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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10658478 No.10658478 [Reply] [Original]

What is happening to this guy?
Drugs, mental disease?

>> No.10658499

Narcissistic mother

>> No.10658509

nothing he's just being richer than u that's all.

>> No.10658528


>when you take nofap seriously

>> No.10658548


>> No.10658578

grimes gf

>> No.10658609

He's not being a virgin loser shitposting on a /biz/, that's what's happening to him.

>> No.10658612

He’s fucking up shorters and bears wanabees so

>> No.10658669

He's following trump's steps into breaking the paradigm. Population is tired of any successful person becoming a bot that regurgitates the same two or three PC-approved narratives at any given time. It's not even about being left or right, it's about having original thoughts even if they're offensive
>Trump says he doesnt like immigration, offends people
>Gets elected
>Jordan peterson says he doesn't like trannies, offends people
>Becomes worldwide bestseller
>Ben Shapiro says he doesnt like abortion and communism, offends people
>Sways some hardcore jew haters
Freedom of speech is slowly making progress and these guys are pioneers

>> No.10658676

he's got tiger blood, faggot

>> No.10658685


>Ben Shapiro says he doesnt like abortion and communism, offends people
>Sways some hardcore jew haters

Nice try shlomes

>> No.10658687


look up the cocaine fuelled swingers parties he throws at his house for the (((hollywood elite))).

>> No.10658698

le drug abuse con man

literally r*ddit

>> No.10658700
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>> No.10658704

Jealous you weren't invited? Only made people get to double team with Elon.

>> No.10658787



(seriously though. look it up)

>> No.10658825

JPAS - jewish puppetstring attachment syndrome

>> No.10658848

Unfortunately it seems I don't have the right /pol/-approved sources, as the google is unable to find anything matching your description.

>> No.10658863
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I've seen where people eventually end up after they starting mixing booze and ambien. It ain't pretty.

>> No.10658876
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>> No.10658906

Yeah I've done it tons of times and there's really nothing good that can come out of it

>> No.10658910

>Drugs, mental disease?
stress from the imminent bankruptcy of Tesla.

>> No.10658946
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Lmao when biz doesn't know what winning looks like.

>> No.10658960
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wtf is ambien ?

>> No.10658968

Buddy of mine works for a small company of his. Though Elon only swings by like once a month at most, the prevailing rumor is that he's been using some sort of upper pretty seriously. They say he seems to be in good spirits though since the only they see him when he's not thinking about Tesla. He compartmentalizes very well

>> No.10658987

He doesn't give a shit

>> No.10658995

>How ya feeling pedro?
>Am bien, gracias

>> No.10659133


I would be surprised if the vast majority of fortune 500 CEOs like Musk weren't taking nootropic drugs of some sort beyond caffeine

>> No.10659145


Dude is based. You can't relate obv


>> No.10659150


The rest of the fortune 500 look like organ donating cadavers next to this guy

>> No.10659179

every time

>> No.10659348


then go ask pol


thats hot

>> No.10659478


>> No.10659578

Time traveling reality distortion. Also hes a clone, replacable.

>> No.10659615

Cool LARP. How much do you people get paid to post constant anti Musk shit.

>> No.10659656

This. He's done everything correctly up until now so why change? Had he followed the hive he'd be shitposting online like the rest of us

>> No.10659722

Stress of trying to be a car company when your really good at rockets and batteries.

>> No.10659738

Con man losing self-control due to early onset dementia. Trust me, I've studied this issue in depth. 10 years from now he will start losing the ability to speak.

>> No.10659743

just plain old arrogance and a loudspeaker.

>> No.10659757


>An Increased Risk of Reversible Dementia May Occur After Zolpidem Derivative Use in the Elderly Population

Ambien is triggering his dementia. Guy will be in a wheelchair in 10 years if he doesn't get his shit together.

>> No.10659770

Simplest answer would be stress, loooots of stress

>> No.10659796

Very, very, very under-rated.

