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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 1772x842, bitcoin july 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10391099 No.10391099 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry bros.

I was in crypto in 2013. It's all too familiar.

It's going to keep going down.

>> No.10391113

But we're doing a '13 style bottom, anon.

>> No.10391126

See ya in 2020

>> No.10391127

You can't compare 2013 to today.
Maybe it's going down again to 6k for 2 month but thats it.

>> No.10391143
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10/10 post

>> No.10391156

You're not wrong but theres no fucking way we go to 1k cap this i guess. Ez money

>> No.10391161

>it will be like that because it was like this in the past
check volume then, check volume now, understand that we are looking at two different charts? I don't want to insult, just think about the volume discrepancy, it is really a nice indicator

>> No.10391215

Where do all of the oldfags go to hang and discuss now, anon? There are obviously none of you left on /biz/. I'd like to hear oldfags opinions on the future of BTC & crypto but I can't find it here.

>> No.10391228

Even if this is right, it means we are going back to $10k before dropping again. Enjoy the ride up

>> No.10391332

What are you talking about, we’re still here meme-ing about. I remember when eth was $13 and ppl spammed vitalik memes like how sergey is spammed now. I remember when ppl shilled lisk, dash, and maidsafecoin. Every pump would fill the catalog with “nocoiners btfo”, and during the sideways days of 2015 there were literally no threads about crypto. Most people must’ve sold. I don’t see why oldfag opinions should be more valuable in this cesspool.

>> No.10391341

I know what to do OP, DCA and call you a faggot.

>> No.10391366

so whats the next Ethereum, and how long will this bear haul last?

>> No.10391372

are you saying we are going to 900? are you trying to tell us you are mentally retarded? it's ok dude everyone is different

>> No.10391375

"If I stretch the Y axis of the graph, then I can manipulate the candles to prove my shitty opinion"

>> No.10391379

so which exchange has run off with 1/12th of bitcoins circulating supply and removed 80% of trading volume from the global market?
dumb fuck newcoiners kys

>> No.10391380

>so whats the next Ethereum

>> No.10391396
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>> No.10391517
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>> No.10391535


>> No.10391537


>> No.10391574

>tfw ex-nociner
I used to FUD bitcoin all the time on here. I didn't make my first crypto purchase til December 17 despite knowing all about them. Feels proper bad man

>> No.10391614

you can't TA on patterns from a period like that. mt gox just imploded and the only real use case for bitcoin was to buy drugs online. it's not even s slightly a useful predictive measure for how bitcoin is used now.

>> No.10391621

do not worry about the alt. you must not forget human soul are greedy want big return. Btc not enough return for greed and alt fomo must follow. the sky god say patients will reward and destiny are become true in past. some alt will die but good project will live and are make us rich for money and rich soul. bless you bull family . we are going and will be rich if you are powerful patient. if you are not buy right now you will cry 2019 very strong bull whale assembly cannot be defeat by poor bears. Fomo greed are very powerful mind. thank you

>> No.10391645

I just got done explaining why you shouldn’t listen to me. How the fuck would I know, I’m only an oldfag cuz I bought btc to try acid in college, came here to troll, and got shilled to buy eth hella early.
But if you really care, the last crash was mtgox whereas this time it was just korea fud. The next bullrun will probably happen sooner, but i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not as profitable.
And nothing has been as fundamentally different as eth. There’s some good alts out there, but most are trying to fit technology around a problem that ppl don’t have (very similar to all the crap startups during dotcom). What I want to see is a scalable application that people actually feel the need to use. Until then, there probably won’t be a “next eth.” The ideas are all out there, we need to demonstrate feasibility.

>> No.10391656

2011 oldfag here. we are all at r/btc and following satoshi on twitter

>> No.10391664
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non brainlet detected

>> No.10391670


>> No.10391711

>What I want to see is a scalable application that people actually feel the need to use.
XLM and BCH, dummy

>> No.10391725

Kys pajeet

>> No.10391740
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In July 2014 I ate pizza the whole month for dinner so logically in July 2018 I must eat pizza for dinner again. Every night. No exceptions. Idk why but I just have to.

>> No.10391747

What this faggot said. Most retards on /biz/ are busy chasing low caps thinking we'll have a repeat of 2017. XLM and BCH still have tiny caps compared to where we're going.

>> No.10391754
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well you know an easy way to make money then eh m8?

