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10721256 No.10721256 [Reply] [Original]

unironically how do wagecucks do it?

Day in day out for 40 years. Having to put on a false face for your coworkers, act like you love your job. Can’t talk back to your boss, have to act like you’re grateful for the opportunity to make your boss and Mr. Goldenblatt Rich. Being your boss’s bitch who uses you to advance their own career.

>> No.10721296

idk i guess people dont have a choice and they wanna keep having sex with their wife and they feel responsible for feeding their kids (rightly so) so it all feeds together into this system

>> No.10721303

>i dont

im 25 i wagied for 3 years but took a year break 3 months ago

now i just play shitty eth ponzies like p3d or zethr

went from less than 1 eth to 80 eth in 3 months

>> No.10721537
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because they want to continue living

>> No.10721581

Eh, we need these people in order to have a society. Normies are literally bred to be worker drones. It's programmed into their brains. I can't tell you how many times I have heard them say something along the lines of "I would literally go insane without a job. What do rich people do all day?"

I for one am grateful for the worker drones.

>> No.10721596

>I would literally go insane without a job.

Can't believe people unironically say this

>> No.10721605

i 2nd this sentiment

>> No.10721612

I've heard it to... it's beyond understanding

Fucking idiots

>> No.10721616

lying to oneself can be a powerful drug

>> No.10721627

UBI neets get the VR gulag.
Kill yourself.

>> No.10721644


jobs give meaning to a lot of people's lives, including mine. i like to work, just not for someone else. if i could capture my value more directly, then i would like working more. the thing is, the bosses risk a lot more than the worker drones. today, it's very difficult to take that risk unless you're already rich

>> No.10721645

>be me
>clear 8K per month after taxes, 401K contribution, health insurance, etc.
>enjoy my job and my work
>unlimited PTO
>going to retire by 50
>talk back to my boss all I want with regard to things that need to be said
>get promoted for aforementioned backbone
>get corner office
>put about 50-60% of my income into dividend producing stocks for retirement
>snowballing passive income

life is good

>> No.10721782
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>enjoy my job and my work

This is literal Stockholm syndrome

>> No.10721811

>>unlimited PTO
literally a lie

>> No.10721881

Coming from a rich man who couldn’t survive on his own without slaves. I suppose if people did not want to be slaves then there would be no slaves. But giving up freedom for security is easy.

>> No.10721903

Praxagora: I want all to have a share of everything and all property to be in common; there will no longer be either rich or poor; [...] I shall begin by making land, money, everything that is private property, common to all. [...]
Blepyrus: But who will till the soil?
Praxagora: The slaves.

>> No.10721949
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>AI automatons and prison labor

Sounds good desu


He was trained as a lawyer. And at least he wasn’t a wage cuck. Better to be exploiting than exploited.

>> No.10721965

You can't be a slave to something you voluntarily choose to do you lazy fucking commie. Someone get the god damn helicopter there are WAY too many commies coming to biz

>> No.10721981
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>>going to retire by 50
enjoy your freedom by then, grandpa, Lmao

>> No.10721985
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>oy vey goy you better shut up and be grateful I let you make me rich!

>> No.10721991

it stems from their lack of critical analysis of the situation

forget about wagecuckery, if you ask them the reasons behind their behaviors you won't even receive a coherent response

>> No.10722033

toppest of keks, anon

>> No.10722043


being born poor and critically analysing the reasons why doesn't help...

it just leaves you homeless and without a job

there is no such thing as upwards social mobility

either be born rich or get extremely lucky in some other way

that's it

>> No.10722049

Workers make civilizations.
They have real friends.
They have real skills.
They grow and improve.
You are a literal parasite.
I would tell you to kill yourself, but you are already dead.

>> No.10722066
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>> No.10722070

You are correct. We are anomalies. We are outliers. Outliers have the potential to become leaders, influential figures, etc.. Because we see things others don't. But most of us, probably like 99.99999% of us, just waste it and do nothing with our lives.

>> No.10722081

Don’t tell me you’re currently on welfare.
Right now I’m getting paid to snack and shitpost and haven’t done anything else but trade all day. So the same thing you’ve been doing, but someone cuts me a check for it. You only have to do real work like one or two days a week. L2play the game.

>> No.10722118

You are a faggot.

