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10575069 No.10575069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sup biz

In my early 20s I was a neet virgin, like most of you phags.

Now in my early 30s I've turned things around completely and in the last 8 years I've hooked up with 120-150 chicks. Lots of one night stands, threesomes, orgies, hookers, fuck buddies, sugar babies, serious relationships, flings, you name it.

I like to think that through these experiences I've discovered a lot about the true nature of women. There are positives and negatives.

Feeling generous so will answer any questions you may have.

>> No.10575073

How did you change? I’m a virgin in early 20s as well.

>> No.10575075

you're a hedonist faggot.

you didn't evolve to any spectacular levels you're still empty as fuck like most here.

a real alpha leads a family, you are not an alpha and your advice is worthless to help others here because the only thing you know is bottom of the barrel hedonism.

>> No.10575077

nobody gives a shit you dumb nigger. piss off back to r9k or plebbit or something.

we are here for money not for the vaginal jew.

>> No.10575079
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Why are you larping?

>> No.10575081

kys no one gives a shit

>> No.10575085

Sounds like you gymbro'd. Ever had a neck+back injury, or something similar stop you from lifting for 6 months? How long did it take you to recover your gains?

>> No.10575094

How do you fuck hookers on blow.

I’ve tried 4x hot ass 18 year whores. Threesomes every time. Only once did the blow allow me to fuck and not jump on the bed with them.

No one talks about this.

>> No.10575102

I tried so hard

>> No.10575103

>what is viagra
>what is cialis
>what is just getting a super fast handjob if you dont want to take above
dumb nigger

>> No.10575104

Why uh, why do you think I give a shit?

>> No.10575108


>you're a loser who needs to larp on this shit board

>> No.10575113

Lol. What is 15 vodka red bull’s, pack of cigs, 8 ball of cocaine, 2 cialis, doubt you can even make it down the kiddie slide at chuck e cheese

>> No.10575117

First relationship I had definitely set things in motion. When you go from barely having had any interactions with girls to banging a chick on the regular for at least a year it has a huge impact on your confidence.

However I would say that in terms of hooking up with lots of girls on the regular and feeling confident in yourself the biggest thing was getting fit and becoming muscular. And I can go into a lot more detail on that if you like.

>> No.10575131

enjoy looking like 50 at 30 faggot

>> No.10575132

Do you actually feel fulfilled? Early 30s huh? You gotta hurry up with the baby making

>> No.10575133


No. No one likes. Shut up youre a fag. No one's going to go to your fucking gay ass blog from here.

>> No.10575137

Be honest - did you get the herp?

>> No.10575139

>that 30 year old boomer whose self worth is measured by the amount of casual sex he has

>> No.10575140

Never had any serious injuries. Anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs are 100% the way to go if you want to look half decent. Not to mention having high test changes you mentally. I worked out for many years before hoping on the juice and looked decent but boy do I wish I had started way earlier. Juice had a huge impact.

You can completely transform yourself within the space of a year with the right drug regiment, and it's a lot easier than most people realize.

>> No.10575144

My muscle is my brain. No need for physical strength especially when I LOVE being a cuck.

>> No.10575145


> Is a man
> Has to hurry up with baby making
> you are retard

>> No.10575169

So basically u used American Pie movies as you guide to maturity. Well fucking done loser.

>> No.10575176

This man is right. Cialis and viagra are absolutely the way to go and you can get it pretty cheap from indian online pharmacies.

And they will have a huge impact on your performance, which means that girls are much more likely to see you again and to be OK with regular hookup-only type relationships.

>> No.10575190
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>indian online pharmacies

>> No.10575192

Never ever had any STDs. I think the chance of getting STDs is quite minimal, and even if you do get something it's generally easily treatable. That said I'd recommend wrapping it up to avoid scares. Can't say that I always have, because let's be honest sex feels 100% better without condoms and I can barely cum with them.

>> No.10575194

Can you go more into detail on what you did to change?

>> No.10575205

I’m 29 now look 27.

It’s called sunscreen, and expensive face creams.

>> No.10575220

Hooking up with that many chicks is disgusting and has turned you into trash who is emotionally numb
I almost feel bad for you except for the part where you're acting like it's some kind of accomplishment.

>> No.10575231

you are a dumb fucking nigger anon. first of all, that much booze combined with cocaine is very heart toxic + if you need an 8ball you have your junk full of levamisole, phenacetin and lidocaine. stop buying junk, take less alcohol and you will perform good.


