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10458298 No.10458298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was the worst decision of your life?

>> No.10458403


>> No.10458433


>> No.10458446

Not buying bitcoin 6 years ago

Not buying bitcoin in march of last year.

>> No.10458819

Browse /r9k/

Now I'm both gay and into cuckolding

>> No.10458842

selling ada at $0.03 and later bitmex

>> No.10458860

To focus my time and energy into having sex with women at a young age. Neglected my professional and personal development in pursuit of flesh desires. Took a very long time to undo the damage that caused.

>> No.10458884

Pretty much this. Focusing on your finances and wealth gives you access to all the thots you could want anyway.

>> No.10459111
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this tbqh

also not listening to the Antshares shills here last summer FUCK, the one time biz was right

>> No.10460051

tfw to inteligent too buy crypto

>> No.10460090


Going to university instead of buying as much BTC as I could.

>> No.10460176

Also soon to add: "Not buying Chainlink when it was $0.25".

>> No.10460224

Not knowing when to quit this crypto crap

>> No.10460357
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>start mining btc in 2010
>stop cos need pc to run simulations for phd

Fucking forgot about BTC until I heard it hit $2000 and fucking laughed cos it was so retarded for it to be that high.


>> No.10460381
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fomo 3d quick. I lost 400 dollars in 4 hours. It's insane.

>> No.10460389

buying 50 LTC at $160

>> No.10460393

To start smoking weed.

>> No.10460399

Buying REQ

>> No.10460412 [DELETED] 
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I made a lot of those, but should be in top three.

>> No.10460664

Posting in this thread

>> No.10460777

spent few hundred btcs on weed back in 2013-2015. much regrats.

>> No.10460828

Or SHL at $0.02

>> No.10460829

Dropping out of college, I should have stayed or I should have dropped after the first semester

>> No.10461071

id probably kill myself

how do you cope

>> No.10461104

Ron Paul

>> No.10461108

getting married.

>> No.10461113

This too.

>> No.10461128

REQ and not lifting earlier

>> No.10461235
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Kek bought .15 ltc last night

See you fags next summer when im a millionaire

>> No.10461241


>> No.10461809


be me
>9/10 wife
>get married we get fat
>i say fuck this and start to shred up
>wife halfass attempt to get fit
>she says im too fit and preferred me chubby
>wife getting fatter
we both have good incomes, so it's not like she's became lazy because I'm the breadwinner, she simply gave up on herself

should I get us to counseling??

>> No.10461862

Putting a V8 in to my Mustang rather than a new Straight 6.

>> No.10461885

My Manipulative behavior regarding stress tolerance; I've fried my brain from quick fixes (drugs, porn) and now it's become difficult to re-engage with the norm.

>> No.10461927

typing in lol chat and icx

>> No.10461935
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Get a divorce anon, if you are under 40 and she is already " chubby" she will achieve wallmart scooter status by 40.

>> No.10461944


>> No.10461973

not pressing sell button in january, I knew what to do I just couldn't do it

>> No.10461977

Picking comp sci as major and getting into game dev

>> No.10461996

your first mistake was letting yourself get chubby, gotta stay fit so women cant attempt to guilt you into reverting to being a chub

>> No.10462000


yes, definitely go for counseling. Your wife needs to get herself together. She needs to understand that life is much better for her and for you when she is fit. Although, thic girls do age better than super skinny girls. If you want your wife to become a milf, some fat might be good for her. However, it needs to be in the right places of course.

>> No.10462019

I had 600% profit and didnt take it.

>> No.10462040

Something about three bottles of cheap wine. The rest was a fog. Otherwise, the next record needs to sell 10% more of Equities.

>> No.10462054

Not taking charge of my own life sooner

>> No.10462074
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>buying REQ at .15
>buying LINK at $1.30
>buying OMG at $18

>> No.10462094

didnt cashout coss at ath ($3) with 250k profit.. now its worth 7c last time i checked

>> No.10462107


Not looking deeper into crypto when I heard about the Silk Road bust in 2014(?). Obviously I wish I had heard about it even earlier than that but what can you do. So much regret it almost kills me.

>> No.10462132
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Marrying STBX but at least I have two kids now. Winning in the eyes of natural selection

>> No.10462203

Go on

>> No.10462257

Imagine buying shit off Silk Road and still not realizing the potential of crypto

This was me back in 2012

>> No.10462408

Story us, anon. I'm in a frighteningly similar place with my life.

>> No.10462425

i was NEET, on the internet most of the time, for the majority of my 20s and didn't see any reason to buy Bitcoin the entire time

now 35 and just about managing to summon the energy to survive the shitty job i've doing for 5 years

>> No.10462426


>> No.10462472

Not selling Nano at $35
Also not buying more now I guess

>> No.10462876

no get life insurence and kill her why else did you get married?

