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10618201 No.10618201 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best country for a third worlder millionaire who wants to build a factory and become richer?

I need a country that has low taxes for creating and running a business, low taxes for crypto trading (that's how i made my money and i want to keep trading crypto), and that is not a closed and unknown country where nobody will buy/export my products.

>> No.10618211

>constraints, constraints
result: the empty set, kek

>> No.10618220

The sunny tax haven of Jersey my dude. Binance just moved here.

>> No.10618225

Russia, obv

>> No.10618244

Sounds good.

But i always here russians complaining about high taxes.

>> No.10618283
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>> No.10618312

It really is the best option. Only downside is that unless you make a considerable initial tax donation (1-1K) then you can't buy property until you've lived here for 10 years. Still, rentals are upmarket and nice. Sunny, pleasant, uncrowded beaches and everyone speaks English. Truly Paradiso. What are you looking to manufacture in these factories?

>> No.10618340

You mean 1 million?

> What are you looking to manufacture in these factories?
Let's say it's something to do with aeronautics.

>> No.10618351

Dont listen to this retard>>10618225


>> No.10618353


If you're truly loaded then you have some amazing real estate to play with. Prices only appreciate as there is finite land and high demand.

>> No.10618404

Ia liubliu Rossia i rossia yazik, no ia always heard that Russia has considerably high taxes.

One day i will live in Russia, but probably to retire (i am a fan of the gopnik culture)

Sounds good. I am not that loaded, only 1.5M USD, but i think i can buy property when i open my business and make enough money to buy real state.

Great, this way i can sell my crypto without giving thousands in taxes for my narcostate.

Thank you gentleman

>> No.10618453

Are you born in Jersey or moved there? If you moved, why?

>> No.10618513

Mexico or Vietnam probably.

>> No.10618522

Born here, however most of the population are migrants from the UK who moved here because of low taxes, sunny beaches, cushy finance jobs, cheaper supercars (no VAT), (once) affordable Georgian mansions, fresh seafood, French cuisine & culture with English language, literally no crime, the list goes on. Its honestly as close as you will get to utopia, my third world friend.

>> No.10618529
File: 38 KB, 650x726, matpolyesterfrance_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viens en France !

>> No.10618634

Honestly? One of the following
- Mexico
- Poland

>> No.10618649

>no crime
You bought me there.

I am really considering your contry gentleman, seens like a really great country and fits all my needs, better than Gibraltar, Estonia and other countries i looked at.

Porquoi? Mon Français est insulfiçant et France is not what i really need.
Merci gentilhomme.

Nah, Brazil is already enough of narcostate for me

>> No.10618689

mexico has a drug problem but it's getting better. When it gets better, business taxes will rise. Safer than the US in the safe provinces
Poland is the same except for the drug problems

>> No.10618723

Fellow businessman.

European slaves are at Ukraine. You need to only pay them 300$/month. Poland and other big countries are nearby where to sell. Thats your startup. After that expand to some other shithole to hire cheaper slaves. Europe is good as in stable climate. America is fcked bcs of SJW and east is too hot. Climate problems. Ukraine nobody gives a shit.

>> No.10618728
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Quantas btcs por uma mina assim?

>> No.10618749

Quick question: why do you and your fellow kikes mass import Ukrainians to Poland? Wasn't Western Europe enough for you?

>> No.10618783

I am worried about taxes glentleman, i will need only a couple employees

None if you are a good looking fella, otherwise you will need only $100 bucks to pay a sex professional

>> No.10618818

É de onde, milionario? Qnd comprou btc?

t. mineiro pobre com .2btc

>> No.10618893

I would rather not tell where i live, but let's say it's in the south.

I got rich with literally shitcoins, like Paccoin, Potcoin, Dubaicoin, Verge, Pivx and other PnD coins on Poloniex.

>> No.10619096

The more i read about Jersey the more i consider opening my factory there.

Thanks Jersey guy

>> No.10619360

Its chill, just buy me a drink in one of the 3 nightclubs we have.

>> No.10619380

I'll be going in February, i will get in touch with you a month earlier.

>> No.10619478
File: 19 KB, 384x288, bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take about 100k-200k and invest it as a downpayment for a medium/high end apartment complex near your factory. You pay your factory workers to create your product, and they pay you the wages you paid them in rent at your apartments.

>> No.10619602

That's a next level enterpreneurship mentality.
You are a genius man.

>> No.10620471

Russia is sage because they're white and because Putin is a god

>> No.10620759

But Russia is high in taxes.