>> No.10575237

Nice cope faggot

>> No.10575250

Quit being a fucking faggot bitch spic peice of shit faggot fuck faggot bitch.

Champions adjust pussy. I’ll fuck you till you love me faggot.

>> No.10575269

Not being a total degenerate

>> No.10575285

You’re a broke bitch pussy fuck

>> No.10575288
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>I’m 29 now look 27.

>> No.10575290

I don't take steroids I just eat meat.

May not turn you into a body builder quite as quickly but it does work. And your balls don't shrink

>> No.10575299

And you post pictures of frogs.

Lmao not gonna make it

>> No.10575338

Taking drugs is a very irresponsible thing to do.

>> No.10575342

Two things:

1. When I was a neet, I wasn't putting myself out there at all. I didn't have any online dating profiles and didn't really have that many opportunities to meet girls. I'd meet some here and there when I'd occasionally go to say a bar or club with friends but unless you have really good social skills those settings can be quite difficult. I was very shy so never had much success meeting girls out.

You have to think of yourself like one of those annoying marketers and market the absolute fuck out of yourself online. That means create profiles on every single dating app & website you can find, and just spam out generic messages/openers to as many girls as you can. Don't be picky at this stage, don't even waste time reading chick's profiles or coming up with unique openers for each. Just spam out the same shit to everyone, cast as wide a net as you can, then work with the responses you get.

2. Working out and getting on performance enhancing drugs. I went from a skinny 130lbs looking kid to a solid 190lbs. Guys and girls treat me completely different now it's unbelievable. No joke girls are always checking me out and commenting on my muscles (basically they treat me how a guy would treat a chick with a really nice rack). And guys respect me a lot more too, they always come up and ask about gym shit.

I'd say if you're a bit of a social retard this is 100% the way to go. Developing social skills is pretty hard, but working out you just need to be consistent. A couple of solid cycles under your belt and within 1-2 years you can look and feel like a new man. And it gives you unbelievable confidence, the best way I can describe it to someone who doesn't work out would be to imagine how you would feel driving a lambo in a really nice expensive suit. Well when you're on the juice and you look good you feel like that all the time.

>> No.10575349

Says the cocaine addict. How's that nose bleeding?

>> No.10575360

>huge impact on performance
can you expand on this? idk if my problem is common (only ever been in one relationship with a girl who was also a virgin), i can stay hard and fuck for hours but my dick starts chafing at some point. would these drugs help with it or is it only to help with erection?

>> No.10575366

I'm not saying taking steroids is an absolute requirement. You can certainly look decent without. But everyone that you look up to in those magazine covers or in movies is juicing. That's the simple truth.

The ceiling when you're training naturally is unfortunately pretty low.

>> No.10575367

Can we get the sauce on op’s chick?

>> No.10575369

You're a drug addict fucking non-whites and you don't even have any offspring? No thanks, loser.

>> No.10575370

>Solid 190 lbs.
I applaud your transformation. At 190 lbs. you do not look like you lift in a shirt, definitely not a sweatshirt.
>A couple of solid cycles under your belt and within 1-2 years you can look and feel like a new man.
You forgot to mention that in order to keep those newfound gains, you're going to have to continue to cruise on steroids. This is a major life decision.

>> No.10575374

Would you say you like where you are at. or are you trying to change things and if so what is it? does having heaps of sex get boring or is it always fun
what do you mean by the positives and negatives of women?

>> No.10575380

>30 year old drug addict abused drugs and fucked easy sluts to gain self confidence and now wants to pass advice on
Grats OP

>> No.10575393

>I've discovered a lot about the true nature of women
You discovered that they are human beings with physical urges just like anyone else?
>There are positives and negatives
Oh, thanks for that. I didn't realize that women were just one or the other. /s

>> No.10575399
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>I’m 29 now look 27.
fucking LULZ

>> No.10575419

They help with getting and staying hard. Don't know about you but I used to get pretty nervous when I was hooking up with a new girl and excessive porn gave me ED issues sometimes. Had a few encounters where I just couldn't get hard and that is the absolute worst when you've put in all the grind work and then you can't perform. Now if a chick is coming over I'll just pop a pill 30 minutes to an hr before and it's just one less thing to stress about.

Cialis also makes you horny af for like 2 days and basically you can fuck again and again and again.

