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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10282318 No.10282318 [Reply] [Original]


When they are not posting on biz this is whay is happening

>> No.10282333

It's shit but people are killing people everywhere

that guy was a google engineer though, must've been making bank

>> No.10282352

>southie dravidian niggers acting like niggers

color me surprised

>> No.10282365

No one cares about this shithole

>> No.10282372

>The perpetrators in most cases are villagers, many of them first-time smartphone users unable to discern between real and fake videos sent via the platform
Imagine being this fucking ignorant of the world

>> No.10282388

>curry niggers killing each other
isn't this ideal? not any different than the feelings I get when niggers shoot each other here

>> No.10282399

Things like this happen in the US though.
Recently that woman who got fired from guild wars or whatever started a whole sexism thing on the internet. Democratics fell for it.

>> No.10282430

>Being able to tell between different breeds of poos
Found the pajeet

>> No.10282950


>> No.10282999
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>> No.10283746

The top left dude is the only attractive one there.

>> No.10283992

checked. it looks like a straight top-down list of the caste system. I assume the shitskin bottoms are untouchables and the Indid master race up top are the elites of India?

>> No.10284141


Wait, so pajeets new to the Internet will just go randomly kill fuckers over memes? Top kek. Next time Roger Ver is in India to recruit more shill farms, can we all post shit on WhatsApp about his organ trafficking side hustle?

>> No.10284219

Poondians should be nuked