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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10731607 No.10731607 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink will never see widespread adoption amongst major international organization. Cute tech sweetie, but literally no fucking need for the LINK token.

>> No.10731614

wow a literal who has no plans to use LINK. and? what's your point. neither is Pizza Hut or McDonalds you absolute nigger.

>> No.10731620


>> No.10731622


>> No.10731623

>hates Link
>spends literally ALL day reading/researching it just to shitpost on /biz/

Don't you ever get tired ? What if Link does "make it", wouldn't you look back at all this wasted time with utter regret?

>> No.10731626


>> No.10731629

they literally said they are WORKING with SWIFT. one of the largest european financial organizations. a network of interconnected banks. kill urself.

>> No.10731646

Utility tokens are useless for everything except pure speculation, that's why ChainLink, BAT, and many others will fail eventually.

>> No.10731655
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>they literally said they are WORKING with SWIFT
that's cute! And what have SWIFT said about Chainlink?

>> No.10731677

Chainlink works with both private and public chains. All of them.
The PoC for Swift for instance involved Hyperledger Fabric.

Seems like Tim Nugent should've paid more attention.

>> No.10731678
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>> No.10731702

why do you keep saying "cute" in your post? are you some type of fag?

>> No.10731719

>a tech startup says they will use link
FUDers: literal who
>a tech startup says they will not use link

>> No.10731723


When singularity hits. We really need to not have a typical party... and meetup like the bildergberg group and literally suck the cocks of the dedicated group of autists who figure all this shit out.

Have you guys ever seen ratting videos on YouTube? Go YouTube them.... dogs on English farms that are 100% dedicated and happy killing hundreds of rats on the farm.

You austists are more dedicated than these dogs who's only existence is to kill rats.

We all need to meet up. No bitches . No sluts. Just the the handful of dedicated autists with their cocks out in a warehouse in ropsten with candles lit everywhere..... maybe a nigger will be there that we sacrifice in a fire.... and then we all just suck their cocks.

Because if it wasn't for them I would not be invested in Link and we owe them this at least. Because even tho they'll be rich too... they are autistic and even escorts won't blow them.

>> No.10731731

why are you calling people sweetie? do you think this is some sort of patronizing power word? did someone call you a sweetie online once and it made you feel small and worthless and so now you're doing it to others in hopes that it will make them feel the same way that it made you feel? the fact that you used the word twice in a sentence of about thirty words makes you seem like an impressionable little kid who's trying his best to pick up on the latest trends and buzzwords that the peers he looks up to are using, but who doesn't have the tact to use them tastefully, and so just looks like a the little tag-along that he really is - much to everyone else's annoyane. i've actually seen people use the word sweetie to great effect on this board many times. i will admit that when used with even a shred of delicacy, it carries a wallop. you, however, have managed to not only make yourself to be a complete fucking muppet in it's flagrant misuse, but you have now ruined all future potential uses of the word for the purpose of patronization. well fucking done you insolent twat. how you managed to so gracefully make yourself out to be such a fucking useless pimple, i will never begin to understand. but you've simply amazed me and everyone reading this at how you can monumentally fail so extravagantly at such a gimme of a task. fuck you and your mother you pathetic measle. the thought of you makes me ashamed.

>> No.10731743
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>He hasn't seen the Sibos videos

>> No.10731751

>And what have SWIFT said about Chainlink?
That it's one of the key examples of ISO 20022 implementation.

>> No.10731765

Tbh I have to admit this would explain why all the “partners” so far are literal whos.

>> No.10731774

I feel for you op.
It is hard to wait, but let's see what October brings us.
October is a good month usually.

>> No.10731779

Oh really? Can you please show me where/when SWIFT said that Chainlink is one of the key examples of ISO 20022 implementation?

>> No.10731783

>Consensys & Accord
>literally whos

>> No.10731790
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i enjoyed that

>> No.10731793

Nah, I probably lied anyway.

>> No.10731978

RIP linklets

>> No.10732024

>a solution to sweetie posting
only on biz

>> No.10732068

>no swift
>no microsoft
>no banks
>only parters are literally whos start ups (lol)
>bunch of retards from 4chan thinks it will magically moon without anyone buying
>bunch of retards from 4chan therefore fuds it everywhere and anytime there is some news the team itself worked hard on
>meanwhile whales control the price while you do their job for free

>> No.10732077

>>no swift
>>no microsoft
>>no banks
>>only parters are literally whos start ups (lol)
And yet ETH shot up to rank 2 on CMC.

>> No.10732095


>> No.10732186

You forgot eth was shilled on reddit and elsewhere

>> No.10732237

Didn't you see the call to shilling by Sergey himself? It will happen.

>> No.10732251

but these were the things link got shilled for ya dum dum

>> No.10732257


>> No.10732276

Nothing to do with what I rebutted.

Well Swift and multiple banks were directly involved in Chainlink.
And even if only minor projects end up using Chainlink, ETH has proved that massive gains can be had on that basis alone.
Also, nobody said Swift and banks dismissed Chainlink.

In short, you're retarded.

>> No.10732309

>Well Swift and multiple banks were directly involved in Chainlink.
[citation needed]

linkies dont realise that link promised a lot of things, while not completing anything

>> No.10732314

>Well Swift and multiple banks were directly involved in Chainlink
no. They won some stupid fucking contest

>> No.10732342

>[citation needed]
You're kidding.

Then why did Swift mention Chainlink's PoC as a key example of ISO 20022?

>> No.10732359

>link promised a lot of things
lmao, like what?

>while not completing anything
What do you mean?
Are you angry that it's not finished yet? Why?

>> No.10732361

kek wow.

