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10383428 No.10383428 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else hate the fact they are drawn to women sexually despite them being soul and money sucking harpies?

>> No.10383439
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you sound like the souless one

>> No.10383441

Women aren't smart enough to exploit your weaknesses, unless you let them

>> No.10383442


>> No.10383523

A good woman is amazing and the only thing that makes life worth living. Don't be a cunt and you won't attract cunts

>> No.10383573

i feel that feel anon, but i think i'm going through a particularly cynical phase. i hope it will pass

>> No.10383684

Is there a way to blue pill myself again?

>> No.10383762

suicide and reroll

>> No.10383834

Dude just buy one of those $2,000 sex dolls, they can't divorce you and take half your shit or get pregnant.

>> No.10383862

Hear hear

Finding a good woman is hardmode though...

Finding a good woman who continues being a good woman over 30-40 years?
>insert here impossibru.gif

>> No.10383938

Anybody ever think of some sort of pre-divorce arrangement? Like, find a hoe with good genetics, make a deal: I get kids signed over to me after birth, and mothering of 8 years for each, in exchange the hoe gets housing, food, allowence for those 8 years, plus small lump sum of money and a pension per kid. You could probably get away with ~$100,000 per kid, which isn't a bad deal if you are loaded.

>> No.10383969

were doommmmmmmmmmmmed

>> No.10383979

>If a man gets scammed it's his fault and he deserved it for being a cunt
Toasties spinning it so hard

>> No.10384171

I always wondered if an arrangement like this was possible. Are we autistic?

If I could contractually hire a high quality woman to have my kids and give me custody that would be absolutely great.

>> No.10384218

Same here and I hope so too but I have a bad feeling it won't.

>> No.10384236

seeing as 70% of the american populace are overweight sacks of flab, no i am not drawn sexually to them, makes it very easy to operate

>> No.10384324

>Don't be a cunt and you won't attract cunts
This is some of the worst advice I've ever seen on this board

>> No.10384433

>is ignorant of the behavior of her fellow roasties
It's common for soulless cunts to pick a guy, use the possibility of not having sex with him as a threat to get him to buy her things, then ditch the dude when enough money has been sucked from his bank account. Something that pretty much never happens in reverse (ie a man using a relationship with a woman to grab money off of her).

>> No.10384441

just hire a surrogate and then a nanny, done.

>> No.10384456

>don't be a cunt and you won't attract cunts
>implying being a cunt is what attracts cunts
I think you've got that in reverse lad.

>> No.10384457
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Just remember that 3dpigs are not important

>> No.10384581
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But you can’t never touch or hold a 2d....

>> No.10384613

No you stupid beta bitch, because I don't spend money on them idiotically.


>> No.10384739

>Oh no, I thought with my dick and got scammed , I'm the victim.

That ain't how it works

>> No.10384750

You should try not being a whiny cunt and see what sort of women you attract.

>> No.10384782

>standing up for yourself and having standards for how you should be treated = whiny cunt
>cucks actually believe this

>> No.10384799
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>> No.10384900

How old are you?

>> No.10384922

I have never ever heard unironically the reverse example.

>> No.10384941
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My point is not that you should be a whiny cunt, you low IQ piece of shit. My point was that you will attract cunts one way or another as long as you have anything of value to offer, and therefore need to always be vigilant. You aren't gong to magically repel cunty women just by being a good man, and in fact the opposite is true.

>> No.10385214
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Well I guess you cunts have it all figured out. Just keep being " vigilant" and alone. Good women can smell what insecure pieces of shit you both are and will not have anything to do with you.

>> No.10385239

No. Why would you be drawn to other humans. They're all shit.

>> No.10385414

>you should be spineless and let women walk all over you or else you're gonna be alone forever
fuck off cunt.

>> No.10385441
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Congrats on your virginity.

>> No.10385546
File: 323 KB, 678x561, 84768FE3-5122-49E0-99FF-DD8F004BD73F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you can’t find a good woman you must be an asshole!
The ultimate roastie logic. They shriek this everytime you point out their manipulative, narcistic and vapid nature and give countless examples of real life experience of women doing you or friends/family wrong.

>> No.10385652


Gotta be a high quality surrogate that is willing to breast feed for a couple years though, usually not part of surrogacy.

>> No.10386108
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>good women
Anon, I...

>> No.10386149

I like fucking women but they have no purpose after that. You virgins can't understand, but after fucking them, they are nowhere as attractive

>> No.10386157

Women don't think I'm good enough for anything more than a fling. I've been single for four years. I really just want to lay in bed with woman and cuddle. No intimacy is driving me insane.

>> No.10386299

You can get "girlfriend experience"

>> No.10386539


Tell me how anon

>> No.10386574

if only VR was advanced enough to fill the void...