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10204310 No.10204310 [Reply] [Original]

>26 years old
>still a Virgin
>ask out many different women on tinder
>finally get a date to go for coffee
>I arrive first. She shows up wearing a pant suit.
>I'm wearing my track pants and jogging hoodie with stripes
>get to talking. She can't stop talking about how I would wear the track suit and how unprofessional it was.
>I lost it on her and said "this isn't an interview, there's no need for professionalism"
>we change the the topic she asks me what I do "I tell her I don't work anymore"
>she begins interrogating me and saying I need to get a job to contribute to society
>I said I refuse to pay for the boomers pensions through taxation
>then akward silence and she begins to bring up gender injustice and wants my opinion
>I say men deserve more money because they work harder then we fight more about that.

At the end I leaned in for a kiss and saying I would like to see her again and she stopped me by putting her hand on my chest. I shook her hand and said she can text me anytime as I'm free at all times I'd the day because I bought bitcoin many years ago.

As soon as I thought it was over and all hope was lost and I would never see her again. She said are you free next weekend? I said no I'm sorry because you were only interested in me after I mentioned my wealth. I walked away feeling very frustrated and heart broken by women of this age.

Guys why are women only interested in your wealth? They literally don't care about anything else except money. I am really wanting a girlfriend but all women now a days only want your money. Guys how do I find a proper woman in this day and age? Without love soon I don't think I'm going to make it.

>> No.10204332

Why are you wasting your time on a depreciating asset anon?

>> No.10204339

Life long marriage and a family of many kids is the most valuable asset in earth for a man.

>> No.10204341

OP you stupid fuck.
Fuck a girl and get rid of your virginity. Then you worry about that.
Oh right, this is a larp.

>> No.10204346

You’re never going to make it are you

>> No.10204348

Already made it, got rich from marrying my wife.

>> No.10204349

Mate... unless that woman has a womb enriched with alien essence, and is firing out children with 400 IQ, women are always liabilities. Not assets.

>> No.10204355

>Without love soon I don't think I'm going to make it.
When you bought this LOVE meme? This token is shitie scam created by Hollywood propaganda. It's time to sell it right now before it fall further.

>> No.10204582

Fake and gay, get out of your house retard.

>> No.10204625

You're a fucking sperg.

>> No.10204669

>track suit


>> No.10204671

this kike is sliding info hes afraid of. you can profit if you find out what that is.

>> No.10204689

>wonders why only finding shallow women
>on tinder
you're not going to make it anon

>> No.10204694

Go to an escort

>> No.10204709

idk about that, I didn't post anything about SMARTLANDS today yet

>> No.10204724
File: 59 KB, 720x545, IMG-20180627-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out out of burger land.

Society is fucked with tinder

I live in South America and women laugh when you mention online dating

They are 20 years behind on everything including match.com

No other way unless you settle for some ugly brod

These hoes are $15 for a 1 hour brapp session

If you want a wife that will be extra . Trust me it's not allot

Lawyers and doctors salary is $65 per month . It was $25 few months ago

Let that sink in

Get out of burgerland

>> No.10204872

Where you at anon? I've been thinking about setting up a base in Argentina or Chile. Everything is is much cheaper there. I'd also like to spend a few months a year in Japan to learn the language.

>> No.10204891

>>I say men deserve more money because they work harder then we fight more about that.
you don't work

10/10 for making me reply to your nonsense
she's 100% in the right

>> No.10204892

Man the fuck up anon
You only become valuable when you're fine on your own
Where do you live?

>> No.10204899

>Incel is a weeb
Whomst'd've thought

>> No.10204914

You are a next level neckbeard

>> No.10204943


>> No.10204965

You just need to find a cheap prostitute who accepts Chainlink tokens as a form of payment.

>> No.10205003


I love these threads because the sad pathetic incels post in droves desperate to validate their pathetic lifestyles.

This is a parody on you permavirgins and you dont even realize it

Kill yourselves poltards

>> No.10205014

OP is a faggot for even letting it get that far. Meet for coffee??? that's why you're a 26 year old faggot virgin. You tell the fucking tindr slut to meet you at YOUR house or HER house to FUCK and THATS IT. WOW YOU'RE A FUCKING FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10205019

Fuck off you low-t pleb. I have money to do this.

