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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10359937 No.10359937 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.10359949


>> No.10359959



>> No.10359963

4.5kk HOT Corporal reporting in.

>> No.10359980
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HOT has a potential to reach 19k usd price. many roadmaps and whitepapers in 2019 are coming

>> No.10360069
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120m big dick nigga ready for launch

>> No.10360101

shooo Pajeet, shoooo

>> No.10360140

What's the best exchange to buy this scam on

>> No.10360275

you can get feet coin on idex

>> No.10360382

I got it on idex myself 2bh

>> No.10360442

You're dumb as hell if you're not all in on this. You can trade back into the rest of your folio once this moons.

>> No.10360643

No way, Jose. I have 80% split between this and another moon mission. Other 20% in shitcoins that will dump into serious shit if and when they pump.

>> No.10360668
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News soon..

>> No.10360773

partnership with whom?

>> No.10360844


>> No.10360847

What's the other moon mission?

>> No.10360889


fuck off with ur shitcoin bags

>> No.10361026

promether. Another shitcoin doing the same thing

>> No.10361041

That ones already been announced. Try again.

>> No.10361119

this is the next eth but it's not its time to take off yet, we need a couple more months of accumulation and for it to be listed on a decent exchange first

>> No.10361138

Stop shilling this

>> No.10361140


>> No.10361626

roadmap and partnership coming next week

>> No.10361694


This. Mainnet is early 2019. Keep accumulating as long as it’s under $0.001 and HODL for years. It’s what i’m doing. If you have 10m+ Holo and HODL until 2023, you’ll be a very rich man.

>> No.10361720

how much you think itll be worth ?

>> No.10361757

Pretty confident with at least hitting $0.01 early 2019. $0.07 and I break a mil.

>> No.10361802
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>> No.10361824

I think even more. If I'm not mistaken, Holo can reach easly 0.10$ in 2019 and maybe even more.

>>10359937 Sitting here with 500k boi

>> No.10361868

Didn't want to shill, but since you asked it's DAG. Test net August 1st.

>> No.10361870
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Bump holo master race, tfw I own TCP/IP in 1993

>> No.10361896

DAG uses a similar schema to holochain but it is much more simplistic being just a crypto currency. Holo is a protocol.

>> No.10361916

0.10$ would put it at around XRP's marketcap.
Considering this isn't a shitcoin and it actually serves a purpose, I can see that happening.

>> No.10361936

they go into the details of the partnership with promether. One could say that the status of the partnership gets UPDATED.

>> No.10361975

Dumped all my Link for this.

>> No.10362157

all the 100 links?

>> No.10362223

I unironically believe this will be $.50 by the end of 2019.

>> No.10362245

I'm considering dropping my last 400 bucks. but please tell me your reasoning

>> No.10362287

lol i have the same portofolio, constellation and holo are my only 2 hodl's

>> No.10362302

Holochain essentially renders blockchain obsolete but in the process opens up serious completion to hosting and cloud computing tech giants by distributing the currently quite centralized act of serving an App.

It will change the cloud computing industry in the same way Napster changed the music industry.

>> No.10362315

wont hit 50$ (prob ever), but still best odds you will ever get, chance to win is like 40%? , outcome is x10-x100

>> No.10362328

dude.. if HOT reaches 50 bucks I would be fucking RICH!!!!
400 bucks is almost a 1mm stack

>> No.10362341

where can i get some of these coins

>> No.10362383

go to OOObtc.com

>> No.10362388

50 bucks will never happen man, 1$ "would be a mcap of 177B-smth like that"

>> No.10362411

Delusion. You think a small group of boomer hippies have built some revolutionary tech that AWS and Google weren't able to figure out kek the average Holo investor must be like 19 years old to believe this shit

>> No.10362418

are u fucking retarded

>> No.10362429

You have a better chance of winning the lottery and being struck by lightning simultaneously

>> No.10362454

thats how it works, do you think 1 person would have the ability u build smth like facebook? Thats how every big thing started

>> No.10362466

It's not in the interest of AWS and Google to make themselves obsolete, you mouthbreather. New technology always puts someone out of business.

>> No.10362483

I know it will never happen.. the guy who I replied to said it would prob never reach 50 usd I was telling him that it's impossible for that to happen.
It would make me a multimillionaire on a 400 dollar investment.

It will reach 1 cent by 2019 though

>> No.10362549

looking at sat value, 7 sat, should hit 100 sat with ease w a decent exchange.

usually they overshoot the order of magnitude, 125-150 sat. betting 2019 as well.

>> No.10362584

assuming btc will hit at least ATH by 2019 it should lead to a good profit

>> No.10362677

please dip

>> No.10362686

should I invest in this or in 0xbtc?

I have 20 dollars

>> No.10362737

Too expensive imo
you are better off investing into cheap coins @ 0,0005$
If you invest your 20$ into holo, you could make a decent profit and buy more altcoins.

