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10258348 No.10258348 [Reply] [Original]

whats happening with the housing market? almost every house in my neighborhood is for sale. whats going on? are the boomers fleeing the country?

>> No.10258355

it's a seller's market...

>> No.10258375

there's a huge housing bubble in certain places right now. If people are offering you two or three times what you paid for your house, wouldn't you sell it and move?

>> No.10258382
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move where? the bubble is everywhere

>> No.10258411
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Holy shit is it starting?

>> No.10258421
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what happens when it pops again?

>> No.10258426

Smart money is selling, smart money holds most of the houses , now they are selling to normies aka bagholders,

>> No.10258439

Its gotten to the point where a normal 140-160k shitty house with 0 property is selling for 330k+

0 reason not to sell, but at this point I see a huge issue of foreclosures as people literally can't afford to buy them

>> No.10258460

please be real

>> No.10258464

same here. im out in the boston suburbs and literally every 3rd house has a for sale sign. i'm definitely hedging and buying the housing dip with crypto gains. just a matter of when

>> No.10258853

No one makes the 100k plus annual income or has the 20% downpayment to buy these million dollar cucksheds.

The fact that it has gotten this bad, I don't care if people get burnt and get GREEK'D into eating out of dumpsters because they used their homes are a retirement plan but cant cashout fast enough

t. Toronto

>> No.10258872

Nah eh

>> No.10258897

They're selling the top.

>> No.10258963

This. The economy is about to implode. Those still bagholding crypto might accidentally save themselves when desperate people buy up crypto in droves as the fiat currency depreciates rapidly.

>> No.10258969

Biz. Yall are dumb as hell.. plz keep speculating on shitcoins and leave the real market to do its things.

If anything im more worried about the bonds market. Just cashed 25,000$ of series EE bonds that went from 100/75$ at purchase to 210/185$ with 4% interest.

When people start cashing enmass those then id worry

>> No.10259000

>FOMO sell $400k house for $600k that you put $50k down on
>roll $250k into $1MM house, feeling good about life
>bubble pops
>house now worth $750k
>All equity wiped out

>> No.10259024

Everyone acts like they know somethings going to dump, but demand is still strong, that's when you know its about to go parabolic. Its when everything its going to go up forever is when the dump usually happens.

The next crash will not be like previous, deflationary crashes, the FED has pretty much permanently increased the money supply since 2008 and there is no way they can avoid it if the economy crashes again. So no, you won't see houses drop, you'll just get run away inflation that outpaces their appreciation and most other access.

Actually, I think real estate, precious metals, and crypto are actually good hedges right now because people will be trying to get out of cash fast into anything that is supply constrained to maintain wealth.

>> No.10259027


Thanks Boomers for ruining the housing market and the economy.

Don't worry. Millennials will get into the political system and remove everything that the boomers have established. Everything that the boomers have done is just bullshit.

>> No.10259038

shit, we just got a house with 79 acres in east texas for 600k. Did we fuck up?

>> No.10259096

79 acres? I would have myself a McMansion, solar farm, my own personal water park, cattle ranch and orchards. So many things could be done with that.

>> No.10259103
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>10 years later house worth 5 million

>> No.10259112


Yeah, there is a buyer and seller for every deal. Unless you are selling your house and downsizing or going back to renting you are not selling the top. More sales just indicate more volume, not whether its buying or selling pressure. Most of those home owners selling are upgrading to more expensive houses, so they aren't selling the top buy investing more.

>> No.10259126

Either out into the country or into an apartment where you wait for the bubble to pop again so you can scoop up a cheap house for massive profit.

>> No.10259130
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>that feel when 25 year old zoomer
>want to buy house
>only make 45k
>going to take multiple years to save 20%
>house prices are appreciating at a disgusting rate
>never going to make it

Only way to cut my living expenses is to get a roommate (no parents to live with rent free) and no where else cheaper to rent

What do

>> No.10259133


And a lot of these dipshits are spending 50% of their take home on their mortgage.

