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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10558971 No.10558971 [Reply] [Original]

How's everyone's poorfolios doing?

>> No.10558983
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>> No.10558985

All in usd since 8300 feels good my nigger

>> No.10559006
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Lost the last little bit of ETH I didn't even know I had.

>> No.10559010

I hope you were about to wire that .09 bitcoin to your poorfag credit union safe and sound

>> No.10559014

How many white slaves do you plan on owning once link is 1k? You do hold link right nigbro?

>> No.10559017

how much have you blown on crack so far?

>> No.10559019


>> No.10559027

None. I rather enslave the spics

>> No.10559070

>he doesn't want highly competent white slaves


>> No.10559075

whys it always brown people and women that insist on announcing their race/gender. Isn't there anything noteworthy about you or is that your whole claim to an identity

>> No.10559085

Cucked it’s more than your yearly salary :)

>> No.10559103

Niggers are only proud of their ability to act like animals.

>> No.10559118

>its another minority obsessed with white people episode

>> No.10559123

>doesn't realize that whites peak performance is subpar compared to asians thus deeming whites to be OUTSOURCED

>> No.10559132

Check your privilege.

>> No.10559135

I am unique

>> No.10559146

idgaf what race you are but wanted to start this thread too because I just rebalanced

Currently holding
1,750 EOS
28 ETH
20,000,000 HOLO
110,000 DAG
.15 BTC & .15 BCH

>> No.10559147

Sharks and wolves? R-Right?

>> No.10559159

this is a smart nigger. spics are definitely better for manual labor than us whites. if you need intelligent slaves for special tasks you go asian. white people are too all-purpose to be slaves.

>> No.10559163

Asians are cheaper but prone to defects

>> No.10559165


Too bad your race has you have too low of an IQ to hold a proper job let alone slaves.

>> No.10559176



>> No.10559189

OP don't trigger these incels. You know wypipo can't cope when they see a minority doing better than them. Let them live off their welfare in their trailer park homes (The Cracker Hustle).

>> No.10559192


>> No.10559198

When did statistic gensral become subjective?

>> No.10559205

generalization *

>> No.10559215

Why are you so stupid and ugly, mentally and physically damaged both here and in reality? I have literally never seen you post anything remotely intelligent, original or funny here. All you do is shit up the place with you 8 syllable sentences and let everyone know it was indeed you who dropped that turd of a "thought" on this board.
Thanks to you I have started to advocate for euthanasia to be accessible without any specific reason to everyone, so you could freely end your existence on this planet, because you will NEVER EVER find happiness nor wealth with your cruel handicaps.
Everyone wishes you were dead, ESPECIALLY your family, nobody loves you and nobody likes the idea of having deranged cripple who only produces debt, misery and uncertainty in their family. They might never say it out loud but everytime they look at you they wish you would die already and would stop being a baggage of depression to them.
Maybe you think you are strong just by virtue of existing - but you couldn't be more wrong, the people around you tolerating your existence, the family of yours who carries you as an emotional and financial burden, the doctors pointlessly trying to cure you, THEY are strong. You however, are just a rotting, retarded waste of oxygen and protein.
Do one good and brave thing and end the suffering for them and for you.
Kill yourself.

>> No.10559218
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Funny how easy it is to spot the niggers.

>> No.10559266
File: 45 KB, 400x400, 05A0C51D-0030-4482-AA87-E8A1A2DC65C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does “nigger” mean?

>> No.10559283


>> No.10559300

why is it always white people acting like having pasty freckled skin and straw thin light coloured hair with brown or green eyes and being morbidly obese makes them genetically superior to anyone else just because half a century ago some random white guy that has zero relation walked on the moon?

>> No.10559315

It's sad seeing any of this talk on a crypto board. It just shows that all of you faggots don't want societal change and you are looking for a buck. Go to /pol/ with the other poor low IQ people.

>> No.10559328


>> No.10559336

the next crypto currency bubble will be tied in with black lives matter

>> No.10559367

they sperg out whenever they hear about a project donating to charity
crypto isn't about financial freedom for everyone on the planet for them, just neet failures who want to dream of riches from nothing while literally contributing nothing to society

>> No.10559520


How'd you possibly get enough food stamps to afford that?

>> No.10559551

cuck detected

>> No.10559559

that's an inbred beaner and his irish wife
those are not white people, you nigger.