>> No.10722129

yeah, but i can go do whatever i want right fucking now and you have to stay in your slave cube. you can keep telling yourself you enjoy it and it's just the same, but deep down you know you're a slave. the sad part is they don't even have to whip and beat you to stay one, you do it willingly. fucking pathetic

>> No.10722133

keep telling yourself that. living in a lie sure makes it more easy, than taking responsibility

>> No.10722134

Dude... SO ARE YOU

>> No.10722157

actually, YOU are the one who fucking pathetic. You would rather sit on your fat, entitled ass all day and have things given to you than go out and earn your keep in this world. Great nations have NEVER been built by the lazy fucking faggots who come to biz to bitch about having to earn a living because mommy kicked them out of the basement. Grow the fuck up

>> No.10722202

I could definitely leave. The only rule is that you can’t work more than 40 hours a week.

>> No.10722212


>> No.10722253
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>making Jewish investors even richer selling worthless consumer junk
>building a strong nation

Household consumption is 70% of US gdp kid

>> No.10722260
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>brags about rent seeking
>calls other people lazy


>> No.10722298

bro, you assume to much. i get nothing for free, i've earned everything i have. i used to be a deluded wagefaggot like you and i told myself i liked it, so i could sleep at night. one day, i realized i was never going to be rich working for someone else. i had a shift in mentality. now, i'm retired in my 30's. back to work wagie

>> No.10722310

I like my job. I travel the world. I work with fascinating people. I am good at what I do, and I am proud of myself. You will die alone without ever having left your squalid poopsock hovel.

>> No.10722314

Lol, you must be trolling. Starting a company is easier than its ever been. Theres crowdfunding, VC, private equity, converitible debt, adwords, social networking, etc... The problem is actually coming up with a viable business model & a product/service that people actually want.

>> No.10722342

also, i'm 6'3" with 8% bodyfat. i have lots of time to take care of and improve myself. quit projecting your delusions on people who have the balls to actually live instead of sitting in a cube surviving. enjoy your serfdom, pleb

>> No.10722357

>But most of us, probably like 99.99999% of us, just waste it and do nothing with our lives
Speak for yourself loser, once AI automates everything all these wagies with no hobbies/interests are gonna be thrust into NEETdom and then what? when left to their own devices they crumble because they can't exist without structured directives

>> No.10722360

good for you, bro. congrats on your house nigga slave job. wrong.

>> No.10722369
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Obvious bait or completely hopeless NEETS with maximum cope. I'll bite tho

So humans by nature need to be productive and set goals to be somewhat happy. When you work even though you sometimes hate it , it builds morale. When you get off everyday you feel like you did something, I call it a little buzz. Because you get to relax now and enjoy whatever you want.

Look I'm gonna keep this short because I dont want to waste time with faggots . I've been NEET many times in my life, I've been wagie a good amount of times. I've been uni student , wagie mix. I've been just part time wagie part time NEET. Being full NEET for the long term was the worst EVERYtime. I wanted to off myself, because when you have free time all the time you dont enjoy it RETARDS. Especially when I know you subhumans stay on biz all day or play vidya. It becomes so mundane that you will try to do anything to distract you from your shit existence.

If someone can survive off the money , part time worker is the best comfy life . filling free time with different things is usually beneficial

Now in ending,
I know you will never ever meet a stacy and have a chance. But let's say the day comes. 'So anon what do you do?'
Oh nothing. I stay at home all day with no job or school and fap to anime while losing money in crypto.
>instantly sees you as useless deadbeat

>> No.10722385

>i'm 8% bodyfat
lanklets are unbelievably delusional and annoying to listen to talk

>> No.10722405
File: 210 KB, 1280x809, Neetpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 months ago I convinced my doctor, psychologist and psychiatrist that I am schizophrenic and chronically depressed (I am not). 5 months after the first talk I have welfare that I will receive until I am better. (LOL) They also got me a small home, because I need "rest".

Cheating the system is laughably easy, just say you think you might be dangerous if left on the street, they would rather give you money and a home than risk you shooting up a school out of desperation.

I won the game, without ever playing it.

>> No.10722424

i actually enjoy being an attorney. I want to continue to provide free legal advise to people without means after I retire

yes, technically I can't take off a whole year and get paid and keep my job, but any time i take off I get paid. but since I like my job, I only take about 8-10 days off per year anyway. I've only taken 3 off this year to date

I currently have boatloads of freedom. I do anything I want on the weekends, can work remotely if i'm not in court or have meetings and I can leave the office for any reason at any time.

People who think every work in an office or firm is "wage slaving" are simply on the lowest part of the totem pole. working your way up gives you more of everything.

I'll be financially free by 50 to do whatever I want all while enjoying life now. laugh on the outside all you want, you're crying on the inside believing your going to "make it" with 100K chink scam coins that will go to zero in 2 years time.