>> No.10259139

marry a girl with the same goals as you

>> No.10259150

lad I make more than double you and have a roommate suck it up
>marry a girl with the same goals as you
this, glad to see another anon who hasnt fallen for the "never marry" meme and realizes that teaming up with another person is one of the most powerful things you can do

>> No.10259152

this is the best solution but the odds of me actually finding a lady I want to marry are slim to none

>that feel when you can’t commit to a relationship because so many women whore around it’s not worth the risk

Probably gonna regret it in the future but it is what it is.

I’d rather die alone than be with some low iq tatted up fatty

>> No.10259159
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>It will go up forever house are stable assests

>> No.10259162

Housing prises are too insane in my country right now. Fuck buying atm to be honest.

>> No.10259167
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Also I don’t think you guys understand the beast you unleashed with bobo

He will single handed oy cause the next global financial meltdown screencap this

>> No.10259176
File: 44 KB, 403x347, C3CE189F-AF30-435A-936E-686A2C01598A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that boomer who has to take every opportunity he can to brag about his finances when he there is a significant chance the cost of living where he is located is 2-4x the cost of living where I live

>> No.10259185

ok mr boomer its time for bed for you :)

>> No.10259191

Came with a 4/3 log "cabin" and an well into the aquifer already installed. I'm planning on making it into a cattle ranch, with some fruit trees as well, and using the proceeds to buy oil royalties and other mineral rights.
The generational manor will take some time though.

>> No.10259196

>that boomer who would larp if you asked location and age and deny being in an expensive metro and or Australian

>> No.10259209

Massive housing crash coming! Interest rates rising is a sign of recession!

>> No.10259238

>that boomer who is going to die alone and he knows it but he deludes himself in the meantime

>> No.10259265
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Here in Austin, TX there are entire streets of modest urban houses for sale all in excess of $400,000. Property taxes are killing the little guy and everyone is either selling out or scalping renters like myself. As soon as the properties get bought, they get developed into massive condos/apartments with skyhigh rents as well. The city council is full of out of touch liberals with a multi-billion dollar credit card and an axe to grind with the most stable and productive residents. Meanwhile, thousands of Californians move here weekly escaping their Bay Area nightmares, there is a homelessness crisis, and average folks are getting priced out.

I won't be able to make it here much longer as a renter, and I definitely won't be a homeowner, probably not even in one of the nearby suburbs either.

>> No.10259319

i dont give a shit if the price falls half in SF gay area. Literal ATH at the most expensive shithole on this planet. I was thinking of buying property in mexico but they elected a socialist and reconsidering my choices. Maybe russia somewhere in Siberia while the west is fudding them 24/7.

>> No.10259468

do you have to pay taxes if you sell a house with a profit?

>> No.10259495

Tyler...go tell your sister Nevaeh that dinner is ready

>> No.10259500
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that is interesting point because it's exactly how things work, housing creates 'phantom wealth' as people have to live somewhere. options are sell house, move to rent and inveset in stock market, needless to say less than 5% of households are willing to do something like this. another option is moving to rural areas etc. which offer different job options or no jobs. stock market wealth is much better than housing wealth

>> No.10259540

>that Australian who is going to get divorce raped

>> No.10259642

Bought a house earlier this year. Low interest rates and low downpayment means a great investment for any house that is located near a major metro area.

The affordability in my area is so great that people are coming from larger metro areas to buy houses here for straight up cash.

Salaries are starting to rise and we're in the generation where both parents are working, thus affording higher priced homes.

>> No.10259685

all 4chan does is hope for crypto to go up again. Houses are selling and being bought quickly by investors/families. Not every person out there is a single "software engineer" or IT guy like majority of 4chan.

>> No.10259702
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Realtor and mortgage broker fag here. AMA. Market overheated. Crash incoming. This is the top. Don’t buy shit in 2018. That’s my opinion. I’m in Los Angeles. This kid of growth is obscene and there’s not much room for buyers to continue to be able to afford.

