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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 584x110, IMG_2279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10453182 No.10453182 [Reply] [Original]

This fish head gook nigger whore who worked on Hildogs campaign is literally involved in chainlink?

>> No.10453209

Lmao the /pol/ shakeout begins

>> No.10453221

Fuck you Rory you cuck fuck ylu for hiring this stupid sushi whore

>> No.10453225

30 years old white men BTFO

>> No.10453289

I hope all you assholes at chainlink see this thread. I thought chainlink was different. I thought this was a Chad crypto. I could handle Rory being an bitch cuck. But this shit is too far. This fishhead would have been in an internment camp eating fucking grits not a half a century ago for saying this anti white bullshit in a white country.

I should have fuckinng known that sergey setting up shop in San Francisco was a fucking red flag.

>> No.10453311


>> No.10453344

just sold my shit, fuck this gay market

>> No.10453361
File: 342 KB, 588x495, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying LINK is literally like buying stock in hillary

>> No.10453365


>> No.10453377
File: 10 KB, 1100x535, adelyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't log onto adelyn zhou's website and let her know what he thinks
not gonna make it

>> No.10453381



>> No.10453402

Jesus Christ almighty

>> No.10453405


>> No.10453416
File: 14 KB, 573x109, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10453434

Fuck I'm kind of pissed off about this.

>> No.10453437


bullet to the head, the cunt needs to go

>> No.10453444
File: 121 KB, 318x636, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mention that she doesn't follow sergey and doesn't even mention her new job
yet lists all her old jobs

>> No.10453446


>> No.10453454

I went to bed every night for the past 6 months so comfy, so clean, so pure.

I'm going to go to bed tonite feeling like a bunch of 9 inch cock niggers bukkake'd all over my face.

It's literally not going to be the same anymore.

>> No.10453461

She most likely is just doing it on the side as one of a handful of clients shes a 'marketer' for.

>> No.10453469


>> No.10453476
File: 80 KB, 623x1056, 564675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek marines out in full force

>> No.10453483

I corrent myself

LINK new SJW coin Confirmed!!!

>> No.10453489
File: 97 KB, 469x750, twitterskills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets hired to the most promising crypto project of a generation
>too vapid to even mention it
>but mentions muh wanderlust
but yes, she's an expert at "marketing"

>> No.10453498

She's not high IQ you fuckhead. She's literally for socialism. So in reality this gook is actually dumber than a fucking starving Botswanan

>> No.10453515

nah im not stupid

>> No.10453519

she'll make sure none of us get rich off of this thing, she should team up with vitalik, would be a nice sjw commie cuck couple

>> No.10453536

fuck me this is the final dagger. eating my losses and buying BAT. fuck you Sergey

>> No.10453549

Einstein was a socialist too and his IQ was what again? 160+? He wrote essays in support of it

>> No.10453550
File: 17 KB, 980x485, message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10453573

Are any of you autistic poorfag marines with less than 5k linkies up for a job???

If you spam this whores twitter with images of the A-bomb being dropped on Hiroshima mixed in with some swatzikas for about 20 mins a day for the next couple weeks.... I will 1000% send you 1,500 linkies.

>> No.10453577

see ya!

>> No.10453594
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 23123123123123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell, bitch. You don't deserve to be rich.

>> No.10453603

You fell for the Jew Einstein meme. It was Einsteins wife who was the one who came up with all the smart shit like e=mc2

It was einsteins wife who was the brains not Einstein. But back then women were like Muslim women. So they couldn't say shit. Nor were taking serious for important shit.

Einstein was a fraud.

>> No.10453613

That’s because socialism requires a higher IQ to implement

>> No.10453624

kek these freeloader cucks with their demands. Just ignore them. The sooner they sell the better, we don't need a bunch of uneducated autists poisoning the community.

>> No.10453639

Just sold all my LINK. Fuck this shit. Doomed to fail.

Thanks Sergey you fucking retard

>> No.10453655

Yeah because our founders were low IQ.

You are fucking STUPID.

America became great because of DECENTRALIZATION 50 states , states rights, with no central authority running shit......

Unironically literally the entire reason you are invested in chainlink.......

Yet your dumbass believes in socialism... feeding fucking black people Tang with my tax dollars. Great strategy and ideology numbnuts

>> No.10453667



>> No.10453698

Not saying all forms of socialism are good, but hmmm what are the chances a bunch of high IQ individuals from different backgrounds are all wrong about modern Democratic Socialsm, yet some inbred cucks from Virginia with high-school level education are somehow able to "see the bigger picture"

>> No.10453703
File: 119 KB, 680x780, 1521131733596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god no MY LINKIES stop it STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!

>> No.10453705

The constitution is the education.

Like I said above. You stupid assholes are literally invested in chainlink because of decentraliZation.... the exact thing that made America wealthy and great. 50 states no central authority.

And then you dumbasses are fucking for socialism at the same time? You people are fucking STUPID. And literally have zero fucking critical thinking skills.

Think about that pajeet. Your invested in a project that's decentralized then you are against America which became great because of decentralization in favor of socialism.

>> No.10453716
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1519674479373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10453717

>brings up decentralization
>dismisses all forms of socialism
lel 4chan in a nutshell

>> No.10453729

i died

>> No.10453737

Well which fucking form of socialism is good? Fascism? Fascism is a form of socialism.

That's why you anti trump millenials are so fucking retarded. You literally call trump a fascist when that's literally the fucking thing you are for... fascism.... with the govt controlling the private sector. Like Obamacare. Obamacare is fascism.

Meanwhile trump is cancelling out regs and lowering taxes which is exactly the opposite of what a fascist would do.

Like Winston Churchill spot in said 70 years ago..... "the fascists of the future will be the anti fascists."

You fuckheads literally have it completely backwards and don't even have a clue.

