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File: 12 KB, 320x319, 0xbitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10483055 No.10483055 [Reply] [Original]

You ready, fellas? Bags packed?

>> No.10483068

Trip to Delhi imminent?

>> No.10483073

I hate how forced threads are for this coin. I'm going to wake up tomorrow and this thread will have 50+ replies for no good reason.

>> No.10483085


We've been trying to help you. I don't understand why you're so resistant to wealth.

>> No.10483089


Anything that's not Link is an improvement for this board. Thank God I made this thread, t b h.

>> No.10483279

1.5k reporting sir

>> No.10483294

Dear sirs I have filled my bags with four poos.
Am I going to make it sirs?

>> No.10483316

Please explain to me why anyone needs a mineable ERC20 token or fuck off.

>> No.10483348


Buy now or stay poor forever.

>> No.10483383

bags loaded.....

>> No.10483427

Thanks Rajeesh very kind of you sir

>> No.10483440

for fuck sake i'm all in on this but because of fucking 0 IQ anons like you we get the hate that we get

>Please, can we have a discussion about why we need mineable erc20?
>u-uh buy now or stay poor

i love this project but i fucking hate that you are in my team

>> No.10483504

Stop teaming up with Pajeets. When are we gettiing country flags on this board?

>> No.10483558
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>> No.10483730


What's with the hate? If you're all in on this then you know the massive potential of this token. I'm just trying to help other people realize it as well, and emphasizing the fiscal side is usually the most effective way to win people over. I mean, who doesn't like free money, right?

>> No.10483776

This token attracts too much hate. I'll let you new days know why. This coin has a small enough cap that FUDDING actually has an effect. Everyone who says Pajeet is trying to buy more

>> No.10483803

i just told you

how are you trying to help them? you're not giving them any rational arguments, no logic, no nothing

just ha faggots buy or stay poor biz never learns

how are you gonna invite people over when youre a d-bag


its that simple

>oh yeah he told me to buy this or i will never make it, fuck he's right, i'm gonna buy this right away

that's what happens right? jesus how people are stupid amazes me

>> No.10483830


If someone offered you the chance to escape poverty and waging forever and all you had to do for it was to buy a specific token, would you not at least do some research on it? People shouldn't expect to be handed this information on a silver platter, I can only point them in the general direction.

>> No.10483863

I've held my 0xBTC bags since i bought for 9 cents on forkdelta, before it was even on livecoinwatch, and prob have more than you Ranjeet.
I almost want to see it fail just to spite the pajeets that hover round it like flies on shit.

>> No.10483890

but you are not pointing them
try to make some arguments
make a short introduction, like talk about ICOs and how 0xBTC is better than them, PoW, decentralization, immunity to 51%, that it's literally a bitcoin on ethereum and after that say
>you can read more on that in the whitepaper

if i were the investor, i would be at least a little curious

if i saw what you wrote i would just say no to this
Well, maybe not but that's me but people are not equal you have to understand that people's views differ if you want to attract people, you have to do it in a generally universal way, like the one i said before because, i assure you, i don't know a single person that has been attracted to any coin by reading >buy or stay poor

i've calmed down now, sorry for being mean but i just keep seeing this over and over again
Hope that something gets to you what i wrote, this coin is really good and i too am aware that anons are idiots but hey, at least let's try

>> No.10483928

Any hard evidence this is pushed by pajeets?

>> No.10483947


I suppose I could indeed include some more information, I was just thinking that keeping it vague would make people seek out more information on their own. It's just that it was one of these very vague posts that attracted me to this token in the first place sometime in March, but perhaps this approach is indeed not suitable for most people. In any case, it's not like /biz/lets actually influence this token in any way.


You don't have to be so hateful, to each his own.

>> No.10484003

the approach you had was pretty good IF you were in march

but now? people are shitting on this token with no apparent reason, what we want to attract is people that read the threads and don't comment, imagine that for every 1 person that is commenting on the post 10 others are reading it. And that's the target audience

>> No.10484027

lmao at the state of 0xbagholders

>> No.10484096

Everyone is talking about how there's no good discussion or arguments, but as I remember last 3 times I posted this (below) people kept calling me a pajeet anyway. But let's try again.