>> No.10259717

>Unmarried individuals can exclude up to $250,000 in profit from the sale of their main home. You can exclude $500,000 if you're married.


>> No.10259722

it seems like summer 2007 desu. lots of half finished new construction going up. lots of for sale signs popping up on existing houses. malls packed. does anyone have any insight on underwriting standards currently? IMO that's where big crashes are made, when underwriting standards drop. in 05, 06, 07 there was a huge amount of fraud as a result of low underwriting standards. I know this all changed for a while, but has it gotten bad again in that way?

>> No.10259738

If an investment property you can use a 1031 exchange to buy a new property with the profits and not have to pay tax

>> No.10259745


It's an investment only if you buy it at the market bottom. Since you bough at the market top, it's a liability. Enjoy watching the "value" drop from here.

>> No.10259752

kek. they just built 2 new "luxury condo" buildings near me and i moved into my condo in 2015. it took them a year and a half to build but no one has moved in yet. make of that what you will. im actually thinking of selling soon. NYNJ fag here

>> No.10259764

i also bought at the time because i knew rates were gonna be raised but the fed just started doing it over the last year

>> No.10259814

Standards are loosening. Seeing almost all buyers buying with between 3.5-10% down max. New subprime programs popping up every day. Latest program I heard about is where you can buy a house if you have 3 years rent history and the mortgage payment is equally to or less than your rent. Things are starting to get weird. Down payment assistance let’s people get loans with the state picking up the down payment. Shits gone go all fucked up soon.

>> No.10259828

Oh it's just the gully, that's all, it's just... just nerves.

>> No.10259833


Were you (or anyone in your office too, I guess) around for 2007/2008?

>> No.10259846

careful mate, (((luxury))) apartments and condos are usually the last ones to reach the top of the housing bubble, and are usually the first ones to be affected by the imminent crash. In my hometown in SF bay area, there are at least a dozen of them they just finished building and they all charge $3000+ monthly rent of a one bedroom apartment.

>> No.10259905

when rates rise, the impact is that monthly payments on new houses being sold with mortgages (most house sales) are higher. since the market in most places has been consisting of people having to max out what is possible to afford to get what they need (housing a large % of income/means) I worry that as rates rise new buyers simply won't be able to afford the current prices. then new construction will have to drop prices to be able to sell as it comes online. then all the people who bought at low rates and high prices will still have low rate payments maybe for 30 years, but it will be off of their purchase price from the low rate days. if rates ever start to rise substantially the payments at these price levels will be too high. the new tax bill's handling of the mortgage interest deduction is another factor. I still think underwriting needs to be compromised for a real catastrophe to happen though.

>> No.10259908


>> No.10259911

I was not. My boss was. He was making six figures a month the so he’s hoping for NINJA and other retard programs to come back. NINJA = no income. No job. No assets. As banks get greedier for yield and buyers they’ll start offering this shit again.

>> No.10259919

Millennials literally cannot afford a house
If you thought 2008 was bad, wait till you see just how bad the student loan bubble fucks up the economy

>> No.10259938

It won’t though. It will just make everything a rental or create new retarded loan programs so they can buy. Housing construction/sales create too many jobs compared to debt service on student loans.

>> No.10259940

>Down payment assistance let’s people get loans with the state picking up the down payment.
yikes. thanks for the insight

>> No.10259971

most of the buying is offshore chinamoney looking to hide in the states , so that paradigm isn't so true any more

>> No.10259974


It's not at the top yet. I'll let you know by next year if I decide to sell. If it were to be held for 10+ years with the current interest rate it'll be a great investment, because I can rent out for an easy 2.5k a month once i buy my second house. Hell, I'm renting right now for $2k a month and my money is going into the house and not renting away somewhere else. A 1bed1ba apartment is higher than the amount I pay my share for. The rate is going to be close to 6% by the end of next year. Anything with less than 5% is a good time to buy a home.