>> No.10453776

Democratic socialism. Because socialism that's voted for is better than socialism by force.

It's not even worth talking to you low IQ pajeets.

And the only reason "socialism" kind of works in Europe is because those eurofags have been btfo us with tariffs as we just found out recently.

>> No.10453787

dumping my bags as soon as possible
I guess just nobody has done it right yet, right? How many Venezuela's do you need before you realize it is a bad idea to give that kind of power to government? I'll actually agree with you that it does take high IQ to implement soicialism, but you need low IQ people to follow it. We are headed in that direction with the rising numbers in gibs class, courtesy of democrats.

>> No.10453789
File: 67 KB, 750x669, IMG_3257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically pissed that they hired an SJW as their director of marketing. I really want to project to not succeed now even if my 30k stack goes to zero. I could not fathom this SJW getting rich and coming out in magazines as a crypto womenz billionaire.

>> No.10453790
File: 39 KB, 786x883, lelwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks there's only a single form of socialism
>thinks socialism = facism
>misquoting Churchill to fit your own narrative
There is no saving you anon. Go sell your links and pick up a book. Or nah, just go neck yourself

>> No.10453803

Fascism is a form of socialism pajeet.

>> No.10453806

Linkies are mentally ill.

>> No.10453821

>i have no refutation so let me keep restating muh false claim

>> No.10453844

It doesn't take high IQ to implement socialism. It's impossible. A few know it alls.... smart or not are not superior to millions of free men working in their own for their own interest unimpeded. There's millions of moving parts that not even god could figure out.

A free market, no taxes, market set interest rates, and no man controlling and managing the economy. That's how you got all the wealth that was created in America.

You fuckheads were educated in shitty PUBLIC schools. And public schools much like public restrooms.... suck ass.

>> No.10453862

Socialism govt owning means of production, fascism, govt controlling private companies. Same band different song.

>> No.10453878

The future is intersectional ! Deal with it bizfags !
Next stop Rainbow link

>> No.10453901

>millions of free men
>market set interest rates
Unironically confirmed my suspicion you have no idea what you're talking about. Sometimes I wish subhumans like you who are incapable of basic comprehension or second degree logic will just fuck off to a cave somewhere

>> No.10453933

how can you tell a dude is middle class? do they just assume all white men are middle class do to "privilege"?

>> No.10453938

What's with crypto and hiring SJW that are biased against white people?

The director of plasma engineering for OMG's twitter is filled with anti-white remarks and shit too.

Fucking cucks. The white man did nothing wrong. You are just salty because you had war criminal obama for 8 years and now ya'll are not getting your way. White is a scapegoat

>> No.10453978

einstein's wife wasn't a genius either, she plagiarized everything. poincare created e=mc^2. einstein's wife wrote a circular proof that would have failed a freshman math course.

>> No.10453983

can someone casually date this girl and whisper he voted for Trump while creaming inside her?

>> No.10453986

>I could not fathom this SJW getting rich and coming out in magazines as a crypto womenz billionaire.
just sold. not on my watch.

>> No.10453988

>confuses middle aged with middle class
have we really sunk so low

Hey not saying they're right, but as far as im concerned we're all just freeloaders trying to get rich off them. If you don't like their ideals/behaviors/opinions why don't you man up and sell your bags. I might actually have some respect for you as a person. Otherwise how is whining on a vietnamese basket-weaving forum helping?

>> No.10454003


>> No.10454005

I was saying god himself could run the fed or the economy and even he wouldn't be able to run it correctly because there's so many fucking moving parts. I was using an analogy to make my point you brainlet tier nigger.

Also....your literally invested in crypto because the economy and dollar is so fucked up because of the socialist policies you support.

It's cute you think that we are in a capitalistic system. Capitalism died over 100 years ago when the fed was instituted.

Remember the bank bailouts in 2008? That was socialism bro. A capitalistic economy would have meant those banks would have failed. Your living under socialism right now. Jews manipulating interest rates to prop up the stock market, no sound money, taxes up the ass.... your just too fuckinng stupid to think for yourself and realize that you are actually under what you want.

Doesn't matter if it's banks getting bailed out or niggers getting food stamps. It's all socialism.

>> No.10454016

> I just got t-boned by an old gook bitch with no peripheral vision, spatial awareness, and fishball breath.

>> No.10454033

women are statistically better drivers than men

>> No.10454036

Take the socialism fight to pol plebs. This thread is only for hating the director of muh marketing

>> No.10454052

Rory did say the marketing manager would be briefed on the meme status.

Maybe she will help link up the chinese companies?

>> No.10454076


>> No.10454096

We need a marketing guru dedicated to Chainlink, that understands the memes, not this butch who is using link as an extra income resume padding.

>> No.10454095


you must be a woman

>> No.10454109

I used to go to his Chinese restaurant for take out.... the woman didn't really speak English (big surprise)... and I could tell that she was thinking in her head.... "god I wish this fat white boy wouldn't come into my restaurant" and thought it was hilarious.

In fact if she had thrown me out for being white I would have unirOnically loved it and would have laughed my ass off.

But this this gook worked for Hilary.... probably loves black cock. Do you think this bitch would have tweeted this if some gangbanger started harassing her? Of course not.

But at least that gook women at the Chinese restaurant absolutely hates blacks too. So she's actually just like me in a way, so I can respect her wanting my pasty white ass out of her restaurant

So there's a difference.

>> No.10454111

>thinks people would be dumb enough to interpret your analogy literally
come on which one am I now?
>thinks policies are inherently socialist
>thinks housing market collapse can be blamed on socialism
desu last one really sealed the deal for me lmao. The more you speak the less sense it makes.

