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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10650388 No.10650388 [Reply] [Original]

>sleep (7hours average)
>wake up (1 hour)
>have breakfast, get ready, commute (1 hour minimum)
>go to gym (1 hour) (Cannot cope mentally otherwise)
>at work (9 hours minimum) staring off into the distance whilst normalfag coworkers talk about nothing non stop
> commute home (1 hour)
> make dinner/cook for next day/clean/chores/personal hygiene (1 hour minimum)
>1 hour to do what you want (maximum)


>> No.10650419

Prep a weeks worth of meals on a day off, that buys you 5h, so long as it takes less than 5h to do it you win.

>> No.10650443

even if you do this, you end up having to cook again mid week anyway

>> No.10650460
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must suck to be you.
my life:

>sleep (7 hours average)
>wake up, get ready (45 minutes)
>have breakfast (15 minutes)
>go to gym (1 hour)
>commute (10 minutes because i dont live in a shithole)
>at work (9-12 hours, and i love my job so its like im not even at work)
>commute home (10 min)
>personal bullshit(1 hour max)
>3-4 hours to do what i want

haha get rekt bitch improve your life

>> No.10650463

Our boomer parents have been doing that their entire lives.

>> No.10650487


but a clerk had the purchasing power of a six figures salary nowadays

>> No.10650488

>even if you do this, you end up having to cook again mid week anyway

Maybe if you're a fat fucking retard who can't restrain himself and eats a week's worth of food in two fucking days

doublenigger retard

>> No.10650492

>5 chicken breasts and 2 boxes of reduced sodium zatarain's rice
literally 10 minutes prep time and 1 hour 30 minute cook time and it lasts a whole weeks worth of lunch.

all these idiots that are like "Durr going to cook all this fancy shit with thousands of steps"

i just shred the chicken add heinz sweet and thick bbq sauce to it put it in a lunchbox throw in a coke can or two and im fucking done

>> No.10650498

>be me
>wake up
>trade stockz and crypto a bit
>make a coupe gees
>play video games
>go back to bed

why is life so ezpz bros?

>> No.10650500

not much different than my life

>wake 330am
>something small to eat while I race out the door
>4am gym 60-90 minutes
>30-45min commute
>6am start work varies 8.5-12hours
>45 minutes home
>20-30 minutes for dinner(I love being able to grill in the summer)
>8pm in bed reading
>9pm sleeping.
>6 hours of sleep, make up lost time on the weekends with a nap

a good portion of this generation is going to do it too... its not that weird if you look back at all of human history... a few millennials seem to think this is a great injustice of the world and in reality its just survival

>> No.10650505

since I won't have sex anyways, I just have my mom cook my meals

>> No.10650506


anon, seriously consider doing something different

you are too young to throw away your life. as you become older, you become duller and it gets harder to change and take risks. take out a business loan and shoot for the stars. and if your business fails, you'll be wagecucking either way, so it's not a big deal. you can also use an LLC so you are not personally liable.

>> No.10650513

Industrial Revolution is what made people work 8-12+ hours a day, 5+ days a week. It hasn't always been like that, sorry you were lied to.

>> No.10650518

Actually it was about the equivalent of nearly 1.2 million. Poverty existed only because of lacking to participate in the work force back in that time. That's where the meme of you are poor because you are lazy comes from.

>> No.10650526
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when am i supposed to have time to;
watch anime
read manga
play videogaymes
watch movies
work on my hobbies
ride my bicycle
listen to music????????

FUCK this shitty world tbqh

>> No.10650537

>save money
>invest it
>money makes money
>dont have to trade time for money anymore

not hard anon

>> No.10650538

lol we work for money but look back at how ranchers and farmers used to live, or how many hours of hunting to get a kill and then drag it back and prep it to be cooked...

you are fucking stupid.

>> No.10650552

> invest

yeah, nah m8. id rather not lose all the money i worked so hard for to online scams

or have to sit on it for 50 years to see a legit investment

>> No.10650577

slaves have always been getting fucked

you can double your money on a sack of cocaine. got $1k? flip it and reinvest 12 times and you are up to $4M

thats something any fuckin retard can do and is enough to retire

wagecucks are WILLINGLY cucked. they are betamaxed out

>> No.10650578

This. Look into early retirement and how your savings rate dramatically effects your time to retirement. There's a tradeoff between the amount of consumption and leisure in your life, and it's just that the norm in our culture is to spend most of your income on consumption, which means a late retirement, if ever.

>> No.10650579


and the fucking boomers will be dead already when pensions blow up, there's literally no justice in this world

>> No.10650592
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yeah sorry m8, i dont want to be a dyel noodle arm such as yourself

>> No.10650595


but the risk of dealing drugs (at least here in south-america) is getting decapitated by your rivals

>> No.10650606

except it was just an example that even a 70 iq brainlet could do

theres tons of ways to double your money anon

>> No.10650607

> reduced sodium zatarain's rice

id rather not eat minced up rats and pigeons thank you

>> No.10650616

>>10650595 (You)

>> No.10650626
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>and i love my job so its like im not even at work

>> No.10650653


funny thing is, i actually have my "dream" job

yet working is still a nightmare

>> No.10650770

Am I the only one who has realized that OPs day seems to have just 22 hours?
One hour of free time gets suddenly three.

Move closer to your workplace, cut down to half an hour commute.
Four hours.

Stop "waking up" for one hour. Get the fuck up, when the bell rings.
Five hours.

Condense the cooking for the week into the weekend - AT LEAST another half an hour per day.
5.5 hours per day.

Cut down your pause at work to half an hour.
Six hours per day.