>> No.10722425
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Alright tell us what mystery shit you did to be retired at 30. You’re obviously dying to

>> No.10722443

They would check for some proof for schizo, some kind of documents

They dont just give homes , hardly ever.
If they do you get public housing in disgusting shit tier areas where niggers live.
Sounds amazing, you really won HAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

>> No.10722452
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need more of this salt

>> No.10722466

Heard a single mom I used to work with say something like this when I asked her what she'd do if she was suddenly rich.

>> No.10722476
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>incapable of having own hobbies that aren't fed by people around him
>projects his brainlet personality onto others

>> No.10722485

We don't need anymore of your delusion, lol.

>> No.10722495

rent seeking? Why dont pull out more buzzwords to throw out in random situations where they totally dont apply and try again! Im sure eventually you'll hit the mark.

tell me, which country or great empire has EVER been established by people who werent willing to actually WORK into making it happen? You lazy faggots are the result of insanely successful periods of capitalism that has bred weak men who dont want to create their own way in this world. People like YOU are symptomatic of a failing empire. Congrats.

>> No.10722514

>Speak for yourself
I would like to see what you have done with your life

>> No.10722532

I completely don't understand how someone couldn't be happy as a NEET. If the the problem is just "staying busy", just take on an ambitious personal or creative project. Make it into a 9-5 if you have to. You'd have to be the most droll, uninspired fucker in the world to go insane neeting. The only reason to be a depressed neet is if you're financially unsecure.

>> No.10722542
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Oh, hear the ragie wagie scream in despair.

There is no objective proof of schizo. You can not do a blood test for schizo, or a MRI.
All you have to do is convince the psycho/psychiatrist that you actually have it.
The only talent you need is the talent of acting.

They listen to what you have to say, how long you have it (kek). You get medicine. And they will check if the "symptoms" get better. In the end the psychiatrist in communication with the doctor and the "welfare service" will make a decision.

>> No.10722555

>need to be productive and set goals to be somewhat happy
Learn to draw or play guitar lmao. There are so many things that people wish they could do but they don't do it because it requires so much time and dedication, but they just can't devote themselves to it because of their jobs which leave them too tired after work.

>> No.10722556

the problem with NEETs is that they don't have any real ambitions, which is why they're NEETs. they'll never be successful at anything because they're not willing to put in the work to even become adequate at their hobbies.

NEETs should be treated like Lepers, but placed on an island to compete for resources or die, all while being live streamed and with product placement for ads to generate revenue.

>> No.10722565

thinking it's a mystery is your problem. it's easily attainable for anyone, but most don't have the guts to do the opposite of all their peers. the useless spending most people do when they are young is what sets them up for failure later on. save as much money as possible (it sucks at first), invest and wait. it's that simple. it's like a snowball rolling down a hill. change your mind change your life. get out of your mental prison. later, fags, i'm going to the pool

>> No.10722596



i want to be NEET but my family are the shittest people ever with money so i grew up poor and will inherit nothing

they taught me nothing and i went to a shit school that also taught me nothing

now i work a shit job

circumstances are everything

>> No.10722625

unless you have $2M saved up, you're retirement pool is going to end before you die due to inflation. you're not getting more that 5% ROI in dividends therefore you're going to be eating into your principal every month.

>> No.10722627
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>circumstances are everything
Not really. Sometimes you just get dealt a shit hand, but it's about playing your cards right and making the most of what you have. Life is a game, and if you can't win, don't bother PLAYING!

>> No.10722662


what i have is shit health and a shit outlook on life from being surrounded by negativity for my entire youth

>> No.10722732

Drink lots of water and take your vitamins little buddy. Also cut out the processed crap as much as possible. I was in a pretty sordid state at one point, but I reversed it. What's important is exercise and keeping your mind active

>> No.10722748

The spirit of a man can endure his sickness, But as for a broken spirit who can bear it?
Proverbs 18:14

>> No.10722750

dont be mad at them dude, society's been jewd so much that the only way to make it is to become the jew

>> No.10722770

Here comes the 1 percent 4chan NEETs that are outliers. The ones that have hobbies, work out, have social circles and love life. Oh how wonderful

You say why dont you just do this. Just get a hobby? Just..... because 9/10 times it doesnt happen retards. Dont fucking play that card, plus you need money for those things NEET. Oh yea you're rich too I forgot

>> No.10722773

Dumbest poster in the thread

>> No.10722788


>literally too retarded to know what rent seeking is

>proud to keep supporting the Jewish consumerist machine with his labor and taxes

Best goy

>> No.10722795

Observe, fellow NEETs, and witness the eternal bitterness and rage of the wageslave. You can see from his very attitude that this is no way to live. He is not happy, anyone can see.

