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10518572 No.10518572 [Reply] [Original]

> walked by my dad's computer
> saw that he had Binance open on ICX
> Last time I showed him the price, ICX was over $12
> It is now $1
> My dad has known for 7 months that I am a failure and has been monitoring it his own time
> He told me to sell back in January but I didn't listen
> tfw gooked
> Been holding through the pain and refusing to get a job
> He's been urging me to go back
> T-t-the market will go back Dad it always done

Am I a failure anons?

>> No.10518599


>> No.10518606

Don't worry, it has to go up eventually. Just buy more. I bought at $2, $4, $5, $7, $11 and then again on the way down at $9 $6 $4 $2 and I am buying like crazy still at $1. Anything under $20-$30 is good.

>> No.10518619

That's what I thought but it keeps dropping

>> No.10518632
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im in the same boat with icx, but at least my dad isnt disappointed in me

>> No.10518634

it's ok my dad told me to sell btc at 3000

>> No.10518644

This will be one of the most successful projects long term, just don't get hung up over the price too much. Just realize that it's completely under the radar right now. You are buying the future samsung of blockchain. Just remember, nobody wants it when it's low but everyone wish they had bought it when it's high.

>> No.10518645

Your father knows it yet he hasn't told you anything. Follow your dad advice, anon. Don't give up on crypto but don't be a bum either

>> No.10518745

Lol literal vapor ware congrats you played yourself

>> No.10518748
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>go out with father for drinks
>get on the topic of money
>tells me how much he makes and has
>says "I probably shouldn't have told you that hah"
>want to tell him a secret so he wont feel bad the next day
>decide to tell him how much money I put in crypto, my ATH, and my current
>week later at family get together, I show up and see my uncles already there
"Hey we heard you invested x dollars into bitcoin. Not looking so hot right now haha"

I Trusted him...

>> No.10518759
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>> No.10518802
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You've got it wrong anon, you're supposed to have a job/career and put a little of your play money into crypto.

My "portfolio" is way down from January but if it never comes back up then it won't affect me in the slightest.

You can't bank on crypto recovering anytime soon. Get a job.

>> No.10518804
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>> No.10518915

Sorry OP :( I told my dad I bought BTC at 11500 like a chump and had to admit I lost 40%.

>> No.10518938


just explain to him you got gooked and maybe he'll understand and help out

>> No.10518942

DESU you haven't lost until you sell. It will go back there and higher.

>> No.10518952

You're only a failure if you don't learn from your mistakes. Take your lumps and move on.

>> No.10518978

Paid my parents' mortgage off with crypto, they don't annoy me about getting a job anymore.

>> No.10519003

the first rule of speculating with your own money should be to never tell other people that you interact with any specifics. it's fine to mention ideas to people in a general sense (i.e. mentioning a certain project) but let them come to their own conclusions, don't ever influence them or shill. don't discuss amounts. if they urge you to sell say you already did. if it then goes 5x and they apologize, no problem, you bought back in on the dip right after they said to sell. you watch this stuff all the time. it truly interests you. if they are not like this and you shill them to buy it will very likely end badly. if you give them all the details about your decisions and holdings you limit yourself hugely, proportional to the amount of credence you put in their opinion of you. it's almost like magic how going into specifics with someone you deal with on a regular basis will end up fucking you over every time. that's what makes /biz/ so great, nobody has to keep up appearances, there are no usernames or identities, you can talk about this stuff here and get feedback and not have it cause problems

>> No.10519045

Icon is still a fine investment

>> No.10519150

Are you retarded? You never buy when the price is up.

>> No.10519734


REKT City stories like this fills me with JOY! HAHAHHAHA

>> No.10519749


1200% to get even, KYS, HAHAHAHA. He thinks it will 12x lololololol.

Even if it 12x, you won't sell and hodl anyway like a retard.

I can't get enough of this.

>> No.10519770

>dad looking how to buy weed stocks but doesnt know the process
>knows i mess around with crypto
>looks at some charts and tells me to put 2k into X.
>somehow manages to buy the absolute bottom and sell the top in a 2 week span making 3x.
>im still negative bag holding

Fucking boomers!!

>> No.10520102

Damn anon that's actually good, solid advice.

>> No.10520111

Nope, it doesn't have to go up eventually.

>> No.10520113

ICX is going to be about 60 cents next week. I think anything a decent amount below $1 is a decent deal. Anything above $1 is a huge risk.

>> No.10520132

>are you winning son?

