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10280008 No.10280008 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically hope all of you cryptofaggots lose everything. Did you really think you could just "invest" in magic internet money and become rich over night? Get a job you delusional fucks.

>> No.10280020

kys nocoiner. vechain $100 eoy

>> No.10280033

>t. 270K LINK holder

>> No.10280081

nope, but I do have 43k in stocks (and rising) and 5k in savings. still hoping that $1000 of birthday and christmas money gonna make you a millionaire someday by holding onto some shitcoin?

>> No.10280087

>t. salty nocoiner

>> No.10280107

I'm investing in stocks now, fucker

>> No.10280115

why are nocoiners so subhuman?
even bobos, misguided as they might be, are part of the team. they're faggots, but they're OUR faggots
nocoiners are just... trash

>> No.10280135

yeah I'm so salty man, you sure showed me. my ETFs are going up a steady 10% per year while your precious meme tokens slowly bleed out every day. how can I be salty when crypto has been in non-stop freefall since the beginning of this year? are you serious right now? that's like saying "you're salty that you didn't walk through a minefield and get both your legs blown off, haha you still have both legs, you must be salty!"

desu I'm just glad you clueless idiots are being punished for "investing" in some retarded scam. maybe it'll mean you'll finally get a job and be a productive member of the world instead of trying to get rich by sitting on your ass and leeching off of others.

spoken like a bagholding retard

>> No.10280139

Inability to admit they were wrong. Extreme cognitive dissonance makes them double down on staying poor instead of getting what gains they can.

>> No.10280151

you consider 60k+ in assets (stocks, cash, car, pc, etc.) poor? this has to be cope

>> No.10280167

>steady 10% per year

lmao get a load of this boomer

>> No.10280178

How long have you known about crypto? When was the first time you heard of BTC?

>> No.10280202
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They don't like to admit that they should have bought earlier which makes them think that this is just an opportunity they missed. However as the years go on they see that if they had bought at the times when they thought it was already too late they would be rich. This leads to a neurosis of "Now it's surely too late" where they bury their minds to all evidence of the contrary, which includes projecting the failures of not buying onto the people who bought and haven't sold yet (after all its surely to late to not sell if it is too late to buy).

>> No.10280230
File: 6 KB, 229x220, 1525320056911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're really gonna pull the "you coulda bought when it was cheap" card out of your ass? hindsight is 20/20. nobody could have guessed this. if you knew bitcoin was gonna be huge, then you'd have took bank loans, borrowed money, sold everything you owned, sucked cock for $50 in an alley-way, worked 3 jobs, etc. and put everything into bitcoin so you'd be a billionaire today.

that's like saying I'm stupid for not betting my life savings on a roulette table.

cryptofags are literally the most delusional people on the planet

>> No.10280243

Answer the question, anon. What are you ashamed of?

>> No.10280248

I have triple digit Bitcoins, GOML

>> No.10280259

2012-ish is the first time I considered buying any crypto. why does that matter?

>> No.10280263
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>> No.10280311

$200 in BTC at the end of 2012 would be worth more than your entire portfolio now. How many stupid things have you spent $200 on?
Another way to look at it, every person in history who invested before sep 2017 would still be in profit if they just held.

>> No.10280316

>hindsight is 20/20
hindsight is 20/20
>hindsight is 20/20
hindsight is 20/20
>hindsight is 20/20
hindsight is 20/20
>hindsight is 20/20
hindsight is 20/20
>hindsight is 20/20
hindsight is 20/20

>> No.10280330
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>bragging about 10% a year

>> No.10280345
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>Its surely too late now. Lol Buttcoiners

>> No.10280347

It's not hindsight if you were smart enough to grasp the potential of the project at the time. The whitepaper is brilliant and it had a 4 year track record at that point.

>> No.10280390
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What's wrong anon, did you make a bad trade? Its alright fren, it happened to all of us.

>> No.10280400

The worst trade of all. He is a salty nocoiner.

>> No.10280589
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already cashed out, all profit from this point faggot

>> No.10280604

Why are you still here then? What did you cash out, like $50?

>> No.10280754

How's that 401k looking :^)

>> No.10280774

very good analysis, friends. this is why us coiners are objectively superior beings

>> No.10280786


>missed quadd

Time to die!

>> No.10280825


>> No.10280830

36k in januari

>> No.10280835

>10% per year

>> No.10280844


Why do brainlets get so mad when other people make money for understanding complex topics like cryptocurrency? The cope is so delicious

>> No.10280849

Portfolio now; 10k
initial: 3k

>> No.10280853

I cashed out $200,000 in January this year from an investment of $5000 in 2016, and I still have more than 200k in crypto. I'm not going to get a job. Enjoy your work, nocoiner.

>> No.10280913
File: 45 KB, 442x549, 1523829089111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my ETFs are going up a steady 10% per year while your BTC goes up several hundret % per year
fixed that one for you. i know it hurts knowing you missed out on more money in bitcoin than you'll ever make in your life but as someone who's been in this space for a long time lemme tell you it's gonna keep rising like it has in the past, it's 100% predictable for the longterm, if you don't believe me you'll say "BTC's worth $100k a piece now, no one could have predicted that, these BTC holders were just lucky" in 3 years and i won't care, just trying to warn you

>> No.10281535

Poor guy. Probably has all his money in the 401k scam

>> No.10281558

Buying boomers' bags lol

>> No.10281988

You should revalue your definition of poor. If you have less than 100k then you're below poor even. It only takes 4 years or so to save 60k, nothing impressive.

>> No.10282053

But I do have a job. How else would I afford to invest in crypto?

>> No.10282221

What do you actually use crypto currency for? Give me some mainstream examples, not just “this vegan bakery in Seattle takes ETH”

>> No.10282247


Enjoy getting poor over night faggot. Those sour grapes

>> No.10282456

the only one beeing able to access the money no matter what happens gives me a mighty feel of freedom. its like owning a car whereas you could get everywhere by bus or train.

>> No.10282485

Yes I did believe I would become rich overnight. And I did lose everything - 90% of my portfolio. But if I keep holding through this pain and it goes back up, then it will have been justified.

>> No.10282504

>he only has 5k savings

>> No.10282534

why be mad instead of just doing it yourself?

I do and have had a job for the last 12 years or so, saved up tons of money, invested in crypto mid 2016, made quite a bit. Doing really well, life is great. Should be retired before 35