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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10464419 No.10464419 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10464434

yall didnt really give a philosophy major $32 million dollars to create a dapp did you

>> No.10464733
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>> No.10464987
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>> No.10465038 [DELETED] 

don't talk to me or my son ever again

>> No.10465085

Not trying to fud but I have a serious concern with Chainlink. Chainlink has been on Ropsten for a month and everyone was expecting all these potential partners to test on the test net. The team even told people to keep an eye on Ropsten to see the customers using the network. Well for 3 weeks the only transactions on Ropsten have been regular peeps taking the 100 Ropsten link from the faucet. There has been absolutely no requests for data. In fact, someone asked Thomas why and then Thomas made a run to show it works. Well I see Thomas's request for data but it is the only one.

Why is there no testing on Ropsten? Where are all these customers/partners/devs that are supposed to be drooling at the potential of Chainlink? I know the lack of communication, lack of updates from Sergey, lack of social media presence, increasing competition from large players are all red flags but this may be the largest.

Does anyone actually want to use Chainlink Network?

>> No.10465823
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this image always annoyed me. the little sergey should be smiling. come on, he has a happy meal!

>> No.10465861

me too..just heard about if from r/cryptocurrency. super exited for this project is

>> No.10465954
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>> No.10465958

I'm not telling you to shut up but will you smartasses please stop the fud for one (1) single fucking week while we get rid of the bags we'd been carrying for almost a year now? yeah, you were right, we were wrong, we are idiots, we should have read the whitepaper, we should have listened to /sci/, etc.

>> No.10466015

Is this a pasta?

If not, it should be noted the current release isn't doing anything that amazing. Until we reach the consensus/reputation implementation stage there is little point in testing.