If your dick is chafing, take breaks man. You don't have to fuck nonstop for hours, fuck for a bit, stop, keep going etc.

One last thing I'll add about this topic, when you're good at sex and/or able to perform at what we'll call an "elevated" level, you can get away with a lot more. Basically as long as you're good at sex girls are willing to overlook a lot of other flaws. They're a lot more willing to let you see their inner slut and to see you purely for fun.

>> No.10575432

Cope in this thread is off the fucking charts. You fucking autists would neck yourselves instantly if you understood what life as a Slayer is like

Have some serious questions OP.

What did you do for income?

How did you get most of your bangs? Cold approach?

What's the one thing that surprised you about women the most/tips for 20's guys like most on this board?

What age did you turn it around? Currently 26 rn and starting to think I'll never know the slayer life. I would sell my soul to be a rich Slayer rn. Tell us what to do (besides inject)

>> No.10575443

I should have mentioned that I'm not tall, probably 5'7" or 5'8", so 190 lbs looks pretty solid at that height, and it's certainly not my final form I'd like to be a shredded 200-220lbs I think.

And yes absolutely, I made the mistake of coming off completely after my first cycle and doing PCT. That was absolute shit.

Since my second cycle I've just been blasting and cruising and my god it is so much better.

>> No.10575453

>serious relationships
>I've discovered a lot about the true nature of women. There are positives and negatives
Okay then Mr Expert. Solve this and I'll consider you a hero:
>in serious long distance relationship, with a timeframe when we will live together permanently
>partner used to be a horndog early in the relationship and sext and send me sexy pics all the time
>now her desire for that sort of thing has turned to zero, she just acts embarrassed or redirects anything
when with her IRL, things are good. She absolutely is not cheating or anything, I call her enough and know enough about her life - she's a homebird and from a religious family, she works long hours, comes straight home. Her desire for sexting has simply disappeared.
I could demand she sends me stuff and she probably would but it has no excitement for me if I'm having to force this from her
personally I think this is unsolvable, the initial excitement of the relationship has died etc etc and I just have to suck it up and accept we only have a sexual relationship when we are actually together

>> No.10575461

absolute cringe post, kys

>> No.10575471

Yeah this is what I figured. A girl being a starfish vs being a complete whore depends on males sexual confidence/capacity to get it up.

If you are low test or have performance issues you are completely fucked. I have pulled 10 girls back in the past year but 8 times have been unable to get hard even after doing no fap. I just got some Viagra rn I'm gonna try but I'm scare shitless the psych damage is done.

That was a huge redpill for me personally: ultimately all girls care about is how well you dick them down. If you can't get it up or are a cuck in bed they will completely ignore you regardless of how much looks/money/status u have. They are complete whores and everything about them being prey for men innocent angels etc is a fucking lie to keep betas from revolting

Do you recommend Viagra or Cialis?

>> No.10575480

Only cringe is fags like you who spend their lives staring at women fapping to the thought of fucking them while alphas slay. --and then completely deny reality.

Your entire life is just one long wank session. That's all you ever were and all you'll ever be. Go back to /pol fagot and cope harder

>> No.10575483

If my Link bags don't moon I'm gonna just go the kms route. Don't wanna deal with this shit anymore. Wasn't born the right way to be a winner. Have fun with this genetic lotttery shit. I'm not gonna be a wageslave for decades just to make other people money. Women are the fucking devil

>> No.10575491

My strategy as well.

Life as a male is a complete roll of the dice: either you win big or it's over

>> No.10575493

>is 26 yo and needs viagra
just kys already the pain will be less

>> No.10575503

thanks man, appreciate the indepth reply. i do take breaks but my girl literally wants nonstop hard pounding until her pussy hurts, and her pain tolerance is higher than mine. good info

>> No.10575510

>cope harder
>needs viagra at 26
top fucking kek

>> No.10575522

Lmao at the fags in this thread that think they are cool shit for banging some bitches. You really didn't make it, actually op you're more of a faggot now than when you were a virgin. Making it, and becoming a true alpha man who is happy with themselves occurs when you don't measure your worth by the amount of times you stuck your dick in a random hole. Fucking beta losers in this thread basically measuring dick sizes. You guys need to grow up

>> No.10575524

What's in your portfolio?

>> No.10575525

The only thing that is cringe here is your cope: cope about the fact you entire life is just one long wank session to pixels on a screen of slayers fucking women who wouldn't even look at you in the street.


