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10567977 No.10567977 [Reply] [Original]

If you could give any advice to your younger self to be more financially successful what would it be?(I'm 18 and still in highschool and I want to make it away from the life I see so many of my peers heading towards.)

>> No.10568007
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>Don't make a habit of smoking pot til 28

>> No.10568019

don't waste your money on college

I saved up 30k and blew it on college, I could have used that money to open up an overpriced coffee shop or something

>> No.10568026

Any particular reason you have anon?

>> No.10568039

If I go to college it will either be in the tech field which hopefully will be a good investment. Or I'll enlist in the military and have them pay for it.

>> No.10568050

God is real, manifest and believe in your success, never doubt. Don't be a degenerate, clubbing/drugs/alcohol age you terribly and are nothing compared to eternal salvation.

You'll achieve the good life by living a good life. God bless.

>> No.10568053
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Mostly raw cost, but also opportunity cost. Spent a lot of time smoking and videya while knowing full well I'd be better off doing literally anything else at that moment.

Live and learn bois

>> No.10568073

Whats a hardcore believer doing on this hell hole of a site?

>> No.10568084

That makes sense. Luckily I've never had much of an interest in drugs.

>> No.10568090

Went to school for computer science with an emphasis in info systems. I would tell myself not to go to college. That I would have learned more just studying on my own and by getting involved with a bunch of local tech groups and groups online. I'd say half the classes would be bullshit or wouldn't involve any real problem solving. That, and the $57k in debt will be brutal.

>> No.10568119

Never take advice from 4chan.

You're now good to go.

>> No.10568120

>hell hole of a site

It's not as bad as you think. There is good work being done on this site, across many boards among the static and shitposting.

>> No.10568127

But how many companies will actually hire you without a degree?

>> No.10568129

God is fake. Religions are people's way of rationalizing the chaos in the world into structure. Religion give people hope and meaning. There is no holy manifestation of a loving but strict universe that watches over you. Find meaning in life by living it. You don't need to create a God to do that, Anon. Many are dead, but you are alive. Make use of that time.

>> No.10568130

you can literally pay your way through college with scholarships, don’t do it otherwise

>> No.10568155

Gotten some ok advice in the past.

>> No.10568168

Been here since I was like 12. And I can't really think of a single occurence of good work being done. Well perhaps a few. But certainly not enough to out weigh the terrible.

>> No.10568172
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>tfw you realize yahweh is the fundamental narcicism manifest as a demonic entity attempting to cleave humanity from from the natural order for thousands of years

Fuck off with that shit.

>> No.10568189

Raised hard core Christian. Recent years have some doubts but not enough to go that far. Though I do agree with some of your ideas.

>> No.10568212

Idk if I've gotten good enough grades in the past for that anon. I'm fairly intelligent but arrogent and habitually lazy.

>> No.10568236

Really, what matters most when looking for work is intelligence and charisma, along with networking. If you know your shit and people can tell when they talk to you, you'll be better off than half the people who went to college and just memorized shit without applying it.

Two jobs ago, one guy who was a bit above me, doing systems work, never went to school and just knew his stuff. He had been there for a few years. He was a fan of drone music and told me to listen to SUN O))) when I asked for music recs.

Then at my last job, where I was a NOC Admin in Chicago for a small smartgrid company, making $89k (+ bonuses), the person who got me the job was a friend from college. I was friends with him most of school and we both worked tech support for the school. He was a philosophy student who was also popular with the history teachers. When he got out, he worked some shit jobs, then got into low level IT, from growing up a nerd in the 80s/90s. He graduated in 2009. Now he is working as the CTO at some small company in Chicago and is making $112k, working in a small office, mostly doing sys and net admin work.

>> No.10568257

wow next time dont study art history ya loser

>> No.10568262

I advocate God, not religion. Religion is simply a subjective social structure based around the belief of God. God is simply the closest descriptor of His presence.

Anyway not the right place to begin a theological discussion. I pray you find Him, don't worry, he doesn't ask anything of you in particular i.e. tithes, all he asks is that you become your best possible self, and be Good.

You can't see what you don't look for.

>> No.10568294

That sounds nice if a bit hard to believe. But then again ive always been told I'll go to the college or military or both and I need to do that to get a job.

>> No.10568301
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You should of added the qualifier, dont go to college if youre a fucking dumbass and cant manage to make enough money so paying off your student loan isnt a big deal. Go to college if you want to be the best of the best, and youll be fine. If youre a stupid prick who thinks they can open up coffee shops, dont go.

