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File: 171 KB, 380x443, ShadyLu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10718952 No.10718952 [Reply] [Original]


vechain is a sca-


>> No.10718973


>> No.10718995 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 600x675, 1534243378015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say they have a solution. That doesn't mean the government will fucking buy it you stupid chinks.

Another promise with nothing to back it up.

>> No.10719022

You know what belows my mind?
You faggots not buying bcash. It's backed by Jihan!

>> No.10719027
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They say they have a solution. That doesn't mean the government will fucking buy it you stupid chinks.

Another promise with nothing to back it up.

Vechain holders are actually delusional enough to think the CHINESE government is going to buy their fucking VTHO on the open market and make them all rich.

>> No.10719058

retard look at the article, it's on fucking nasdaq. ?????

>> No.10719071

Lmao, you can't be serious.

>> No.10719073


>> No.10719111

do u know who nasdaq is? they own the technology in america.

>> No.10719136


>> No.10719137

Haha, people actually fell for the "vechain is a chinkscam" meme. HAHAHAHA.....reverse CHINKED.

>> No.10719160

i wonder who sold the bottom thanks to the fud.

>> No.10719213

are you the original rkg? if yes, you are legit braindead and should kys.

>actually buying vechink

>> No.10719261

>company announces product
Wowee fudders btfo huh guys?
This will surely power up my spiderman nodes

>> No.10719301

>In a blog post published earlier this month, VeChain announced that it had been "tasked to achieve" a blockchain-based solution for recording data related to vaccine production in China.
The blog post noted that VeChain will use "highly sensitive IoT devices" to record data during the vaccine production process and then store that data on VeChainThor, VeChain's enterprise blockchain. The solution ensures "the reliability of the data source" while also eliminating "the potential risks in the whole process and ensures that vaccine records are immutable and permanent," per the company.

So once again the primary source is none other than VeChain themselves. I can't believe you retards believe any of this shit. China Hustle 101.

>> No.10719314

Welp I fucked up that formatting. At least I'm not falling for this Chinamen trickery.

>> No.10719319

>chinks can't be trusted to produce vaccines
>we should trust other chinks to solve the problem
Oh I'm laffin

>> No.10719440

bro are u fucked in the head or something? This was posted by NASDAQ. THEY OWN ALL THE TECHNOLOGY.

>> No.10719441

fucking kek. Nothing shady about this pump for new node stuff, then a paid article to help pump with fake news attached. Keep on buying vetards. How many times are they going to release node lockups and new types of nodes? It's all a cash grab to lure morons, while they just sell away to fiat. To pump price some more and keep on dumping on you vetards. This is the biggest carrot and stick scam i've ever witnessed

>> No.10719472

holy fuck can you read? This article is on NASDAQ. WHO DO U THINK OWNS ALL THE TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD.

>> No.10719485
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That chad stepping tho

>> No.10719486

>To celebrate the mainnet launch and the VeChain project’s one year anniversary, we introduced the ‘Economic Node Maturity Period Waive’ event!

LMFAO. keep buying this scam.

>> No.10719522

Nice try Rajit but you need to work on your English. I am never buying an Asian coin ever again.

>> No.10719550

>This article is on NASDAQ
>"So, while it would be a mistake to read too much into what VeChain's announcement means"
So the source of info for this "article" is vechain themselves. FAKE NEWS and PAID ARTICLE...You guys are seriously the dumbest fucking investors, you're all the type that would've bought into bitconnect with the utmost enthusiasm.

>> No.10719553

buying into vechain is like believing ripple will be adopted by banks - it's just too niche and shortsighted

couple with the lottery system, needlessly gamified node tiers and ridiculous 1:100 split, you'd have to be retarded to think it's anything but a nicely wrapped scam

Will companies use vechain or something like microsoft azure/insurwave?

>> No.10719555

you're loss amerimutt

>> No.10719569

just look at the partnerships...

>> No.10719584

>You're loss

>> No.10719587

its nasdaq cmon nasdaq, all aboard you fags
will regret your pink faces not buying high

sell low biz

>> No.10719591

hahahahaahahahaha. pajeet confirmed

>> No.10719595

>partners with 100 lambs to fight lions

>> No.10719597

Man it sure smells like summer up in here

>> No.10719600

so what? I have better english then you'll ever be.

>> No.10719610
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0/10 bait. go back to plebbit faggot

>> No.10719627

I’ll give you 1000$ in the coin of your choice if you can prove that Vechain paid for this article

Go ahead I’ll wait foxy, this is now the like 10th time I’ve asked you for proof that you claim Vechain paid for something and you have yet to reply

Matter of fact I’ll give you 10000$ if you can prove Vechain paid for it buddy

>> No.10719628
File: 171 KB, 750x1334, D209D0AF-5B34-4F5D-974F-B4F3A5FD1431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow a brain

>> No.10719631

nothing wrong with reddit, it is a happy community full of friendly and happy and cheerful purple flying people eaters.

