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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 252 KB, 1500x1000, animal_world_map_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10626483 No.10626483 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you live?

>> No.10626489

Shalom brother

>> No.10626496


mom's basement

>> No.10626505
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Sydney checking in

>> No.10626521

New Orleans, LA

>> No.10626543


>> No.10626605

East coast of Canada. I just want enough money to move out of this shithole to somewhere nice and hot like with low taxes.

>> No.10626630
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Brisbane cunts

>> No.10626645
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we are in the same boat (toronto fag here).
My dream is enough money to move to Costa Rica and live like a god.

>> No.10626649

Nice, where in brisbane? I am in Victoria Point.

>> No.10626658

Can’t wait for Wall Street to get /justed/

>> No.10626670


>> No.10626706
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And no, I didn't steal my linkies.
The money I bought it for though..

>> No.10626765
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Mexico, Tijuana specifically

>> No.10626774

Sage with this data mining thread

>> No.10626776


>don't respond

>don't respond

>don't respond

>don't respond

>don't respond

>don't respond

>don't respond

>don't respond

>don't respond

>don't respond

>don't respond

>don't respond

>> No.10626777

Not even on the fucking map, feelsbad
New Zealand

>> No.10626805

What could (they) use this info for anyways?

>> No.10626826

To determine the most powerfull nations on Earth in the next 100 years.

>> No.10626832

The map is wrong. WE should have fierce tiger, not ugly monkey.

>> No.10627053
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Camp Hill area
Brisbane is Linkie capital of the world, we have the most linkies

>> No.10627061

This shithole of a country has 50% capital gains tax on crypto investments. I can't even find a family doctor here but I need to pay half my money so Trudeau can spend it on female entrepreneurs and illegals. I wouldn't mind paying if the government could actually deliver the services it promises. Instead I have to wait 6 hours in the emergency room with a bunch of opioide addicts looking for drugs when I have a broken arm.

>> No.10627084

that's insane man.. i am an expat to Canada. Can't say things in Toronto are that shit, especially not the doctors/hospitals. Where you at?

>> No.10627245


Hi fellow Brisboners.
I'm going drinking with another stinky this afternoon. Beers ahoy!

>> No.10627253

my country is not on the map sir.
holy shit checkem.

>> No.10627261
File: 127 KB, 650x477, CPT101412540_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a shithole.

Housing prices are sky high because the Chinese use their stolen Commie shekels to flood the real estate market.

It's the feminist capital of the world which causes 6/10s to believe they're 10/10s.

They're also really pretentious saying shit like "i'm a post-structuralist and women are oppressed".

The chicks here are generally cold and kinda cunty.

It's a monochromatic culture of SJWism.

Fuck... even the Muslims that they're importing even complain about Toronto, saying that it's too cold and they get free housing!

>pic related, our Prime Minister

>> No.10627266

>Housing prices are sky high because the Chinese use their stolen Commie shekels to flood the real estate market.
believe me every country got hit by this. even new zealand, now australia is also feeling it

>> No.10627277

You're part of Australia anyway. You're technically on the map.

>> No.10627281

fuck u we aint straya cunts we're bros bro

>> No.10627285

Los Angeles brother

>> No.10627294

Shekelstein city, shelekville

>> No.10627301

I'm sorry but I can't argue with the dubs that I got.

>> No.10627304

gross, get a load of this bean breath lawnmower thief. get you some of those cheech a rooneys eh vato loco? comprende?!

>> No.10627307

The top of the world, alaska.

>> No.10627311
File: 32 KB, 620x330, family-doctor-waiting-list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Brunswick. I moved here last year (military) and still have yet to find a GP for my wife. I'm covered for my own non-emergency needs by the base doctors but for emergencies and family care I have to rely on the provincial system which is underfunded and understaffed. No doctors want to work here and I can't blame them when they can make way more in the states.

>> No.10627317

yeah but the first dude got trips and you cant beat that. so yeah nz is a country

>> No.10627319

Vancouver Canada. Just want LINK to moon so I can move somewhere else.

>> No.10627328

Unironically, Pakistan.

>> No.10627329

Brissy QLD here, ill be flying into Dunedin tonight

Also, checked

>> No.10627334

Yep another Brisbane here.

>> No.10627336


>> No.10627352

whats in dunedin? get ready for the fucking cold too if youre coming from aussies climate

>> No.10627363

will we have enough linkies to retake the housing market from the chinks?

>> No.10627373

Wtf I'm also from Brisbane (Annerly area)

>> No.10627387


>> No.10627440

We will need a load of linkies to do that fellow brisbonite.

>> No.10627455

Good work marine.
Im around Paddington

>> No.10627487

Hi neighbor

>> No.10627497

Go back to /pol/

>> No.10627535

My first trip will be a road trip to St. John's Newfoundland to eat some fucking cod.