>> No.10568349

College is a meme for this reason. You're taught you need to do it your whole life and imagine how essential it must be to getting good work, but once you finish and spend all that time and money and get out there, you realize that is not the case at all and end up feeling hustled. Think for yourself, Anon.

>> No.10568354
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Females are always a responsibility no matter how nice it is. All guys want to get with as many girls, but realistically that often only goes as far as how much money you have.

Females will often be a waste of money, but then as a guy you might be challenged because shit its some nice pussy

Plan, plan, plan, when spending money with females, like an investment, and consider your returns.

If you do not you will be in bullshit crazy situations in your life later on because at your age you need to learn how to control how you feel with females and how you spend money, especially with your girlfriend or whoever

>> No.10568391
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This is if you want to be a professional nobody in life. Professionals go to college; If you want to be a nobody working at Wal-Mart and in warehouses under globalization of the contemporary new world order caste, then be my guest.

>> No.10568418

So just spend money on females to try to get pussy?

>> No.10568445
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And also ask yourself anon, how many people in todays world can think for themselves....you know after so many years of information being freely available on the internet im not really convinced people have the ability to think for themselves, even when given the choice.

Think about it anon. Its true technically we have all the information around us to free ourselves and pursuit many of the things people want. Im really more convinced the problem isnt that people cant think for themselves; this is irrelevant. The problem is that people are lazy and simply dont want to, and never do in many cases, simply want to engage in the work required to attain nice things or even become more learned and intelligent individuals. This is why you need college, why people in reality need college as an institution, and its one of those sad truths about humanity and human nature.

You need someone there to push you along and hold your hand, to give you deadlines, and tell you what to do, essentially in a dictatorial environment, because most people are lazy, and simply dont want to think; they just want things done for them....

>> No.10568449

>focus in your GPA
>starting searching for internship or research as soon you enter in University
>do a lot of extra courses and a exchange

>> No.10568458



>> No.10568474

Bravo anon. That started off sounding like the paranoid rantings of a theorist but ended more along the lines of the ponderings of a philosopher. While I'm not sure I'll avoid college I certainly agree with some of your points and have saved them for future refrence

>> No.10568479
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no, the best deal is when a female worships the ground you walk on, this is the ideal relationship in fact that all men must seek.

Anything less is cucked.

Anything less is bullshit and just unnecessary bargaining every day, and its not worth your effort as a man

you quickly realize indeed its like bargaining with your employees. You can have nice employees who are grateful for your employment and serve you, or you can have a bunch of privileged ass-holes who think they're worth more than what they're valued at

>> No.10568484

Trying but not doing the best.

>> No.10568496

Isn't bitcoin crashing or something? I'm 18 with no job. I highly doubt I can purchase any practical stock in bitcoin.

>> No.10568503

Saving and investing your money is good but don't totally cheap out on yourself. Eat well, dress well, and travel if you have the opportunity.

>> No.10568515

I see your points but I'd say they're some flaws as well.

>> No.10568533

Getb into a skilled trade. I got into BTC back in 2013, needless to say I made a lot of money. I was an apprentice electrician back then. If I were an indebted college 6 student I wouldn't have been able to coin up. Now I'm a 28 year old boomer journeyman that's been able to my crypto wealth to become a junior partner for the contractor I've been working for through my apprenticeship. Dropping out of college was literally one of the best choices of my life. By the time you turn 24 you can be making 65k a year base pay plus a benefit package worth another 60kb on top of it (most of which you can liquedate into your pay except your 2 pensions and annuity). Not to mention you'll have made $150,000+ by the time you turn over as a journeyman instead of going into debt. Demand for electricians is set to skyrocket as the old timers all retire.

Don't be a fool, do what I did and you'll basicly be set by the time you're 30.

>> No.10568546

And get a credit card now so you can have good credit later. Use it a few times a month and automatically pay the statement in the next month. It's one of the best decisions I made when I was 18. Now I can sign up for any card I want for the sweet sign on bonuses. I've made an easy couple grand over the years from this.

>> No.10568554

If you go to college, estimate your ROI, as in do finance, engineering, or computer science.

>> No.10568557

Everything is demand and supply

>> No.10568570


Have fun and try whatever the fuck your want to try while you’re young, but find ways to do it for cheap. Take care of your body and stay fit, but don’t ever put much effort or money into chasing pussy.

