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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10430395 No.10430395 [Reply] [Original]

Accumulation phase

>> No.10430493
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The greatest problem when trying to counter this scamtoken with facts is that this token has hardly any facts that can be contradicted. 0xBTC is a pure hypecoin that is dependent on hype and spam for its very survival and has no fundamentals at all and thus has nothing that anyone can contradict. It is nothing but a piece of stolen code from Bitcoin copied into an ERC20 token creating a minable token.

Pajeets claim that this would make it somehow more fair and better but it is still nothing but just another lie:
>Pajeets claim that some poo has magical powers and will make its owners rich
>Pajeets claim that since everyone was allowed dig poo at the same time then this totally changes the fact that this is a scam.
And of course there is no proof that it actually wasn’t mined for a prolonged period of time using 1000 wallets before pajeets started shilling it.

Creating such a shitcoin is a retarded idea that makes 0xBTC even worse than the original code that the pajeet has stolen. The fact that it is a minable ERC20 token however makes it unique and the pajeet will abuse anything as a selling point even if everything that makes this shitcoin unique makes it also worse. It is only unique in how bad it is.

>> No.10430513
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The proof that this is shitcoin without any future whatsoever is the lack of any proof that it isn’t. The pajeet has to prove that it is not a shitcoin but he claims that this is not his responsibility and claims that you have to prove that something does not exist. Thus he calls all your posts baseless FUD and declares himself the victor of every discussion.

Whenever you point this out or the fact that it has no fundamentals and is of no use to anyone the pajeet will simply try to bully anyone who disagrees out of his thread and distract from that issue, tell you to DYOR knowing that all info out there is shit, pretend that this has been discussed a million times before, ignore all intelligent questions and call them baseless FUD. He will distract by spamming bullshit and tell you how comfy he feels and make false promises that Business will use it, that whales are accumulating, that he bought the dip, that some stupid feature will make it good, that it will hype when it comes to another exchange, that it will come to another exchange and so on.

>> No.10430529
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It’s not that these Pajeets are different or savages but that they reveal their true nature on /biz/ trying to scam everyone into their crypto frauds and it is their very soul that everyone here despises.

When I was still a child I felt compassion toward those unfortunate members of those underdeveloped cultures but when I got older I realized that their misery is the mirror image of their own characters. They call you sir and friend but all they really want is to rob your money. And furthermore they also behave the same way toward their own kind.

Every time I go to a flea market I see those dark skinned professional traders selling cheap low quality stuff. Yet no matter how cheap these things are they are never worth the price:
>Dull knifes that bend like plastic
>Fake diesel watches with buttons for a stopwatch yet these buttons are not functional
>Headphones that break after a few months
And they are also selling that crap to each other. I see them every day and hear them talking to each other and they never complain about such behavior but brag instead.

>> No.10430539
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Suddenly it became very clear to me why Chinese concrete crumbles on touch, why Africa has no running water or electricity or why Indian code entirely is worthless. No matter how bad things are, they will never stop stealing and start producing like an honest person but will instead turn every productive endeavor into just another scam. They do not understand character building, their personalities are guided by nothing but lower instincts and their souls are devoid of all higher aspirations. They are cursed to turn everything they touch into dust and all you can do is keep them out of your society.

Every new shitcoin is just another proof of this and the market cap of all those scamtokens is the measure of their corruption. This is the reason why I am not only justified to do whatever I want to get rid of those Pajeets but it is every /biz/tards duty to keep this board alive. This is how full/pol/ dealt with their shills and look at their results. There they have real discussions and post so long that they are divided into multiple paragraphs. This is what /biz/ looked like in the past and I believe that it is possible to make /biz/ great again.

>> No.10430586

i filtered him but im 100% sure judge doom commented on that

fucking loser

>> No.10430602

How did you guess?

>> No.10430617

he's in every thread, every single one about 0xbtc

>> No.10430627

and ONLY these threads, it seems... i can't recall seeing him in any other threads

>> No.10430662

Because hes actually the one making them just so he can spam his copy pasta

>> No.10431137


- First fully mineable ERC20 token on Ethereum. Created by, and actively developed on, by the authors of the EIP918 protocol: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-918

- It is not a work in progress with dubious claims, but a finished and immutable smart contract. No ICO, no premine, and no founder's reward. You're not at risk of having 30% of the supply dumped on you secretly. The price isn't dependent on the anticipation of deadlines or conferences. 0xBitcoin is as transparent as can possibly be. If you read solidity, then go ahead and give it a read: https://etherscan.io/token/0xb6ed7644c69416d67b522e20bc294a9a9b405b31#readContract

- Big names in Ethereum, including Vitalik and Vlad Zamfir, have stated that Ether is not a good currency and functions best as gas: https://twitter.com/VladZamfir/status/954819096922779649

- Merge mining allows for 0xBitcoin to be an anchor on which future cryptoassets can be fairly distributed, giving devs an alternative to ICO, airdrop, and faucet for truly decentralized projects: https://medium.com/coinmonks/0xlitecoin-and-merge-mining-tokens-a0381effb31

- 0xBitcoin acts as more than just a currency; it is an effective PoW engine on Ethereum. Decentralized PoW has many applications when it comes to decentrally and non-randomly deciding arbitrary events within smart contracts. 0xBTC's mining is already functioning within the governance of the Lava network: https://medium.com/@admazzola/a-revolutionary-new-ethereum-smart-contract-pow-king-of-the-hill-5b68e6d9a51c

>> No.10431161

- Developed by the 0xBTC contract deployer, Lava network will allow users to transact on Ethereum by paying in ERC20 tokens instead of in Ether. This paves the way for adoption of 0xBTC as the default currency on Ethereum, and relegates Ether to background utility status as was intended.

- As an ERC20 token, 0xBitcoin will scale with Ethereum and is virtually immune from 51% attack. Any improvements in privacy and transaction speed/cost on the world's most used smart contract platform will apply to 0xBitcoin without altering the contract code.

- With a market cap of just $2.5mil, 0xBitcoin can 100x and still only be half way towards the market caps of Bitcoin pretenders like Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Diamond.

Throw me your best, well thought out arguments against 0xBitcoin's impending success; inb4 being called a pajeet or a scammer even though this is the most well researched post on /biz/ in weeks.

>> No.10431425

judgefag at it again hahahahahaha man 0xbtc raped your whole family salty fag

>> No.10431478

the proof that u are gay is that u call urself judgefag and let 0xbtc rape your family without any defense

>> No.10431544

judgefag at it again shoulda be this hard when 0xbtc fucked his mama hahahaha