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10684754 No.10684754 [Reply] [Original]

>25 years old.
>Dad passed away when I was 14.
>Mom is disabled, can't work and lives with me.
>Little brother is going to community college to become a teacher.
>I am the primary provider of family.
>I have been working shitty retail & factory jobs for the last 7 years struggling to make ends meet.
>I job hop yearly for better opportunities.
>I got a decent good paying factory job 4 months ago ($16.25 an hour (was making $12 before)).
>I got let go of job because of confrontation with manager (3 other coworkers quit this month because of him).
>My work history is fucked.
>Most jobs available to me only pay $10-$12 an hour and they are getting hard to get because of fucked work history.
>My apartments just got bought by another company and my rent is going up another $100 ($950 an month).
>I have a running vehicle and about $5k in the bank.
What do I do to fix my situation? I would have probably shot myself if it wasn't for my family depending on me. Also how do I get mental health checkup, I have been having panic attacks and feel I am on route to having a nervous breakdown.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yizkt5BubGo [Embed]

>> No.10684780

put you were a self employed crypto investor on your resume to fill the timegap. maybe someone will see it and feel bad.

>> No.10684799

>You will never find happiness though. You have been dealt one of the shittiest gene lotteries which is a dead parent and a disabled one. Im not being sadistic or a bad person here, talking seriously imano ti imano.
>The thing is that you need to forget the whole dad thing which is probably impossible, but you ever writing here shows that you still think about. Lose it completely.
>Now the whole momma thing being disabled, you kind of need to give him to professionals. I mean like there def. are some centers that take your mom in, who care for her, who train her, but y gotta pay it up. Now it feels like you are dumping your momma but otherwise your momma is going to stay with you forever and you have to care for her, spend time etc. You are already 25, you still have 5 years left of fun time.
>The whole thing is that you are going to fucking regret your whole life for being a little caring bitch (again might seem like a bad person but the fact is) you are being used as the main provider. But that is not your goal in life. Your biological goal is to have children who pass on your genes and your personal goals, are, your personal goals. The fact that your brother said fuck this shit and finds an escape tool as being a teacher is also fucked up. Why cant he take care of your mom?
>The thing is its not like fuck mom and fuck everything. Just be a good boy and put him into a center.

>> No.10684805

I’ve had plenty of pa. Best advice is to take deep breaths and breathe through your nose and mouth. Whatever combination. Also pick up on some chicks. It helps a ton to forget about the shitty shit of life. Little brother- ask if he can get a partrime job to lessen the load on you because hey you wanna go and go to school as well.

>> No.10684810

Buy a fucking Bitcoin.

>> No.10685176

There are state benefits for this, your mom can get social security.m, and you can get paid as a caretaker from the state depending on her disabilities. You might be able to make decent money getting financial aid to go to school, and take some trade school classes like welding or HVAC to get I into a market. I suggest also just googling “local union sign up” and find what unions are hiring and show up early in the morning first in line and take the test and sign up. After signing up you take a test and go through interviews and you can start making decent money.

Se come to last : support your brother in all endeavors while you work shitty retail and make ends meet any which way you can, then you can count on him to make money to support you while you go to school.

Last case scenario: join the military. If your mom is truly a dependent, and she relies on you, you can join and she can come with you to your duty station And you can get housing money while you are at boot camp and what ever duty station you are at. It’s not common and not discussed, but your mother can be a dependent. If she decided to stay, you would never get housing and be forced to live on barracks while housing money goes in your pocket and you send money back to your mom.

>> No.10685313

Apply to the state as a caregiver for your mom and they will pay you for it. Sorry for your situation anon

>> No.10685464

Thanks for the advice guys.

>> No.10685478



here's your (you)

>> No.10685638
File: 9 KB, 300x168, Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking wish.

>> No.10685642

nice blog

>> No.10685656

mom should be getting gibs from the government.

>> No.10685702

^ Dis. Also if you are good at making friends with people, then social marketing might help. Something based on a consumable like a health product where you get your own website and stuff and people come back to keep buying it. Maybe it could help your mom too? Good luck, anon.

>> No.10685793
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I wish my family's rent was sub 1k. We pay $4k a month. I also wish my parents would buy a damn home with that money but w/e. I'm making $20/hr with benefits in retail, but I work my nigger-ass off. I'm hoping to become a store manager in the next 2 years so I can earn some really dollahs. I'd describe myself as some kind of working-neet. I have no life outside of work, 4chan/internet and a few family obligations. My life isn't that bad: my mom is a (well-paid) registered nurse and my dad is retired military. If the two of them had handled their money better they could have been really well off (upper middle class probably), but they had 4 kids and my dad didn't pay the IRS taxes for a decade. idk, overall my lfie is alright. I can't really give you sound advice, OP. I'm also 25 and not I don't really have my shit together fully.

>> No.10685795

Abandon your family to live the hedonistic lifestyle you rightfully deserve. Don't let your cripple mother hold you back, you only live once you know, just let them go and be free.

>> No.10685820
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, 59907ec4f3c8dee6b44f03873f3b194d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should proofread my shit before posting. I apologize in advance for the errors. fuck it.

>> No.10685851

>Buy a couple tickets to sweden
>take all your mothers identification
>abandon her at a government office
>refuse that you know her when they try to contact you

>> No.10685943

>Charge your mother rent based on a percentage of her disability checks
>Charge your brother rent and make him get a part time job to cover it.
>Create a diversified dividend portfolio to slowly add to from your pay from work and rent.this eill eventually pay your bills.