Also just a little exercise for you - have you noticed not once did I mention my personal political beliefs anon? If you were talking to a politically neutral person genuinely interested in your ideals, playing devil's advocate, you just failed to explain anything of substance while exposing your own ignorance in the process

>> No.10454129
File: 91 KB, 737x662, 1532644961914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think this bitch would have tweeted this if some gangbanger started harassing her? Of course not.

>> No.10454154

Based anon. I didn't even speak in this bitch's favor yet so many ignorant cucks are ready to jump on the hate wagon assuming I'm some beta sjw, for poking holes in their narratives

>> No.10454163

>Rory did say the marketing manager would be briefed on the meme status.
no way. source?

>> No.10454172

Of course the housing collapse was because of socialism. That kike Greenspan lowered interest rates to a criminally low 1%.

You think that's capitalism?

>> No.10454181

lmfao what a disaster

>> No.10454189

>white men are statistically not the most harassing

>> No.10454211
File: 1.21 MB, 1903x7405, FireShot Capture 15 - (1) Adelyn Zhou I LinkedIn - https___www.linkedin.com_in_adelynzhou_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how qualified is she for the Job?
to market chainlink to big businesses and institutions?

>> No.10454212



>> No.10454219

Thank god. I'm glad that bitch will see this

Rory tell this SJW fishhead if she delivers me some pot stickers naked I won't make any negative threads anymore about her

>> No.10454240

>women are statistically better drivers than men

Found the Danica Patrick fan. Motor sports is fucking sexist.

>> No.10454249

Ugly bitch.
Link is dead.

>> No.10454251

Also we have a fiat currecy. The entire reason socialism is even possible. The entire system is debt based. More debt more fiat. Why do you think our white politicians welcome 3rd world trash here? Cuz they need more bodies for an ever expanding debt system. That's not capitalism broski

>> No.10454258

sounds like she's in the wrong crypto project, I heard holochain is hiring

>> No.10454292
File: 2 KB, 125x83, 1531510989404s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine that explanation. "Well you see the project is currently the interest of numerous basement dwelling autists of the internet. You will probably have your online life scrutinized and be mocked repeatedly. You may even encounter some of these weirdos in real life"

>> No.10454320

>banks packaged and sold subprime loans because socialsm
>banks traded credit default swaps because socialism
lel at this point im only talking to you cus entertaining a Down patient could perhaps be my good deed of the day

Did you realize we could've had the terms socialism and capitalism swapped in that statement you just made and it'd still make sense. You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Go back to school anon.

>> No.10454336

This is better than any FUD I've seen so far
Poor stinkies
Not really...
Fuck you Linkies

>> No.10454342


>> No.10454343


>> No.10454354

It was in the telegram chainlink community quite a while ago. Not sure how to easily scroll back through his posts and dig it up.

I would be very surprised if they didn't. The new hires will need to know. I'm sure it was introduced as a discussion around the community.

>> No.10454359

Signing off for the night. Sleep well anon and hope you don't wake up

>> No.10454405

All /pol/ tards sell now and never come back to biz. You won't be missed.

>> No.10454432

>In fact if she had thrown me out for being white I would have unirOnically loved it and would have laughed my ass off.


>> No.10454435


Comments like these just prove one thing: you don't understand 4chan and probably never will.

>> No.10454452
File: 3.06 MB, 200x200, 1466469411642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ made this board by begging and still own it to this day

keep crying, bitch nigger

>> No.10454467

i remember when i was an edgy teenager. you kids are fucking pathetic. sell your link now!!!!

>> No.10454474

>All /pol/ tards sell now and never come back to biz. You won't be missed.
this.time you left

comments from poor newfags like you who arrived in summer 2016 don't really carry much weight either fren

>> No.10454479



>> No.10454490

>sell your link now!!!!
not happening. All virgin stormniggers hit sell immediately pls, hoping link makes a donation to gay aids trannies for Hillary 2020 to drive away the rest of the cancer

>> No.10454500

How about you take sergeys dick out of your asshole?

And, yeah, literally yes he should have had that conversation with any new major hire. It's reality

>> No.10454502


you're dealing with 10/10 retard here

>> No.10454508

Its pretty simple, most of them are Californians so they're a product of what they grew up around.

>> No.10454518

No one really cares what her race, gender or political affiliation is as long as she can do the job well and make us money.

Anyone who says different is LARPING

>> No.10454527

lol proof that linkies are degenerates

>> No.10454530
File: 304 KB, 770x775, 1532295740721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have the entire success of your coin dependent on the meme marketing of internet autists on a basketweaving forum
>alienate those people who do all your free marketing by hiring an sjw establishment racist that hates white people
smooth moves sergey

chainlink memes on strike, i wont be posting that delightful image of a musclebound kim jong un with a chainlink cube head being groped by nork women. no sir, that original handmade meme is on strike never to be deployed again.

just sold my $100 worth of link cause this coin is going down once it loses our support

>> No.10454541

Rory being a cuck wasn't enough? I do enjoy their threads and laughing at the idiots that bought my bags and have held this long with no moon.

>> No.10454561


>> No.10454588

maybe its true, i dunno, sounds implausible but i would have to see some sources first to dismiss it. although it sounds like history is being rewritten due to political motives yet again.

>> No.10454589

Did this all just happen today?

>> No.10454601


you low iq retard inbred rednecks get the fuck out of here

>> No.10454608

exactly, until it was all corrupted y big government. once you centralize power it gets corrupted by evil every time.

>> No.10454620

pol didnt show up until december 2017 ytou retarded newfag fuck

>> No.10454638

socialism is big government top down centralized control of the econmy duh
you have to trust the people in power and then give them fuckloads of power, its naive.

communists say "the people" should own the means of production. but in practical reality what they actually mean is the government of the people. which is just the government. the state

socialists are fighting for centralized governments because they are too naive to understand that evil always wins over centralized systems

good outnumbers evil so evil needs centralization

>> No.10454659

>he trusts the government because votes
lol ok
you dont really understand how deep the corruption in the system goes do you?

