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10356168 No.10356168 [Reply] [Original]

Nearly every crypto project is infested with faggots, wiMmeN iN cRYpTo, and nig-tier speculators just trying to flip memecoins on exchanges.

Bitcoin Cash is the only coin with the potential to do what Andrew Jackson and Uncle Adolf did once already -- free the white man from the clutches of god's chosen "people".

Need a quick rundown?
>Alt Right's Guide To Crypto
>Bitcoin Cash evangelist joyrides stolen armored vehicle

The BCH community is filled with autistic neckbeards and lolbertarians, but they are mostly anti-authority and open to exploring conspiracy theories. After being censored so heavily by Theymos, they're likely to oppose the censorship we have to deal with every day.

This thread is to start planning how we can take over Bitcoin Cash and make it /ourcoin/

>> No.10356293
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not if i have anything to do with it!

>> No.10356337



Get woke

>> No.10356384

the ovens will be funded by bch

>> No.10356579

>all coins with segwit are bad
wew lad. the level of incompetence. glad some people are just too stupid for this shit and they have their own shitcoin now.

>> No.10356649

nice arguments you got there pajeet

>> No.10356747

hey reddit cunt, get the fuck off this board

>> No.10356801
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it's ok pedro, non-whites like you can still use Bitcoin Cash. it's design happens to be more in line with european ideals

>> No.10356811
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Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash will be made irrelevant by 0xBTC


>> No.10356838
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it's a neat gimmick with a lot of low-wage shills working on it. this could trick a few million shitskins, maybe more.
but the white man understands that true financial freedom means shaking the (((central banks))) of his back, and that currently Bitcoin Cash has the best shot of ever achieving that goal
good luck with your bags

>> No.10356870

If Rodger Ver really wanted to create this liberating crypto then why does he need to leech of bitcoins success? Why not create something from scratch?

>> No.10356903
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The same can be said of SegWit and LN
>the fork has happened
>both chains are valid bitcoin chains
>each chain is guided by different principles
there's no point arguing with each other anymore. enjoy your chain, it's ok
for those of us that are interested in freedom from central banks, there is Bitcoin Cash

>> No.10356935
File: 176 KB, 750x738, 5F4FC730-62E6-4472-8DF9-872F4F536E29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you are wrong. Bitcoin Cash is a piece of shit compared to 0xbtc and i’ll Tell you why.

Bitcoin Cash is trying to lamely introduce some kind of smart contract language to the cripplechain of bitcoin while 0xBTC is a bitcoin emulation on a blockchain specifically designed for Turing complete programming. Thus, 0xBTC is superior to Bitcoin Cash, and, as a speculative play is a lot more appealing considering the relative market cap sizes.

>> No.10356955
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Enjoy your "white man" coin. When you kys, please livestream, thanks.

>> No.10356972

I am not at all interested in the programming capabilities of either chain. Bitcoin Cash is sound money.
By being built on the Ethereum network, 0xbtc makes no sense at all as a currency
If you're looking for a speculative play, you are one of the nig-tier retards I mentioned in my OP
>cripplechain of bitcoin
gtfo with that bullshit

>> No.10356993

0xBTC is a shit erc20 token

>> No.10357408

yeah, i'd think the shills would pick something more interesting to spam about

>> No.10357779

shut the fuck up stupid nigger and GTFO

>> No.10357909
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wow jamal, if you people could learn to control your tempers you wouldn't get shot over minor altercations

>> No.10358724


>> No.10358829
File: 181 KB, 1024x1024, 1528639447592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bros buy my coin because a dude who stole a tank also likes it!
ok im in

>> No.10359080
File: 179 KB, 400x295, Cripple_fight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a Bcash vs 0xBTC thread

>> No.10359183

As a woman I decided to never buy Bitcoin Cash after reading this thread.

>> No.10359225

bitcoin cash has zero chance of success. nobody uses it and it is outdated tech based on pow that inherently leads to centralization. bcash is ALREADY CENTRALIZED. shitcoin with no future. rip bcash cult members

>> No.10359233

>sound money
>controlled by 1 chinaman

>> No.10359360

If BCH is the white man’s crypto of choice then the non-whites have already won.

>> No.10359383

BCH is a copy of bitcoin with fewer users.

0xBTC will wipe BCH and BTC off the face of the earth