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10438427 No.10438427 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of cryptocurrencies, what are they trying to fix?
The vast majority of the world's money is already digital with instantaneous internet transactions, no one uses paper money for legitimate reasons.

>muh privacy
All wallets and transactions are public and so it's easy enough to track down someone if the FBI really wants to, I'm sure they already built a whole relation of wallets and their owners since early buttcoin was popular in the deep web.

>> No.10438468

think of it like this...
it is a new society
made up of contracts and computers
super cool
so we don't need to work anymore
we can just rely on contracts...... :)
it is a quite neet stuff technologically if you as me
I am a computer wizkid software engineer
I can totally see
how beneficial it is

>> No.10438503

Imagine we live in some sort of dystopian space anime and you pull up in your fly ass spaceship and need to buy fuel. You gonna pay in some fiat, metal that they gotta test, or some cool crypto. Scan a barcode or tap a button and the crypto moves seamlessly from your wallet to theirs and its worth what its always worth being 100% counterfeit proof.

>> No.10438559

youve obviously never left your hometown

>> No.10438577

That money has a centralized control, the only thing centralized money is good for is starting wars and giving the assholes in government a free ride for their whole life believing they are better than everyone else.

>> No.10438645

It's just propaganda to get people to pump your bags, and it works because there's no earnings reports or anything to tell the public "no, your Shitcoin isn't worth $8k. It's not even worth 1% of that". That's why this whole charade has lasted this long.

No one actually wants to use this garbage

>insanely unstable price
>if you send to the wrong address, you shits gone forever
>network straight up becomes unusable when lots of people use it
>hard to track, so if your crypto bank gets robbed, expect your stuff to never be retrieved

Lmao don't lie to me fags. You just want to use this trash to get more fiat

>> No.10438661

the jewish banker problem u dumb cunt

>> No.10438808

Can you send money from A to B without having to trust some third party to handle the transaction for you?
Can you trust the cohort of people who control the printing presses that created your money in the first place?
Can you transact anonymously and securely?
Can you store your money safely without having to trust a third party (bank) to remain solvent and not lose it all?

These are the problems that crypto solve.

>> No.10439003

If u think bircoin will ever be a mass adopted payment system then u are a dumb fag. You are as bad as reddit millenials posting how they got their grandad to buy some shit with bitcoin and posts his fucking smug face paying for it.

No bitcoin is bigger than payments. Its potentially the backbone of the future monetary system in the same way gold was. Its kind of a virus it cant be stopped only growing bigger as people get involved and hold. The system will fuck up in the next decade and currencies will collapse. Btc really is rat poison to these fuckers cause it is an option put of the sustem. I think no one will ever use bitcoin it will just be held by govs as a percentage of reserves. 1btc and u will be rich in 10 years.

>> No.10439029

Monero is unironically the only coin that is being used for private transactions.

>> No.10439165
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>> No.10439276

It doesn't need to "fix" anything. It just needs to provide use and have benefits, blockchain is incredible tech.

>> No.10439355
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>> No.10439378
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>pic related
interest is the invention of satan. - thomas edison

>> No.10439388

decentralized money

it prevents nefarious people from abusing it, hacking it, diluting it, etc.

>> No.10439415

Do your own research, faggot.

>> No.10439421
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>> No.10439501

Bitcoin is to banks as bittorrent is to blockbuster

>> No.10439523

>instantaneous internet transactions

This does not happen.

>> No.10439565

remember the phrase, "paradigm shift" many people were posting last year? They are not wrong. Thing is, this kind of societal advancement takes years and people have a hard time grasping long term trends.

Crypto will cause upheaval around the world in the next decade, but it's for the best. It's basically a reset button that takes years to push fully down.

>> No.10440406
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Their purpose is to fix the problem of trust.

>> No.10440445

It takes me 3 days to transfer my money between bank accounts. Crypto takes me 2 seconds. Why the fuck is this allowed?

>> No.10441253

Its all about laundering money or hiding it from the taxman.

>> No.10441331

Income tax is a 2 trillion dollars per year industry in the us alone. Imagine all that wealth being put into crypto (monero) where free people can transact as they please instead of welfare for niggers and lazy retards.

>> No.10441343

>let me repeat bullshit I've read
You'd think it would be that way but it isn't. Bitcoin is used more commonly on darknet markets than monero, ETH is used about as much as it.

>> No.10441369

gib proofs. Also, you can't just hand write your shitcoin wallet on paper and give it to someone else. Monero can do that though.

>> No.10441381

Go try to sell stuff and you'll see that I'm right.

>> No.10441384
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More about men finally truly owning their wealth. E.g. - no divorce court, tax authority or bank can take or freeze your crypto wealth, and together with plausible deniability thats very powerful.

>> No.10441420
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Shut up. Just ride the wave and make money goyim. Life is a lot simpler than you think. Don't overthink it.

>> No.10441446

Biggest reasons include
>total control of your funds, no middleman (bank service) required
>trustless escrow (practical for things like payroll, sports betting (gambling in general), things like that)
>decentralized options add tons of privacy, can be 100% anonymous with some effort (obviously doesn't apply to centralized/KYC exchanges)
>virtually free (pennies) to transfer any sum

that's just scratching the surface, tons of other creative ways to use crypto/blockchain technology. Personally I'm most interested in smart contracts once we find ways to accurately validate them, especially once we can use them trivially to enter into random gambles/bets with one another and ensure payment will be delivered - this is possible now but it's too clunky (the verification process) but eventually that will be solved

>> No.10442045

>instantaneous internet transactions,
>wiring money to someone else or even to another bank account you own takes 1-3 days. doesn't happen after 5pm or on sundays.
you are a dumb fuck

>> No.10442070
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central banks reduce the value of fiat to make sure you can never stop working
not possible with bitcoin (bch)

>> No.10442088

If you deposit a large check in your account that is out of the ordinary of what you usually deposit the bank will hold the funds for up to 9 business days. That's half a month you have to wait for your money to clear. With crypto it can be just seconds.