>> No.10454677

You mean December 2016 back when /biz/ was shilling ETH there at under $10

>> No.10454686

I love her for triggering you retarded autists. Please sell your Link.

>> No.10454692

Oh man. biz is gonna single handedly drive the price down to 0. What a time to be alive.

>> No.10454706

safer drivers not better drivers
theres a reason men and women compete in seperate classes in car racing

>> No.10454716

Post link sales to prove you are not gay

>> No.10454721

>women racing cars
You gotta wonder if that would be more entertaining to watch because of the higher number of crashes

>> No.10454726

Hey, retards. Do you really want a MARKETING DIRECTOR who’s openly a nazi?
How exactly are you going to get normies to buy your bags?

>> No.10454732

>a bum asked her for a dollar then pooped on her tire

>> No.10454741
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_14.25_[2018.03.28_22.44.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to SF
>Expect not to get harassed by homeless people

>> No.10454749

[front page of Forbes] Meet the top women in crypto. Adelyn Zhou net worth 2 billion: "we need to hire more women into crypto and take a stand against the patriarchy.. the company that i helped build (Chainlink) is implementing a 2 women per 1 man ratio in order to balance the gender gap in tech... "

>> No.10454754

It's over Linkies, anything these cancerous people turns to shit

>> No.10454757


>> No.10454765

i want a marketing director that keeps her racism to herself. this bitch cant seem to do that

>> No.10454766

You're right but the trains left the station mate.

>> No.10454767

She really likes to be involved with losers

>> No.10454769

>It's over Linkies, anything these cancerous people turns to shit


>> No.10454774

oh great, shes also sexist
but really she just hates white men and sees them as the enemy. so why should i, as a white man, invest in her coin?????

>> No.10454781


>> No.10454788

Kek, I would have a few billions by then too so who gives a shit.

>> No.10454806

this, pretty bad when you hire open racists

>> No.10454834

its only a matter of time before she comes out to the media to tell lies about sergey. its what feminists do for attention. sergey will accidentally drop some "sexist" microaggression or tell a joke that isnt pc and she is going to go straight to the media and the headlines will say "Chainlink founder charged with hate crime, link drops over 20% in a day"

but by then there will be nobody left to stand up for sergey because all the sjws will be gone and all the supreme gentlemen of 4chan will have already been alienated by the gook bitch.

she is going to yoko ono the entire chainlink community

>> No.10454850

>/biz/ sells all LINK because triggered by one wahmen
>marketing starts, normie leftists scoop up all the LINK CHEAPER than what the autists paid for
>LINK actually reaches $1000 a token
>whole world becomes jew cucked socialist ruled by fiminist bellionaires

>> No.10454859


>> No.10454875

>implying sjws buy coins
they just like to complain about coins being not inclusive enough, whatever that means. and write articles about how hostile buying bitcoin is for women of colour, even if that makes no sense. they are not actually interested in investing. they are just interested in feeling justified about their racist/sexist hatred towards white men.

>> No.10454889

Nah, bunch of leftist faggots got in late last year, just look at /biz/ now, there's unironic socialists on this board and its even worse on reddit and twitter.

>> No.10454891


>> No.10454896

you need to go back to rthedonald you underage shit

>> No.10454904


>> No.10454910

Fuck off commie
I sold during SIBOS dumbass.

>> No.10454923

fuck socialism
fuck centralized goverments
good outnumbers evil, so evil needs centralized government to control us. all centralized governments fall to corruption. all socialism is big centralized government.

>> No.10454929

sorry bud Bernie lost maybe you should be campaigning for that one mexican communist just elected by the democrats

>> No.10454934

you need to go back to facebook you brainwashed mainstream normie pleb

>> No.10454936

>if you dont like my kike puppet you must like the others!
lmao, get woke faggot

>> No.10454939

a dump too far....kek thanks for your link

>> No.10454948

sell your link or stfu faggot

>> No.10454955

>brainwashed mainstream normie pleb
kys pleb

>> No.10454962

i'm going to post memes about link being sjw's and feminists and racially diverse over and over and over until all of you fucking incel neckbeard nazis can't sleep at night and are forced to sell your link to maintain your sanity.

this will be the final link purge. none of you pathetic basement dwelling scum deserve this coin.

>> No.10454967

you asked for it
fair warning, when i pull out my 10 million the market is going to feel it. im calling my people right now to start shifting funds into other coins.

youve been good to me /biz/ so get out while you can

>> No.10454972

>These accusations are clearly preposterous
>The idea that Sergey would make a move upon any woman is an idea that was cooked up in the mind of a deeply sick individual
>Do you see any recognizable quantities 100% pure and high quality beef in or on her?
>Do you see any cheese, lettuce onions and delicious big mac sauce covering her?
>Do you see it all wrapped together in a delicious package?
>Of course not
>We all know Sergey is incapable of showing sexual desire or dominance towards anything that is not a Big Mac
>To say otherwise is like saying Sun itself broke into your house and beat your dog to death
>It is obvious hog wash
>It is doubly obvious that if the woman were to have been misconstrued by Sergey to be a Big Mac she would not be alive right now
>She would have been torn apart and gored bodily as has happened previously which lead to the creation of Sergeys law
>She has not so we can safely say she made the accusation up
>I rest my case

>> No.10454973

this coin is fucking garbage retard, its a literal scam ass penny stock but somehow lower tier than even that trash

>> No.10454977

and today we have flushing of faggots like you. You reacted perfectly. Go on dump you retards

>> No.10454983


>> No.10454984

Also my ID appears to be SCUDIK which either means Suck U dick or Smart Contracts U Dick. You decide

>> No.10454986

We are not going to sell plebbit... we will just fud our investment to 0 by harrassing your director of marketing.