>> No.10362757

you're saying 0xbtc is too expensive?

alright, holo it is then

>> No.10362931

Cloud computing/hosting alone will drive this up in price, but the Holochain tech is drawing developers and encourages app developers to host using Holo. The more usage of an app, the more fuel they pay to host.

It's perfect. Why the fuck wouldn't you pick up 1-2mil for suicide insurance?

>> No.10363041

I just have 1m. Bought the day it hit the exchanges. It’s suicide insurance atm.

>> No.10363314

have u guys been looking at the graph? ur shilling is driving a big green dildo haha

>> No.10363338

10m hololet here, how much will we need frens?

>> No.10363396
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>> No.10363404

No reason to use it when Zilliqa/Dfinity exist, or when ETH solve its scaling issues. tho i agree it's not a shitcoin, just not good enough to be one of the dominant ones.

>> No.10363417

sure, millions of dollars pouring into holo because of a fucking /biz thread that has been posted every day for the last 2 months

>> No.10363485

true, i'm all in on Eth, Zil, Dfinity and Tezos. Holo is too late to the game and requires KYC, that's a major deal breaker.

>> No.10363501

It doesn't really solve any problems though, and it's not cheaper than existing solutions. The underlying monetary system of debits and credits is inherently centralized. The idea that one will only be able to issue credit if they have the hosting power behind it is offset by the fact that holochain devs themselves are issuing holofuel on credit themselves IIRC.

>> No.10363535
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>that guy that did 0 research
ETH/Ziliqa and all the other shitcoins have no reason to exist once Holo is up. Global consensus is what fucks them over and they will never be as efficient as Holo, no matter how many scaling solutions you throw at them.
That's why people are losing their shit over Holo, because they found a way to get rid of global consensus while also avoiding double spends, sybil attacks and a fuckton of other stuff. You literally can't get more efficient than Holochain without going centralized.
Hashgraph shits on blockchain.
Holochain shits on Hashgraph.
That's the pecking order.

>> No.10363540

Holo is centralized as fuck with their foundation controlling hosting payments, you could as well buy Ripple.

>> No.10363546

50 cents you mong. No chance in hell this is coming anywhere close to $50

>> No.10363588

oh look, it's the fake news guy again
you getting salty, boi? Didn't I already BTFO you in another thread?

>> No.10363617

can/could holofuel not be exchanges for usdt at exchanges?

I mean there has to be some wallet and the ability to send and receive holofuel tokens. What stops exchanges from you know sending and receiving holofuel and exchanging these holofuel tokens with other coins.

>> No.10363634

You're a fucking dumbass. You think there won't be market makers for holofuel?

>> No.10363683

So glad retards like this are crawling this board still. Leaves room for the truly intelligent to get in early.

>> No.10363725

I'm going to put up a 500 ETH buy wall in two weeks. Just have to wait for my inheritance to clear. Fucking great granddad made me wait til I'm 21 LOL

>> No.10363819

>requires KYC

>> No.10363822
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>> No.10363837

you guys are retards

buy some bitcoin and come back in 10 years

>> No.10363852

>I'm going to put up a 500 ETH buy wall in two weeks

probably because he thought you'd blow it

little did he know you would still blow it at 21

>> No.10363937


>> No.10363939

Can someone explain to a brainlet how holofuel tokens will be minted/created post launch? I still do not understand.

Can the holo foundation just create them at will?

>> No.10363949

Do they have a testnet out yet? Can any of you point me to some resources describing the security model. Seems interesting

>> No.10363960




and holochain is already working, check out the apps on their github


>> No.10364004

For holochain there is a working alpha which youcan run now
, holo will go live this year
holochain makes various security models possible, don't know the details but I think they're working with promether on this.

>> No.10364018

This will not be beholden to how well bitcoin does like many shitcoins. This is not a coin or even blockchain really. Holochain is advanced enough that you can write an app in the code of you choice. You could build a decentralized blockchain that scales horizontally and has crazy transaction speeds. Holochain allows you to build distributed applications and services that have never before been possible in blockchain in respect to the storage of data and the processing power available. It's offering to do what blockchain solutions claim to and do it for a fraction of the cost. While at the same time being capable of doing so much more.

>> No.10364022

holochain's security model is 'intrinsic data integrity'

tl;dr any bad actors have their fingerprints all over their chain of actions, and anyone else interacting with them can see this and refuse to interact with them. bad actors essentially fork themselves out of consensus with the mainstream

>> No.10364113

People can still customize it for each app right?

>> No.10364211

I am very worried about the necessity of the holo token. Holo itself writes that in a future everyone will use hosted apps and be host themsevles, thus not needing to pay nodes with holo fuel tokens.