Find a job and support yourself with income from that job. If you go to college, focus on a degree with real job prospects and do all the things (networking, unpaid internships, etc.) to get a job there (study this shit via the internet—it’s way more valuable than your coursework or GPA)... but don’t think you have to go to college. Trade schools and even coding boot camps are options now—cheaper, faster, often more lucrative options. If you pick a field you hate, you can always learn the skills to change careers.

Also, if you need to buy it with a credit card, just don’t get it because you can’t afford it. This includes small shit like nights out with friends, fast food, clothes, etc. Little purchases add the fuck up.

>> No.10568572

Mechanical engineering is a dead end, focus on programming instead, buy as much bitcoin as you possibly can.

>> No.10568591

it costs a lot more than 30k to finish college you dumb fucking spoiled faggots, fuck yourselves

>> No.10568593


>If you could give any advice to your younger self

It's not as relevant now but it was when I was younger. Realistically there just isn't much money to made in bitcoin anymore but you should definitely follow what happens in the crypto world.

>> No.10568601

tech field is saturated with foreigners, good luck

>> No.10568603

Save for retirement. I don't care if you're 21 years old, save for retirement NOW. You want to get ahead of inflation by putting money away early. You also want to pay your taxes on retirement money now so the IRS won't be taxing your compound interest (see: roth ira). You'll get better interest rates in retirement accounts too than just your plain bank account.

I've been working for 8 years and have been able to save about $20k for myself so far. It's not a lot but at least it's money there and still mine. Hopefully when I get older and paid more, I can save more. I'm astonished when some of my friends say they have nothing saved for retirement. I have a coworker tell me that he didn't start saving until he was 40 years old...and if he had started saving 10 years earlier he would have an extra $500k for retirement. Don't do that.

>> No.10568606


>Isn't bitcoin crashing

It has crashed like 5 times already but the funny thing is it always comes back up and goes even higher lol.


>> No.10568607


Be wary of the military. The recruiters will sell you on all the benefits, including paid college, but honestly it’s not a good fit for most people unless you want to become an officer and make a career of the military. I had a lot of friends and family who got seriously fucked over/brainwashed/psychologically damaged by their experiences. I’m not saying not to do it, but take everything your recruiter says with a grain of salt.

The good thing is if you do go to the military and then transition into a profession, you will always be regarded as a tough, hyper disciplined alpha badass even if that’s not who you are at all.

>> No.10568613

>"don't work so hard, our pathetic body can't handle it"

>> No.10568624


This is unironically the best advice in the thread. The amount of autism and pure retardation I see on here every day is dumbfounding.

>> No.10568731
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Dumbass, retirement won't be around when he's 70

>inb4 retirement age is 64
it won't be

>> No.10568741



Do 5g of good dried psilocybe mushrooms and you will be cleansed of this delusion forever.

>> No.10568761

I know to be wary of the recruiters my father went to be a army bulldozer operator but instead became a air force electrician. He came out mentally fine but on the other hand my friends dad in the marines got fucked in the head and on the other hand my grandfather who was a paratrooper got fucked up more by beijg a cop then a soilder so I guess it all depends. As for careers well according to my scores I could have any job I wanted including officer which seems to be what my recruiter is pushing me towards. I hope to go to the private sector then start my own buisness or join the feds if I do decide to go military.

>> No.10568776
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>Tfw you realize no one ever truly dies

>> No.10568783

>Thinking God and religion have to do anything with each other

You're never gonna make it anon

>> No.10568814

Not my idea of a fun time but thanks.

>> No.10568825

Yes that's a worry of mine. My father already worked till his late 60's and still works a small business at 72.

>> No.10568840

I'll do some research thank you anon.

>> No.10568888

I work in tech anon, field is super saturated and they import foreigners left and right (at least in the US)

I don't recommend it. Considering changing fields myself

>> No.10568896

This is true

>> No.10568897

It may be but from what I've heard it still needs more.

>> No.10568922

yes, they need more so they can lower wages more

>> No.10568945

They're ok on occasion if you need a reminder of why life is amazing.

Just don't start smoking weed habitually. Your life will plateau.

And don't trust anyone that does or especially sells drugs. They lie.