>> No.10559637

>Irish are not white
and Americans are? Lmao you fucking mutt

>> No.10559642

imagine being such a nigger that you feel the need to mention you are a nigger on the internet, where it shouldn't matter

>> No.10559663

Why is the word cuck a bad thing? Do men actually out there believe it's mentally healthy to like someone else fucking their women. Seriously these people are mentally ill no matter how they look on the outside, this isn't a normal trait of evolution.

>> No.10559666
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>Being a nigger does not matter

>> No.10559670


Based & true

>> No.10559687



>> No.10559727

lol no
you are just another ashy nigger who thinks hes unique

deluded nigger

>> No.10559742

it exists in the animal world tho

>> No.10560151

no white person does that
when subhumans dont force themselves into white spaces, whites consider themselves as french, german, british, italian, polish, norwegian... not "white"
and "white" isn't an identity, it's just the default state, being normal
nigger attempts to mock white culture always fall flat because you project black insecurities onto white people

>> No.10560187

every neet incel loser on /pol/ does exactly that though
also do you think a black person from dominica is the same as a somali or nigerian?

>> No.10560189


Pick one. That VICE documentary shows all incels are white. Your people are the ones constantly depressed and insecure so you create communities online to project the hate you hold inside for being a damaged honkey

>> No.10560193

like, bad

>> No.10560285

it's spelled "insecurities", my intellectually challenged friend. the word was even written in the post you replied to so all you had to do was copypaste
why are niggers so prone to dunning-kruger? if you want to bitch about wypipo, focus on that. a fair amount of whites are infuriated by the combination of arrogance and ignorance characteristic of the average black "person"

>> No.10560346

>I'm just going to post my race and a racially offensive picture, but then ask a benign question and those crackas will take the bait lol
I want you to know that when chainlink finally moons out of the solar system I, and many others here, will be funding and promoting white nationalist groups in the US, Europe, and South America. If you want to avoid being enslaved like your ancestors go to Africa ASAP

>> No.10560353


>> No.10560377

>wn groups in South America

>> No.10560726

most robots on r9k are some sort of halfbreed.
desu, Black fragility is most noticeable when you look at how they have never produced a functional civilization and any area they become a majority population of is plagued by crime and unemployment people.

I wish that it wasn't this way because it is bad for my people too. Until we can have an honest conversation about this kind of thing the black man will continue to lag behind

>> No.10560790


>> No.10560863
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>funding and promoting white nationalist groups in the US, Europe, and South America
>South America

>> No.10561407

Good thanks for asking

>> No.10561825

>uses white tech
>uses white language
>probably sits on a chair designed by whites
>hurr durr what have wypipo ever done

>> No.10563067
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If you're black and offended by the word nigger on the internet.


>> No.10563103

..He has 36 ETH, he already made it, salty fag.
Btw OP can I have just one ETH? I'll give you my email if you agree

>> No.10563111

36eth? It's not even much you poorfag, I have 26 and it's not much at all

>> No.10563132

36 ETH * $20 = 720 dollas

>> No.10563134

black 22 y/o with 87 eth here. started with 3 eth 13 months ago

feels good when you realise /biz/ is just a bunch of poor whites who will never make it brother

>> No.10563136


Where do you live? Somalia? You dumb nigger, that want even last you a year.

>> No.10563153

Your opinion literally does not matter because you don't have anything close to that sum and will never have. Even if he had 5000 ETH you'd still come up with some salty tears.

>> No.10563157

At least I am not black.

>> No.10563166

Or salty downplay, rather.

>> No.10563293

>credit unions
>not part of the federal reserve interest machine
>don't encourage inflation


>> No.10563336


lol, bitch i have a ~90k salary job. I'm just amazed you think that measly 36 eth is enough to set you for life.

Maybe this is why niggers stay poor, they have no concept what rich is.

>> No.10563367

>lol, bitch i have a ~90k salary job
Nah, you don't. Otherwise you wouldn't be so passionate and salty in this thread, loser. Also what I meant is he practically made it already, because he only needs to either hold ETH or buy something else and then actually be set for life. You're so salty and shit, I can feel the permavirginity waft through my screen.

>> No.10563501

And the animals that get cucked are genetic failures.

>> No.10563611

>Bragging about holding 36 eth
Conformed nigger rich, don’t spend it all on rims and a chain.