>> No.10454991

>this will be the final link purge. none of you pathetic basement dwelling scum deserve this coin.

This so let it be written so let it be done

the call is for all poltards to prove their credentials as young adolfs by selling.

>> No.10455004

you know adolf is not well liked by a lot of pol who see him as a jew puppet or a socialist or just a big centralized government authoritarian. we are not all literally nazis you fuckwit

>> No.10455009

Its hilarious to me that you're trying to get anyone to sell as awful as this token is. You dumbfucks are still holding this garbage and you're trying to chase off the only people retarded enough to hold it alongside you.

>> No.10455016

yes, i'm sure your really super offensive and edgy twitter comments can topple a $35MM dollar silicon valley business. anyways, go for it. i could use some more cheap link.

fucking children.

>> No.10455027

found a connection with harvard and eventbright. 5th digital rev comin

>> No.10455033

do it do it do it bye now.
>im calling my people right now

gay as fuck like all you nazi larping twats

t.never sell

>> No.10455034

>get to buy cheap link bags
>inbred incels don't get rich when link inevitably moons

seems like a win win to me anon

>> No.10455042

>everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi
grow up

>> No.10455047

>Director of Marketing
shes taking credit for our hardwork the past year
fuck this chink bitch
im out

>> No.10455052

Wagecuck boomer spotted trying the escape the rat race with his 12k links stack
Major Kek

>> No.10455053

This is better fud than we've seen in awhile, but only retards would sell because of this.

>> No.10455063

>cheap link bags
Its 1/3 of what I sold it for after buying in the presale and its only going to be one of countless dead projects in a couple years.

>> No.10455077
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact you idiots think this is a bad thing just amazes me. Do you know how easy it will be for us to hide behind her fuckable yellow face?

>> No.10455079

>director of marketing
>is racist and sexist to the point where it disturbs the people doing free memetic marketing for the coin because they are mostly of the race and gender she openly hates
wow, great marketing strategy.

>> No.10455087

not a wagie and much more than 12k. but yes, i am a boomer and i hope all of you fucking edgelord kids get shaken out of this coin. that would actually make me very happy to see you all fail, again, as usual.

>> No.10455095

I do wonder if Serg had a sit down with her before hiring her and let her know she was probably going to be called a Gooky chink and cyberstalked if she joined the project. He really should have.

>> No.10455098

>just got harrassed on the internet for being a middle aged white man. is this how it starts?

>> No.10455110

>entitled gook princess describes herself as a wandelust

>> No.10455112

he should have told her that racism and sexism isnt tolerated in the workplace, even if its against white males. and she would have never agreed to work there because hating white men is her life

>> No.10455122

ADOLF SAYS SELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10455124

If I post my FUD you faggots better not copy it because it's Vitalik genius tier

Biz could do way better

>> No.10455128

Is this real? I will market sell my 300k immediately if real.
No company with SJWs can be successful, especially not if its a startup.

>> No.10455133

Post it, no one will copy it I promise

>> No.10455134

sell or you are not white

>> No.10455136
File: 82 KB, 654x616, IMG_2905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We both know thats a lie

>> No.10455147

>Is this real? I will market sell my 300k immediately if real.No company with SJWs can be successful, especially not if its a startup.

Its real, post proof of sale

>> No.10455155

Its honestly pretty questionable how much of a SJW she actually is. Marketeers will lie out the ass and know how to follow popular politics for their own gain. She doesn't strike me as especially die-hard and more of a twitter lipservice type.

>> No.10455157


>> No.10455160

Already told you that I sold during SIBOS, are you illiterate?

>> No.10455162

Fucking dubs

Just larp like a black guy on any coin you want to accumulate

>> No.10455164

whoa, big if true

>> No.10455170

yes because i like to lie on completely anonymous image boards so my eight character ID can live on in dignity. i freelance in design and film. these are the kinds of things you can do when you're not fourteen.

>> No.10455180

how exactly would selling because a company hired an Asian woman as marketing be the right move on your part?

the selling is for all those who love adolf

>> No.10455196

Shill coins in ebonics

>> No.10455200
File: 41 KB, 595x608, IMG_3258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh freelancing
30 yr old boomer still living with parents

>> No.10455225

>i freelance in design and film

desu that kinds sounds like you ARE 14. Try owning racehorses or building an art collection ffs

>> No.10455251

you're right, you figured it out. i'm so ashamed. maybe mom will make me a snack to make me feel better.

>> No.10455266

Am I the only one who is actually more bullish knowing this about the marketing director? Read her job title again.


At some point we need a serious marketing push to retarded normies on reddit. Guess where normies tend to stand politically? You brainlets really piss me off with how much spoon feeding you need sometimes. Adelyn is literally the gateway of the collective autism of biz to be distilled into a normie friendly package that will be critical for us going to fucking Jupiter and beyond.

>> No.10455271

want to see my racehorse?

I bet you are kind of cute.

>> No.10455274

what the fuck are you talking about? i lived in vietnam for two years just building wordpress sites, sub contracting the grunt work and getting drunk and sleeping with slutty backpackers. i don't know any 14 year olds who could have managed that. and i know i couldn't have managed when i was in my early 20's either.

>> No.10455281

>House is republican
>Senate is republican
>president is republican
>most governors are republican
>hurrrr durrr guess where teh normies stand
Not where manipulated twitter trends make you think.

>> No.10455285

I honestly feel sorry for you
I can feel your awkwardness, loneliness, lack of self-respect, desperation, suppressed rage/envy and lastly self depreciation all the way here

>> No.10455293
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 1520246169968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I encourage you to become an AMBlet linkbros, projects aren't related in any way but chadsetti based af

>> No.10455295

>Am I the only one who is actually more bullish knowing this about the marketing director?