>> No.10722798

>how do wagecucks do it?
We all fool ourselves that we're only doing it "Short term" till we can buy a little place out in the country. Of course that time never comes till we are 60 years old with bodies too dependent on city based medical care to ever do so.

>> No.10722803

>I would literally go insane without a job
These people aren't kidding. Their thought processes are so vapid they would go postal or kill themselves without a job.

>> No.10722812

>go postal
Funny story, that phrase originated from people who had jobs (postal workers) and it drove them insane

>> No.10723148

And here's when it gets interesting. Once you /makeit/, why would you not spend the rest of your time playing the guitar to whoever wants to hear it? How much more than a guitar do you need for that? What if that's the career you want but can't have because of other brutal obligations? Some of those obligations are valid, some are fucking bollocks and with the current rules, literally a ponzi to make money travel to red tape. Waging gives stability because nobody trusts anybody, therefore why contracts, therefore why laws, therefore why nobody trusts lawmakers/lawspeakers, therefore why nobody trusts anybofy therefore waging. You can be part of the collective when you believe the collective gives a fuck about you. And if the collective doesn't just go play the guitar in the streets, it will make some people really angry, if you manage to sustain a family even angrier. But you don't really owe them anything if they already don't feel like your neighbors. The musician, the peasant, the warrior... they all want some level of dignity and that everybody else has their back. Everything else requires downsizing but we're trying to do the opposite and we'll see how that ends.

>> No.10723216

It's simple master/slave morality.
Wagies will never understand how to exist without a job, because just as >>10722369 explicitly describes, they feel completely lost. Were it not for some higher, external power directing them then they would be immediately at peril, due to their loss of security and direction.
Freedom is misleading, for it has positive connotations, when in fact the opposite is true. Freedom is chaos; freedom is dangerous. What would happen? What would you do? Humans crave structure and as such are creatures of habit, perpetually dependent on ingrained routines and simple cause and effect relationships.
Wagies cannot suffer freedom, and thus are slaves to their own primitive thought patterns, making them easy to enslave by those utilising higher thinking.
In closing, and to answer OPs question, wagies 'do it' by being unable to perceive any alternative. They lack courage and self-discipline; they are slaves.

>> No.10723219

>rent seeking is jewish
>lives off taxpayer money he gets from lying
Jews don’t like getting jewed I guess.

>> No.10723338


Who said I lie? Or that I’m a NEET?

>> No.10723620

Oh lmao he snapped.

>> No.10723713


>> No.10723763


50 is old af, you’ve wasted your youth by then

>> No.10723765

This is why american millenial kids are so empty inside.

Most of us find self value and dignity in what we do in our work - doing something to improve the world. Millenials call it "wagecuck" and then cry about how empty their lives are.

>> No.10723852


>unironically finding meaning and enjoyment in being a Shabbos goy

Slave morality

>> No.10724008

Wagecucks, especially leftist wagecucks, never ask themselves, "do you really HAVE to work?" They're so deep in their own inferiority context that they are unable to envision a way out of their slave-tier work-life.

They've allowed social expectations to control their very routine.

>> No.10724307
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Getting rich off of cryptocurrency has become a point of ideology for me. I want it to happen specifically as a "Fuck you" gesture to normie society.

Forget having "fuck you money" - how about having a "fuck you life"?

>> No.10724433

How Normies do it:

>coffee or cigarettes (or both), the normalfag intakes this shit every morning and throughout the day to have enough energy to drag himself through the day
>normalfag is enslaved through paying rent because the normalfag does not own his home so working is preventing him from becoming homeless
>the normalfag drone is also enslaved by debt, if he stops working the bank will take everything away from him
>the normalfag is enslaved by peers, he has to compete in the rat race or lose his miniscule status which could lead to his roastie leaving him for a better man or other drones shitting on him, the fear and the shame is keeping him in line
>the normalfag is enslaved by roasties that drain his wallet one way or another and he needs the slavejob to afford it

The Normalfag NPC life usually ends after he worked himself to death and the destruction of his health.
In best case he retires at 67 and has 1 or 2 years of freedom before being shipped off into a retirement home where he talks demented shit to fellow former wagecucks

>> No.10725062

Dubs of truth

>> No.10725276

How to do it bro

>> No.10725497


Well, I am about to have to job and that is freaking me out desu, I understand why people say that cuz I am one of them

>> No.10725522


Mate everyone here wants crypto to fucking moon but is it possible? I do hope we all gonna make it, but be realistic

>> No.10725530
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The thing I hate most about wagecucking is the 9-5 mentality. Honestly I would rather just work harder like 9-2, I could easily get the same amount of work done, but ohhhhhh nooooo everyone has to stay all these hours because otherwise you're seen as a slacker.

