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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 1156x481, Whatdidhemeanbythis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10349858 No.10349858 [Reply] [Original]

I just woke up after i passed out drunk and i found this on my laptop.

i mean


>> No.10349870

kek, everybody wants to improve the world drunk

>> No.10349969

fuck jamaica

>> No.10349974

Good for you anon but how do I know you just wont go on drug fueled whore benders after you make it. How can I be sure you didnt write that as a plea to the universe.

>> No.10349980

$1000 EOY


>> No.10349996

fucking kek

>> No.10350268

Last guy who tried to change jamaca was shot at by the cia. And he was just playing music.

>> No.10350388
File: 367 KB, 1920x917, e77883530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It means you're delusional - which is perfect - we need more people like you for our exitscam game.

Create an account today!

>> No.10350470

Pretty smart to register your affiliate link as that username. I'm sure 10% of $50 will be worth the time.

>> No.10350497

50 here, 500 there, can be substantial

>> No.10350521


Cost $5 and just wanted to lock in one before they are all taken in the future, since this will be one of many games.

The best one I saw was /play, which I tried to get but was already taken.

>> No.10350552

According to a story I read they poisoned him. An agent got press credentials and gifted him a pair of converse all stars. Inside was a pin laced with viruses and bacteria.

>> No.10350581

check out the top referals, im guessing its just whales that want a 10% payback mostly, but still some of them are probably legit

>> No.10350631

actually, the createaccount guy hasnt refered anyone but the play one is the n1 referal, with 278 eth profit, he's account 7 so either one of the creators or some smart autistic cunt from the discord

>> No.10350802

I now understand that Craig Wright is actually just drunk

>> No.10351039


Also, saved. Thanks, fren. I like this meme.

>> No.10351610


>> No.10351775

The "play" name redirects to the contract.

>> No.10351801

>implying BCH isn't the true bitcoin

>> No.10351907

It is, but cw is still a drunk asshole. Satoshi or not

>> No.10352145

why would the cia shoot the guy at a concert and grant him infinite martyrdom
1984 had already come out at that time