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1026105 No.1026105 [Reply] [Original]

How do we abolish brand loyalty?

>> No.1026108
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by making something better

>> No.1026110

And better yet, does brand loyalty benefit the consumer in any way? And does the removal of brand loyalty from society benefit our economy overall? It'll certainly support local businesses, but will it benefit large corporations?

There are thousands of fast food chains that are much healthier and taste (subjective) better than McDonalds, yet McDonalds is still on top. Making something "better" doesn't help at all, what really helps something get popular is marketing.

>> No.1026121

>There are thousands of fast food chains that are much healthier and taste (subjective) better than McDonalds, yet McDonalds is still on top.
mcd has a unique, arguably impossible to recreate at home, taste & menu at their hands.

a problem with a lot of these other fastfood brands is they often taste like something you can prepare at home or close to a similar brand, the food ITSELF has no identity, this is there mcd shines.

>> No.1026123


Lies. It is hard to compete with McDonald's cheapness, availability, consistency, and menu variety. Their scope allows them to do so much.

Sure, some places might be better in some ways, but McDonald's mostly dominates the fast food industry for a reason.

>> No.1026131
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kill all normies

>> No.1026165

>There are thousands of fast food chains that are much healthier and taste (subjective) better than McDonalds
Taste better to who?
McDonalds kills it because they taste goodish to a huge segment of the population at a decent price point with low wait time. Also they market to children heavily which is super effective because kids are stupid. When the kids nag their parents into the shop the parents feel like getting something for themselves.

>> No.1026168

Chic Fil a dominates that area too. I finally tried it a few days back and I will never make a chicken sandwich as good as theirs

>> No.1026179

McDonalds does the least common denominator shit fine. When other good chains come in, it struggles. In LA, you'll see an In N Out across the street from McDonald's, In N Out with a line out the parking lot and out the door... McDonald's empty. No exaggeration.

McDonald's wins with poors and people who have no better choices. Kind of the same for Subway.. Jimmy John's is more popular at my alma mater, by far. But if students only have half an hour for lunch and Subway's just 5 minutes away vs. 20 for JJs, they're hitting Subway.

>> No.1026181

You can definitely exceed their quality at home, but it takes practice.

People like brands the same way birds like shiny things. This will never change.

>> No.1026189

Make people prefer to risk buying something that might fall short of their reliable standards

>> No.1026195

You cannot stop brand loyalty. It's all packaging in one form or another - even as it relates to food/fast food.

I work at a cosmetics manufacturing company. I can't say which or what type we make but a lot. It's sold globally under hundreds of different names and SKU numbers and we're an OEM manufacturer. It never ceases to amaze me when I got to high end dept stores and see a single lipstick selling for over $20 or more. The 50 cent lipstick at the dollar store is exactly the same chemical composition and manufacturing process. The only difference is packaging.

Yet, because it's in a high end store with a cool hipster person selling it complete with trendy music in the background and fancy packaging - people are easily deceived into somehow thinking it's different or better than it's cheaper alternatives. It's not.

>> No.1027142

Why doesn't IN N OUT expand more to the east coast?

>> No.1027169

In Marketing Warfare, Ries and Trout suggested,
“Find a weakness in the leader’s strength and attack at that point.”

Avis Rent A Car was only number two. So Avis suggested you come to them instead of Hertz because “The line at our counter is shorter.”

>> No.1027174
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They tried and failed. There are better burger places on the east coast like five guys

>> No.1027195



Five Guys is fucking inferior to hamburgers you can get at CHILIS or DENNYS. LMAO people actually think five guys is good.

>enjoy your soggy crumpled up bun
>enjoy your meat patty that is taller than it is wide and is burned
>enjoy your trash bag of greasy ass fries

You have shit taste motherfucker. Dont ever discuss burgers ever again, let the big boys talk.

>> No.1027198

It's an inherent part of trade and goes back as far as we have been trading goods and services amongst ourselves. You are always buying from someone and some people offer reliability and product quality that makes you prefer to buy from them rather than someone else.

>> No.1027201


I sort of agree, but think it's a quality control thing. I've had some Five Guys that was awesome and some that was terrible. Either way, it's too expensive for what it is.

>> No.1027212
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>prefers chilis or Denny's to fucking five guys

Lol, u serious faggot? It's not even a competition. Maybe your five guys is just full of niggers or something but my local five guys is God tier

Denny's and Chilis use cheaper ingredients and lower quality bread that just tastes stale and fake. I can taste the quality in the burger, Denny's is basically Waffle House tier burger. You must have burnt your taste buds off or some shit because five guys is a whole new level of quality

>> No.1027217


Had Myspace been as huge as Facebook is now then Facebook would have never taken off despite being a better site.

>> No.1027224
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The bun is probably the worst part. Its like they made no effort whatsoever. Its always made of the kind of bread you buy at walmart. Its always smashed down PAPER FUCKING THIN. And soaked in grease.

>> No.1027225

I live in SoCal. A Five Guys opened up here and failed, everyone preferred In-N-Out.

>> No.1027226

I don't know why anyone would compare Denny's to a fast food place. Denny's is not a restaurant that you "go" to. It's a restaurant that you "wind up" at.

They do have delicious nachos though.

Brand loyalty isn't something you want to defeat. It's simply the mental state that extreme consistency brings to customers. As long as people know what to expect and the product being delivered is going to be reasonable for the price you'll get brand loyalty. No one gets excited about going to McDonalds or insists upon only eating there, but they take consistency to an extreme so even if it's not spectacular you always know exactly what that Big Mac is going to taste like everywhere in the world. If you don't want to risk getting something you don't like at a price that you might think is too high that's valuable to a lot of people.

>> No.1027229

>despite being a better site.
I don't like how FaceBook doesn't let you write your home page's HTML but I guess that could be good or bad, depending. MySpace is a far mre egalitarian site this way and is why I'd have preferred it, had it stayed viable.

>> No.1027232


>better site

nice try mark

>> No.1027235

I've never had anywhere close to that experience, you must go to one of the worst five guys.

There are corporate owned five guys and franchise owned five guys. I have eaten five guys at at least five different locations and have never recieved such a shit burger like that. Lmao

If you go travel somewhere far away try five guys again and I guarantee you it will taste 10 times better than that burger in your pic.

>> No.1027238


I loved it because of the music. And back then people were more trusting of the internet. Used to actually meet bitches on myspace.

>> No.1027241


soak chicken in pickle juice

>> No.1027247

We're talking about the east coast here you hipster faggot, try to stay on topic.

>> No.1027267


In N Out stays out west because all their food is fresh and they only have distribution centers over there.

And it's privately owned. What benefit do they get from freezing burgers and shipping them across country like McDs? Exclusivity drops, quality drops.. no winning there.