>> No.10725544

Me too and it's why we will win. Normies making fun of us for buying digital beanie babies or normies jealous that they missed out. It's our future and we get to decide.

>> No.10725561

>unironically how do wagecucks do it?
Copious amounts of drugs and alcohol

>> No.10725591


jesus, how horrifying.

I'd rather become a hobo.

>> No.10725674

You'll be next. It'll just be the top cannibalizing all the way down until they eat each other and then themself.

>> No.10725706




>> No.10725736

If you're wagecucking in any position where your direct boss makes more money than you, you're fucked.

Knowledge work is the way to go. Anything else is just being a warm body.

>> No.10725771

correct read brave new world.

>> No.10725786

>>clear 8K per month after taxes, 401K contribution, health insurance, etc.
>Going to retire by 50

How much fucking money do you waste? The way I live, I can't imagine making that much for 5 years and not being ready to retire.

>> No.10725789

TGIF... right guys?

>> No.10725925

I like my job but I don't trust my job. I live very frugally and I am investing everything in index funds, preparing for the day they tell me to work 50 hours per week while paying me for 40. They think I ride my bike to work for exercise and bring my own lunch because it's healthy. They don't know that I do it because I literally do not own a car and because rice with beans is basically free.

Having the goal of being able to quit my job, instead of "Durr I wanna pay off muh truck" actually, ironically, makes me enjoy my job more.

>> No.10725965

burgers got expensive lifestyles. If i was making that money here i would retire in 3 fucking years lol

>> No.10726008


Russia? Those people are masters at not spending money. I've stayed with Russian families that live a comfy middle class lifestyle on the equivalent of less than $1000/month and shit's not that much cheaper there.

>> No.10726169

The law of averages. I guess a majority of people don't have extraordinary aspirations. Being average is ordinary and normal. Normal wealth generation means renting out time to do labor in exchange for labor rent. Simple life and whether a normie finds themselves content with it or finds it insufferable is up to them.

>> No.10726177

worse, south america. That wage would legit allow me to buy like 1-2 apartments per year, i could get 15-20 and live off rent before im even 35

>> No.10726180

I'll talk back to my boss any day

>> No.10726229

Care to run us by your numbers? Would be interested to know how much you're saving each month, considering doing the same

>> No.10726257

Being on biz all day is arguably far more mind numbingly boring than even the shittiest McDonalds job

If you've ever been a NEET for an extended period of time and all your friends work, trust me it's torture.

But my actual job is in construction which is pretty fun as far as wagecuck work goes. Better than having ADHD in some fluorescently lit cubicle all day

>> No.10726471

Jokes on you when I'm at work I soend most of my time on /biz/

>> No.10726517

I feel you financial independence bro, but I am about to be jobless so you are way better than me, not to mention my about to be old job just pays very little

>> No.10726578

Will south America ever recover? Other than drug money seems like you guys don't have much. Very few foreign investors willing to invest into South american coubtries

>> No.10726580

being NEET is the best, you can do anything you want. Every day is exciting and there is always something new to see

>> No.10726601

this is why the ultimate blackpill is to be a single entrepreneur or investor and off yourself once your brain and body deteriorate

>> No.10726645

they do it because unlike 4chan incels the brains aren't fucked up on porn, so unlike us they will approach and make efforts on nasty goblinos, and ultimately procreate

this then obligates them to work many decades

>> No.10726684
File: 140 KB, 1000x660, laughattheretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is a constant boot stamping on my head every night. this investing shit ain't helping, a whopping $161.73 (CAD, end my life) profit on 7k+ of mutual funds from October to today. i'll have to work until i kill myself before it ends.
it's why i'm becoming an alcoholic.

>> No.10726811

>Forget having "fuck you money" - how about having a "fuck you life"?

This is why crypto will win.

I feel it too brother

>> No.10726820

You need to compound that shit. Yeah 7k gets you $150~

But save 7k every year for another 5 years

14k gets you $300~

21k gets you $450

28k gets you $600

35k gets you $750

42k gets you $900

but now you've compounded an extra ~3k so you're actually at 45k and you're making $1000 a year for nothing

also look for better funds, your returns sound shit

>> No.10726823

I've been a volneet for 1 year. What the fuck are you talking about? I'm in the best shape of my life, do whatever the fuck I want, when I want, hang out with people MORE than when I worked because I'm flexible around their schedules.

