because they haven' t sold yet. I guess they will be counting on leveraged crypto lending for institutions. This way they could lock up their BCC and still get cash out while artificialy keeping the BCC price inflated. The majority of BCC would be traded in dark pools while anything on exchanges is being manipulated by the smaller whales.

>> No.10743750

What a ugly rich mother fucker.

>> No.10743784
File: 28 KB, 502x310, jihan owned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After getting cucked into accepting segwit against his own will, the small dicked chink with a superiority complex thought he could fork Bitcoin and supercede the legacy chain.

His ego has lead him to be in a dead end situation where he either kills BCash by dumping and going back into BTC, or he sinks with the ship.

Let this be a testament in what happens when you try to go on a fork adventure.

>> No.10743810

But BGold is doing just fine

>> No.10743857
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>> No.10743896

"smart contracts" were possible with the original bitcoin protocols but disabled.
It's not added, but reactivated.

Don't care one succeeds ultimately, but shills on either side are legit dumb.

>> No.10743915
File: 347 KB, 1024x574, Roger-Ver-Twitter-1024x574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BCC price is only so high because they haven' t sold yet.
Apparently he was trying to sell 200k - 300k bcash OTC about a month ago, not sure if anyone was dumb enough to buy. Probably not hence the aggressive fund raising. He should have just sent billions of segwit TX since blockstream pays for them according to Roger.

>> No.10743923


This anon understands how the Chink mind works.

>> No.10743949


Core dropping smart contracts was actually my redpill on Btc. I stayed out of Ethereum, because I bought into the fud that "Since Bitcoin will get Smart Contracts, Ethereum is doomed" - JUSTed by Blockstream. Go back even further than Satoshi, to Szabo and it's obvious that currency was just a very important warmup, but the other shit is eventually going to be just as important. Decentralised everything is the future. Fucking Blockstream.

>> No.10743964


>> No.10743983

Only a shill would call bcash "peer-to-peer electronic cash", whats you try to achieve here?

>> No.10743988
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why are corecucks so terrified of Bitcoin (CASH)?

>> No.10744038

No one is terrified of some centralized fake bitcoin chinkcoin

>> No.10744064
File: 26 KB, 480x375, LuKDragmBQDT8l5hJ7xAePCqrcfCv9RpVLC6ACxJsDQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bcash is a scam, we don't want scams like beeeeeetconnnnnnnnnnnnnecctttt (BCC) to succeed.

>> No.10744090

this. also CSW was the first one mentioning bitcoin being turing complete while all others thought he lost his mind. however, now there is proof that bitcoin actually was turing complete all along. people are too retarded to do siple basic research and deserve staying poor all their life

>> No.10744101

Wow youre so smart

>> No.10744106

says the one desperately trying to post his narrative on 4chan of all places, after all interest in bcash has evaporated over the past year.

>> No.10744133

Because they are fighting someone else's war without realizing it

>> No.10744183

hold on

are you saying that BCH is some sort of centralized chinese scam coine?!?


>> No.10744281

Oh really is that right?
So when satoshi disabled them 4-5 years before ethereum and blockstream even existed, that really pissed you off didn't it bro?