- First fully mineable ERC20 token on Ethereum. Created by, and actively developed on, by the authors of the EIP918 protocol: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-918

- It is not a work in progress with dubious claims, but a finished and immutable smart contract. No ICO, no premine, and no founder's reward. You're not at risk of having 30% of the supply dumped on you secretly. The price isn't dependent on the anticipation of deadlines or conferences. 0xBitcoin is as transparent as can possibly be. If you read solidity, then go ahead and give it a read: https://etherscan.io/token/0xb6ed7644c69416d67b522e20bc294a9a9b405b31#readContract

- Big names in Ethereum, including Vitalik and Vlad Zamfir, have stated that Ether is not a good currency and functions best as gas: https://twitter.com/VladZamfir/status/954819096922779649

- Merge mining allows for 0xBitcoin to be an anchor on which future cryptoassets can be fairly distributed, giving devs an alternative to ICO, airdrop, and faucet for truly decentralized projects: https://medium.com/coinmonks/0xlitecoin-and-merge-mining-tokens-a0381effb31

- 0xBitcoin acts as more than just a currency; it is an effective PoW engine on Ethereum. Decentralized PoW has many applications when it comes to decentrally and non-randomly deciding arbitrary events within smart contracts. 0xBTC's mining is already functioning within the governance of the Lava network: https://medium.com/@admazzola/a-revolutionary-new-ethereum-smart-contract-pow-king-of-the-hill-5b68e6d9a51c

>> No.10484110

- Developed by the 0xBTC contract deployer, Lava network will allow users to transact on Ethereum by paying in ERC20 tokens instead of in Ether. This paves the way for adoption of 0xBTC as the default currency on Ethereum, and relegates Ether to background utility status as was intended.

- As an ERC20 token, 0xBitcoin will scale with Ethereum and is virtually immune from 51% attack. Any improvements in privacy and transaction speed/cost on the world's most used smart contract platform will apply to 0xBitcoin without altering the contract code.

- With a market cap of just $2.5mil, 0xBitcoin can 100x and still only be half way towards the market caps of Bitcoin pretenders like Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Diamond.

So anyone still want a discussion? Or is it just going back to "you're a pajeet" in the face of something to discuss.

>> No.10484121

no need to answer all this shit to try to get people to hold your bags, just say what the general public would like to hear
why would they want this shitcoin?

>> No.10484163
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The greatest problem when trying to counter this scamtoken with facts is that this token has hardly any facts that can be contradicted. 0xBTC is a pure hypecoin that is dependent on hype and spam for its very survival and has no fundamentals at all and thus has nothing that anyone can contradict. It is nothing but a piece of stolen code from Bitcoin copied into an ERC20 token creating a minable token.

Pajeets claim that this would make it somehow more fair and better but it is still nothing but just another lie:
>Pajeets claim that some poo has magical powers and will make its owners rich
>Pajeets claim that since everyone was allowed dig poo at the same time then this totally changes the fact that this is a scam.
And of course there is no proof that it actually wasn’t mined for a prolonged period of time using 1000 wallets before pajeets started shilling it.

Creating such a shitcoin is a retarded idea that makes 0xBTC even worse than the original code that the pajeet has stolen. The fact that it is a minable ERC20 token however makes it unique and the pajeet will abuse anything as a selling point even if everything that makes this shitcoin unique makes it also worse. It is only unique in how bad it is.

>> No.10484164

shill it like >>10484096
and i will even help you.

>> No.10484182
File: 37 KB, 500x500, a9a5e92f0dea23810ccdf16e9aba2d10--cut-cat-big-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The proof that this is shitcoin without any future whatsoever is the lack of any proof that it isn’t. The pajeet has to prove that it is not a shitcoin but he claims that this is not his responsibility and claims that you have to prove that something does not exist. Thus he calls all your posts baseless FUD and declares himself the victor of every discussion.

Whenever you point this out or the fact that it has no fundamentals and is of no use to anyone the pajeet will simply try to bully anyone who disagrees out of his thread and distract from that issue, tell you to DYOR knowing that all info out there is shit, pretend that this has been discussed a million times before, ignore all intelligent questions and call them baseless FUD. He will distract by spamming bullshit and tell you how comfy he feels and make false promises that Business will use it, that whales are accumulating, that he bought the dip, that some stupid feature will make it good, that it will hype when it comes to another exchange, that it will come to another exchange and so on.

>I can post this over and over and over again and I never have to fear any good counter argument because I know you dont't have one

>> No.10484250

> The pajeet has to prove that it is not a shitcoin but he claims that this is not his responsibility and claims that you have to prove that something does not exist

What are you smoking, I just posted like 8 (cited) points about why 0xBitcoin is valuable for Ethereum

>> No.10484261


Your first post in this thread was literally
>Trip to Delhi imminent?
It's not like you're doing this token a whole lot of favors yourself. Anyway, Judge fag has arrived, so any potential for intelligent discussion is dead.