You obviously have low willpower and are a fat boring slob.

>> No.10726847

This. I'm braindead by hour 3, and literally anyone with an office job knows you only get around 2 hours of work done a day and the rest is bullshit/showing up/dealing with superfluous protocol

>> No.10726860

Yep. Pretending to work fucking sucks.

>> No.10726874

>screenshot of this post will show up on @thefaceberg in 3, 2...

>> No.10726920

It’s doesn’t help parents blow their wealth instead of passing it and good financial habits down to the next generation.

My parents have stumbled into a great financial situation but are intent on blowing all their wealth on stupid shit... and Im watching my sister and her partner make the same mistakes.

>> No.10726937

>You can't take it with you!


>> No.10726947

Mine are the opposite. They're the nicest people and have done really well with property over their lives. They have multimillions tied up in property, but not much liquid cash. They don't spend hardly anything, and still act as if they're hard up for money.

They're both retired and I'm trying my best to get them to spend some of their money and enjoy their retirement, but they wont.

>> No.10726975

It comes back to loans with usury backed by law.

Without that, it requires loaning money to people you trust and having a relationship with, and loaning (or just giving) the money because you want that person to succeed, and their success will benefit you and the community directly, not the profit.

>> No.10727013

Your community might have shit investment opportunities though. Abstracting investment supply into interest rates gets around that.

The problem is allowing loans to jack up consumption in the form of extravagant cars and diversity deans.

>> No.10727082

Perhaps being frugal is what brings them joy? As long as they are happy then what’s the point of trying to get them to spend money on shit they don’t care about?

By contrast my parents burn through their money and then stress about retirement, yet would be fine and set up every generation after them if they just were smarter about handling their money. My parents are nice people, but theyre typical left wing boomers who barely understand economics/finance and got lucky growing up in the easiest period financially in history

>> No.10727102

south america isnt just colombia, venezuela and mexico anon. There is plenty of industry and natural resources being extracted by (((corps))). My country also exports a shitton of wheat, ssoy and meat. We got fucked up govts though thats for sure

>> No.10727164

The fees on those funds are wrecking you son. Get into real stocks, nvda, goog, shop

>> No.10727196

This is the beat thread I've ever read.
Infinite SALT

>> No.10727218

slave detected

>> No.10727229

The reason investors hes rotate on South America is theres the threat of socialists coming along and fucking everything up. If it weren’t for that it would be rich as fuck.

Back in the 1910s Argentina was projected to have the largest economy by now, but countless economic fuck ups over the last century screwed them, and a large percentage of the South American population believe more socialism is the answer

>> No.10727232
File: 62 KB, 320x371, fucking really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My parents are nice people, but theyre typical left wing boomers who barely understand economics/finance and got lucky growing up in the easiest period financially in history
that fucking feel
they are entirely dependent on real estate prices not going down because they will be completely broke at retirement without an inflated sale price on the house
>tfw all friends with immigrant parents have sweet inheritance lined up, a few had their parents give them the house or buy them a fucking condo
>meanwhile every white person i know is getting literally nothing
we deserve our replacement.

>> No.10727323

>How do wagecucks do it?

Lacking consciousness.

>> No.10727381
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Wagie here, I do it because it's basically how I fund my side goal which is actually going quite well. I'm planning on quitting my current job soon so I can finally move on to my personal ambitions with the money I collected, not to mention there's also the friends I made while working and the stuff we do outside of the bullshit we have to deal with between retarded customers and our horrible managers.

Don't you guys have friends to hang out with when you're not mining?

>> No.10727458

>Don't you guys have friends to hang out with when you're not mining?
Yeah, heaps

>> No.10727496

idk why the government doesn't have you neets picking up rubbish all day, i have written so many letters

>> No.10727526

Meh, why stop them from doing something they enjoy? I'm a no-coiner myself but I started to observe and try to understand how the cryptomarket works and it's pretty funny whenever their's a collapse.

>> No.10727579

Shut up commie. Some people are self-reliant and aren't stuck in a dead end job.

>> No.10727699

Are you me? I always come back to /biz/ when I see theres a big drop in BTC. Then when it stabilizes I leave again.

I'm preying for sub 5k. I can't wait to see the pinkies.

>> No.10727726

I actually got a minor interest in alt coins and was thinking of making some small investment just to see where it takes me. Thank God I still have my jobs on the side though so I'll never worry about going in debt.