No. I am 100% bull on link since the oracalise copying and this hire. Perfect hire. Sergey nailed it. And if the more stormfront element of the marines fumble their grenades and sell all the better they are dead weight at this point

>> No.10455297

Trying to validate life choices to anons
>major cringe

>> No.10455300

i've held steady through everything but this is the hardest yet.

>> No.10455305


Yes. SJW fud is the final filter before going mainstream. Please del you bags you degenerate /pol/ fucks. I’m looking to buy.

>> No.10455327

You are not implessing me at all. You think I was joking about racehorses and art. I'm not. I'd killed my first man by the time I was 21 and made my first million when I was 30. I am not implessed.

>> No.10455329

You should have sold a year ago.

>> No.10455332

Its swinging more to the right these days actually. However assuming she wasn't just a diversity hire and is actually good at marketing as her resume would suggest it doesn't matter what her political affiliation is. It doesn't matter how hard left or right you are so long as you understand markets and have the proper connections and know how to sell to a given market. If she was just a diversity hire the marketing is going to be fucked. Otherwise it will be fine as ANY marketing is better than zero.

>> No.10455334

life choice to travel the world while working from a laptop? yea that's a tough one to reconcile. if only i hadn't been to over 20 countries, slept with women from a lot of those, had amazing life changing adventures, and made life-long friends from around the world along the way. oh god what has come of my life.

>> No.10455338


>> No.10455343

>Silicon Valley is democrat
>New york is democrat
>Europe is a leftist shitfest.
>thinks only Amerifat republicans will use smart contracts

>> No.10455349

>stinkies get so worked up they make the Holocaust real

>> No.10455353

why in the name of heaven and hell would i try to impress you? you're nothing but words on a screen to me. the closest thing to nothing. i was merely refuting the fact that freelancing made me sound like i was 14, which was dumb as fuck. who the fuck freelances at 14?

i'm sure your art collection is really cool though anon. probably really fun to look at and stuff.

>> No.10455354

Wow, much impressed sirs

>> No.10455359


>> No.10455362

hey you started this, not me. freelancing has been the best decision of my life.

>> No.10455381

Way too many beta instagram faggots on this board lately. No one gives a fuck about you pretending to freelance in a third world country and having sex with herpes ridden backpackers. Fuck I bet you even called yourself ‘location indepedent’. Fuck off back to whatever shithole you lived in on your crappy 50cc scooter

>> No.10455392

gay sorry but gay. You clearly have no idea how blandly spoilt and uninspired middle class you seem. Like someone living a life for generating mediocre facebook posts Many many people have had more interesting lives and never say a word. You should understand that. Try getting shot at. Its like a cold shower for the soul

>> No.10455395
File: 99 KB, 665x705, IMG_2580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freelance dez nutz

>> No.10455399

let me tell you more about my location independent freelancing adventures

>> No.10455421

sure bud tell your mom not to over bake the tendies

>> No.10455425

wow you're so edgy, yes i'll go right out and get shot at. you're a fucking idiot, next time try to stop the bullet with your face. also, it says a lot that your first thought about world travel is for facebook posts. that says more about you than it does me anon. good luck surviving in your shitty us ghetto neighbourhood another night! we're pulling for you!

>> No.10455439

>that freelancing made me sound like i was mentally14

it does. it does also tits or gtfo

>> No.10455445
File: 61 KB, 656x557, IMG_2966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're pulling for you
Implying he has any friends

>> No.10455449

>world travel
>go right out and get shot at.
now combine

>> No.10455453

How come nobody is red pilled enough to know that women are incompetant in the workforce entirely. Being a women is why she gives chainlink a bad name

>> No.10455456


>> No.10455459

>Implying he has any friends
Friends are for normies anon. I ceased being normie a loooooooooooooooooooooog time ago

>> No.10455462


>> No.10455469

SIlicon Valley is overrated, New York is attempting to prevent New Yorkers from using most crypto exchanges, and most Europeans aren't going to buy this garbage regardless. They would have been better off shilling to Koreans but they didn't even bother hiring someone bilingual to do so.

>> No.10455472

>women are incompetant in the workforce entirely
true true marketing is what it is but women own that sector like daycare and being male in that henhouse is a liability.

>> No.10455477

>most Europeans aren't going to buy this garbage

I am. Fucking love link. Never selling.

>> No.10455481

Asian women are about as high-tier as you can get for women in the workforce. Marketing much like HR and public relations are primarily dominated by women anyway. Men are better salesmen as a skill but women are on average better at selling things because people are more open with them and on a lower guard.

>> No.10455497

>I am. Fucking love link. Never selling.
Well as long as you don't plan to ever sell there's no issue, it going to 0 won't affect you.

>> No.10455498

No like they were prevented from working for thousands of years

Theyre not supposed to have jobs its contrary to nature

>> No.10455514

>women are on average better at selling things

I would not say that, but marketing an PR is about using henhouse backscratching and dominated by women. Sales is not marketing. Marketing is getting product awareness to the buyers. Sales is closing the deals and being competent in pre and after sales, most good sales are men and women do at best average in it. Different things

>> No.10455519

how about drinking the most powerful psychedelic known to man in the jungle an hour up the amazon river by boat from the largest city in the world that cannot be accessed by road and having four shamans try ceaselessly to bring you back from the depths of hell while extraterrestrials are dissecting your skull and you're violently convulsing only to have your guide tell you he hadn't seen such an intense reaction to it in over a decade and it's only the first of four sessions. but yes, getting shot at sounds really cool

>> No.10455526

>Well as long as you don't plan to ever sell there's no issue, it going to 0 won't affect you
True and I don't care. Its a risk reward analysis.