Once the mortgage is paid off after ~5 years it's pure profit from that point on.

>> No.10259988

Every state has a variation of this. They allow a buyer to put down 0.5% with the state picking up the rest and putting a lien for The down payment agains the property. Guess what happens when the market starts lose steam

I’m in CA this is the website for the CA version: http://www.calhfa.ca.gov

>> No.10259998

there is an alternate ending though which is that the whole thing could get extended for an unknown amount of time by foreign and domestic investment money buying/building multifamily properties as rental income investments. that's what has been happening it seems to me, at least part of it. the end result would be something like international feudalism

>> No.10260004


Standards are loosening, but they're still tighter than 2004. People just have more cash on hand. There is constant governmental funded programs for people buying homes worth less than $450k.

Right now we are around the 04' stage.

>> No.10260032

is this what the NWO want to happen? Fiefdoms for those that can buy in early enough.

>> No.10260036


The kids who wasted money with their student loan debt aren't the ones the house market is for anyways.

If you're saying the idea of millennials can't afford a house it's because investors are realizing this and are buying to rent out their properties for life. It's a great time for long-tern investors.

>> No.10260038
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Yes still tighter than back in the day but It’s only a matter of time before the shit that fucked the economy comes back. Real estate and mortgage is without a doubt the lowest IQ profession there is. It’s like a competition to see who can be the biggest retard.

>> No.10260076

I think it’s a product of the everything bubble. I bought 5 houses in 2009-2011. The worst performing one has 4xd in value. That’s insane. My current home should be worth half what I paid for it in a rational market. I don’t know if/when we get back to a sensible market. I think a major correction is coming. Buying now is like getting into crypto at the end of December.

>> No.10260115

biz is embarrassingly misinformed when its when not talking about internet pokemon coins

>> No.10260319
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What are the signs, in your opinion, that will signal a good buying climate again?

Do you think the correction is going to manifest in the same way it did a decade ago or do you think that it'll be more of a gradual retracing to more sane valuations? I understand that all the financial incentives that are predicated upon an ever-increasing market and that attract conditions that make for lots of low-quality loans make you think the system is going to implode but just curious about what you personally will be looking for.

How many of the houses you bought in 09-11 have you sold, to date? I imagine you'd want to be selling it all if the housing market's condition is akin to crypto's in December. Which makes me wonder... how long can you hold onto the profits from a sale to do one of those 1031 xfers you mentioned >>10259738? Can you sell now, then (assuming crash happens sometime this year) wait a year or so until the prices reinvest and then get a sweet deal with all your pre-crash profits?

>> No.10260366

Spend like 90k on a big mining operation and never work again.

>> No.10260501


You have 45 days to identify a property for the xfer and 180 days to complete the new purchase.

>> No.10260522

It's not phantom wealth at all, to gain massive wealth you need only to buy more than 1 house.

>> No.10260641

>What are the signs, in your opinion, that will signal a good buying climate again?
Starting to see them as homes used to hit the market on Friday and would be in escrow on Monday. I think we’re going to start seeing longer listings and price reductions. Already starting to see this but not as much would be alarming for sellers.

I don’t think we’re going to see a situation where all credit freezes more so I think the problem will be that people have no skin in the game will walk away and then banks will firesale the abandoned properties. All of these programs come with either private or government backed mortgage insurance. Because of this we’ll see an AIG type situation or Ginnie Mae getting rekt to the point of another government bailout.

Of the homes I purchased I only have 1 left. It’s at a 20% cap and I own it free and clear so I’ll never get rid of it.

1031 exchanges require that you identify and enter escrow on the new property either within 90 or 180 days of the sale of the property. Not 100% on that now. I think it’s 90 days. On mobile hope I answered all your questions

>> No.10260663
File: 623 KB, 1242x1134, 149A2BD5-3B6F-42FF-9377-49425181D56B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct thanks.

>> No.10260749

>purposely pricing out young people so you can leach off of them

Baby boomer nigger tier. Can't wait for Chinks to be banned from ownership and your money vanishes.