>> No.10484370

It's actually hilarious how obvious this Rakesh scheme is. I welcome these threads. Anyone who falls for this deserves it. The Indians are barely evening trying anymore. Most of them are likely bagholding so in the end we won anyway.

>> No.10484485
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>your points are nothing but features and nothing of that will ever translate into anything of real value. The funny thing is that you are even to dumb to make up some bullshit and simply lie. You don't know what value is and you never will. Thanks for once again proving my "copy and pase"

It’s not only that the Pajeet lacks morals and higher aspirations but also the very intelligence to understand such concepts. In particular he is oblivious toward the concept of value. Whenever you ask him about the fundamentals of the coin he can only give you features.

>Pajeet: My shitcoin will be listed on some ABC-exchange
>Pajeet: My shitcoin has only 1$ market cap
>Pajeet: My shitcoin has feature-X
>real human: how does this change the fact that this is still a shitcoin?
At this point the Pajeet only understands that some criticism has been uttered but he does not understand the nature of the critique.
>Pajeet: Pajeet detected. Stay poor you shill. Feature-Z is the future.

To him there is no difference between something of real value and useless but flashy junk. To him the imitation of fundamental utility is as good as the real thing.

>> No.10484545


What is the difference between fundamentals and features? Is the difficulty adjustment in Bitcoin a fundamental or a feature? What about the limited supply?

>> No.10484548

So no specific responses? Nothing specific about the points I brought up you'd like to address? Just vague ramblings about how you understand "value" better than I do?

>> No.10484623
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>Always remember that it is his job to prove that he is not a fraud and that his scamtoken is legitimate. You owe him nothing and it is always his obligation to prove that he is white.

>> No.10484941


If you can find a backdoor in this code that would allow an investor to get scammed then please point it out. But a retard like yourself probably has never read a line of Solidity in his life.

>> No.10484969

Prove that you're white, post pic of hand with timestamp, faggot

>> No.10485244

Brainlet here. Can someone explain what this thread is about? Are you guys shorting btc in hopes of a crash?

>> No.10485259

No we're talking about this token

>> No.10485271
File: 69 KB, 600x451, Lol+boobs+ill+bump+it+_047c096691bf37d1210873856b3c0378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After shilling this shitcoin you now point out a backdoor that would allow an investor to get scammed?
are you schizophrenic or some shit like that?


>> No.10485307

Nah, this thread is about an ERC20 token called 0xBitcoin. It's the first fully mineable asset on Ethereum, which makes it the first fully decentralized currency on Ethereum as well. Half this thread is people like myself discussing the token's potential for adoption and growth (See >>10484096 and >>10484110) while the other half is people calling me a pajeet or copy pasting baseless FUD.

Anyway DYOR, read up on the project and find its whitepaper here: https://github.com/0xbitcoin/white-paper

>> No.10485322

There's no way anyone is going to use this garbage over BTC.

>> No.10485337

I'm posting the public code so that everyone can see there ISN'T a backdoor. Dumbass. Easy auditing is why open source smart contract exist. Someone made the claim that 0xBTC is a scam or fraud, and I was asking him to point to a specific line in the code that allows for scamming. But you won't find it, since the code isn't a scam.

It's called being transparent. I know you're not used to that with privately run ICO shitcoins.

>> No.10485341

We don't expect anyone to use it over BTC, but the thing is that it's impossible to use BTC on the Ethereum network.

>> No.10485354

You don't think people appreciate atomic swaps and decentralized exchanges? I mean this was just last week: https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-s-vitalik-buterin-blasts-centralized-crypto-exchanges-i-hope-they-burn-in-hell

I think there would be a huge demand for a decentralized, deflationary store of value asset and/or currency on Ethereum that's compatible with atomic swaps.

>> No.10485561

i just want to ask, is judge doom here yet? filtered that guy, he's so pathetic

everyone who's in this knows the scale of it, nothing to worry about

>> No.10485602

Yea he was posting earlier. That's a good idea, I might end up filtering him out too.

>> No.10485667
File: 13 KB, 300x169, Its+totally+true+i+know+i+sound+like+a+condescending+_e4c291f39a3108caf7118e62482f1eda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


suppose anybody would put any trust in that
>its not this type of scam=/=its not another type of scam

How does this change the fact that this is a minable ERC20 token? If I were you I would try to downplay this mistake and not make it a selling point. You look retarded if you try to shill it that way.

>> No.10485691

judgedoom got a crack addiction dont listen too him he got the most 0xbtc kingstyle...

>> No.10485718

Did you screencap said post fren?