>> No.10568947

Here is a list of things I regret
>Fuck video games, do literally anything else with your time. A couple of hours here and there is fine, but if you're playing over two hours a day on video games cut that shit out.
>Try to make as many friends as possible, this will make it so you can pick and choose your friends fairly easily and not regret dropping bad ones because you don't need to worry about "Making friends" if you don't have any. Plus it will make you more sociable. Being an expert in social situations is probably the best thing anyone can do. Smarts don't mean shit if you can't sell yourself.
>Read. Read read read read read read read read read. Don't stop reading. Read until you like reading and then read some more. Absorb as much education as possible, for free if possible.
>Don't stop working out, it becomes a lot harder to start back up again.
>DO NOT get into any long-term relationships if you have any other goals aside from getting married. Relationships limit your choices in life so fucking much. I can't tell you how many friends tell me now "I could have done x, but didn't because of my girlfriend." Only to break up with them a couple years later, wasting tons of time, effort, aggravation, and money. It's not worth it.
>Talk to everyone as much as you can. Make friends with everyone. You will never know what kind of connections you can get, and the more friends you have the more opportunities you have. Cut out the bad ones quickly. Never go "Man x is kind of an ass but he's my friend so it's okay." No. Cut them out. Don't beat around the bush, just say that they're an asshole and you don't want to deal with their shit. You should have many friends to fall back on if you followed the rest of this.
>Start saving now, if you don't know what the hell you're doing open up an ETF account and start putting money into it. Research available options and don't be fucking lazy about it.

Continued with college shit next.

>> No.10568955

Well what field would you suggest instead?

>> No.10568975

I don't mind the idea of a smoke occasionally but I'll still stick away from everything else. And I have dealer friends but I know not to trust them.

>> No.10568977


It’s not about “fun.” Psychadelics are a way of opening your mind to think differently and see possibilities and connections you never saw before. The idea of going through life without a psychedelic experience is like the idea of going through life without dreaming or falling in love. Anyone who says to do them for “fun” is a brainlet. They are non-addictive and physically perfectly safe as proven by volumes of studies. But that is your choice, anon. Good luck to you.

>> No.10568986

why would I tell you that when I plan on doing it myself? welcome to the real world kiddo

>> No.10569005

I'll have to take that into consideration thanks anon.

>> No.10569006


Being an officer requires a college degree. I scored in the top 1% on the ASVAB, too, but an enlisted man is always an enlisted man and you’ll be subject to commissioned officers pulling rank without your degree.

>> No.10569020

Cause on kid seeing your idea will make absolutely zero diffrence in the value of the field. But fair enough farewell my friend.

>> No.10569045

I know and I qualify to be commisioned. If I enlist you can bet I'll be getting a degree out of it anyway. I would want to become a comissioned officer if I were an officer even if. Lot of people hate them.

>> No.10569060

>what are memes
word gets around quick these parts. send me 1 ETH and I will tell you

>> No.10569075

>Don't go to fucking college right out of high school
>Don't go to college if you have no idea why you're going to college, that's stupid and will only have you bouncing between ideas before settling on something you hate.
>Research the fuck out of what you want to do, think very very hard about what you want to do. You're going to possibly be doing it for a significant portion of your life, if not the entirety of your life. Research things like growth in the future, possible way it could cost you your job (like automation), how much money you'll make, etc.
>Work some jobs before going to college if you haven't already. Not only will it give you a taste of the wageslave life (Which fucking sucks) that will motivate you to strive for something better, it will also give you an insight on what you might like doing in the future. Don't go for a McDonald's job, try to get into an entry-level position in a field you think you might like. You need to feel what the job is like on the inside, and it will allow you to speak with people already doing the job. This includes shit like phone operators in hospitals (Say, if you wanted to be a nurse), or low-tier IT techs that set up computers all day (If you want to be in IT.) You'd be amazed at how far these jobs will take you, and if you become buddies with the company's hire ups they might just pay for your college.
>Never fall behind on your studies. A low GPA is almost just as bad as dropping out.
>When you decide what you want to do stick to the college's course plan so you don't waste money on stupid meaningless classes for no reason.
>Don't party too much
>Alcohol will ruin your life if you're not careful
>Never start smoking, if you're already smoking quit that shit and never turn back.
>Be careful of drugs, they can fuck you.
>Meet with your adviser often, ask a lot of questions, make sure you know 100% that you're on the right course.

Sorry if this format is shit and hard to read.