>> No.10260771

Chinese investors still coming into the market.

Source: waifu is chinese. Waifu friends are governmental billionaires.

>> No.10260790

>Now the rest of the country and the US gets to experience what happened in Vancouver
Welcome to my personal hell for the past 10 years, now none of YOU will afford houses either!

>> No.10260799

Thanks for answering all my questions and hope you continue to do well (:

Interesting, thanks!

>> No.10260813

austin is a shit city full of shit people, glad I don't live in that shithole anymore, wasted i don't know how many hours of my life sitting in their stupid fucking traffic

>> No.10260818

>I think we’re going to start seeing longer listings and price reductions. Already starting to see this but not as much would be alarming for sellers.

One market where this seems to be happening is down in the Florida Keys. I've been looking at houses there as I'd like to own a cottage down there one day. It's common to see price reductions of 10% - 25%, and listings staying there for months and months.

$319k for this shit - http://www.flkeysliving.com/realestate/property/residential/581009/

>> No.10260828

This sounds like a 200IQ post.

What happens to the stock market?

>> No.10260998


Lots of homes are purposely trying to sell for a huge profit. Realistically the price reduction is what the market rate is for your area.

Lots of homes are doing that in my area where they are asking for $50k+ then the market average, but then they get an offer for $35k lower, which then profits them with another $15k. This is a normal real estate strategy.

If the house has been there for months then it's simply priced way too high and is clearly placed there to help raise the price of the other houses in comparison or the owner is not a bright person.

>> No.10261018

Yes. Gotta fund their retirement somehow.
What, you thought you were inheriting that property? Top kek

>> No.10261022

foreclosures won't be a problem next round, all the kinks were worked out last crisis

t. mortgage bank analyst

>> No.10261045

toronto is almost worse than san fran you retarded nu/pol/ faggot, gas yourself

>> No.10261046

This very much. You need very stable income or credit in order to get a mortgage.

I'm curious what the next crisis problem will be about? Possibly going back to the days of interest rates hitting 12%

>> No.10261051

foreclosures wont be a problem because who the hell is taking out a mortage now anyway? millinials sure as shit arent. the boomers homes are all paid for.

>> No.10261058

Toronto is pure international investment. No local person will be able to ever afford a home there. It's an outlier to majority of the nation.

>> No.10261071

it will probably be a combination of all debt markets folding in on each other. housing, student loans, auto, cards. no 1 bubble will be allowed to burst on its own but together they could wipe out the middle class.

>> No.10261077

How would one protect themselves from this?

>> No.10261084


People are selling the top

It’s a strong sellers market but it won’t last forever.

>> No.10261098
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pay off your debt and follow the age old saying

buy when the crash happens, even when it's your own blood

>> No.10261107

Unfortunately I have very little capital as it is, although that may change soon.

I guess I just have to try to raise that.

>> No.10261134

getting out of debt is more important so focus on that first especially with debt that couldn't easily be liquidated or would put you underwater like housing/auto. no bernie didn't win so there will be no debt forgiveness, just harsh reality. fortunately it will take years to pop and years to recover so as long you have a plan you will be just fine and have a leg up on everybody else. if you want to see massive profit in the future you'll need to be ready to buy, then sell at the top of the next cycle.

>> No.10261192


Debt forgiveness will be the biggest joke. This could lead to a potential economic crash. It won't happen during Trump's timeline, but maybe the next one. Could be set for another good 2 years before any economic disaster.

>> No.10261230

we'll never have to worry about it happening. worst case scenario lenders will be forced by politicians to put people on forbearance or income based payment plans but the debt will never go away. there won't be any sudden crashes or bubble pops anymore either, everyone learned from the mistakes in 2008. the next great recessions will be long, drawn out, and painful from all directions. like an iron maiden on the middle class. it'll be hard to time and only the strong will profit while most will "survive" although with a lot less blood inside of them.

