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File: 139 KB, 1600x1600, guarana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10440989 No.10440989 [Reply] [Original]

holy SHIT guys, I just wanted to share this.
Guarana is SO much better than coffee.

1. actually works unlike coffee which only keeps you awake for like 30min

2. it actually tastes good unlike FUCKING COFFEE rofl


> p.s dont give a fuck if amerifags dont have this product

>> No.10441028

28kcal/100ml. nice bulking drink

>> No.10441068

Not saying this is bad, but instead of this processed drink try natural yerba mate and add a table spoon of ginseng powder. Thank me later

>> No.10441070

too much sugar, turns you into a fat fuck incel

>> No.10441093

Imagine having such a shit body that you care about calories and sugar and don’t just work out and enjoy what the fuck you want to eat and drink. Jesus, what a bunch of fags. Life is all together too short to say that shit, I wouldn’t even date a girl who talks like that. Manage yourself or just don’t talk, please.

>> No.10441130

Imagine having such a primitive palette that you'd actually enjoy heavily processed food and sugary drinks. Jesus, what a total fag. Life is all together too short to consume that shit, I wouldn't even date a girl who talks like that. Develop a higher standard or just don't talk, please.

>> No.10441142

If your not a fag who uses sugar and creamer, coffee is incredibly healthy. Full of amino acids and anti-oxidents

>> No.10441157

Imagine being a faggot who doesn't like the taste of coffee

>> No.10441164

fat incel detected

>> No.10441166

True but a consistent intake of coffee increases the amount of adenosine inhibitors ie. increased tolerance against caffeine's effects, and easier to feel drowsy in general. Contrary to popular beliefs, there are lots of ways to increase focus/ reduce drowsiness that don't involve changing your body for the worse

>> No.10441169

It tastes like the cancer my energy drinks are giving me tho so it's a toss up, really.

>> No.10441174

This, but then again I should be grateful for my metabolism. I hear so many for me unrelatable horror stories

>> No.10441188

So many beta cucks on here. Please go back to your hot yoga class and your overly expensive non chain shop caramel macchiato.

>> No.10441190
File: 145 KB, 1280x942, 1485798723351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good for you lad

>> No.10441199

thanks mate, I'll check it out. I noticed that my entire mood and life changes when I drank a whole lot of coca cola out of glass bottles (literally doesnt work when out of plastic bottles).
So that got me thinking and experimenting and now I realize that it must be the coffeine or at the very least the general mood improvement and altertness from substances.
I guess I just need it, never knew it. I sometimes bought iced coffee but it practically did nothing for me and regular black coffee tastes like absolute ass, stains your teeth etc etc. Anybody who denies this is just a fag who watches TV commercial and is socially brainwashed.
I'm currently shopping around for the ultimate drink to improve my life. Guarana + Ginseng + yerba mate sound like a good combo, I also bought kurkuma already and looking into lemongrass and some other stuff.

>> No.10441295

There can be a couple reasons iced coffee isn't as effective for you (1) temperature of the drink affects bioavailability of its substances ie. less caffeine made it to your system, or (2) drink is diluted/ less coffee content in the first place because of the ice.

A piece of advice, if I may - looking for a drink as an 'anchor' dietary item to reshape your lifestyle/diet is definitely a good idea, provided the drink is healthy enough with little side effects. But on top of that, consider eating simple foods that can reshape your gut biome eg. fermented food like kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, which can change the composition of the bacteria culture, which has been scientifically proven (peer-reviewed, controlled studies) to directly affect what you crave, what you absorb etc. This is one of the most important yet overlooked piece of information that'd affect people's lifestyle.

>> No.10441337

yep, absolutely it's supposed to be my anchor. I already knew that I should be eating more healthy, I'm going to follow the 'Plant Paradox' diet as it feels the most right for me. (if you dont want to look it up, it's basically fish+ specific vegetables ONLY. No beans, bread, fruit, milk, even very very little meat or eggs)
After some fish vegetable soup I feel fantastic bodily-wise but I lacked the contentness of a mood improvement. It's hard to explain but while I knew how good my body felt, my mind didn't really improve after healthy food.
I hope that now I have the necessary components for both body + mind to improve.

>> No.10441453

That sounds like a good diet, as long as you mix up the fish to avoid arsenic, cadmium, mercury build ups etc. Stay healthy anon we'll be rich and healthy, and with every reason to live a good life especially there's a good chance we'll see (or be) the first generation to have an average 100+ year lifespan.

>> No.10441456

yeah i fucking love cocaine too op

>> No.10441474

Caffeine gives me headaches its a terrible substance

>> No.10441599

what was that shitty drink in the 90's that had this?

god, you kids these days.

>> No.10441726



It's still only available in Austria right? Since I tried one of those, I never drank Club Mate again, shit tastes 1000x better

>> No.10442520

>Guarana is SO much better than coffee.
actually I think it's the yerba mate that's doing it for you. seriously it's like magic. coffee is a fucking joke, it just makes me jittery or nervous without any real energy boost. yerba mate makes FOCUSED AS FUCK and gives me so much clarity. just be careful not to abuse it... give your body sufficient time to flush it out of your system so you don't get all dependent on it.

>> No.10442593

Yerba mate is just caffeine same as coffee...just less.

>> No.10442630

no fruit...thats retarded.

>> No.10442640

How about not drinking any stimulants at all and living a healthy life at baseline?