>> No.10569118

No anon its fine and I thank you for the advice. Some are aspects I hadn't really considered. The only problem with working before college is it cancles out a lot of scholarships. If you've proven you can get by on your own you won't get the same amount of aid.

>> No.10569127
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me trying to read your bar graph

>> No.10569156
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Google changed their images tool, it sucks now

>> No.10569185

Couple more things:
>Maintain the best possible relationship with your parents. This isn't always easy, but it's necessary.
>Don't move out too quickly, try to save money/eliminate debt as quickly as possible.
>Never stay too loyal to a job, especially if it's a big company. You can go "I need to stay because my boss/coworkers need me" have a complete shit time and waste away only to be laid off due to falling profits by the higher ups next quarter. It has happened to me, it will happen to you.
>Always be looking for a better job unless you're truly in love with the one you have.
>The end goal is passive income that will eventually replace your regular income. Research this extensively.

You're going to have to determine if it's worth it. If you're an American please realize that modern colleges are basically mills that try to bring in as many students as possible, feed them bullshit for four years, then kick them out and continue the process. It's a giant scam, which is why they promote pseudo-majors like art history, liberal arts, feminist theory, and other stupid non-hard-science bullshit that will land you with a job at burger king and 50k in debt.

I'd say that it's a waste of time to go to college with zero idea of what you want to do because you'll just end up settling on something "You kinda like" and end up hating it ten years down the road. Then again I'm some asshole posting on a mongolian throat-singing forum, so don't let me make your life decisions for you.

>> No.10569230

I'm not gonna just jump in with no idea. But I also don't want to loose any posibilitys. Thats why I'm trying to decide now What I want to do.

>> No.10569276

If you want to see first hand what shit is like in fields your interested in, call companies and ask if you can have a tour/shadow someone. Some places might be cool with it, and the worst they can do is decline.

>> No.10569291

Good idea though theres very few in the area I'm in.

>> No.10569588

Honestly, you really don't have to go to college, you can go into a trade a make good money without the debt. Saying you are only a professional if you go to college is downright fucking retarded.

>> No.10569607
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So you're helping me make the point I was trying to make? Save for retirement now to beat inflation. Ty bro

>> No.10569654


Came here to post this.

Don't go to college. Start a business as fast as possible. One that just requires a pick up truck and some stuff.

Put as much money as possible into long term investments.

Rinse, repeat, and you'll be a millionaire by 40.

Meanwhile an idiot can go to medical school and just be breaking even by age 35.

The College/University model is a complete fucking joke.

>> No.10569685

No, I'm telling you that young people putting their money into retirement now are going to end up with Zimbabwe dollars - utterly worthless

everyone knows the US economy is going to crash sometime soon, within the next 5-20 years. the only question is when. not to mention civil war is on a lot of people's minds. do you really think we will have another 50 years of economic peace and stability? I don't, and I don't think I'm alone in that thinking. even normies know something is up.

>> No.10569727

well yes an no....you cant really enjoy retirment as you can your youth

true old with money >>> old and broke

but you and old and an hero maybe better than old + money

>> No.10569843

If you want to make money, don't bother with since. A Chem degree may be an exception. If you go into Ecology, Biology, or god forbid Natural resource management you will be a dick sucking bitch for the rest of your life, either in Academia sucking dick for funding or in Civil Service sucking dick since you will be paid shit and told to leave if you don't like it. Trades are solid because not only do you get solid money you can easily moonlight on the side to make extra cash.

>> No.10569857


Wow, so woke. If the US economy crashes, like its done 9 times since 1955, you want your money out of it and in a retirement account. If the dollar gets devalued its probably a good idea to have more dollars to begin with. Of course it will be worth less but you will have more. To answer your question, yes, yes I do think we will have more economic peace and stability because rich people have a lot at stake if their money becomes worthless. Rich people won't let it happen. That's why we have bail outs, etc.

If the world economy completely collapses it will at least be fun to watch.


>> No.10570054

Earning 100K isn't hard to believe. I literally know dozens of immigrants working in the trades breaking six figures, doing all kinds of things from electrical work, plumbing, framing, custom cabinetry, and even window washing.

Granted most of them work 60+ hours a week and some of them have 1-3 helpers/employees, that they pay 10-20$/hr, but most of them have been in the US <20 years and have shoddy grasp on the English language. Making six figures isn't hard at all. The hard part is doing it in a way that you don't burn out by 50-60 because of health problems, because you are exposing your body to a substantial amount of risks.