>> No.10575530


>> No.10575535

lost my virginity at 13 to someone who is now basically homeless with a kid and toothless husband. SHe was a good student back in the day and really good at math. I taught her how to suck dick. I was her first kiss even. So jokes. Now she has these greasy ass dreadlocks and sunken eyes. SMokes a lot. It's awful. Anyway, to all you fags who just lost your virginity now: good work. Now, try fucking her in the ass. Trust me, it's better.

>> No.10575542

In OP's defense he never claimed he was an all around alpha, just that he's fucked lots of women.

If you think you can be mentally healthy/alpha while remaining a virgin fapcel your entire life you're coping out the ass man

>> No.10575544
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> That means create profiles on every single dating app & website you can find, and just spam out generic messages/openers to as many girls as you can. Don't be picky at this stage, don't even waste time reading chick's profiles or coming up with unique openers for each. Just spam out the same shit to everyone, cast as wide a net as you can, then work with the responses you get.

Anons this is good advice anons. I literally have a script that I used to spam out to every single match that I would get on tinder. It would usually begin with:

> hey (insert girls name) imagine you won the lotto and could take a holiday to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Almost all girls would respond to this question as it’s a heaps more interesting opener that the usual “hey how are you?” they get from most guys. So they respond and then you reply with

> (insert interesting holiday destinatation) I am (insert own name) how are you?

They respond and then you write

> nice! So what do you do you when you are not fantasising about holidays to (insert her answer)

They reply, then you write you answer which can be anything really. From this point the girls are usually thinking this is way more interesting than most tinder chats, so you push it a little and say hey I am bored let’s play “truth”

You start slow with music/movies colour related questions, and if it’s going well enough just ask them out, but if it’s late at night and you are on a roll push it further and ask more sexual questions, if she is still keen and replying then anon you are probably in at this point so invite her round.

The best part of what I described is you can literally copy and paste this script to every single match from a note on your phone. It makes tinder so much more efficient. If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself.

>> No.10575556

>cant get it up
lol just shut the fuck up already pussy ass bitch

>> No.10575561

Same here, 100% same philosophy, tried to hamster it in many ways but there is no way you can convince yourself of:
>starting a family with a women who'd be (probably already have been) a pornstar tier whore to someone else.
>getting controlled like a money by jews

>> No.10575575

i'm a virign and 21 with virtually no money in the bank.
about to grad with a worthless law degree.

>> No.10575580

>What did you do for income?
I work in a field where there are absolutely no women. I make a decent income (let's say low six figures), although most girls I've hooked up with are none the wiser. I don't drive a fancy car or flash my cash around at all so that's got very little to do with me getting laid. It's not a job with the sort of status that would give me any sort of advantage. That said I'm not denying that more money absolutely improves your chances and opportunities.

> How did you get most of your bangs? Cold approach?
Haven't done cold approaches since my early 20s to be honest. I get girls details online then setup 1 on 1 meets.

>What's the one thing that surprised you about women the most/tips for 20's guys like most on this board?
Honestly how differently they can treat guys depending on how alpha the guy acts. It's probably obvious but to see so many girls giving 0 resistance or objections to me fucking them an hr after I've met them to seeing how they make betas jump through 100 hoops and make them wait forever is unreal.
Another surprising thing, and this is quite hilarious really, is that if you actually make yourself sound "dateable" or like a good catch, girls will make you wait LOL! That's right if you actually make yourself look like dating material they'll put you in the dating/courtship basket rather than the one-night-stand/hookup basket.

>What age did you turn it around? Currently 26 rn and starting to think I'll never know the slayer life. I would sell my soul to be a rich Slayer rn.
> was a virgin until 23 yo, but didn't really start the "slaying" lifestyle until I got really fit and started spamming hookup apps.

>Tell us what to do (besides inject)
I was scared of injecting at first too, but it's really not that bad, and after you've been doing it for a while like I have it honestly just feels like another thing u gotta do like brush your teeth. I don't feel any dread or pain.

>> No.10575588

>starting a family with a women who'd be (probably already have been) a pornstar tier whore to someone else

Such a fucking brutal redpill. Hold me brahs

>> No.10575589

This. I've gone down a similar path to OP and I feel emptier inside than when I was a virgin. Now I'm 28 and all I want is a nice girl to settle down with, except it gets harder to find one by the day

>> No.10575618

I have a question. Where do I live, Italy, is a well known a place full of casanovas and ripped bearded chads. And about the women, they are very conservative, "hard to get", princess like women. Most of the people (if not everyone) I know are struggling. My question is: your system (get swole, have social cyrcle etc..) works everywhere or you suggest just me to move out to some places where hooking up is even a bit easier?