>> No.10727972

We know dipshit. This isn’t plebbit.

>> No.10728017

>Don't you guys have friends to hang out with when you're not mining?

>> No.10728054

>if you're not destroying the world through civilization and making your boss richer YOU'RE the parasite

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10728248

>As far as that which is of interest to us, namely, that which has to do with desire, to its array and disarray, so to speak, the position of power of any kind in all circumstances and in every case, whether historical or not, has always been the same.
>What is Alexander's proclamation when he arrived in Persepolis or Hitler's when he arrived in Paris? The preamble isn't important: "I have come to liberate you from this or that." The essential point is "Carry on working. Work must go on." Which, of course, means: "Let it be clear to everyone that this is on no account the moment to express the least surge of desire." The morality of power, of the service of goods, is as follows: "As far as desires are concerned, come back later. Make them wait."

>> No.10728271

I think I've finally figured it out.
NEETs are the modern realisation of John Galt's strike in Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.10728375

Hey Nic how you doing man, it's Tony. At least you keep a smile on your face.

I hope everything works out for you, the gov is giving me gibs to go to school and my child is on the way but you know that. Sorry I didn't grab you that iced coffee, probably going to off myself pretty soon.

All the best.

>> No.10728438

They do it out of necessity. That's why I don't make fun of wagies because they can't afford to tell their boss to fuck off or else they risk not having food in their belly, clothes their back, and a roof over their head.

>> No.10728465

>a large percentage of the South American population believe more socialism is the answer

Do the boomer or younger generation believe so too? When do you reckon the finance in South America will turn better?

>> No.10728476

>>a large percentage of the South American population believe more socialism is the answer
>Do the boomer or younger generation believe so too? When , you reckon, will the finance in South America turn better?

>> No.10728579
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I'm glad my parents were intelligent with money and invested so I don't have to work.

>> No.10728595

I WANT TO DIE FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10728634

It's mommy's quiet time, Danny.

>> No.10728651


>> No.10728655

Hey hey it's not like I can afford an extravagant lifestyle, I just got a couple of houses and like a million.

I'm not sending my kids to schools in the swiss alps or anything.

>> No.10728672
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>> No.10728684

IDK I just became a researcher.

>> No.10728688
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>> No.10728690

i like my job but pic related makes me ree

I save eight k a year by maxing out 401k and IRA though. I wish companies didn't have to provide insurance, commuter benefits, 401k etc and just give me extra cash and do the benefits on my own.

>> No.10728692

Nice job dude

>> No.10728699
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>> No.10728701
File: 154 KB, 1445x960, mill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just work at the plant like your old man, pal.

>> No.10728708

I'm going to cut my head off with a power saw.

>> No.10728710

This. Homeless people are redpilled.

>> No.10728719

Booze. But my cat keeps me offing myself.

>> No.10728727
File: 26 KB, 498x321, A+funny+suicide+_9a30a3acc7ecc44d2a1548a01cf05089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10728736

You spelled brainlette wrong.

>> No.10728739

I Might jump over to /fit/, if i become a wagecuck i'm going to need the strength to not off myself.

>> No.10728750

is there a joke here?

>> No.10728754

God damned thieves.

>> No.10728766

Wait a second, the US has almost as high taxes as Canada.

I thought it was way better down there?

>> No.10728840

That's a pseudo choice. Leave your work and what now? Can't pay for shit and you live buying shit.

>> No.10728858
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The hardest part is gritting my teeth for people I actually like, being Norman faggots about crypto, making bitcoin dad jokes.

It’s gonna be so Fucking hard to be gracious when I’m rich off this shit. All this will have been worth it.

>> No.10728925

>He doesn’t employ 40+ people
When will you make the step up to wage master anons?

>> No.10728926



>Living at home at 23
>Fell for the university meme (Non STEM)
>No gf and don't want a serious relationship or have kids unless it's with a traditional woman. (Not much chance of that here in the UK, would have to race mix or learn Polish)
>Unless the next crypto bull run makes me rich I'm going to try to join the Royal Air force (or army signals if I must)
>Also submit to the coffee jew currently but moving back to matcha tea

>> No.10728942
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What sort of thing do you run anon? I'm currently trying to spin some of my research out into its own company.

>> No.10728972

Hospitality my dude. There’s a reason the hotel is the endgame piece in Monopoly, it’s fool proof.

>> No.10728981

Isn't AirBnB raping you alive now?

>> No.10728986

It's mostly because of my location. NY has one of the highest state taxes and then I have to pay again for being in NYC.