>> No.10462916

Are you me

>> No.10462965


Shit man, I'm just.....sorry.

>> No.10462984

matt is that you

>> No.10463083

turning away from the Lord Jesus Christ

>> No.10463213

buying icx

>> No.10463238


are you me?

>> No.10463255

Zcl at $100

>> No.10463290

Its good to hear this as I am young and am focusing on my finances more than chasing tail. It can get a bit depressing sometimes though but I want to establish a good financial basis for my parents and future family.

>> No.10463356

All in on ICX. I did end up selling but right now I own 300 coins and need like a 12x to break even.

>> No.10463436
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Dropping out of college to be an indie game developer.

four years later and I'm crawling back to school to get a marketing degree. Fuck game development, it's not worth it.

>> No.10463464
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>"i gun meik secund meinkraft"

>> No.10463519
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That wasn't my thought process at all. I wanted to ship a few small, independent titles and use it as a platform to either grow a business or take those credentials and get employed at a larger studio.

>> No.10463525

lmao what a poorfag

>> No.10463542

fucking YIKES

>> No.10463545

but you had that hope in the back of your head, didn't you?

>> No.10463569

> Bitconnect after scam scandal (when it retraced from $5 to $80)
> UFR at $1.50
>Buying shitcoins
>Lost 18k

I'm a brainlet

>> No.10463575

I saved2 christmas money for years and when i was 14 i bought a ps3 just to play GTA

T.3rd worlder

>> No.10463576
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Everyone has some faint hope of being in the right place at the right time anon, but I never banked on it. I'm primarily leaving the industry due to Valve opening the fucking floodgates on steam even more. It's virtually impossible to turn a decent profit off a small game on the pc platform these days. It was up until the summer of 2017 when they overhauled how game submission works.

My primary hope was literally just to make a few thousand in profit and then go work for a larger studio or open my own small studio to make something more ambitious.

>> No.10463592
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When I didn't wrap the umbilical cord around my neck as a fetus

>> No.10463622
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didnt buy zil ico

>> No.10463851

have you tried asset flips with thousands of achievements?

>> No.10463893

Even that isn't really profitable anymore, it's so hard to get anything exposure at this point. So I'm switching gears, going to back to school, getting a marketing degree, and going to work for a game publisher as a producer or brand manager, that's where the real money is. Lost my passion for games like a year ago, now I just want to make some fucking money.

>> No.10463894

Transferring to a 4 year university are community college. Had 25k in savings when I left my old job, fast forward a year later and I’m down to 7k. I wish I would’ve just stayed home and sat on my money and learnt excel or some shit.

>> No.10463907


>> No.10464020

Not selling at my ATH in January, had $400,000, now I have $80,000. If we ever have a golden bull run I have to 5x to get back to my previous ATH, but if I sold at the top and bought back later, that same 5x would get me at least 2 million dollars and that would've changed the rest of my life.

>> No.10464060


>> No.10464099

thinking streaming would make me money a year wasted at wagecuck job and trying to make money playing games.

>> No.10464106
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i know that feel Anon

>> No.10464124

whats wrong with us anon? is it our fault, or is the world at fault?

>> No.10464172

the odds are not in our favor.

>> No.10464191

Buying into the Signatum fomo

>skunk raptor eagle rubber baby buggy hash

Never going to buy into memeshit like this again

>> No.10464214


>> No.10464235
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>> No.10464290

did you even create any games? what are their names?

>> No.10464299

I found out through reddit that bitbean is a scam. 3k down the drain

>> No.10464474

selling 4k eth at $140

>> No.10464900
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me too

>> No.10464978

Aggressive tax planning

>> No.10464981

>selling ethereum (could have up to 300k now if I had hold)
>fomo on raiblocks

>> No.10464992



story is I was having my hair cut, came across a finance magazine which talks about bitcoin. that was 2013, i read through the whole article and decided it is just some transaction system to buy drugs and guns online. if I had if I had done more research on the technology behind bitcoin and invested I would be comfier right now

>> No.10465020

Just make mobile games nibba

>> No.10465039

You still have to market your game for people to know it exists. You can't just release something and hope it makes money.

>> No.10465080

Bitcoin was already kind of popular in 2011, I remember trying to mine it and failing because my GPU wasn't strong enough. No one really expected it would be this successful, for example, there are only 120 bitcoin addresses with more than 10k coins.
Don't blame yourself for not looking into it, I know people IRL that held good amount of coins but lost access to their wallets over time.

>> No.10465098

Buying SALT for 100 grand

>> No.10465671

I lost about 80% on Icon, which I invested in because of Biz. I was going to buy a nice, zero-turn riding lawnmower, put all my money I was going to spend on it in ICX in January because Biz told me it was a comfy hold. Thought I would sell in May and buy a super fucking awesome mower with the profits, and yet when the time came I barely had enough to buy a shitty push mower.