>> No.10575622

Good post OP. What fucking nukes me Everytime is the following:

>What's the one thing that surprised you about women the most/tips for 20's guys like most on this board?
Honestly how differently they can treat guys depending on how alpha the guy acts. It's probably obvious but to see so many girls giving 0 resistance or objections to me fucking them an hr after I've met them to seeing how they make betas jump through 100 hoops and make them wait forever is unreal.
Another surprising thing, and this is quite hilarious really, is that if you actually make yourself sound "dateable" or like a good catch, girls will make you wait LOL! That's right if you actually make yourself look like dating material they'll put you in the dating/courtship basket rather than the one-night-stand/hookup basket"

This is so fucking brutal. Any male who level of this basement and has exposure to the internet can realize this by age 22. It's such a fucking mindfuck to feel before you actually have screwed a lot of women, like me. Biologically it's something you were never meant to understand until you ascended the ladder. Realizing it before hand completely fucks u up when you keep wondering "how much more receptive was she to some other fag who was better looking/had higher status/more confident"

It's completely night and day and fucked

>> No.10575632
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Dem digits. Also just some extra tinder tips for you anons. Your four photos should look like this:

> decent photo of just you

Obviously a girl knows what you look like

> photo of you with cute pet (kitten or puppy)

You would be surprised how effective this as many chicks are superficial enough to just match you so they can pat your pet (doesn’t even need to be real, go down to a pet store, then make up some story it died which will be even more effective)

> photo of you on holiday

Makes you seem well travelled and “exotic”

> photo of you with other girls

Can be your ex, your sister, or some co-worker, just anything so you don’t look some basement dwelling NEET who should have sold his TRX in January

Best of luck anons, I believe in you and credit to OP for this thread

>> No.10575672

>juicing when you are not a professional bodybuilder/aspiring gym athlete
shallow as fuck man

>> No.10575674

>Do you recommend Viagra or Cialis?
I'd say just try each and see how you like them. Honestly I tend to just use them interchangeably. If a chick is staying over all night or for a weekend maybe pop a cialis.

I only really use them for hookups or fuck buddies. When I'm in a LTR I haven't really needed it, just my experience. I think some level of anxiety with a new girl is probably fairly common, regardless of how regularly you hook up with new girls.

>> No.10575699

Yup. I'm just sick of being expected to play the role society expects. Just go along life working for someone else and pretend everything is just fine the way it is. Nothing is fine. We were raised with the idea of being able to easily start a family and have a good career. I wanted a house, a wife, and maybe some land. Thats all I wanted. That's what I expected. We were shown that through every source of media growing up. And now the rug has been pulled out from under us. Now we see how things really are. Every facet of society shits on us. I'm not even bitching, I don't want sympathy. I just want the right to either fight to the death for my share in life or the right to kms. And guess what, society denies both. Shows you exactly what (((they))) want from you. To milk you like a cow for 50 years then send you to the slaughterhouse. And we're all expected to keep our mouths shut about it. Fuck that. I see exactly how the world is now. You either get any woman or none at all. All that's left is civil war or suicide.

>> No.10575707


>> No.10575720

once a human has 5+ partners they lose their ability to pair bond. you will never create a loving family or a legacy

>> No.10575734

Honestly long-distance relationships are very hard and my experience is that it generally doesn't work. Physical intimacy and proximity is really really important.

You didn't say how long you've been together, but I'd say generally after 3-6 month the sex always declines. Couple that with distance and it's a recipe for disaster IMO, especially if the girl is in her early 20s.

If her desire has dropped and she is embarrassed like you said it's definitely a big warning sign. I'd also be very careful of trusting girls completely.

Believe me the most religious goody-two-shoes type girls are often the ones most capable of deception.

Maybe try ignoring her for a bit or texting less and see how she reacts. Make her chase you a bit.

>> No.10575762

collapse of civ is coming for sure. Next financial crisis will be the start.