>> No.10719640

Check below quote and pay me


>> No.10719644

One last shill before sub 100 sats

Vechainies already lost it

>> No.10719645

I'm 26 years old, retard. This dude is just shilling his bags and I ain't buying.
I honestly do wish you the best of luck. This market is retarded enough that you may just get to dump your bags on some gullible normies.

>> No.10719667

VEN love to make promises, lets see them actually deliver a product for a change. We are all waiting...

>> No.10719674

You really don’t have a fuckin clue do you, 99% of articles say that at the bottom on every single news site you dipshit

They label everything as opinion pieces nowadays and that doesn’t mean it’s paid for foxy god damn you get dumber almost daily

>> No.10719691
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>26 years old
>takes the most obvious of bait

>> No.10719703

every time I enter a VeChain thread there's always some dumb old faggot mistaking every bit of FUD as my doing

crytopherwalken/thewolfofbittrex/criptolete you are psychotic

>> No.10719707
File: 10 KB, 200x200, thisfuckingguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the article writer. One of his prior articles was shilling MADnetwork. Ever heard of it? Believe what you want to believe but the fact is this is paid advertising. Bitcoin isn't out of a bear market, why would you want buy some fucking chink coin that has 300 transactions a day whilst claiming they'll start out of the gate with millions by big businesses. Get a fucking clue

>> No.10719723
File: 86 KB, 951x484, 30FE7E3F-5C19-47CC-8597-7A3E21E1CD07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just proved and you made a cope excuse to avoid paying
If you don’t have the balls to go ahead with your claims then don’t make them.

Oh and

>The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of NASDAQ, Inc.

>> No.10719737

What is his name? Thinking of going detective mode to expose shitcoin ven desu

>> No.10719745
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>> No.10719750

This is how dumb foxy is seriously guys just look at this retard
>my doing

I call him foxy and he goes on to refer to himsel in first person while denying he’s foxy lmao pathetic

>> No.10719756

Christopher Tozzi. Good luck, it's all blog type shit equivalent to tmz esque rumors and heresay.

>> No.10719758

Christopher Tozzi.
Lol nvm found it
It wasn’t visible on the mobile site>>10719737

>> No.10719762

bro forget all that crap. Just buy. You won't regret.

>> No.10719769

How is a statement of it being an opinion piece mean it’s paid for you literal dumb sack of shit lmao you cannot possibly be this dumb holy hell

>> No.10719800
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>> No.10719805
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>> No.10719843

Gonna pay for Nasdaq to write an article on niggercoin

>> No.10719844
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>> No.10719884

Lol @ fudders. Stay poor.

>> No.10719905
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still falling for their tired old marketing bullshit lmao.

>> No.10719912
File: 183 KB, 800x371, serveimage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the guy who got made fun of last night for saying Vechain is one of the only 4 coins you need, I salute you.

>> No.10719916


Good one foxy >>10719750

>> No.10719926

Hook line and sinker. Gotta hand it to sunny woo. They sure know how to completely fool normies.

>> No.10719931

funny thing is vechain will likely be worth hundreds of dollars in the future.

>> No.10719985


So if Vechain say its true, then its true? What kind of fucked up religion-cult-like-group is that? Completely trapped in a circle jerk, positive feedback loop and full of self validation.

>> No.10720005


Yeah, literally, when the china hustle crew pull their exit scam and the market cap literally plunges to a few hundred dollars. Wise words you have.

>> No.10720015

I meant per coin dipshit.

>> No.10720043

Stockholme syndrome. You do realize there was a coordinated pnd group last night that made a buy call based on "insider" info. And once we see the said info, and it's all sourced from vechain themselves along with new node incentives. It all screams scam, but ya sure keep buying mongo.

>> No.10720062


Lulz, you don't think I knew that? You truly are a fucking spastic, typical VEN bag holder.

>> No.10720080
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>> No.10720104

This really feels like a b8 thread, but this flawed logic and retarded faith remindes me of january when a ton of fags came buying in and drove the price up.
This might be the final pump I need

>> No.10720192


>> No.10720404

Even if it is bait why can't you just let us roll with it? I need a reason to dish out racial insults it's no fun otherwise.

>> No.10720502
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>> No.10720643
File: 61 KB, 396x368, 85312945-BAB7-4840-9B49-D13BB50F2195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fag CEO literally practices manipulation techniques so openly

I badly wish this was done in the stock market so that the small cocked chink would’ve been arrested.