>> No.10465732
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Are you me

>> No.10465762

Wanchain at 55k in late May. I've squandered almost everything. Down to 2k after starting with 1k last year. Had 5k when I bought WAN end of May.

>> No.10465779

This. I actually remember making fun of bitcoin with all of my friends back when it was like worth pennies.

>> No.10465829
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>chasing after "friends" who weren't recipricating for years
>being angry in my last 2 years of highschool
>not getting good enough grades in highschool

I just hate it, my "friends" from highschool never really hit me up anymore and when they do it is super seldom. Yet they hangout plenty, I basically got pushed out of the group. fucked up with my last gf of 3 years, fucked up with every girl throughout my life, finally understand now but now I am not successful, tall, or good enough to get a girl. Basically no friends these days. Feel like I am wasting my 20s, still try as hard as I can most of the time but it hardly amounts to anything. All in on LINK right now and just hoping it amounts to something.


>> No.10466441

Ouch. Why?

>> No.10466977

Confido lmfao

>> No.10467003


Because you're retarded and you think THEY were the problem. It's you anon, you are the problem. Don't expect other people to tolerate your autism. Change you fucking nigga.

>> No.10467048

perma virgins larping

>> No.10467064

This is why you marry an ectomorph aka naturally skinny and easy to stay fit.

>> No.10467085

This happened today. I managed to lose 25B on Runescape. I had a friend lend me 180M, I staked it to 25B and lost it all. I broke the first rule and let greed take me. I lost about $15,000 in 10 minutes.

>> No.10467094

I exited high school in 2012 with something like a $10,000 inheritance. Rather than buy BTC, I tried college.

>> No.10467098

Studying mining engineering and not investing into bitcoin in 2010. #fml

>> No.10467136

Getting into a fwb relationship with a slut.

>> No.10467157

Unironically going to/r/buttcoin
Never buying coins or checking prices cause I thought that the crypto ponzi is over
Stopped going there right before the bullrun started
But I almost bought 1000 ether for one dollar each

>> No.10467245

Not buying more btc and ltc in 2013-2015 was too busy with a gambling addiction if only i had put that money into crypto

>> No.10467253


It's us, we're too narcissistic and we think we're special and everyone else is dumb. But now look at us, fucking useless and betting on crypto to change our situation.

>> No.10467262

In Aus? How the fuck are you not employed right now?

>> No.10467264


He's an autistic retard thinking he's the shit. You're in 4chan bro.

>> No.10467273

I didn't think they were the problem dumbass, in fact I went to great lengths to change (which I did) and prove that fact. I do not blame them but it still sucks.

>> No.10467384

If you dont have kids do this:
1- Counseling
2- If it doesn't work out(if you're under 40) divorce and find a new one

>> No.10467529

Right on, alimony and child support is pretty expensive these days.

>> No.10467606

But weed is literally harmless and cures cancer

>> No.10467637

Doing a business degree as a sperglord
A $40k degree can't teach you how to give a firm handshake

>> No.10467658

Yeah but then there's erectile dysfunction later. Plus the thrill won't be what it used to be

>> No.10467667
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i wish it never came to me

>> No.10467858


>> No.10467894

lost my $200 crypto gains
worst shit ever

>> No.10467993
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I dropped 100k into german REITs 6 months before ISIS happened. Now my real estate holdings are worthless and I'm a slumlord for a bunch of kebab refugees.

>> No.10468078

selling 47k raiblocks for 1usd bought at 10-15 cents before the december run because i thought bitgrail is manipulating the price.

>> No.10468103

Not buying bitcoin when it was pennies.

>> No.10468273

Becoming an accountant

>> No.10468685

35 BTC into FLIK.

>> No.10468738

coming to this site three years ago
im only half joking

>> No.10468781

Played project entropia "as a job" instead of mined bitcoins.

>> No.10468782

you and 99.9% of traders and the one that did buy wasted on weed. You happy now?

>> No.10468796

Why regret though? Story?

>> No.10468829

Giving up on life cause mad.

See bitcoin under $5, know it's probably going to be huge one day, don't care because hate life.

Buy lots of ETH at $20, get annoyed with Vitalik's weird vibes, lose faith.

Basically I've lost faith in my investments so many times, I would've easily been a multimillionaire by now. I was discouraged by the fear of the IRS. Well, I'd rather be a millionaire under audit than completely broke at age 30.

>> No.10468853

Basically the theme behind why I failed is a hatred of life that blinded me. Those who are successful are those who don't wake up hating life. It's pretty unfortunate because I can't control how I feel towards life.

>> No.10468968
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