>> No.10261243


let it all fucking burn

I want to see everyone lose their money

>> No.10261284

This terrifies me.

IDK what to do to protect myself I can't even find a job in Canada now.

>> No.10261290

On the one hand, Trump and Q are doing everything the can to save the country and economy

On the other hand, homes are really fucking overpriced compared to incomes.

I don't know what's gonna happen guys.
There's too many mcmansions and cucksheds out there.
But if any markets crash at all, its going to be really painful for the whole world.

Idk what will happen. We should just move to a new currency and forget the old system ever existed.

>> No.10261297


It's only a problem in bloated ass coastal and big city markets

Most of the midwest is doing fine

>> No.10261300

You need more immigrants

>> No.10261323

1) stop panicking
2) find a job
3) pay off bad and/or expensive debt
4) save up a reasonable emergency fund, at least 3 months
5) buy a reasonable amount of good cryptos like ETH, not shitcoins, not more than you can afford to lose
6) wait for the bubbles to hit and buy housing/stocks, what you can afford
7) once you're stabilized make sure you're contributing 15-20% of your income to retirement accounts

>> No.10261330

The midwest is doing great compared to the expensive parts of the country, but it's still all relative.
Back in the day homes used to be affordable.. like buying a car affordable.
You used to be able to just pick up and move to wherever you wanted to live.

Shits all fucked up these days.
Idk how to reset it without pain.

>> No.10261342

I refuse to sell crypto (beyond flipping for more) until banks hold my crypto for me and I can use them to buy whatever I want with no issues.

>> No.10261349


True. There is no way to reset it without pain. There will be a switch day where everything has to crash hard, the timeline is what is in question. Could be in 10 years, could be in 100. Inflation and fractional reserve banking/lending/the massive credit and leverage bubble can't go on forever.

>> No.10261367

did I say sell cryptos? no I didn't. I said to buy them but you need to be able to food yourself and pay rent in an unstable job market that's why it's #5. selling should be a last ditch effort to prevent living on the street.

>> No.10261382

I'll do this, I'm trying to start a company with a friend, but it's taking time to show profit.

>> No.10261390

you said 'wait for the bubbles to hit then buy housing/stocks'

i assumed you mean wait for crypto bubble then use profits to buy housing
but i guess you meant wait for the bubbles to POP then buy cheap housing/stocks at the low pint.

>> No.10261409

Real estate broker here. Housing market is about to crash. The best way to hedge your bet is to buy BCH while you can now and then buy up entire neighborhoods in 2022 for 30% of their current market value while your purchasing power increases 100 fold thanks to superior BCH

>> No.10261412

yes, that is what I meant. you don't want your whole net worth in one or the other. diversification but cryptos are still in their infancy so now is the time to buy.

>> No.10261440

kek, i used to follow a few blogs like seattle bubble.. lemme see what they are saying..people have been predicting a bubble pop on real estate forever. its mostly chinese money , and trump is shooing them away now.. but allowing a market crash would be DISASTER for his reelection.
I just can't see it habbening.

true that

>> No.10261447

BCH is superior in tech vs. BTC but it's still a chink scam, regardless "currency" cryptos will be destroyed by banks and money transmitters like western union and paypal bringing cheap and instant payment services to the market, eliminating all the use cases for dumb, technologically inferior cryptos like bitcoin. platform/smart contract cryptos are the only blockchains with a future in the public blockchain space. private blockchains will be modeled after EOS dpos so companies have full control over them.

>> No.10261476

420 blaze it

i know if I was Canadian I'd be a weed lord come October, that and oil or lumber is the only way to make any money in your shithole of a country

>> No.10261480
File: 163 KB, 824x673, Screen Shot 2018-07-13 at 11.11.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems like the top
but how low will it go?
Crash? I doubt it.
Soften? Perhaps.