>> No.10455532

You need to hit that ayuhuasca like 10 more times in order to destroy that tiny ego trying to get validation from a basketweaving forum

>> No.10455540
File: 33 KB, 478x300, hillary-clinton-israeli-flags-478x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this pic closely

>> No.10455545

lol , burn

i have no dog in this race either way, but for a guy that says he doesnt care about impressing us he sure defends himself a lot. like, if he didnt care why would he even respond. let alone so many responses posted with such passion. he is literally defending his anonymous reputation

>> No.10455548

i know i can't believe i spent my evening arguing with anons. i'm actually honestly ashamed this time.

>> No.10455554

it's true, i'm done

>> No.10455562

Please stop being bland. And yes, that is fucking bland. Every spoilt brat recounts similar tales. Try sitting watching a burning city while flares arc over it thinking life is just a ream because you have necked some weird meth pills as tracer lights up the sky like fucking star wars or fucking s blondy while one of the rolling stones skins up while the president of the USA can be heard talking through the door you weak faggot.

>> No.10455569

>it's true, i'm done
you never lived. not once

>> No.10455612

nice cloth quality in dem flags, I'd have dumped a load in her when she was in her 40s

>> No.10455617

just sold my link for AMB no bs, chart is obvious and easy money right now. i suggest all my bros do the same

>> No.10455620

>violently convulsing
so you're a spastic that can't handle drugs. ok

>> No.10455627

>just sold my link for AMB
good man. Have you sold everything or can you sell more. Adolf needs this for the win.

>> No.10455638
File: 24 KB, 155x202, 1354137401458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>same fucking website with 2 guys for nearly a year
>endorsed by hilldawg
>white male destroyer
>solves a problem that's not a problem
>with a useless token
>and the most pathetic community in crypto
>mfw it's the same price as last year

>> No.10455652
File: 27 KB, 657x527, gZ38ujB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this thread? I thought only half of the people who talk about link were retards. Now I realise it's all of them.

Especially this guy

>> No.10455661

>mfw it's the same price as last year
less actually

>> No.10455663

10/10 may copy

>> No.10455668
File: 74 KB, 638x676, 1529626832512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the ranks marine, we're here to fuck shit up and lose money.

>> No.10455855

ITT low iq inbred rednecks

>> No.10456556


>> No.10456634


>> No.10456682

This is what happens when you mix indians and nazis. Too bad they shat up the board so bad.

>> No.10456699

No civilized person with an iq over 90 voted anything but Hilary.

>> No.10456709

proof that Linkies are Hillary supporters

>> No.10456723

>proof that Linkies are Hillary supporters

The only thing this proves is the utter desperation of a cancerous discord group to get cheap link

>> No.10456749

Reminder that Hillary got billions for her marketing campaign, and the Hillary foundation got billions as well.
The jews are on our side.

>> No.10456789


lmao imagine being this retarded, you have to go back. and of course you also owned chainlink

>> No.10456803

Sergey looked for the heaviest balance to the shitheaderry on biz. She is the antithesis of biz. The bringer of the Synthesis, $1000 EOY

>> No.10456893

She's just trying to make herself seem desirable. All women do this.

>> No.10456899

So now you listen to fud, when it goes against your strong political belief.

YOU fucking idiot.

>> No.10456981

Being backed by /pol/ isnt good for normies.

And any dumb fuck /polster/ would keep his shit shut till s/he makes bank.

Some cunts still buy Bcash

>> No.10456993

Man I wish I got all in AMB at under 30 cents, shit is a fucking steal.

>> No.10457207

The biggest irony is TERRY IS FUCKING JEWISH

>> No.10457293

brain replaced this with pandering

>How this woman fixed money
>How this woman became a cryptocurrency Baroness
>How this woman change the face of currency
>The new face of crypto currency: is a women!
>Banking has just gotten better: Thank this woman
>CryptoCurrency: Its a...womans world
>Blockchain Baroness: How one woman changed the face of banking
If link succeeds expect above

>> No.10457315 [DELETED] 
File: 624 KB, 500x320, E04B3E3D-ACEF-4F17-9956-793617070002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not with link. I’ll make sure of that

>> No.10457335

Dumb fucking gook sellout. Who does this gay fucking nigger think she is?

>> No.10457362
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1532481297040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, a white male was desperate enough to succumb. Get raped. WOW!

>> No.10457366


That's an enormous red flag. What is Surgey thinking?

>> No.10457514 [DELETED] 

I'm actually kinda surprised at how stupid the whole concept of "single member of a team of a project has a different opinion than me so that means supporting the project means that I support this idea" is. New low for the /pol/-tard. I really wanted to be with you fuckers for a long time but at the end of the day half of you are just straight up fucking stupid.

>> No.10457706
File: 33 KB, 564x477, 1498458084001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this makes all the underage pol niggers and whiteknight plebbitors sell their stack I'm all for it.

>> No.10457716

It's perfect. Make 4chan virgins sell, attract virtue signalling normies. Sergey is a genius.

>> No.10457726

lefties cant meme and are too brainlet to own coins so good luck with that, meanwhile even normies are sick and tired of the social justice agenda. did you even see the hate burger king is getting on youtube for their new commerical complaining about "the pink tax". normies are tired of being preached at they dont care. the left is insane and cant into crypto anyways. you are dumb

>> No.10457730

>decentralized network
>sell because of one persons opinions

>> No.10457741

Fucking lost. Thanks man. <3

>> No.10457755

well fuck. it's over lads.

>> No.10457799

>and I could tell that she was thinking in her head.... "god I wish this fat white boy wouldn't come into my restaurant"
No, she was most likely thinking "god this neckbeard smells really bad why does he have to dine here".

>> No.10458701

einstein was also a racist, what now bigot?

