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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10657106 No.10657106 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10657115

I was fucking up every trade but still making tonnes of money

>> No.10657118

The levels of arrogance I felt consumed me, now the levels of regret are killing me

>> No.10657122

excruciating, as if I only hodl I would have made more money, I was selling all the way up, when it hit 20k I had nothing left

>> No.10657127

like getting raped by a virgin

>> No.10657131

I was in full "I am a trading god" hubris mode. I was sitting at 400% sat profits and convinced myself that this was the new normal and that only a fool would sell now. I let it slide back down, way down, before I finally took profits. I still made about 80% sat profits, but still. What the fuck was my malfunction.

>> No.10657137
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>WOW OnLY 20% gaiNs thats PREtty shiTTy
>*Image showing he bought after a x4 increase form the low*
>Shill shill shill so many different coins every new thread like a gatling gun

>> No.10657145

Amazing, but scary. Waking up richer every day, but with the constant knowing that it will all come crashing down any moment.

>> No.10657155

No drug I've taken felt as good.

>> No.10657162

euphoric. pure euphoria. i remember one day waking up to a 400% gain. fuck me. never had the feeling in my life before.

>> No.10657169


>> No.10657170

Retarded December Buyer here (5k investment) but I witnessed the altcoin moon and fortunately went soon into Alts after buying Bitcoin at ~17k.
I would open up my portfolio in the morning and it was + $1000 every morning for like 2 weeks.
My ATH was 14k.
It felt fucking great.

I can only imagine, how it was for ppl who bought mid 2017 or earlier and Coins didn't stop mooning in Nov/December.

>> No.10657172

November-December was insane, like really out of this world gains.

>> No.10657191
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I will never experience these feels

>> No.10657198

this lol

>> No.10657214

It was balls to the walls insane, every day waking up to gains. Man it didnt matter which shitty fucking shitcoin you put your money in. Since they were all pegged to BTC they all went parabolic. But greed kicked in and then we fell harder than a woman hitting the age 30 wall.

>> No.10657393
File: 32 KB, 450x450, EA56029B-5355-439A-B792-AC0C7889DA3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to experience it?
Buy CNVT on the 30th

>> No.10657420

It ruined this board, now that people won't accept it was lightning in a bottle and will never happen again

>> No.10657432

Pure euphoria and mania. I felt like a fucking genius

>> No.10657446
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felt fucking amazing, imagine you and your fellow neet friends making more money than fucking doctors and other ambitious wagecucks
It was fucking glorious, it felt so good it should've been illegal, back in January

>> No.10657465

I remember exactly how Dec 31 felt. It was the day/night REQ pumped like 3x and went above a dollar. That was the sickest shit ever, I sat there at the party on a couch, reloading blockfolio every minute and making at least 10% a minute. Made me an investment addict. I now understand how you can have 28 billion dollars and still wanting that 30.. then 35, then 50x the fuck it... a 100

>> No.10657482

The Ripple Moon was crazy, I watched it in disbelief for hours.
It just didn't stop.

>> No.10657521

>reloading blockfolio every minute and making at least 10% a minute.
The concept of actually working a "real job" was so laughable, wagecucks and no coiners were getting mocked and utterly destroyed left and right, biz was like a constant party with the best drugs available, traffic here was crazy. I remember refreshing blockfolio, taking a walk around my room then refreshing portfolio again and shitposting to the fullest here.
Everyone was laughing how easy it is to make a shitload of money buying completely useless shitcoins, even confido pumped a lot as far as I remember.

>> No.10657524

You need to do more drugs then kek.

It was cool I guess. Bought Eth at $10, xrp at .05 and many others very early on.

>> No.10657567
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Like it would keep going up forever and that I was a genius. All the flippenings right around the corner. Turns out all I had to do was buy anything and wait, as soon as the market turned I wasn't prepared, Seeing your folio double consecutive days will melt your resoning abilities. I kept doing dumb shit expecting all alt seasons would be like that until I moved to 20% up from initial investment.

This meme destroyed me so hard. If I could change anything about what I've done it would be this.

>> No.10657655

Post screens or something.

>> No.10657724

idiocy. everyday +40% (at least) if you knew what you were doing.
most didnt took any profit.

>> No.10657731

also biz was crazy. you could refresh it every 10 minutes and the catalog would be completely different with every imaginable coin being shilled.

>> No.10657780

Hell sir. Please buy Bazinga coin. Thank you, sir.

>> No.10658024

It felt too good to be true, and it fucking was.

I had this very strong feeling of hope for the future, I could imagine myself buying a house for my family, retiring and never having to work again.

I felt like a genius, waking up and seeing your portfolio up another 100%, selling a shit ton of Binance accounts when registration was closed, making money from all ends.

I genuinely don't think there's a better feeling than that, it felt a 100x better than an orgasm. You would wake up to your portfolio having doubled overnight and sleeping was hard because of the anticipation.

>> No.10658061

i started in november and the first thing i bought was 3000 USD stellar for 3 cents in late november because of the IBM partership.
6 weeks later i had 100k USD because stellar mooned to 0.96 USD per coin.

it felt fucking amazing and i though i was an investment god. i held onto my 100k xlm till today and i will keep holding since this thing will become a lot bigger than 0.96 per coin.

>> No.10658113

DGB sharpie in pooper guys allways cracked me up.

>> No.10658129

I'm jelly. I was late to the party. 10k XLM trying to accumulate more.

>> No.10658153

first posts best posts

>> No.10658174

i am also holding 3000 USD of smartlands right now for another chance at a 100k USD.

stellar will certainly moon, but another 30x will take a long time.