>> No.10391760

brought to you by /r/buttcoin (TM)

>> No.10391765

I don't understand how people haven't realized that he has the exact same mannerisms as Satoshi. If you read the old Satoshi posts it's literally the same fucking guy.

Oh well they will learn when he inevitably puts 1 million BTC sell pressure on them while simultaneously pumping BCH.

>> No.10391766 [DELETED] 

We're actually at the second plateau below the one you identified but still above the real bottom. Real bottom will be 2-3k coinciding with the 200 WEEK ma like it did in 2014-2015

>> No.10391767

>thinking history will repeat itself based on the exact same patterns that occurred 5 years ago and that no external factors have changed at all or will in any way influence current events

>> No.10391774

there really isn't anywhere to hang out, pretty much all the crypto communities turned into gen-z circle jerks. still come here occasionally just to see what's happening.

it's funny how there's still people going all in on flavor of the week shitcoin alts and trying to hold them long term. literally nothing has changed over the past 5 years in that respect. but back then the exchange was btc-e not binance and the coins were LTC, PPC, FTC, NMC, etc.

this guy is probably baiting but the real OG 2009-2011 fags usually are insufferable BTC maximalists, but only because they are rich off their original holdings from that period and they don't have to care about anything else. the scaling war killed bitcoin's future as a usable blockchain platform.

IMO the future is pretty bright for cryptos, but only for dapp platforms. the private/gov sector will likely sweep the payment market with private permissioned blockchains and kill all the use cases for anything that doesn't have smart contracts. wall street may be able to keep bitcoin alive as a store of value through their derivative products, but everything else will probably die.

95% of my stack is ETH and I use the other 5% for short term gains on alt pumps, it works well for me.

>> No.10391785 [DELETED] 

Satoshi was Hal Finney and nothing will ever convince me otherwise.

>> No.10391806

"Bitcoin will scale to levels beyond VISA. If you don't understand why I don't have time to teach you."

Now who the fuck does that sound like?

>> No.10391823 [DELETED] 

The manchild king himself Roger? Satoshi was polite in all his correspondence and far far smarter than that stupid retard Ver

>> No.10391825

he was assuming blockstream wasn't going to take over and cap it at 1MB blocks

>> No.10391831

I can’t believe I’m saying this but
I miss the btc-e trollbox
That looks good

>> No.10391837

Retarded analogy

>> No.10391838

That is literally a quote from Satoshi himself you derp

>> No.10391873

I even talked to charlie lee once in the troll box, back when he was still cool. good times.

>> No.10391877

based on previous top and bottom, and the beginning of this graph, OP is a faggot.

>> No.10391969 [DELETED] 

No it's not.

>> No.10392004
File: 108 KB, 888x586, 1511599993001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other oldfags here still dirt fucking poor and scrabbling about chasing pump and dumps with the other idiots?

I entered in 2014 with $2,000 and I only broke six digits for a few weeks in December.

>> No.10392016

pretty sure this is a twisted quote that was actually a reply to dan larimer

>> No.10392077

it would have to hit 8600 for you to be somewhat correct. the issue now though is there wasnt a black swan event. we just had massive media normies flooding in then a big time correction. it honestly looks like gold before the ETF was introduced. this is what scares me to not be in bitcoin. not to mention alt are getting absolutely REKT which tells me something is up because if bitcoin was going to keep going down alts would have followed it.

>> No.10392080

So investing in ethereum competitors could still pay off in the near future?

>> No.10392099
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>they don't want to admit what blockchain tech is

>> No.10392124

why do u larp?

>> No.10392141

There were other bull runs with shorter drought periods between them

Bitcoin has a lot of wealthy actors swirling around it now, the next spike won’t be that far off

>> No.10392151
File: 160 KB, 1202x575, 2A814078-B311-4AA5-9E02-FEA92933AC92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i

>> No.10392156

absolutely. I'm not married to my ETH, if another team can beat them I will sell. I'm not really worried about the chink shit like TRX/NEO, but I followed the EOS launch extremely closely. basically I think EOS proved that centralized chains will work in the private and government sector, the DPoS model is perfect for it, but it absolutely fails as a public blockchain since the BPs will never act in the interest of the community and cartels will form eventually. if banks used DPoS they could have all the benefits of blockchains without giving up any control.