>> No.10659818

>then go ask pol
No. /biz/ is the lowest IQ board I'm willing to visit.

>> No.10659877

>pisses off the press
>pisses off basedvestors
>pisses off left

Sounds like an alpha dog to me.

>> No.10659974

Tesla is going to fail if it can't be bailed out by an LBO. So many signs point to this, and the fall will be fast. The competition rolling out in the next 2 years will sink it. Musk realizes this and is cracking.

>> No.10660049

Exactly this.

The castles in the sky he built are about to fall back to earth, the writing is on the wall and he realizes it's over. Also you can take a look at him, probably on some drugs and not exercising/poor diet, really doing a number on his sanity.


>> No.10660105

Post screenshots of your short positions.

>> No.10660108


/pol/ is a highbrow board sir.

>> No.10660121


bet you guys think 'le drumpf hab dementia xD'

>> No.10660129

I have a fairly positive opinion of the man you brainlet. Learn to develop a nuanced position on someone, Dont be a redditor with an on-off switch.

>> No.10660137


>> No.10660145
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Everything is fine.

>> No.10660153


Overconfidence from living in a bubble where everyone around him is a yes-man who tells him he's a real life Tony Stark. Now he's cracking and he doesn't even see it because everyone keeps riding his cock and telling him that pissing everyone off and being a shithead is "alpha."

>> No.10660159

No, I don't think Trump has dementia. Hillary has though.

>> No.10660166


The dude named the Jew publically. That's a big no-no to the (((chosen elite))).

>> No.10660171

I own 100k oz of silver.

I'm short the entire QE bullshit market. U til that collapses nothing will happen to Tesla. Why would I short and lose my shirt when I can own sound money short the entire system and make 100x?

Oh and, btw...Tesla is worth more on paper than all of silver in the entire world...really makes you think...

>> No.10660188

Just cage at believing you can be logical in this market. Pigs like Tesla moon on bad news. Thank you federal reserve!

>> No.10660199
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How's your orbital rocket booster going, Jeff?
Tesla produces real-world value (even though the current price is adjusted for future revenue), meanwhile silver is 100x more overpriced than its industrial use would justify. Really makes me think.

>> No.10660205


Musk is great, but there are many others just as talented that can give better ROI now.

Takes some digging.

>> No.10660211
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>> No.10660226

nigga can't even learn to create a real factory his logistics is shit and he should stick to taking 2% off white people's money. it's bizarre how bezos can create a system so huge it destroys the shipping system in the U.S. but Elon can't even figure out a linear manufacturing system. nigga dumb

>> No.10660298

i remember when i thought this kind of moody 80s synth pop was gay but now i realize where it's coming from contextually (reaction to the wankery of the 60s and disco faggotry of the 70s) and it's actually quite based

>> No.10660442

yeah he seems like it.

"I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important."

-Donald J. Trump, 7/5/18

>> No.10660532


>> No.10660585

Why the hair tho?

>> No.10660644


oh right, sure! a transcript of a segment of speech that makes more sense in video format due to the context, presentation, and because it was carefully selected by the media to be taken out of context to make the president look bad is definitely proof he has dementia.

really owned drumpf there buddy.

>> No.10660824

Balding cuck had to get hair transplants lmao
Anxiety will make you lose hair early on
Also he's nowhere as intelligent as he thinks he is, shareholder hyper is fueling his pipe dream for now but it's gonna crash hard and it will be an ugly mess

>> No.10660882

If even half of the stuff about his "Legendary work ethic" (read: maniacal workaholism) is true, I'd say burnout and nervous breakdown he is too stubborn and prideful to admit. Also facing the looming fact that he is not going to make it just by trying harder than anyone else.

>> No.10660921

Grief from the current genocide in South Africa.

>> No.10661244

Even with context it's a cringe train wreck

>> No.10661295
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>> No.10661542


I would love to see what you have accomplished besides getting out of your bed every morning.

>> No.10661639

The media's biased stance on him and his company finally got to him. WHICH is a good thing.