>> No.10485770

What type of a scam is it then?

Unfortunately not, I don't screencap posts in general almost at all. Is it possible that it might have been you, fren? :3

>> No.10485899


>What type of a scam is it then?
this one >>10484163

>> No.10485953

Did you switch from your cell phone to your computer and forgot to add the trip at first? Try not to repeat that mistake again, I wouldn't want to post any more replies to someone who isn't even paying attention.

>> No.10486125
File: 197 KB, 1000x936, E942EE67-EF8F-4F0D-9CAA-D9B9ABC2F14F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a bag holder the thing that worries me is the possibility that Bitcoin-Smart Contract integration becomes seamless. Why use 0xBTC if in 10 years Bitcoin becomes just as easy to use on Ethereum and other platforms? I’ve asked this question a few times and have yet to be relieved by an answer

>> No.10486139

That being said, we are the 0xMarines and we’re flipping BTC

>> No.10486195
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>> No.10486262

I already gave you a somewhat comprehensive answer on this the last time, Griff, but if you're really concerned that Bitcoin might effortlessly interact with the Ethereum network some time in the future, then you should put at least some of your money on LINK, since it's the most likely way of achieving that at the moment.

>> No.10486308
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Reminder to filter judge noob. Quality of life has gone up significantly and even the 0xBTC price ticker on my blockfolio looks more appealing despite being almost always red.

>official coin of India

>> No.10486386
File: 427 KB, 417x512, 0D3854B8-C39F-4952-9E3C-2812973D7093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciated your answer. I’ll look at it it again. For the record I also do own ChainLink. Link 1000 EOY

>> No.10486481

Glad to see someone actually puts some brainpower towards their investments and asks the tough questions. It might of course hamper 0xBTC if it becomes possible to use BTC on the Ethereum network, but it probably won't be as easy as using a native ERC20 and by the time it becomes possible (if ever) 0xBTC will probably already have established itself. In any case, I see a lot more ROI potential in 0xBTC than most other cryptos, but be sure to keep a finger on the pulse of the market in case anything shifts. Might I ask, how did you happen upon 0xBTC in the first place?

>> No.10486674

Having this done in a decentralized way is many many years off. Perhaps that will be the thing that kills 0xBTC. But there are literally years before that, and in that time there is a real need for a decentralized and deflationary asset on Ethereum.

So you're not wrong to be worried about it, but you are wrong (in my opinion) to think that 0xBTC won't gain incredibly high value in the meantime (and an LTC-like cult following after).

>> No.10486758

It is a far off possibility that the advancements in btc you mentioned come to fruition but the one aspect of 0xbtc that isn’t mentioned as often is the end game for it. It’s tough to imagine bitcoin mining hardware becoming so efficient that energy consumption is no longer a concern. The fact that 0xbtc mining ceases after the final block is minted and will live forever on what is hopefully PoS ethereum network is a lot bigger than we can even appreciate right now.

>> No.10486784

biz of course haha. It was the highly aesthetic logo that caught my eye. The Orange Ethereum logo is brilliant

>> No.10486810

That's a really good point Anon

>> No.10486827

i bought 40 for like $1

>> No.10486843

I'd like to recommend everyone join the discord with invite code: xAPwaDC

You'll be able to ask the tough questions there and actually get realtime discussion. Anyone who FUDs this token but doesn't take the time to interact with the community in a real and meaningful way is just depriving themselves of all the facts and opinions.

>> No.10486858

Yes, that is indeed one of the more important factors in the long run. While many people have fudded 0xBTC for not securing its own network, it might very well turn out to be a benefit. I can't imagine who will be mining BTC 10-15 years from now when several more halvenings have occurred and the difficulty is sky high. Either the price would have to rise massively or it just wouldn't be beneficial to mine any more, meaning transactions won't go through. 0xBTC, meanwhile, is immune to these dangers.

>> No.10486935

I've been saying this for a while now as well. People don't realize that the lack of its own chain is actually a benefit not a downside, since it allows for the co-opting of Ethereum's incredibly strong network security. 0xBitcoin is both (virtually) 51% immune and death spiral immune. I can't wait for the Lava network to come online so I can have wallets with 0xBTC in them and never worry about holding an inflationary utility token like Ether.

>> No.10486970

If you're on the fence about this token, then I would really recommend you to check out the discord as well, since that's what sold it for me. I thought it to be another generic clone of Bitcoin, akin to eBTC, at first, but seeing the enthusiastic community that's sprung up around the token and researching more about the way it's set up made me realize this is something much bigger.