>> No.10658181

When did you guys get in? It still feels pretty fucking good for most of us.

>> No.10658283

Same, the bullrun actually helped me get sober. I was flipping yayo before but once October rolled around, I was losing profit by having any funds outside of crypto, so I stopped using and dealing to focus on trading and finishing uni. Made a shitload of money and felt like a God. Then got super depressed in January and didn't have the clear head to sell, moved my funds into NEO at $120 thinking dividends would hedge against the crash. Now I'm clean but lonely and broke, much worse off.

>> No.10658300

March this year

>> No.10658314

lmao this, fucked up a lot still made 6x of my life savings.

>> No.10659091

It was fucking insane. The weird part is in summer of 2017, people on /biz/ would say just wait the normies are coming.

And they fucking did man. I felt like a god. My portfolio went from like 30k to over 300k. Now I’m down to 15k. Now I feel daily pain and regret.
Everyone told me to sell but I didn’t listen. Was blinded by greed and euphoria. Felt like a financial genius.
God it was a wonderful time. I even got my own 1 bedroom in Hollywood. I’d go out and do/buy whatever I wanted. Now I’m back at my parents. I wish I was able to take a look around for a sec and see how ridiculous it was, but the greed man just overcomes you.

>> No.10659131

every 10 seconds

>> No.10659143

>Buy literally anything and it would go up 5x-10x
>Feel like a genious
>Start acting like you've allready made it
>Self esteem high as fuck
>Get more pussy (wtf was that)

>> No.10659160


>> No.10659178

Same. BTC was like 17k and I also had 200k Verge which I didn't sell even when it hit 0.29 omg. Vechain, Ripple, XLM fuck that was crazy. Even LINK was over $1,50

>> No.10659201
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Felt untouchable and that I was in early on the biggest transfer of wealth in history. This IS the future after all. You practically couldn't go wrong whatever shitcoin you were to put money on. I made ridiculous gains. I imagine it was similar to steroid users addicted to the gym. Biz had some funny memes and shit going on. Garbage like confido(literal scam) and reddcoin getting shilled etc. Was funny and a year I'll always remember as that bizarre year which made no sense.

>> No.10659461

There were daily threads about which color lambo would we buy. Now can't even afford a bus ticket. It was fun though, all the greatest biz memes like bogs crashing the market were born in that time (december-january)

>> No.10659547
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For me it happened at an interesting time in my life when I'd just graduated school but wasn't yet looking for a job. So my sleep habits went to shit and I'd be up all night shitposting on biz and following charts, but I was able to convince myself I wasn't being a useless shit because I was making so much more money than everyone else I knew. I used to read about prior asset bubbles and wonder how everyone could've been so stupid and made the retarded decisions they did, like not selling near the peak and actually buying more, and would always tell myself I'd never do something so stupid. Was incredibly humbling and eye-opening to go through the experience first-hand to see how many of those same mistakes I replicated despite telling myself I wouldn't.

I originally bought my first bitcoins in May 2013 and bought more in late 2015 and early 2016 because I thought it was actually turning back up. And it did, and I dollar-cost averaged out of the market throughout all of 2017 (which was very hard to do, selling something I'd held for almost 4 years felt almost like breaking up with a girlfriend, it was initially very hard to commit to the plan) and now I'm down to around 3 BTC from the ~30BTC I had at peak. I definitely didn't come close to selling the top if you calculate the average selling price across all my transactions but I still walked away with a huge pile of cash and I have minimal regrets. It's been a hell of a ride boys

>> No.10659554

I was half in on ripple when that happened! Laughed at everyone who doubted me, literally...like to their face

Now, well, they won't stop laughing at me

>> No.10659806

I felt like a trading god. I'd go a couple days without checking my blockfolio because I knew I'd be 5 to 20% up from the last time I checked. I couldn't explain the basics of blockchain tech by December 2017 but I still came out with almost $100k in profits. My only regret was not throwing in more fiat when I started investing in April 2017.

>> No.10660030

imagine a wet warm giant green dildo gently sliding into your tight anus. then it begins throbbing against your prostate..."AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", said the green wojak.

>> No.10660044
File: 208 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot (Dec 15, 2017 10_17_11 PM).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't save most of my screenshots unfortunately. But this is my blockfolio in mid December. I was at around $20k just a few weeks before.

>> No.10660055
File: 205 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot (Jan 3, 2018 11_16_30 PM).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then just 2 weeks later it more than doubled once again.

>> No.10660056


0.001 ETH per token on august 30th for the private sale.

This shit will hit 0.01 ETH easily

>> No.10660163

>that coin only x32 since ICO. What a shitcoin

>> No.10660197

Insane. Traffic here was wild. Any thread you made, it would be in page 4 by 20 seconds.
No matter what you held, you made money. Some more than others, but there was no way to lose.
Insane moons by Oyster Pearl, Raiblocks (Nano) and Tronix. We're talking 100x here. Many others did 20-50x. Almost everything had a 10x. Utter shit, absolute shitstain low tier shitcoins had at least 5-7x.
It was addictive, and you felt like a trading god. We should have sold, but the rush was so high... And you actually feared it would continue to go up, since it wouldn't go down for weeks.

>> No.10660280

>ICX was $7

>> No.10660528
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Every time i see the sys logo i see money swirling down the drain now

>> No.10660574

this. The peak glory for me was making thousands on shit pokemon clones, i was crying with laugther reading biz shitposts while dividends rolled in. As with everything, good things in life dont last long and i ended up gambling it all on bitmex once alts started shitting the bed