Tbh I could complain about the MTA but in general I think it's not as bad as people claim, other than a 1-2 days a month where everything goes to shit. It's bad, yes, and nowhere even close to other metros like Shanghai, Tokyo, even fucking Buenos Aires..but it gets me to where I want to go, usually.
Plus our city libraries are incredible. So many free books/audiobooks/movies, tons of services like being AC/cooldown centers in the summer, resume/interview prep every day, computer classes every day for both kids and adults, free lunch for kids during the summer...plus the city offers free Pre-K for everyone. I think free pre-k is probably the most important thing a country can do to improve its future long-term.
In any case I'm mostly ok with paying 4k a year to live here.

That being said, the city officials ARE crooks and embezzle tons of money to give it all to their construction contractor friends who jack up the prices by 2.5x. We could easily pay the exact same amount of taxes but provide much more for our city. I'd rather focus on this problem than reducing taxes.

>> No.10729046

Not at all, it hasn’t really caught on where I’m based. We have built good rapport with loyal repeat customers who usually book next years stay at the end of their current one. 12 years of uninterrupted growth, from a family run affair to a booming enterprise.

>> No.10729816

they work because they want to feed their family and take care of them. It’s not hard to understand.

>> No.10729823

cursed image

>> No.10729879

Some people legitimately needs something productive to do. Some people are followers rather than wanderers and leaders.

We didn't become the top dogs of this planet by not being incredibly varied in our behavior.

>> No.10729884



>> No.10729887

I would be in the army if I were you.
I live in a place with no army sovereignty. My best bet is to be a policeman but I don't fucking want to be a policeman nor a correctional officer

>> No.10729910

Living in day tight compartments. This is how one does it.,,,

>> No.10729912

Actually love my job
> Paramedic, earn heaps of $$ for a job which is different every day
> Tons of respect from community
> Bitches love it - (can take care of them)
> Working towards aero-paramedic

Why aren't you one anon?

>> No.10730425

Because here it implies driving 600 pound fatties to the ER because they thought they were having a heart attack after trying the new flavor of Monster Zero.

>> No.10730467

>asking the crypto board about why people have jobs

>> No.10730478

>Work a job where being competent allows you to get by with 15 minutes of actual work.
>Become irreplacable and then say "i'm working from home or getting the fuck out of here".
>Give 0 fucks about other people's perception of you

aka go into cs and don't be a brainlet. You get paid a shit ton because you can solve problems, and it's easy as shit because most devs are retarded/spend too much time being sjw's

and this

>> No.10730556
File: 23 KB, 242x255, Collapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually suitable /biz/ content during crypto bear markets.

>> No.10730559
File: 329 KB, 1062x796, homeless igloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most devs are retarded/spend too much time being sjw's
can you explain the massive amount of nu-left trash in tech, i would have figured something that autistic and engineery would be fairly immune
seems like 10% are trannies, half are betas bowing down to their feminist overlords, 20% women claiming discrimination and then 20% normal people just doing their fucking job
y'all niggas need testosterone replacement therapy

>> No.10730621

can't explain it but the numbers are slightly off there

There is about 10% of us that go hard beta when we first start solely to make a name for ourselves/become critical to the business (aka get shit done fast and don't offend people). Then when they wouldn't possibly fire us, we go into idgaf mode - aka work from home, shitpost/troll in our work slack, talk shit to other devs, and get one critical thing done per month to stay important. Takes about 1.5-2 years at a place to get to this point.

Typically these groups of devs stick together since they can't stand the other 90% - so it's a lesser known group. Gilfoyle in silicon valley is the best 'media caricature' of this kind of dev.

but yeah, the general tech environment is garbage

>> No.10730839

I've been a NEET for 10 years now and I couldn't be happier. You are just another worthless stimuli-reaction automaton NPC.

>> No.10730874

I like working.

I can't imagine a worse fate than sitting at home and playing video games or some shit.

NEETs need to be sterilized.

>> No.10731848

Normies need to kys

>> No.10731902
File: 175 KB, 612x612, Angel_Giuffriaaannggeellll_archer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody famous ever worked for someone else.

>> No.10731941

Excuse me but is that a cyborg hand?

>> No.10731981

I work at a hospital. My boss gives me good feedback => I feel validated.
Patient lives, leukaemias, cancers, ICU.
I fucking love this.
I overwork every day.

>> No.10732011

Err is that a new meme ? Because it’s not fekkin true.

>> No.10732057

its like this shithole has been infested by them

>> No.10732084


>> No.10732092