Time at the gym is literally free time.
Seven hours per day.

OP is literally retarded.

>> No.10650818


did you not read that some of the sections had (MINIMUM) next to them

>> No.10650854

Optimize your life a bit and suddenly "minimum" becomes "maximum" when it comes to time requirements.

>> No.10650915

>just optimize your time bro
>just move closer to work bro, move into the 4million dollar flat next door to it
>just pretend it doesnt take 2 hours to make breakfast, eat, get ready, shower, commute etc
>yep, my ignorant and arrogant way of thinking sure showed him!

>> No.10651001

>just move closer to work bro, move into the 4million dollar flat next door to it
Admitted, it is not always possible to do this and commuting one hour or even more is probably the most life-draining thing to do. Cutting it down however is just one of the possibilities to improve free time until the real estate-bubble finally pops.

>2 hours to make breakfast, eat, get ready, shower etc.
Breakfast: 10 minutes if you are in a hurry, 15 if relaxed
Shower: 5 minutes (exept you are a woman)
Get ready: 10 minutes (including ironing of the shirt)
Less than half an hour and after one month, it does not even feel rushed. And you have 1.5 hours more per day to shitpost about how you hate your workplace on 4chan.

It is not that hard. All you need to have is a bit of discipline for this short amount of time and you can at least have double the free time you had before.

>> No.10651066

don't be a fucken dumbass
~100 years back over 50% of the population were farmers, most of our grandparents or great grandparents either were farmers as an occupation, or grew up on their parents farm. They sure as shit worked more than 8 hours per day, 5 days a week

>> No.10651091


Yeah too risky, I'd rather keep it in cash so I'm guaranteed to lose to inflation. I love a sure thing!

>> No.10651098
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>Hes such a massive wage cuck he has to prep meals to save time.
>he thinks hes smart.
Holy shit.

>> No.10651108

farms aren't that much work

you're just in disbelief about your slavery

>> No.10651260

shower the night before..
eat on the drive in or skip it completely.. breakfast is overrated anyways.
I bet you stop for starbucks anyways.

I am able to get out the door in 15minutes if I try hard.. cant say I actually do it all the time but its possible.

>> No.10651270

>farms aren't that much work

are you just saying retarded things to attempt to troll or are you really this stupid?

>> No.10651312

yeah i dont want to be a dyel

>> No.10651344

And they expect us to fit in having a family also. I care for my nephews and work 10hrs a day, most nights im up till 11pm doing washing and hanging out clothes, doing school lunches then too get up at 5:00 for work and get them ready for school.

>> No.10651362


>. I care for my nephews

are they orphans or something?

>> No.10651475
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>just find someone to sell $4M of cocaine to

>> No.10651560


feel like I would just kill myself out of sleep deprivation if I was a narco

>> No.10651676

I commuted an hour 1 way for almost a year, you gotta get a new job the long commute is your problem

>> No.10651717

Sleep, 7-8 hrs average
Get up 9am
Commute to work 15 mins avg
Go fir coffee, pain au raisin etc
Work/watch YouTube vids 7-8 hours
Back home 6pm
Oh nice it's the weekend
Earn bucks

>> No.10651749


What could you do when the sun was down at 5 during winter, and candles were expensive as fuck ?

Then the sun would rise 14 hours later and you 'll get to work for a good 8hours max.

Women stayed home needling and shit while teenagers helped the father.
Not a hard life per se, people died young because medicine was inexistent back then.

>> No.10651761

They were taken off their parents by child services.

>> No.10651799

>sleep erratically, 4-12 hours
>can't afford food, eat ramen daily
>can't afford gym membership
>don't work
>remember I don't eat
>do whatever I want all day

still miserable

>> No.10651864

winter months are for maintenance on everything so nothing takes a shit during a critical time. Also taking care of animals is an all year round job, possibly even tougher in winter making sure they dont freeze to death and I am talking present day. If you dont think anyone works after dark on a farm then you are stupid... I guess its not your fault you probably have never left the city for more than a day.

>> No.10651947
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>> No.10651967

>smoke weed/drink beer all day
>bored out of my mind
>no debt
>8k on account
>no work
>no rent, own my own place
>getting depressed because of substance abuse

>> No.10651983

>wagecuck 8 hr
>sleep 8 hr
>browse biz 8 hr
Is there a more Chad use of time?

>> No.10652063

kinda wish i had your schedule maybe if i was busy i wouldnt realize how bad life sucks to be alone all the time

>> No.10652070
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>> No.10652100

Honestly this, your appetite for risk should be a lot bigger now. Even if you catastrophically fuck yourself you're probably better off than if you were to do so later, recovery to "status quo" is a lot easier now, even though that seems like a fallacy even to me. Obviously doesn't mean be a fucking retard though.

>> No.10652120

This, better to be invisibly taxed to oblivion slowly than to risk actually having any semblance of financial independence.

>> No.10652124

> a can of Coke or two

Damn what are you? 19? Or a fat neck beard at 35

>> No.10652126

>sleep, 8 hour min
>wake up 3 minutes before 8AM
>roll out of bed, take a piss, drink coffee that is put in my hand by my wife
>sit down at my desk in my home office
>right on time with no commute
>work 6-8 hours listening to music or podcasts at whatever volume
>get off work and do whatever I please for an hour or two
>wife now has dinner made fresh
>go on an after dinner walk or other exercise
>it is now ~6PM
>do whatever I damn please until 11PM-Midnight
>go to sleep

sucks to suck mate

>> No.10652157

Learn to fucking cook you nigger before you give """advice""""

>> No.10653068
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>a can of cherry Coke or twelve
that is Warren Buffet you swine