>> No.10364217

not the foundation, the thing is holofuel wont be a token, the holo network itself is just an automated accountng system and the expansion while be handled by the algorithm granting hosters a low credit limit if they reliably provide their services over an approximately 3 months time period.
As they keep being reliable their credit limit slowly goes up.
The algorithm also ensures contraction by holo to fiat reserve accounts, when you cash out, your debts are settled and the holo you cashed out is cleared from the supply.

>> No.10364231
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>> No.10364257


>> No.10364259

You can customize everything from privacy to data sharding.

>> No.10364310

The point of them saying this is because they don't want people to think you will forever have to tie the hosting of an app to HoloFuel. In the early days everyone will be using HoloFuel because there will be no other currencies when Holochain launches. Much like how BTC was the first shitcoin, HoloFuel will be the first HoloToken to be used on the HoloChain network. And as the grandfather token, it will most likely be king for a long time, and have a bright future in terms of price. But they need to make sure you know you arent forced to use HoloFuel to host your app if the people who host your app for you agree to use a differency or maybe no currency at all. For example you may run a gaming community for 500 people. So you could develop an App to host the website for your community as well as host forum and community files and data. All of the data could be sharded among the 500 members and those 500 members are collectively hosting their website for free using their own personal computers/holoports and internet.

>> No.10364375

If holo ever gets to this point, you would have had the chance to sell at x100 minimum

>> No.10364447

I foresee exchanges built on Holochain with Holofuel as the currency to trade against the new currencies created on the network.

>> No.10364468


>> No.10364620


This is beyond big, it's like we could host 4chan and remove the ads and I would not need to donate, because we as a community are hosting this shit pile

Top 10? lol, this is the only usable coin by far

>> No.10365019
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Anyway, here's Wonderwall:


>> No.10366059


>> No.10366610

sitting on 700k should I buy more? I was thinking of selling some TRX and put it into holo, but really dont want to miss out on trons upcoming pump n dump

>> No.10366684

700k? come on man. 5M should be the minimum entry point, even for a poorfag.

>> No.10366753

Meh, I got a million. We'll see what happens.

>> No.10366838

I say get a million, for me a mill is always the /comfy/ amount

>> No.10366855

That's like $750.

You. Are. Not. Gonna. Make. It.

Again, 5M for poorfags, 15M minimum for anyone who wants to truly never work again.

>> No.10366918

Better than having 0

>> No.10366935

I haven't been following project closely.
Is the team planning on adding HOT to any, major exchanges?

>> No.10367064

If this stabalize at $1, like Arthur Brock said it very well could, then 1mil isn't bad at all.

>> No.10367071

Why does delta list hot on okex

>> No.10367081

Can you address these potential problems with holochain?

News of high hosting revenues would attract many hosts causing a glut of hosting supply
Non-token Holo fuel not accepted by many exchanges
Bugs in early Alpha releases of Holochain
Attacks on security model of hosting and currency

>> No.10367121

What bugs?

>> No.10367131

disregard the last point, i'm not familiar with any bugs

>> No.10367213

Wouldn't more hosts powering the network attract more people to host their apps on Holo because of how solid a network it is?

>> No.10367288

Someone should totally code up a holo app for biz as a test. No ads , trully anonymous and we could post whatever the fuck we want.

>> No.10367602

The point where everyone switches from Holo to everyone becoming hosts and running native Holochain apps could be considered a flippening and the death of holo.
Right at the moment before this happens, the value of holofuel will approach infinity because it would technically be backed by the computational power of the entire world. This process could also take decades. It won't be a flippening in the way that it could happen overnight. You should pray for this flippening to happen because in those final years when almost everyone becomes a host, you will be rich as fuck.

>> No.10367603



>> No.10367616

Senpai, blast yourself.

>> No.10367649
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You scared?
It's ok. The devs of the shitcoins you're holding won't switch to Holochain because they still need time to milk you neets. They will just be put out of business by clones created on Holochain. See you in 5 years.

>> No.10367679

https://youtube.com/watch?v=iHn15fioMx0 [Open]

20:00 - “it’s illegal for me to make claims about that stuff (token price). But I will ask you this: if a service shows up and does the same job to what Ethereum is providing for one ten thousandth the price, do you still want to be holding Eth?

>> No.10367780


>> No.10367986

newfag here
want to get educated on holochain so if I need to call it a scam for that I will

>> No.10368664
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> the ends justify the means
you deserve to make it anon, I hope you're already riding your holo stack

>> No.10368708

Fill your boots.


>> No.10368929

wtf it keeps going

>> No.10369103

once this pumps I promise you im moving the rest of my holdings into chainlink and not looking back onto this shit coin.

>> No.10369143

you do realize that holos agent centric aproach unironically solves the oracle problem right?

>> No.10369502
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the head of marketing for holo is in a partnership with the ceo of promether

>> No.10369643
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1495590847859s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need advice biz im about 50/50 on tron and holo, should I just dump tron and go all in on holo?

>> No.10369777

nice bait