>> No.10261489

western union has no business case if their transactions are cheap

>> No.10261508

You got some spillage of Hot Asian Money after the Vancouver foreign buyer's tax went into effect. It's going to dry up with the trade war. You just have to wait for the locals to stop wash trading and taking out loans to flip to each other and you'll see a crash. Or you'll put everything into real estate and just start building ghost cities like China. Your choice.

>> No.10261511

not if they beat their competitors to the market. 90% of normies are too stupid for cryptos, especially foreigners sending money back home, ie: western union's biggest customer base. all they need to do is cut prices which will bring in more business and either maintain or strengthen profits from where they already are. even if cryptos are drastically cheaper they will still control the market with gradual price reductions.

>> No.10261517

Weed is fairly regulated. I'm trying to get a tech firm going but it is difficult. I just want to get it to the point I can move it to america.

>> No.10261526

what kinda shithole do you live in?

>> No.10261548

> Kike detected
Nice try kek

>> No.10261551

I'm expecting a pop but not betting on one.

90% of normies were too stupid for the internet too, now look at it.
Don't bet against things that are programmable.

>> No.10261576

good platform based cryptos will still be extremely profitable, and they do everything bitcoin can do, not to mention much better than bitcoin can. I'm not saying cryptos are dead I'm saying technologically inferior cryptos will have no use cases in a few short years.

>> No.10261582

Don't try to time the market.

>> No.10261584

bch is building an on chain platform right now kek
feel free to call it a chink scam all day long
but dont bet against it
you might get burned

>> No.10261597

best of luck to you then, I hope jihan and roger can make it work. I would love to see the bcucks crushed under their heel. my money is safely in ETH though.

>> No.10261611

>5) buy a reasonable amount of good cryptos like ETH, not shitcoins, not more than you can afford to lose

ETH is a shitcoin though. Right now the crypto market is experiencing a serious schism between coins that can be used for dapps and coins that cant be used for anything other than storing value.

The crypto market is experiencing a paradigm shift now. Nothing is a safe investment.

>> No.10261613

No they are getting out at the top

>> No.10261619

>my money is safely in ETH\

>ETH is a shitcoin

the state of crypto

>> No.10261627

its not just jihan and roger.. i think youd be surprised to know whos actually all behind BCH.. i did my due diligence and this coin has tons of low key support that will probably come out of the woodwork after the next bull market i think

>> No.10261635

you're right. IMO ETH carries the lowest risk though due to it's strong core dev team, dev community, and plans to scale.

EOS was a real threat until they publicly proved DPOS fails on a public blockchain, it would be extremely successful as a private corporate or institutional model though.

like I said, best of luck. seeing BTC fail would make me extremely happy.

>> No.10261639

>the state of crypto

15 transactions per second, fees for every single transaction. extremely slow transactions on chain. No way to filter child porn on chain from dapps. Plasma is a meme that will probably never happen, now officially pushed back to 2020.

ETH is on the chopping.

>> No.10261652

>seeing BTC fail would make me happy
agreed on that point anon.
holding the entire market back

what about sharding
craig wright thinks the answer is to tokenize eth on the bch chain kek

>> No.10261660

>tokenize eth on the bch chain kek
kek, how many people in the world do you think could understand that phrase

>> No.10261667

>EOS was a real threat

Coins like EOS, keep in mind I said coins LIKE EOS, not just EOS itself, are absolutely a threat. And this schism is probably a direct result of the current downtrend having no bottom in sight.

Bitcoin is not going to stop going down while people get sucked into one or the other side of a battle of use cases. As long as coins like NEO, ADA, IOTA, XRP continue to push the "hey look at what we can do" mindset BTC and ETH are going to continue to drag the entire market to zero.

I am expecting the market to be blood red until one side of the schism dies off.

>> No.10261674

well said... and thats one of the main reasons why BTC was capped at 1MB on purpose. to weaken the market.

People keep talking about muh ETF but I don't see how the SEC could allow it on such a gimped coin

>> No.10261676

>what about sharding

It will be great but its years off. By then the market will have already been sucked into a battle of the dapps coins. We are going to be seeing shit ton of competition and I have no idea what coin is going to come out on top. But its not going to be slow and expensive coins to do it.

