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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 228x209, shekelman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10370013 No.10370013 [Reply] [Original]

STOP harassing an innocent, harmless jew

>> No.10370988

This but unironically. They had to deal with enough shit in the past. I'm glad America has changed and Jewish people can break through the glass ceiling and hold positions of power. There are still barriers though from Nazi times.

>> No.10371003
File: 226 KB, 500x731, 1513292978976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you two serious? Fuckin kikes man

>> No.10371022

Honestly if they won, they won.
You can't want forced diversity in the elite and believe in personal responsibility at the same time.

>> No.10371028

Gotta gas fast.

Or me too his ass and fund some Californian latina commie to run against him next cycle with the demand that she leave crypto alone.

>> No.10371055

>can't want forced diversity
So I don't have to let niggers in my store anymore?

>> No.10371067


>> No.10371277

what's your problem? jews are actually very decent people, i'm not one of them but grew up in a jewish family, i am agnostic. The shit that happened to us is unimaginable and we are grateful that we are doing well in this society, except for the daily racism and crimes against jews.

>> No.10371282

no but you can let cracker inbreds in your store to buy out your stock of child pornography and shop lift the mayo

>> No.10371299
File: 532 KB, 1158x1173, D4C9147F-A827-4328-8DB3-39C20DC4FC88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews are decent people

>> No.10371304

I wonder if he wished that he stayed home that day.

>> No.10371318

Cool, proving your points with religious literature, you're probably fun at parties...

>> No.10371322

Every religion on Earth believes they're the chosen ones and everyone else is a piece of shit. Tribalism 101

>> No.10371323

See Acts chapter 2 verse 36.

>> No.10371335


>> No.10371338

ok schlomo

>> No.10371349

>being a nigger

Not gonna make it.

>> No.10371361

most if not all other religions aren’t as demonic/ evil. this goes to show you their intentions.... they do control almost everything

>> No.10371379

these people think they are above God himself. they are demonic, murderous, child raping parasites that currently control everything you use today.

>> No.10371381

Not sure if you noticed but almost no one in real life actually follows their religion to the letter aside from radical Islamists.

>> No.10371414

>didn’t make it in 2017 prior and projects self reflecting failures on others via /biz/
>refers to his reseller ebay account as his store

>> No.10371426

>being a nigger

>> No.10371429
File: 69 KB, 600x929, the-goyim-know-shut-it-down-jew-walkie-talkie[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posted Sanhedrin 54

>> No.10371439

>being an inbred neanderthal

>> No.10371458


>> No.10371470

even that would unironically be better than
>being a nigger
no amount of making it will ever fix that

>> No.10371480

I'd be open to being sued if I don't though, you niggers sure talk a good game only to bitch and sue for gibs at the drop of a hat.

>> No.10371495

>inbred meme
Niggers commit incest far more often than whites.

>> No.10371667
File: 90 KB, 660x883, 1526216371437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah they are so decent that they've been banned from pretty much every single country through history..

>> No.10371713
File: 26 KB, 229x295, 8F8B610A-52EF-46F1-A74B-B4FD8895FEA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading the comments in his tweets kek. This pussy faggot is now calling into a town hall rather than attending in person. Fuck this pansy. Luckily I don’t live in the valley so I can’t vote against this shitheel but I would if I were poor and lived there.

>> No.10371918
File: 36 KB, 297x365, Joobus_j_jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10371920

what's your argument? slavery was common in every country too, doesn't mean it was right

>> No.10371939
File: 168 KB, 1245x973, 2EEEB4AA-221F-45E3-89E6-712A2BB75BB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pathetic jew alert

>> No.10371982

>thinks inflation is bad and not necessary for a running, consuming and investing economy
okay boomer, have fun hoarding your deflating money in your mattress

>> No.10372016

>Looks at a chart
>Thinks its really that simple and that's all these is to finance

what a great example of the dunning kruger effect

>> No.10372026

How new are you?