Godspeed Anon and thanks the thread

>> No.10575764

>being a white man in the richest country in history
>complain about muh society sucks and life is hard
>meanwhile pajeets and latinos are working hard being successfull all over the place and taking away the beautiful women
>wanting to be a NEET and play videogames all day like a retarded 30yo manchild
Not gonna make it

>> No.10575778

What is this jewish post

>> No.10575802

explain how it's jewish tho. work harder.

>> No.10575824

/threads over folks

>> No.10575833


>> No.10575872

Absolutely larp. Viagra and cialis do not automaticly give you an erection, nor make you feel horny. You allways need sexual stimulation before that. They do help you to maintain erextion, but do not give day lasting erection after arousal. Erection will stop after sexual stimulation ends

>> No.10575874

We're 29-30. About two years together.
Yes, it was after about 6 months the decline started
A warning sign of what though?
desu, she's not exactly a religious goody twoshoes, but that's her family / culture.
I have spent considerable time with her irl (just came back from ~6 months living with her)

>> No.10575902

> Would you say you like where you are at. or are you trying to change things and if so what is it? does having heaps of sex get boring or is it

Look when you've had several girls on rotation for a while it can get a bit boring eventually.

Basically it's the same as if you watch porn every single day you start to seek out different shit to get off.

Also it's a bit like when you're playing a game on easy mode, if it's too easy then it's not really interesting. So I'd say these days I like a girl that gives me a bit of a challenge, although they're pretty rare DESU.

>> No.10575964

>you've had several girls on rotation

Literally all you did was getting ripped and sign up on dating sites/apps to reach this? Didn't your former NEET lifestyle took a massive toll on your social skills?

>> No.10575997

Look, one of my exes had girl friends that were supposedly devout "muslims". The kind that would be kicked out and shunned by their family if they did anything with boys before they were married. And guess what, many of them were slutting around like no tomorrow, some even so brazen/suicidal as to sneak boys into their house late at night.

I've also seen such girls on sugar daddy websites willing to do whatever nasty shit you want for a couple hundred bucks. Sure it's anecdotal, but in my experience family/culture means very little, if anything the stricter their parents the more they rebel.

It's a hard pill to swallow, but never fall into the trap of trusting girls 100%. And if there are warning signs like the ones you mentioned, be very cautious. Let me tell you something, when girls are far away, they're a lot more likely to justify being unfaithful. That's why girls that go on overseas holidays cheat all the time.

>> No.10576014

You don't think there are any consequences with continuous blasting and cruising?

>> No.10576058

To the anons that have managed to turn their luck with women around... What part of it was becoming a man of value ($$$ wise mainly)?

I know I am socially retarded when it comes to women, but honestly I feel my biggest issue when it comes to women is that I dont have a lot to offer them.

>all my life mediocre looks and body
>all my life social retardation
>all my life poor so I can't just "relax" and do normie shit since most activities are cost time and money.
>Cant offer women any value (neither sexy nor rich Chad)

I feel my single biggest issue is being a low status man, which is why I am working on getting my degree and career started as soon as possible. But what do you aons think?

>> No.10576064

As much as some people would hate to admit it, there is some truth to this.

>> No.10576103

>Literally all you did was getting ripped and sign up on dating sites/apps to reach this?

Social skills only improve through lots of experience. And being physically fit allows you to compensate for a lot and gives you a type of confidence that's hard to describe. It's basically like a I don't give a fuck type of confidence which girls tend to actually respond well to.

In terms of social skills, you don't need amazing game, you do need a couple of things though:

a. The ability to avoid all the typical interview-type questions. 99% of chumps ask her the typical what do you do, where did you study, how many sibling do u have type questions. Avoid that bullshit completely.
b. The ability to escalate physically, and do it fast. And this is where in my experience when you're really fit and confident there's honestly very little resistance. To the point where I cannot remember the last time where a girl has resisted or told me to slow down. If a girl is on my couch I'll usually get a makeout and have her in bed within 30 minutes, maybe an hr if I'm actually watching something I like.
c. Leading. Too many men are passive, you want to be the one taking charge and leading the interaction to where you want to take it. Girls want guys who make the decisions, they want to be lead.

>> No.10576106

Okay, I'm not really trying to push the religious angle here, I believe you.
It seems you are more or less saying what I thought all along; that there's not really much I can do other than be with her physically. And that I should be suspicious of her
Do you have any thoughts on confrontation / being blunt about this with her?
It seems most relationship advice I read is all about avoiding that though in case it is seen as guilt tripping.
Have you done anything that's made a woman put out more, or would you just walk away in that case?