ADA is probably more promising but I think it has failed economically already. the coin supply is too high. XRP was the first "mega supply" coin and what happened was whales acquire the majority of the tokens and just pump and dump the coin to death while everyone else fomos. the gains are limited for normal investors since the supply is so high so the market cap goes up exponentially, but the whales only need small increases to make millions. this happens to basically every "mega supply" coin without fail. the world isn't ready for high coin supplies yet.

>> No.10392160
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I bought in on the AAAAAAA at 16k. Kind of hope it keeps going down or trading sideways so I can get a few BTC before the golden bull run. Currently my portfolio is about 20% link, 20% eth, 40% bitcoin, 10% litecoin, and remainder in whatever shit memecoins I see spammed the most. I don't have the energy nor desire to trade. If I see one of the 10%ers doing well I dump and rebalance. Just your basic buy and hold strategy with an added 10% just for a little fun and force myself to check blockfolio. I put about $800 in every two weeks, so I should have something decent. Here's hoping moonlauch is on hold until 2020. I'll take out just enough to cover my ass and put in ETFs so I can live on that 4%/yr meem trinitards love so much, but remainder stays in crypto as it is a new store of value. It certainly better fits the concept of 'money' than dollar, yuro, gold, or whatever other garbage people come up with.

>> No.10392192

I've been around since pre LTC ASICs on and off. I remember when BitcoinEXpress forked Auracoin. Hell - my first scam was ordering a Butterfly Labs pre-order from eBay.

Oldfags have absolutely 0 edge. Except they can control their emotions and have been through a few scam cycles & are more immune.

There is no place that isn't shit. And there's nothing special about being an oldfag.

>> No.10392202

except now youre rich...

>> No.10392219

Actually not. I could give you my longass sob story.

I started mid 2017 with $7K that I put into Tezos. Then I put another $4K in right before Segwit 2X & turned it into $100K & cashed that out. Holding the rest.

>> No.10392318

Renko has spoken

>> No.10392342

being an oldfag means you got slaughtered for 2 straight years in 2014-2015. if you survived that then you learned how to trade and when you need to sell to make profit on risky alts. if you both survived and were either smart, lucky or both then you bought as much ETH as you could afford which is exactly what I did. most people told me I was an idiot and degenerate gambler when I was doing it, but going through the 2 year bear market taught me a lot.

>> No.10392377

>being an oldfag means you got slaughtered for 2 straight years in 2014-2015. if you survived that then you learned how to trade and when you need to sell to make profit on risky alts. if you both survived and were either smart, lucky or both then you bought as much ETH as you could afford which is exactly what I did. most people told me I was an idiot and degenerate gambler when I was doing it, but going through the 2 year bear market taught me a lot.

I got slaughtered leading up to Eth.

Scammed for Fibonacci miners, justed with LTC from $15 -> $2 & we all know what happened to Vert.
Put my last $4K in Eth presale. Dumped it on market open for $2 (like 16K Eth) & made myself whole on my initial money after two years. Then walked away and focused on my rental house till early 2017.
Was digging thru some wallets on an old ubuntu install and found a wallet with 10 of them I'd never sent yesterday - so that was nice.

>> No.10392392

2011 btc buyer here, I was on and off in some discords but got put off by how edgy the convos are usually as I prefer kind of more calm/polite dealings. I mostly hold bitcoin, climate is completely different than 2013. I know people who had to close their crypto businesses in 2014 because everyone disappeared. This time around with fresh businesses everyones saying its still profitable to operate crypto sites, theres just a ton more people even now compared to back then. Also we probably dont know anything you dont know, just maybe have a bit more experience with the internet and tech trends.

>> No.10392453

>I was in crypto in 2013. It's all too familiar.
oh, the only exchange with 90% of btc volume got hacked? oh right, you're a larping fudster faggot lol gtfo

>> No.10392464

kek. I lost thousands on LTC and VTC. I bought LTC around $40, and like $4-5k in vert. I actually was able to hold the LTC for long enough to not get completely wiped, but I basically sold VTC at bottom. I also sold like 100-200 ETH around $15 which I'm still pretty broken up about, I can't imagine how you feel.

>> No.10392496

>kek. I lost thousands on LTC and VTC. I bought LTC around $40, and like $4-5k in vert. I actually was able to hold the LTC for long enough to not get completely wiped, but I basically sold VTC at bottom. I also sold like 100-200 ETH around $15 which I'm still pretty broken up about, I can't imagine how you feel.

Lolz - it took me a year to get over. I'd be worth 8 mil today but after reading Taleb's Antifragile I realized my weakness was not having enough respect for random events. No doubt I would have sold at some point.