>> No.10372029
File: 166 KB, 1200x1156, 1524086801582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes goyim, inflation is (((good for you)))
>you won't be able to own a house or a piece of land but hey! you got that new iphone that you were pretty much forced to buy in fear of inflation, thank you for contribution to (((enhancing our economy))) and please continue doing so until you hit 65!

>> No.10372038

>The guy that was losing his shit over inflation in these threads is a actual kike
No wonder.

>> No.10372043

Fk them

The entire race lies and cheats

Now he wants to take away happiness from the poor


You know what to do BIZ

>> No.10372067
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>> No.10372068
File: 248 KB, 656x822, 1457145706836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of slavery, you kike

>> No.10372079

Damn.. some pretty dull, idiotic conspiracy people around here

>> No.10372090

Proof that Jews owned most of the slave ships & markets and that they owned the most amount of slaves per capita?

Took a history class in college and I've never seen these numbers.

>> No.10372104

Hey JIDF, you realize how many former Jews want the Holocaust to actually happen because of your faggotty efforts? You are actually unironically genociding the entire religion because you refuse to fucking kill yourselves. Fine with me, but leave my internet money alone. When IT does happen, I will happily fulfill my duty of being gassed anyway as there is no place in this world for me. Also niggers suck

>> No.10372145

I unironically hate Jews

>> No.10372165

Just type something like
>jews owned slave ships
in google, I'm not gonna waste my time picking sources that you're gonna dismiss as "racis" or something.

>> No.10372176
File: 75 KB, 640x478, 1447554923624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10372179


>> No.10372248

>Or me too his ass and fund some Californian latina commie to run against him next cycle with the demand that she leave crypto alone.
This, his top campaign contributor only gave him $12.5k, its not like he would be that difficult to unseat with the dirt already found on him and him being a "white" guy in California.

>> No.10372313

what's the point of that picture? self interest is evil?
thank you for the lesson, commie.

>> No.10372387

Their level of greed is like no other ..... Thosuands died and they look to double dip .open your eyes ducate yourself

Theinsurance policiesfor World Trade Center buildings1 WTC,2 WTC,4 WTCand5 WTChad a collective face amount of $3.55 billion. Following the September 11, 2001, attacks, Silverstein sought to collect double the face amount (~$7.1 billion) on the basis that the two separate airplane strikes into two separate buildings constituted two occurrences within the meaning of the policies. The insurance companies took the opposite view, and the matter went to court. Based on differences in the definition of "occurrence" (the insurance policy term governing the amount of insurance) and uncertainties over which definition of "occurrence" applied, the court split the insurers into two groups for jury trials on the question of which definition of "occurrence" applied and whether the insurance contracts were subject to the "one occurrence" interpretation or the "two occurrence" interpretation.


>> No.10372422

>jew jewing other jews
Not seeing why I should care.

>> No.10372424

You are rerarted

>> No.10372441

This is the face of a man who sold low and has never/will never get laid.

>> No.10372449


>> No.10372452


>> No.10372482


>> No.10372497

Kek my bad

>> No.10372498


>> No.10372942

We need flags

>> No.10372970

go on his twitter and apologize for the holocaust roght now you worthless goyim

>> No.10373326

jews are the best. as a fellow white person, i can't wait until they've replaced whites with niggers so they have permanent jewtopia, free of white privilege and racism. (And That's A Good Thing)

>> No.10373929

If he knew about 4chan, he would close it for antisemitism.
Lucky we.

>> No.10374746

Do it

>> No.10374767

How would anons React if Sherman shut down BIZ somehow and managed to block coinbase from operating in California ?

His hometown

>> No.10374790

Joke on you. CIA runs 4chan

>> No.10374799

Knew it !

>> No.10374818

heh he can try thats for sure

>> No.10374889


>> No.10374907

Why ....... He despises something innocent


>> No.10374973

As I said before...fucking kikes lying with every word they spit out lmfao