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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 662x712, 1526497594790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10239336 No.10239336 [Reply] [Original]

>visit an ethnic market
>can of soursop on the shelf
>look up soursop on my phone
>chrome autocompletes soursop before i even get to the second s
t-this can't be a coincidence, can it? i've never searched for soursop before so it'd make more sense for them to autocomplete sour patch kids or some other shit.

>> No.10239354

lol man at one point im reading a youtube comment about someone asking what the song name is. Right down first 2 letters and google already suggesting that shit

i for one welcome our new robot over lords

>> No.10239373

of course it doesn't have to be a coincidence

it should be obvious that google tries to change the search results to be more relevant to you

>> No.10239422
File: 134 KB, 559x989, 1512608449388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related
get the fuck out.

>> No.10239465

I remember seeing that thread
It's a beautiful thing indeed

>> No.10239507

so who determines if the stock is worth 2 cents or not? you can just hit sell at that point and it gets funneled to someone who buylists at 2 cents, right?

>> No.10239874

I did this on Runescape with empty pots at 1gp. The point was that you couldn't lose