>> No.10205514

What should you be wearing on a first coffee date? You don't want to look too casual since you have to look like your putting in effort, but you cant look too formal because it's supposed to be a non-committal meetup. Are you supposed to at least shower.

>> No.10205766

Can we change the name of this board from /biz/ to /LARP/?

>> No.10205812

I really don't understand. Why don't beta white males just move to 3rd world countries like India, Thailand, Korea or China and impregnate a haram of asian ladies? You're considered a high status male there. Plus with 100k you'll easily retire for life there. And another 50k you'll have a passive income from a business where you pay those asian wagies dollar an hour while you rake the profits.

>> No.10205935

>I arrive first. She shows up wearing a pant suit.
>I'm wearing my track pants and jogging hoodie with stripes

This weirdly never seems to matter for me

If I dress up nice I get a hug at the end

Any time I just throw on shorts and a tshirt I get laid

I don't get it

>get to talking. She can't stop talking about how I would wear the track suit and how unprofessional it was.
>I lost it on her and said "this isn't an interview, there's no need for professionalism"

She sounds like a bit of a cunt, but if the date's that bad you just walk
To be honest, you just get girls like this, she's just not your thing, and you're not hers (or what she thinks she wants anyway)

There are plenty of girls who DO dig that though (my retard cousin married one ffs), so just do more dates, it's kind of a numbers thing

>> No.10206006

Thanks for the train wreck story OP, that made me feel better about myself :^)

>> No.10206054

go to church. everyone has this idea of a "honest woman" and the only way to achieve that nowadays is through religion, finding someone who is convinced that there is a higher power that they will have to answer to for their sins.

>> No.10206165

Anon I don't know if this is a larp or not, but if it's not good for you. You're a cool goy if you really said it like that

>> No.10206208

>trying to get laid
Don't try that's how you get laid.

>> No.10206213

What's your idea of "dressing nice" ?

>> No.10206236

Lol shut up you complete faggot

>> No.10206253

incredible larp

>> No.10206273

These threads make me cringe hard, how fucking autist do you have to be to type all this fucking garbage you useless LARPer

>> No.10206362

the moment you mentioned your wealth is when you fucked up buddy. Dont want it to be a factor with women? then dont fucking bring it up brainlet

>> No.10206380

Stop larping and get back to grinding wagie.

>> No.10206410
File: 321 KB, 220x218, Laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP wants to get laid...

Thinks you tell women the truth to get laid.

>> No.10206459
File: 91 KB, 694x842, 1512241554259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again
Get over yourself dude.

>> No.10206652
File: 34 KB, 600x525, 00dHyd3_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won so fucking hard; as a man who's thusfar only bedded one woman for every year of his life, I can honestly say that I would prefer the sensation of triumph over that dumb cunt to the feeling of nutting down her throat.

>just use a little bit of your money to travel the world enough to find a girl from a culture which values subservient wives, as this anon plans to do while living aboard a sailboat far from normies

Again, I must commend you, op; there truly is no such thing as the "love" which kike-made movies lead you to seek (vainly). Just start looking for girls who are also woke & disenchanted like the rest of we realists; you'll find these ride-or-die chicks in places you're not looking, perhaps living much like you: in a parentally-provided basement.

>but srsly: the satisfaction of rejecting that golddigger would totally trump the (risky) release of fucking her, cuz that would not last due to her being a bitch

Pain is temporary; glory is eternal.

>> No.10206667

>I'm wearing my track pants and jogging hoodie with stripes
top kek I'm literally wearing the same right fucking now. I also often see other lawyers appearing before the judge in jeans and running shoes in big city courts, especially San Francisco, with only a sport blazer on top of a collared shirt.
>pantsuit on a date
top fucking kek

>> No.10206728
File: 166 KB, 320x283, 1502730401754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.10206755

>muh fashun

>> No.10206781

>sharts on mart

>> No.10206820

Tell that you bought tonnes of SALT during the Jan bullrun and didnt have STOP LOSS