>> No.10261711
File: 477 KB, 642x724, novo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My money is on BCH

I believe a few things that could be very wrong.

1. I believe Bitcoin (original) was a government project
2. I believe Bitcoin Cash is already 'in the door' with tons of institutions and banks

I don't think it will be allowed to fail.
First mover advantage really plays a part. And the hardfork sealed the deal. Everyone who was invested in BTC is still in the game with BCH.

>> No.10261721

Oh and the most important thing is that the patents nChain are putting out are insane.
The EU just granted them some patents too.
Writing is on the wall.

>> No.10261756


Now that's what I'd call an investment. My bet is on also on BCH.

>> No.10261759

So anyway not to have side tracked the discussion too much. I just wanted to chime in and say crypto is not going to be super easy money now that its become so schismatic.

Not sure how it will be a safe escape from the housing bubble pop... You may easily get sucked into another situation no better on the crypto side. This schism may no bullshit drag BTC to 1000 bucks. I cant logically see an end to it until one side of the schism is obliterated.

>My money is on BCH

I agree with the sentiment anon but EOS and NEO are going to be pumping full blown social media dapps. BCH is an improvement over BTC but its not enough to be able to compete with 1000+ transaction per second coins. Normies are not going to see value in it anymore.

Decentralization is also just as much of a meme as anonymity. No coin can be 100% anonymous or decentralized. So giving up performance for that is silly at best in practice. Even the most centralized crypto coins are massively more decentralized that current gen applications from google, twitter, twitch, youtube, facebook, even 4chan.

Especially if the next generation is sucked into video games and social media that are backed by a third gen crypto.

Anyway that's my feelings on this. Crypto is going to go super low in value, this schism is probably not ending in 2018...

>> No.10261810

That's very bearish sentiment anon.
But I agree that it is one of the possibilities.

However, Bitcoin has rallied against worse situations in the past.

>> No.10261863

BCH is a microcosm of the exact same situation but now we are seeing this same event on a larger scale. So this is not going away this time. Up until now this schism never existed.

> However, Bitcoin has rallied against worse situations in the past.

I am fully willing to bet that even the people viewing this thread are split between faster cheaper to use coins.


ETH BTC BCH vs third generation cryptos EOS NEO IOTA ADA ect...

If there has been a worse situation I am not aware of it. This situation is worse because of the schism its causing, and as long as the schism exists it wont be resolved.

People cant invest in every single coin right? Crypto is in trouble, this is the biggest challenge BTC has ever faced hands down.

>> No.10261875

Sad really. Austin is really cool place, and Texas is the best state in the union, and yet it's being turned into California from the inside out.

>> No.10261937

Agreed anon.

>> No.10261944
File: 36 KB, 600x450, 21437889_l_36b60242c7ba21b8a2a4a3affa6adc92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dream

>> No.10262136

heres a fantastic resource on the absolute state of the australian economy and particularly the housing bubble


>> No.10262308

Into an RV. Sell 500k house, move into 50k RV

>> No.10262526

OP you must live in Florida. In SoCal the property is still competitive in price.

>> No.10262553

if everybody is selling, isn't that also a competitive market?

>> No.10262556

Can someone explain this in simpler language? I sense this is important, but I can't figure out what the shorthand for bond pricing implies

>> No.10262564


so why not at least 21?

1.1 is not gonna help you "make it"

>> No.10262641

If everyone is selling in an area it drives down prices. Becuase they're in competition to sell.
In SoCal, along the Port of Los Angeles specifically, there’s not an excess amount of houses selling in the nice area. Florida or the Beverly Hills/Hollywood areas on the oherhand... a ton of houses for sale. Worried that expensive Hollywood selling all at once is going to drive down housing prices everywhere here.

>> No.10262647

thanks for explaining. brainlet here trying to learn

>> No.10263199

jesus, this gif.

There is so much to love.