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10277571 No.10277571 [Reply] [Original]

I start my first management position with a major software developer tomorrow.

Any management tips to avoid fucking up and losing the support of my subordinates?

>> No.10277602

>tips to avoid fucking up
1. Don't act like you are high and mighty, above them
2. Listen to what they have to say
3. Always tell the truth, never lie
4. Fight for your direct reports and they will respect you as their manager

>> No.10277619

>Any management tips to avoid fucking up and losing the support of my subordinates?
Bring in kneepads for your subordinates! It will show you care about their well being

>> No.10277636

Make sure to call the developers sŏybois
Tell them how much better you are for not being a nerd
But most importantly, bee yourself

>> No.10277727

just go read "managing humans"


100% the only management book that matters with engineers.

>> No.10277749
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What experience did you have to get that job? How much it pay? I am thinking of doing something like this possibly or at least consulting. I've spent the last 10 years managing my own software company but I'm bored with it. Literally all I've done the last 10 years is manage developers to make my products.

>> No.10277755

suck their dick everyday

>> No.10277757

3 years + an MBA. Pay is 70k

>> No.10277824


Eh I'd take the pay cut just to stop the boredom, good luck OP.

>> No.10277853

what metro area? are you an engineering manager or a product manager?

>> No.10277874

How did you find the right developers to make your product with out them taking your idea?

>> No.10277876

Product ATL

>> No.10277888

Read a few scrum books. The absolute best way to handle subordinates and any issues that may come up + the efficiency boost if you're a good scrum master.

>> No.10277940
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Befriend them. Seriously, if you have the social skills, befriend them. If you ask a friend a favor or give him a suggest how to get better, they'll either listen to you or argue (as friends) whether your idea is good or not. If you keep it strictly as a manager-subordinate relationship, it'll be harder to get their respect *and* they'll lean towards hating you eventually, because no one likes being bossed around. I don't mean to say you need to be their best buddy, just enough so you can crack a few jokes and have a light however efficient work environment. Just let it flow naturally really.

However if you're an autismo with no social skills but a lot of technical knowledge, try at least to gain their respect by how competent you are, and don't poke them with a sharp stick.

t. another IT cuck

>> No.10277971

I've never worried about developers taking my ideas, lol. If you're worried about someone taking your idea I can guarantee it's a shitty idea.

People pitch me their ideas all their time, I've even signed NDAs just to hear someone's lol worthy idea before.

>> No.10277993
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>signing NDAs to merely *listen to* idea
wtf nibba
Should have stolen their idea because the level of happiness in the world would increase.

>> No.10277999

Your logic makes absolutely no sense. Ever heard of the Winklevoss twins?

>> No.10278040

I did it to be polite desu, guy was an acquaintance for a long time and he wanted my feedback on it.

Not worried, I've even had developers threaten straight up to steal my source code a few times and I told them to go for it, nothing happened. No one has the motivation to copy you even if they literally have the copied product right in front of them ready to go, that's who rare that shit is. I come up with 50 good ideas a day, don't care if any are stolen, and it hasn't happened once yet. Zero fucks.

>> No.10278098

Wrong. Mog the ever loving shit out of every beta bitch boy below you whenever possible.

>> No.10278118

this video...
I have no words...

>> No.10278171

You're not their friend. You are their boss.

>> No.10278178

If you want a friend, get a dog

>> No.10278450

are native asians sluts for bbc now?

>> No.10279093



>> No.10279149

this guy fucks. i can confirm. idea without execution is just a hallucination. execution is 99%.

crybabies full of money that afforded to sue mark and steal some money.

there were 100 similar social network ideas before facebook and all failed. why? bad execution. we will never know, but its very likely the same would happen with winklewoss

>> No.10279293

Extreme Ownership. Read. Implement.

As a CTO I really appreciate when my managers lead from the front and take responsibility for their teams performance. It seems to trickle down.

We are still a small company (3 teams distributed across Europe) and pretty flexible so I don’t have any experience implementing this in larger corporations with lots of fucktards.