My buddy talked me into getting back in when Bitcoin was around 2K & I turned my initial 4K investment into 100K. It's not the 10 mil I'd have in Eth but it's better than nothing.

It's some dark times when you lose 3 years of savings in 12 months. Make it back in 2 years. Then get out the year it would have turned into millions. Great thing about it is I have fucking nerves of steel and a clear mind now. Almost 0 dopamine rush going up or down.

>> No.10392533

being an oldfag here means being incredibly jaded and hundreds of thousands of dollars lost

>> No.10392541

>I'm sorry bros.
>I was in crypto in 2013. It's all too familiar.
>It's going to keep going down.

Let's say this is all true. BTC went from 100 USD to just under 20,000 That's a 200X after just 5 years. Why would I give a fuck if it's going to keep going down if this was just a repeat of 2013 and in 5 years i'll 200X?

>> No.10392550
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so ur saying were going to 10k?

>> No.10392558

same. I've been making about $10-20k in short term gains riding the alt waves for the past few quarters, now my whole stack is below cost. easy and consistent cash outs. all the shit we went through finally paid off.

>> No.10392573

What? His tweets are barely literate, childish ranting.

>> No.10392599

Im honestly shocked at how incompetant most of the BPs are. You would think they'd pretend to give a shit for a few months at least.
If EOSNewYork start their own chain Im buying that.

>> No.10392677

it's probably partly because EOS attracted the worst kind of community. basically anyone in EOS is in it for the profit and speculation and the technology is not a priority. they had a brazen ICO when the market was fairly hot which really set the pace for it.

ETH on the other hand launched in the worst and longest bear market that exists so a huge portion of the community was in it for the tech, not just speculation. people actually care if it succeeds or not.

>> No.10392694
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>> No.10392718

honestly it cant go down much more. my ark was 120k sats, now its 13k sats. itd be pointless to sell it now.

>> No.10392776

pretty soon you're going to learn that just because a coin exists doesn't mean it has a bottom. only good coins have a bottom, the rest don't. you're right it would be pointless to sell though, you're better off waiting for as long as it takes for a random pump so you can drop your bags.

>> No.10392882
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Getting JUSTED by LTC was also my first foray into crypto back in 2014. I wasn't quite bold enough to go into BTC and bought into the "silver" to BTC's gold meme, and I rode that bitch down from $50 to 4.

Said fuck it, and parked what was left of the money in XRP, which only in 2017 starting growing exponentially and that's how I got back in.

Totally ignored ETH, especially after the DAO.

Today's market feels manipulated as fuck by the whales and pools. I don't think there will be any excitement or bull run again until this crypto bullshit demonstrates a feasible, real world use in commerce.

Right now, all of it is useless garbage. ALL of it.

>> No.10392949

I think we're entering a new phase. the ICO market bullshit was definitely a dark period but I think that's coming to a close. we really might be on the cusp of institutional adoption, but they won't be doing anything with alts. the days of ERC20 tokens and no product behind them are over, the next wave of alts will probably be non-vaporware.

>> No.10392970

located in vancouver and we take btc ;)

>> No.10393028

>he ICO market bullshit was definitely a dark period
really? I think the ico's were unironically the most bullsih thing since bitcoin. it shows that you can raise funds and divide ownership in a near zero-barrier way. Instead of shitcoin erc20 tokens, imagine if it was stocks, futures, options or any other kind of derivatives.

Imo the "currency" meme is going to be near impossible to fulfil. I just dont see how a govt would give up its fiat currency and replace it with a decentralised one. But stocks... stocks on a public chain is a huge HUGE use case. Imagine if every average joe could do an IPO on their bakery shop with zero barriers to entry and divide the profits, provably among token/share holders

>> No.10393080

well what I more meant was it was a dark period for blockchain tech, but it was the glory days for making money. unregulated investment profits was really fun but all good things come to an end. I'm sure the ICO market will carry on in the future but probably under the thumb and control of SEC/CFTC. it will be harder for the retail investor to make profits.

>> No.10393103

>I don't want to insult
First day on the chin! Awwww

>> No.10393118

This guy gets it. I've been watching since 2010 or 2011. Everybody is expecting Dec '13, which is why it gonna be an April '13.

Zoom out. Do the same thing for the first peak on your graph

>> No.10393365

Is this just one big faggot larp thread?