>> No.10458763




>> No.10458775


>> No.10458822

Le strap in link marines xDDD
My linkies are stinky!!!! Hehehehhehehehehehehheheh3h3 xDDD

>> No.10458837

Imagine the faces of these /pol/niggers eoy when they realise that they will forever be poor just because they got triggered by different opinions as they always do kek

>> No.10458960

Hilary literally wanted to let in hundreds of thousands of Muslims. Who are literally the most uncivilized group of people in the galaxy.

Go look at any trump rally. They were fun, had energy, actual real American who like to have fun.

Then go watch the few videos there are of Hilary's headquarters the nite of the election. People with turbans on, fags holding each other, and the white guys there who you could tell were straight were the biggest cuck looking betas you've ever seen in your life.

The left are self absorbed people who hate traditional value Americans. They want us dead. Whereas the right doesn't give a fuck about them but just wants to be left alone.

Why do you think the left wants us disarmed so badly? So their god the govt can't eliminate us.

>> No.10458992

Its not different opinions dude. Look at any communist campus. If you say anything conservative or Ann coulter shows up or Milo shows up they start burning down the place.

The real fascists are the fascists on the left.

So you are unironically retarded for thinking that it's the right that can't handle different opinions. It's the left that literally bans speakers in the right.

But I don't actually personally hold it against you because you've been brainwashed in a shitty govt ran public school. Remember public ANYTHING sucks balls. Public restrooms, public bathrooms.... they all suck

>> No.10459002


>> No.10459085

>imagine getting butthurt about petty politics instead of getting rich
I would find the fact that /pol/tards will ruin LINK extremely funny, if it weren't for the fact that I'm a Linkie myself. The FUD was meant to keep spergs like you >>>/out/

>> No.10459115


These knuckle-dragging nu-/pol/ retards are unironically the biggest threat to the project right now. You know one of them is sperging out in her inbox right as I type.

They could shut the fuck up and get rich, but instead they have to make a woman complaining about getting catcalled into a frontline in their myopic ideological battle.

I know it's tough when all you do is sit in your room all day, but just shut the fuck up for once.

>> No.10459122


me gonna buy somme LINK now unironically

>> No.10459149

TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020

>> No.10459150

It's unironically, literally, 100% this. /pol/ must be purged from the link marines.

>> No.10459154

>The real fascists are the fascists on the left.
durr hurr hurr read horseshoe theory!!!!
every time people say this they denigrate what fascism actually is

>> No.10459159

TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020

>> No.10459445

Im actually SUPER political but have spent maybe 45 mins on /pol/ in the last 6 months.

I'm with them 100% but I'm able to actually function in real life society.

Despite my outburst here... if you met me IRL without knowing who I am... you wouldn't let me for a pol type even if we ended up talking politics.

But sometimes these assholes on the left take it too far. And this chick is a FUCKING asshole.

I'm not selling, although I might sell sooner than I normally would have because it eats at my skin that this broad is involved.

>> No.10459458

Also.... btw..... I thought it was that hot guy Daniel kochis who was the marketing director from a few months back?

So I'm confused

>> No.10459470

Obamacare is fascism.

Left wants Obamacare.

Trump gets in office and call him a fascist.

Even tho eliminating regs and lowering taxes is the exact opposite of what a fascist would do

>> No.10459506
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obamacare is fascism

>> No.10459581

Govt controlling .......... is fascism.....

That's literally what Obamacare is you fuckhead

>> No.10459625

Damn i was about to buy LINK. Dont think i can now.

>> No.10459643
File: 6 KB, 128x128, overthink1think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Govt controlling .......... is fascism.....

>> No.10459893


>> No.10459923

If Obamacare isn't fascism then what is it brainlet? I mean Obamacare certainly isn't free market based healthcare... you and I both know that.

So what is Obamacare then?

Let's see how high your IQ really is

>> No.10459932

Stakeholders theory. You're not gonna make it. You do what needs to be done. only moral obligation, #1 duty, is making as big of a profit as possible. Politics go out the window. Trump knows this too that's why he worked with many democrats over the years. You have to use connections. She's a good pick.

>> No.10459949

I don't believe that any of you actually hold this shitcoin.

>> No.10459950

Is maintaining roads fascism too then?

>> No.10459953
File: 33 KB, 726x556, 1472447013970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10459978

socialised medicine is not fascism

>> No.10460100

Yes it is you moron. If socialiZed medicine isn't fascism then wtf is it? It's not free market based healthcare right???

Fascism is govt controlling private. That's exactly what Obamacare is! The govt is involved controlling it.

Fucking Christ you people don't understand shit

>> No.10460153
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 1475631058581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mixed economies only ever fascist

>> No.10460158

Yeah because the roads suck and they barely maintain them. The free market is the answer to everything. Roads.... education.... medicine.... everything.

Moreover..... the govt controlled healthcare is awful! They haven't cured shit in 60 years. Doctors are legalized drug pushers for big pharma where 100-200k people die from the shit they push. Opiate crisis giving people pain killers for everything. Oh hey broke your arm? Here's some pain killers

Got cancer? Line up like the sheep you are so the govt can't blast you with poison chemotherapy which kills you fast then the cancer does.

There's a reason our founders who were the most brilliant men didn't put right to education and right to healthcare in the constitution because they knew both of them would become as disastrous as they are right now.

>> No.10460278

my fucking sides

>> No.10460339

Never said the left was racist. In fact, people on the right who say things like "black people are the true racists...." are stupid because they don't use their brains and don't realize that black people don't give a fuck if white people call them racist.

>> No.10460880

Please stop being bland. And yes, that is fucking bland. Every spoilt brat recounts similar tales. Try sitting watching a burning city while flares arc over it thinking life is just a ream because you have necked some weird meth pills as tracer lights up the sky like fucking star wars or fucking s blondy while one of the rolling stones skins up while the president of the USA can be heard talking through the door you weak faggot.

>> No.10461200
File: 9 KB, 216x250, Sigil Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fapped to the sigil. you guys are secretly influencing reality.