>> No.10732363

it's a woman. there's like a 90 percent chance she's wrong with this. only 10 percent chance her sandwiches suck

>> No.10732365

Swift has already stated they are working with in house and third party reources to automate their processes. If you don't have the intelligence to understand their involvement with Link, stay poor no link Fudder.

>> No.10732371

>a literal who

>> No.10732376

[citation needed]
>7 posts by this id
sirgay, is that you?

>> No.10732379

>Blockone iq

>> No.10732385

this is a standard you twats. Like if you wanna sell a care on the market. It needs to meet the standards set by that goverment. Anyone can build something to meet those standards. It does not mean they are working with anything

>> No.10732393

If Chainlink was even remotely close to being "key" for SWIFT in any fucking way shape or form they'd at least be fucking invited to Sibos 2018. I guess their invitation got lost in the mail.

>> No.10732398

>key example
and you just said it right here

>> No.10732402

You're joking though about the citation needed, right?

The fuck are you babbling about?
Swift themselves listed the Chainlink PoC as a key example of their ISO 20022 implementation.

>they'd at least be fucking invited to Sibos 2018

>> No.10732408

We're still waiting on the citation for your lie, bud

>> No.10732413

If REQ would have an actual working product anytime soon, other cryptos wouldnt have to create their own oracles and push back roadmaps since LINK is terrible

>> No.10732418

>key example

yeah example. NOT USING LINK

>> No.10732419

It really is amazing how the same whiny little bitch faggots who complain about seeing link threads (while not filtering them out) spend an equal amount of time creating threads just to talk shit about it and/or link holders.

Explain to me what the harm is in holding like $50 worth of LINK when it's literally 27 cents right now.

Furthermore, you're whiny little bitches. You're literally just as bad as a spoiled rotten little whiny bitch ass kid who cries when mommy won't let them get a toy at the store. Shut your fucking mouths and filter the god damn board if you don't want to see link posts. This is an open public forum. Fuckin deal with it or stfu.

>> No.10732420

This is literally just a board for shitcoins

>> No.10732424

If LINK* lmao, REQ is the one who needs LINK to work

>> No.10732432

The bud boy is back. The future poor bud boy.

>> No.10732454

>Shut your fucking mouths
>this is an open public forum
Seems legit

>> No.10732456

and what are you holding, smartie pants? REQ increased 3000% in two months it was THE BEDT EARNER

>> No.10732464

Citation on what?
Swift and several banks involving themselves with Chainlink?
You're joking, right?

And even if they don't use the token, them using the network will have a massive marketing effect.

>> No.10732473

Hahaha damn nigga you a damn dumb nigga hahahaha like damn

>> No.10732477

can you provide the actual source? goddamn youre dense

>> No.10732480

ok pajeet

>> No.10732485

Hell no.

>> No.10732494

This is now paste

>> No.10732495

smartcontracts.com would be one source

>> No.10732497

the question is retarded if you know what chainlink is.

>> No.10732510

haha xd
oh, so youre just memeing?

>> No.10732511

>never-ending partnership confirmed
The absolute state of this shitty board

>> No.10732513

To be fair though, you can't filter all the link threads. A lot of them don't use any common words like, link or sergey. There's a lot of filter dodging. I can see why people would get annoyed with link shitting up a quarter of the board or more for a year. I would be completely fine with a link general. In addition to that, there's also the smug attitude of linkies, despite link doing not much at all since ico. It gets annoying for me sometimes and I'm pretty stinky, so I can see how people who don't believe in the project could take it.

>> No.10732521

You seem like a mega faggot. Post disregarded.

>> No.10732539

>oh, so youre just memeing?

>> No.10732555

There hasn't been, to my knowledge, a direct statement from swift, that link will be used for all their smart contract solutions. Logos on a website don't count. Neither does sibos. There has to be a press release to count as truth. It is all breadcrumbs at the moment. Pretty convincing ones, but still.

>> No.10732566

I feel the same way but god damn the whining and crying is ridiculous when there's other options:

>filter (be clever, use all keywords)
>simply ignore link threads/posts

LINK is 27 cents. There's no reason not to put a little bit of money in it for the off chance it gains some value. I'm not one of the linkies shitposting constant "1000 EOY" threads, and they also annoy me as well. But all these other faggots crying about threads like that or any thread for that matter is more annoying than anything.

>> No.10732583

Are you aware of the difference between an internal PoC performed by a contracted party versus a PoC done as part of a public competition created for general blockchain education?

Which one did LINK do?

>> No.10732586

Keep it up haters, increasing in price. Lol

>> No.10733203

>Asking a competitor oracle provider whether they'll use Chainlink.

>> No.10733250
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>> No.10734129


>> No.10734330

I agree the "sweetie" "cutie" thing is just awful. Maybe he thinks he has succeeded because he has annoyed people but even still this is so fucking gay and needs to be retired.

>> No.10734520

Sergey literally said they are partnered with Swift, on video, in the last Ethereum dev meeting. Swift didn't deny it. They would be in huge legal trouble.

>> No.10734533

>blockchain agnostic middleware
>enigma exits
It'll happen, this is bullish

>> No.10734575

Yes, goyim, we would put the spotlight over a startup we think it will be a huge network only to make retail investors and our direct competitors buy it instead of keeping the control of the network for ourselves

>> No.10734580

kek this is exactly why LINK is my biggest hold because it works with private chains. its pretty obvious at this point that nobody is going to use all these gay ass public chains but luckily private chains still need data from the outside world. stay retarded OP.

>> No.10734686

I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.

Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. /biz/ hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.

'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have high reputation, but in real life not on a computer screen.

The fact is, LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Ethereum hit. Happy gambling though anons.

>> No.10734716


it's probably the same faggot who calls everyone "sweetie"

>> No.10734747


stop spoon feeding these faggot douchebags. we don't want these douchebags bags at the LINK party