You fucking amateurs will go on some yacht to party with plastic whores like a nigger would do after signing an NBA contract.

Im driving my Maserati cross country to enjoy an nice cod meal.

>> No.10627550

Guatemala checking in

>> No.10627554

Unironically we should have our annual gathering in Brisbane.

I used to make all those where are you linkies from threads....

And there were so many absolute faggots from Brisbane who own link. There are so many of you there's actually a decent chance that two of you are gay and suck each other off.

>> No.10627558

In my room

>> No.10627616

sorry to disappoint you anon
i'll still help make brisbane a pure white utopian city-state after link moons and the Stinky League wins the council elections in a landslide

>> No.10627672


>> No.10627710

Met a couple of pakis 3 days ago. Was waiting my brotherinlaw at the airport.
Ate dinner at my place. They were cool af and extra respectfull. Your cunt is way underrated.

>> No.10627777
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Melb here sitting in the office now thinking about how amazing life will be in 2020.

Now I can buy link on the most normies exchange litterally any spare change I get will go straight to link

>> No.10627789


>> No.10627798

Central Connecticut
20k link

if anyone is around here lmk need some new friends

im a neet btw

>> No.10627816
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>> No.10627828

You got blessed, anon. Youre gonna make it

>> No.10627841


>> No.10627872
File: 53 KB, 333x442, it'shappeningtonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there really this many people from brisbane? i fucked a girl from there once for like ten days when i was in europe, shit was cash.
queens, alexandria cortez is my waifu

amen brother

>> No.10627891
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Portland, OR
Not a commie tho

>> No.10627945
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I can see a kiwi and the south island.

>> No.10627957

ITT: nationals retarded enough to dox themselves in a painfully obvious data mining thread

strong canada & aussie presence hmmmmm

>> No.10627964

Tacoma, WA reporting. 7k link

>> No.10627965

In the trees right next to the frog

>> No.10628834


>> No.10629237

saskatchewan, canada

>> No.10630099
File: 116 KB, 755x566, 30167392_10157521568208975_1252066746037219963_o-755x566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Budapest bro reporting in from the safe, based and uninfected part of Europe.

Pic is the ongoing Sziget festival in the middle of the city. I am blessed to live in one of the last white strongholds

>> No.10630127

Omaha, NE 17k

>> No.10630179

Finland. Any other Finns here?

>> No.10630199

Sage all LINK data mining threads and move on. Amount. Location. Anything like that. Its amazing to me you retards have to be told this.

>> No.10630238
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>> No.10630267

Vácbro here, glad to have comrades here

>> No.10630268
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>> No.10630271

Amsterdam, Netherlands

>> No.10630283

It'll only get worse with the current millenials generation and their love for socialism. Btw its not a flat out 50% its something like 37%

>> No.10630357

Szevasz :) mi magyarok mindenhol ottvagyunk ami szamit. Jo itthon lenni, en hazamenekultem Angliabol. Kene meg sekel amit beletolhatok linkbe/qashbe/holoba/nasba

>> No.10630358

Pretty much the mushroom right next to the badger. It's nice here desu but my stack is gonna help me see the rest

>> No.10630452

Stockholm sweden

>> No.10630520

Sounds like Melbourne Australia desu. Except if you have a foreign accent you’ll smash mega puss because they’re shallow retards (like everywhere else on earth)

>> No.10630539


>> No.10630559

In a small city in Victoria, Australia.
I've been here less than two years and I'm already desperately trying to find a way out.

>> No.10630586

what the fuck's up with brisbane and link?

it's the last place you'd expect to be full of linkies

>> No.10630591

United Kingdom of Great England

>> No.10630650

Ye. Most Chainlink google hits per capita. Finland is the Chainlink capital of the world and once singularity hits we will buy up all the fossil fuels, and burn it in a glorious inferno to speed up global warming.

The whole world will be our sauna.

>> No.10630689

>Where do you live?
Cast out in the land of nod.
But we all shall return to paradise link brothers

>> No.10630725

In shithole named Ukraine.

>> No.10630906

Norway - 24% tax on cryptogains

>> No.10630972

Any Linkies from Malaysia like me?

>> No.10631122


>> No.10631138

Where the boys from down the bay where from wynnum all the way how do we do it EASY how easy FUCKN>>10627554

>> No.10631195
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>> No.10631394

your town is full of gypsies and brown people I've been there.



>> No.10631429

Regina is a fucking shitty place

>> No.10631461

Akron, Ohio. Soon I will be king, lebron will be but a serf

>> No.10631530

Germany. Saxony.

>> No.10631899

Freiburg, Germany

>> No.10631966

Magic Quarter in northeastern parts of the Undercity formerly known as Lordaeron, city is fucked from pollution, so I moved to Silvermoon to be with former family and frens.
>tfw refugee fucking hot b elfes while gay Lor'themar watches and jerks off.

>> No.10632052


>> No.10632249

Nashville, TN USA