>> No.10720645


>> No.10720667


You’re still here foxy? >>10719916

>> No.10720705


Who says he won't get arrested in due time? Him, cream, cci and cck have all organised pump and dumps, thats illegal.

>> No.10720724
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>> No.10720928


>> No.10720962

eventually Sunny will just leave with his millions in $ and move on to another coin and pump that. It's all part of the plan

>> No.10721023


Gold fish memory mother fucker hahaha, this is all part of sunny and creams plan, remember how the token snap shots for the VEN nodes occur on 3 different dates... there is no need to do this, the token is just a big pump and dump for them to shit on their investors

>> No.10721045


He won't need to move onto another coin, he will make so much money from shitting on the Ven investors, he is set to retire.

>> No.10721098

That legal disclaimer is on EVERY news page. It doesn't mean you can just publish any BS and Nasdaq will turn a blind eye. If its on the Nasdaq website then its real.Sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.10721139

good point. but he knows he can bait retards all day long with recycled fake news using themselves as the lone source. It's like printing money, once the jig is up for vechain, sunny will be working on some other project. Maybe even some ico on the vecahin network, like bitocean (another scam)

>> No.10721241

Wouldn't it just be easier, safer and more prosperous long term to deliver the solution that they've spent years marketing and developing? If they were that Machiavellian they would have got out last Dec during the biggest pnd in crypto history? Oh yeh, i forgot, they don't have a product, or any real partners and they rent their office by the day and the worlds largest and most trusted compliance company is in on the gag.. do me a favour.

>> No.10721264


the thing is, if it WAS the stock market he would be arrested or under investigation.

>> No.10721322

Ever heard of White Monkey gig, that's what the article author has been paid for. Just a standard China Hustle.

>> No.10721427
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A freakin' robot voice lmao

>> No.10721484


>> No.10721556


>everything down 2-3%
>Vechain up 35%
>because they released another medium article from their "foundation"

Yeah. This is as clear of a PnD as I've ever seen.

>> No.10721621


you have no idea. the denial is also so strong on some telegram groups. how can ppl be losing moeny, participating in the market for almost a year and not understand fuck all about it? does owning Vechain literally make you blind?

>> No.10721720

Are you going to pay up or not

>> No.10721891

Vetards are the type of people that watch CNN and think the Russians rigged the election, yet don't see the Trump dossier as being foreign collusion. Vetards are the most delusional and blind of all crypto holders. They make bitconnecters look like smart people.

>> No.10722672
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CRTL F "foxy"

7 results

Who is shilling vechaim here from. Reddit? Is is justlookingforstems, nineonetwofag, cucktopherwalken, cryptocuck, disobedient faggot, addsaudiotofaggot, litecoinisobsolete, silverspy? Or one of the telgram fags like stocktonslapmyass, creaminmyass the larping whore Joanna or that scorpz fag?

Who is it? I must know. Who is that pathetic?

Maybe it's one of their mods that create new mod accounts? Because they're chink shills?

Vechain is the only coin dumb enough to brag about a pump after getting assraped for 8 months straight. And no, the entire market is not down. Many coins haven't gone down close to what you have

>> No.10722755

Did any of you morons actually read the article? That is the most bullshit sponspored article I have read.

>The Chinese government has spent the past several weeks scrambling to respond to a vaccine safety crisis. Now, at least one government agency has turned to blockchain technology and the IoT for a solution, according to enterprise blockchain provider VeChain .

So in a vaccine crisis, they have no solutions? Oh but in comes Sunny with his blockchain, and his hoardes of delusional Neets who bought his "THOR MASTERNODES" and "STRENGTH MASTERNODES"

Don't worry Chinese government. You can track your vaccine shipments on our ETH forked brockchainu. Whew thanks Sunny, we were scrambling but you solved it. Btw, why is your coin dumping so much?

>> No.10722930

>Oh no i've been exposed

>> No.10723846
File: 1.15 MB, 3024x4032, C6ECCFC9-6F21-4DCB-8011-88488C92E9DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A company that does shit like this is partnered with China?


>> No.10723934

Please show me where Vechain had any involvement in this foxy

I’ll give you 1000$ in the coin of your choice

>> No.10723979

holy shit did you guys just see that this thing is crashing HARD

>> No.10724016

holy fuck dude this is a pump and dump scam if i ever saw one

>> No.10724037

yep cant believe they scammed this many people

>> No.10724372
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>> No.10724432
File: 190 KB, 995x1069, F7FC48A7-D35A-431A-B67F-C88A7BC85177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind = below