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File: 129 KB, 1200x1500, bitcoin vs dot com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10223758 No.10223758 [Reply] [Original]

The spike in the charts is very similar and the downtrend is very similar. 5k would likely be the low if they were exact but that doesn't mean they will be the same. My point is that we are getting close to the bottom.

You also have to remember that the dot com chart was at the height of the dot com era and right now we are likely not even close to the height of it all considering we are a drop in the bucket when it comes to market caps even at our high.

Just some food for thoughts

>> No.10223797

hell yeah, only 15 more years until we make it

>> No.10223802

I know we are close to the bottom but I already bought a lot in at higher prices and am down thanks to the decrease in price and investing in shitty alts.

I don't want to risk putting my last fiat in at these prices only for it to drop another 20% over the next couple weeks. I imagine this is the situation for most people.

I am a buyer at $375 ETH cause fuck Bitcoin.

>> No.10223816

dot.com bubble was a bubble because of complete overvaluation of companies who didn't produce any revenue. todays tech is completely different than the dot.com bubble

>> No.10223822

wasnt the dotcom bubbles worth trillions?
you cant really compare the charts

>> No.10223830

now do it with a composite index of all the shitcoins retard

>> No.10223832
File: 80 KB, 900x900, 1522422334843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not going to make it.

>> No.10223842

The only difference is websites and the internet actually serve a purpose

Bitcoin is literally useless

>> No.10223856
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>> No.10223859

yea because we dont have billion dollar vaporware white paper altcoins right?

>> No.10223865
File: 106 KB, 450x437, BC387E9D-34E0-4878-95EE-755DF63A1B19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are far from over we’re just getting started especially in regards to good altcoins. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a delusional fagget. Check this article out https://medium.com/@mccannatron/12-graphs-that-show-just-how-early-the-cryptocurrency-market-is-653a4b8b2720

>> No.10223870

yeah, so thats why I think we are close. The chart is still useful though since it is a bubble popping

>> No.10223894

go find a dotcom bubble chart from 100billion to 1trilliom

>> No.10223901
File: 5 KB, 232x218, 1512055391008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dot com bubble eventually reached ATH and beyond
>therefore, the crypto bubble will reach ATH and beyond

>> No.10223933

You can't compare dot com to crypto retard OP. Dot com = stock market = companies producing products. Crypto = oil/gold/silver sort of commodities = supply/demand

>> No.10223960


Yeah, criminals can at least find some use for it.

Literally no one else can though.

>> No.10223998

Somewhat agree and somewhat disagree. Some projects are somewhat similar to companies in that they produce a service while others are simply just currencies

>> No.10224015


Don't compare memecash to fucking oil or rare elements lmao.

God you fuckers are dumb.

>> No.10224032


>> No.10224036

Except you can create cryptos out of thin air. literally unlimited supply kek

>> No.10224442

Ugh. Look how depressingly slow the dotcom chart is
>It takes over two whole years just for the main bubble part to play out

>> No.10224463

>rare elements
oh you mean the worthless investment based on tradition rather than utility or actual rarity

>> No.10224492

>not an essential component used in electronics

Did you think the gold 10x in the 70s happened because boomers were starting rock collections

>> No.10224505

Those graphs all end at the very beginning of January you nog. The level of cope in your post in unbelievable.

>> No.10224552
File: 8 KB, 218x231, images(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a dumb fuck

>> No.10224639

Stocks represent ownership of productive assets that are likely to increase in value. Comparing it to virtual tulips with no inherent or intrinsic value is laughable

>> No.10224737

>>10224552 hurr muh local hipsters coffee shop accepts bitcorn. It's totally useful guys

Protip for morons: they do that just so cryptotoddler reddits will advertise the shit out of them for free. No sane business wants to be paid in something that can lose 30% in a day

>> No.10224786

>tfw your brain is infinity

>> No.10224802

that’s not always the case though
there are many companies that are traded on major exchanges that create shell companies or “holding groups” on islands so americans or outside investors can pretend like they own a piece of it. crypto is no worse than that

>> No.10224946

>instant remittances
>can send money all over the globe with a push of a button
>cheap money transfer around the globe
>can act as another form of foreign exchange (FOREX)
I'm a total noob when it comes to crypto and blockchain but even I can see the uses behind it other than MUH NEW TECHNOLOGY!!!! You're an idiot if you think bitcoin has no fucking use in today's market.

>> No.10225187

>Le moron if it looks similar must be the same despite having nothing to do with each other retard analysis

Thank you for your throwing your money away internet finance guru no. 374747484848881233777

>> No.10225219


>> No.10225313

Yep it's really good at enriching power producers and being a currency you can't use to buy anything at stores.

>> No.10225324

Well based off of that next bullrun starts in about a year :(

Guess I'll be wage slaving for a bit.

>> No.10225546

ADR's still entitle you to the economics of the underlying asset, it's just a more convoluted ownership structure

>> No.10225575

That’s just means we’re even earlier dumbshit

>> No.10226005

If prices go lower does that mean we are early...?
Whales create a new cheap market after every bubble pop for the poor bastards who bought in and will make it.
This is the Golden Bullrun and it will never end.
100k is the next stop but not until everything is super cheap.
Dont you get it... its a shill factory.
The whales create new millionaires who in turn will shilll the next bubble pop.

>> No.10226024

>The spike in the charts is very similar and the downtrend is very similar.
But they are not. Also, why did you use a BTC chart that starts at 4000$? Are you 16y/o or just a low IQ adult?

>> No.10226037
File: 22 KB, 590x342, ponzi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dollars value is not constant it is not useful as a unit of value

>> No.10226040

Are you retarded? You can make gold by bombarding lead with protons under intense heat and pressure.
You can create diamonds out of coal.

>> No.10226085

You are getting a piece of a holdings group or shell company, especially true in countries like China that don’t want whitey having anything to do with their companies but are still happy to take their money. If you’re trading the company short term fine no problem but I feel safer holding crypto over some stocks.

>> No.10226233

1981 was a good time to pajeet