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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10514181 No.10514181 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that you are almost all low IQ cucks with no technical knowledge and outside of the talking points that (((they))) give you, you are illiterate and don't understand how to apply these systems.

You are not going to make it. This is the dotcom bubble 2.0 and you are the retail idiots that were crushed. These systems are complex and unless you have a good background studying economics and computer science you are going to get destroyed in the coming months. There is a new wave coming and what you think you know is irrelevant.

>> No.10514272
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um, thank you very much, I don't need any help.
I've got a degree in economics I bought from Peter GoldShills website.

>> No.10514294

Don't mistake this for FUD of cryptocurrency. Decentralized networks and crypto is the way forward but people almost exclusively talk about irrelevant projects on here. Notice that everything that is popular here is not talked about by anyone that is educated in the space? It's because it's irrelevant and in a retail bubble.

>> No.10514634

let's just say I'm excited for blockchain but not so much for cryptocurrency.
Most people here have no idea how blockchain works but some are at least good speculators.
There are also people on this board right now who unironically believe this isn't a speculative bubble and everyone will pay with decentralized deflationary tokens in the future.

>> No.10514727

Member when bitbean promised a POS (point of sale) atm by summer 2017

Funny how all these 'blockchain' products are good at scrubbing their past.

>> No.10514746


I studied it and it doesn't apply

>> No.10514773

Incentive models don't apply?

This is exactly what I am talking about as far as idiots on this board. Look at the new economy. Airbnb, Uber, now computing and money transfer are changing in the same way.

>> No.10514789

I'm not even sure that blockchain how we think of it (PoW Vertical Scaling Networks) are going to survive. Now that we have other secure models for consensus it makes those first generation systems look stupid.

>> No.10514828


models never apply, go back to class

>> No.10514897

Holy shit context. KYS brainlet or post anything relevant.

When we say "models" here we are talking about structuring. Globally scaling nearly frictionless ways of working and consuming services that previously required a lot of capital to access and provide. Given my examples this "model" or structure is successful and spreading quickly. Crypto is just an arm of that but as we can see in the rest of the world high friction systems die.

>> No.10514931

Yes, I think that most of the first gen stuff will die but only after speculation will reach true mania level

>> No.10514958

Yeah I agree, we'll move past the trillion dollar MC before we see all of these get pruned off.

>> No.10514967

stated you are wrong
whatever you may call it, incentive is not the driver
thanks to mitigated risk, not incentive
ok bagholder

if you said disincentive id have agreed, but you are clearly in way above your head here.

>> No.10514991

>incentive is not the driver
What is the driver then? If that isn't what is driving this how come any attempt at a decentralized network in the past has collapsed unless it is based around stealing goods that cost money?

>> No.10515001

So........ If you're so smart anon how do I prepare?

>> No.10515014
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>vested interests aren't a thing

>> No.10515018

Ok. So what are you invested in, OP? Explain how ChainLink is irrelevant or already out-developed by some other project that doesn't get discussed here.

>> No.10515042


incentive is meant to change behavior. disincentive is meant to mitigate poor behavior. big difference and why you are incorrect however slightly you may perceive.

>> No.10515058


yes, skin in the game is about disincentive not incentive.

>> No.10515068

Look for the easiest point of entry projects that solve real world problems. Don't look for projects that solve problems in an already poorly designed system.

So let's say we have a slow hard to use PoW blockchain that is at a cap of 500m, don't invest any thought in a service that is being built on that to add functionality that it doesn't already have because a new system is going to come before that service is even released that will do everything that it does faster cheaper and has more tech baked into the protocol.

The only exemption is protocols with massive network effect like bitcoin. It's slow and shitty and will not grow in a meaningful way but it will be around so long that it will ride all of waves with the market.

>> No.10515139

Yeah so with chainlink in these new dApp platforms like Holochain, Constellation, Avalanche, Perlin, NKN and so on the data that is required of a dapp is made accessible to the network natively so you don't need some middleware to go ask for the required information. The nodes are allowed to hold their own data that can not be compromised and that information can be checked by nodes that need it.

Again with the network effect and vested interest Ethereum may need a service like that because I don't think that Ethereum is going anywhere anytime soon.

Ethereum sharding is going to make nodes a lot more independent though, they have not specified to what degree but it may look more like the networks that I mentioned in the top line.

>> No.10515176

>bypassing banks
>bypassing middlemen
>more services becoming available in this way
>nearly frictionless exchange from one token to another

Where are the vested interests in here? The vested interest can't do anything to stop this and the interest of the new system is moving people to it, which is happening.

>> No.10515319

Which of those "secure" models solve the Byzantine Generals Problem?

Hint: none

>> No.10515340
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> Of course, there is an altogether different possible outcome. Some have called for “better models” as a suitable response to the crisis. According to this argument, we couldn’t foresee or prevent the mayhem because currently used theoretical devices are not complex enough to capture reality. Only if the former were more complex, we could have avoided the worst. The solution, then, is to up the analytical ante and get busy designing even more super-charged constructs that borrow from even more super-charged mathematical and computational tools. Hire more PhDs, place even more weight on theorizing. Keep glorifying the “physics-ization” of business schools. To add a cherry on top, the pro-modeling crowd may offer, perhaps financial econometrics could be endowed with another Nobel.

>> No.10515363

Doesn't take a genius to dca bitcoin and ignore memecoins.

>> No.10515404


Then enlighten us. What is irrelevant?

>> No.10515558


And nm, anon. I saw your post later in the thread and I agree. I’m heavily into Holo and I’m looking at Constellation and NKN. The others are new to me but I’ll DMOR. I do think ETH is going to die a slow death due to how little first mover adoption it actually got and how much competition it already. Chainlink, even if successful, will not be the big deal everyone here thinks it will be.

>> No.10515645

* hopes
At least for some of us. Agreed on ETH

>> No.10515771

Just name your shitcoin and get it over with OP.

>> No.10515816

So do more research and pick my investmens carefully. No more day trading just play the long game. That about it anon?

>> No.10515897

The real reason ETH must die is that they made a mistake in the base design (too much complexity in a base layer) and now they have to patch it up with sharding which by the CAP theorem will remove 1 of 3 important properties. Years and billions will have been wasted on an unsolveable problem. Pretty funny.

>> No.10515927

can cumfirm
/biz/ is full of retards

>> No.10516013

Eh day trading is fine but realize what is day trading and what can have actual growth and impact. I day trade shitcoins but have only held 3 positions for over a year.

Literally all of them. It's all of the same BFT models as PoW. If you had over 50% of the nodes then you can DoS people. That's why so many of these are launching with hardware like Holochain or have nodes and node operators ready to go like Perlin & Constellation. Data integrity is also the same where you have a tx in a header that references another header that is signed by all of the other nodes in the neighborhood.

Maybe they will get destroyed and PoW and forced state nodes are the only way forward. Too early to see and too early to get married to anything but as a speculator and enthusiast these are much more interesting from a scaling and use case perspective.
Not trying to shill anything I just want to talk in a thread where I can direct the conversation.

>> No.10516328

Are you autistic by any chance? You talk like one.