>> No.10520181

>has to go up eventually

it actually doesn't have to at all, and most likely will go to $0 as the cryptocurrency market bleeds out

it was all an elaborate ponzi right from the beginning, but no one could have ever dreamed they'd find suckers willing to pay $20k for a BTC. There is no value in this space besides the base technology in niche applications, and if that technology ever has a real world use by a major corporation, they'll just use an open source blockchain and create their own token. Do you really think a company like Amazon or Microsoft or Facebook or whoever would just adopt a random shitcoin? There's zero chance of that, they'd make their own company token instead.

>> No.10520426

Why do some of you absolutely refuse to get jobs or do anything? God damn just get a fucking job why do you think you're above it. I don't understand

>> No.10520573

Haven't thought about it like this, I will now. Thank you.

>> No.10520609

Fuck this is good info. I made a mistake and didn't sell because I had to live up to it. My dad never told me he was proud of me and always criticized me, and for once he was proud. That's why I showed him. Otherwise, yeah I wouldn't show anyone. Now obviously he thinks I'm wasting my time with gambling (which altcoins pretty much are) like everyone else.

Thanks for the advice and thanks to the other anons for the rekt comments and other advice.

>> No.10520686

The fuck are you talking about you can say whatever numbers to a normie, you just add "but no one really knows, it's all new and exciting"

>> No.10520708

My dad told me to sell at ATH instead I preferred to hold and lose 90%.

>> No.10520731

The more you participate in the stagnating fiat ecosystem, the longer it procrastinates its inevitable failure.
The responsible thing to do is to be a NEET, let the economy go to shit and restart with decentralized currencies.

>> No.10520739

I don't know either anon. You can still buy your shitcoins while having a job but you don't have a panick attack everytime btc drops $200.

>> No.10520747

You fell for the hodl meme. You should only hodl a coin/token you believe will have real-world uses in the future, everything else you should sell the majority when it rises and don't get greedy, thinking it will rise to some ridiculous amount. Also, don't put all your shitcoins in one basket.
I believe ICX will rise again though, just cash out when it does.

>> No.10520768

Yeah this is the biggest lesson I have learned, thankfully i haven't really lost much money at all. Only coin I am holding long term is link.

>> No.10520769

>under the radar

i had the utmost of fucking normies asking me about this complete with retarded EOY predicition, that is how i knew it was time to sell everything

>> No.10520810


I have come to realise this is true, but would crypto have another bull market left in it?

>> No.10520888

Crypto can go way higher than we have seen still. It obviously rests on which major companies incorporate the technology into their products and whether or not people use it enough. Lots of people still don't have a clue how to set up a wallet and purchase crypto.

>> No.10520971

The sole purpose of cryptos is to create a new virtual frictionless ecosystem with no taxes and create new wealth in it.
The people who don't understand it just see that big companies and institutions have all the wealth and the only way to get it is for them to buy our bags.
You can't get new significant wealth without fundamentally changing something. If everything stays the same and we just used BTC instead of USD, then nothing actually changes.

>> No.10521242
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>> No.10521284


I want to be the right but buying a house in this market sucks dick. My dad said he'll give me his house when he dies but the area he lives in is absolutely shit and his house isn't even worth 20k and was built in the 1920s

>> No.10521464

Why do you people refuse to sell? You didn't even sell after it broke 2k resistance.

>> No.10521469

>Am I a failure anons?
yes, and your dad knows it lol

>> No.10521578

No you lost that shit never going back to ATH.

>> No.10521596
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Are ya winning son

>> No.10521607
File: 86 KB, 1024x707, C9B064FA-BB9D-48AB-99B1-C54CFE5EF2FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing personel kid

>> No.10521644

>Been holding through the pain and refusing to get a job

Wtf now is the best time to get a job

Get a job so you can buy more crypto during the bottom, dude. Make money so you can buy while prices keep falling.

Better to have extra money to buy all the way down, at, and up from the bottom than to have no extra money and just buy a tiny bit at the bottom.

>> No.10521654

you bought a late adopter chink token, yes, you are a failure, but not for not setting at the top, but for buying something so obviously worthless in the first place.

>> No.10521664
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> my father also told me to sell in January
> mfw the crash was inherently caused by all the boomer getting in at the end of last year and selling for a quick 15% gain like the boomer they are

>> No.10521679

Stop giving him false hope. Let’s be real, there’s a reason Icon is known as a “kimche coin” in SK because it is mocked for being a pump and dump. There is 0 reason for ICON to be successful because not only is its marketing terrible, but there aren’t too many competitors— with such a poor grasp of basic social dynamics in a market and an inability to produce thing so on time, and the overall radio silence from the team, means that this project’s success is dubious at best.

>> No.10521805

They just don't market to normie retail investors (and why should they?). They are busy building the network. Also, no project delivers everything perfectly on time, and the reason for that is this tech is so new nobody really is able to properly estimate the length of time required for certain developments.