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10426566 No.10426566 [Reply] [Original]

>parents say you'll never amount to anything
>all you do is play on your computer all day

>> No.10426570

and they're 100% correct

>> No.10426576
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>> No.10426578

It's called verbal abuse. Projecting their own sense of personal failure on to you. Rich parents laugh at losers like that. Their kids don't fail because guess what? Money and connections = no chance of failure.

>> No.10426582

All you do is play with internet monopoly money son why don't you invest in the stock market and make something of yourself?

>> No.10426589
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dumb parents think that they know anything. God get off my back already pops I know what I'm doing.

>> No.10426597

That's just not true anon. You also sleep some too. THEN you wake up, and play on your computer.

>> No.10426602

This. Money doesn't buy social skills, networking, hygieine, fitness, business acumen, love, friendship.

But hey, it'll buy you more SJW video games. You "enjoy" playing that Battlefield 1488 with trans-niggers.

>> No.10426608


>> No.10426621
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>> No.10426640
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>> No.10426647

This hurts my pepe

>> No.10426658

wew lad

>> No.10426694
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I can't stop the cycle.

>> No.10426759

yeah what a sad existence am I right. Feels much better to get whipped everyday by your bass at your wagecuck job at mcdonalds than reading books, playing vidya and mastering your favorite hobbies all day long

>> No.10426781

You never wished for better?

>> No.10426792

have you tried going outside

>> No.10426797

What retards like you are too narrow minded to see is imagining what a society full of people like that would look like. Do you see it? Can you picture this utopian neet society you dream of? Just in case you can’t they don’t exist because nothing would get done and would be wiped out by the first visitors to discover this shitstain of a community

>> No.10426947

yes some guys must work for goverment and others but i wont.

>> No.10427004

How does it feel to be a drain on your nation? to contribute nothing and leech off the work of better men?

>> No.10427020

Neets are way better than 50% of the working population who are leeches, every government worker is a leech

>> No.10427027


>> No.10427034

>you'll never amount to anything
>you need to stop being on the computer
>invest in bitcoin
>become millionaires
>become richer than parents have been in their lifetime
>spend time making youtube videos with a high standard mentality of making the best videos ever
>they blow up and I'm considered semi-famous online
>no gf but don't care
>spend money taking out my parents for dinner and just treating them well
>pay for cruise with wealth, parents are happy
Being on the computer and becoming wealthy is like a dream made reality.

>> No.10427057


op is a abysmal failure

>> No.10427407

Your parents saying you will never amount to anything. Basically your boomer parents admitting that they fucked up as parents.