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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10194401 No.10194401 [Reply] [Original]

Fair warning

>> No.10194418

is this related to linkpool and the announcement?

>> No.10194437

i'm betting that there is going to be some investigations into this pump and dump scam.

anybody still buying LINK is seriously fucking retarded. Stop spaming this pump and dump everywhere we all know it's shit.

>> No.10194457

They will be investigated. LINK is a perfect candidate to get hammered by SEC.

>> No.10194484

True that

>> No.10194488
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>pump and dump
>no price action for months
More like dump and dump

>> No.10194504

good luck hammering a foreign incorporated company, with no communication to its "investors".

>> No.10194516
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>dump and dump

>> No.10194777

Look at the price and depth chart. Lots of buy interest and little sell interest.

>> No.10194795

this, they're setup in Cayman's and Sergey already exit scammed back to Russia. he uses his army of shill bots to scam you idiots out of more money.

>> No.10194818
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The ride never ends. We will be fighting over the last red Lambo in 2022, muchachos

>> No.10194846

trips of truth

>> No.10194852

cayman islands
did not market it at all
whitepaper states "not a security"
ICO + presale open to people with a lot of ETH

>> No.10194868

Is that pool safe boys?

>> No.10194885

Has there been any real discussion on this Cayman Islands connection? I know they’re registered there and while most see it as proof that the whole thing is a scam I think it’s actually bullish. How many of the actual scams are registered in offshore tax havens like that? How do you even do it without significant guidance from the financial elite?

I see it as solid future proofing, probably advised by SWIFT or some other large organisation with a vested interest in Chainlink’s success.

>> No.10194926

Been wondering that myself, im a brainlet so i cant setup my own node.

>> No.10194930

Question frens. I put in a buy order for Link it filled 55% and has gone nowhere since then. Its been days, what happens if I cancel my order? I don't want to lose the 55% I already got.

I still want my linkies.

>> No.10194938

Pools closed.

>> No.10194957

Yes, they keep in contact with the ChainLink team for information on how to develop their pool. They use a trust less system using smart contracts so they never actually hold your tokens

>> No.10194959

You wont lose them, just cancel and put new in. when i buy i have to cancel many times before i get it filled. i dont have the patience to wait

>> No.10194960

It's fine to cancel it.
You're just automatically buying linkies at [price].
So you'll still have the rest of your funds.

>> No.10194962

Is this a pasta? please tell me it is

>> No.10194968

Nice, think I'll get into the crowdsale then with 1ETH just in case.

>> No.10195023
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Thank you.

>pic related fren

>> No.10195104

>cayman islands
low regulation - easier to scam and dissapear without consenquencies
>did not market it at all
because they exit scammed
>whitepaper states "not a security"
see bitconnect whitepaper
>ICO + presale open to people with a lot of ETH
because its easier to fund more money with less people = easier to exit scam right after ico than waiting for months and scamming millions of people, its easy to scam 1000 ppl than 100000 ppl


>> No.10195140
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>> No.10195453

Your FUD is so low iq

>> No.10195561

Holy shit an announcement of an announcement that's nice very nice moon soon strap in dyor polo soon

>> No.10196470



>> No.10196488

Oh. They mean this is the new thing.
Rent a node.

>> No.10196823

This. It's not even worth engaging with at this point. I can't imagine being as retarded as these people.

>> No.10196855

>Look at the catalog
>Loot at all the Link FUD posts

Something big is around the corner the shills are getting desperate. They completely bring up Link out of context just to make fun of it in the lamest way or downright bullshit. Always 1 post.

Something big is around the corner.

>> No.10196860
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*sip* Cashed out my LINK losses and bought one of these. Fug you guys.

>> No.10196902

>something big is around the corner, like a big mac.
even the counter fud is fud. unprecedented times indeed.

>> No.10196904


once mainnet is announced on the tracker this shit is going parabolic. we likely don't even have a month.

>> No.10196916

>we likely don't even have a month.


>> No.10196922

that's right, pajeet. brush off your favorite street, things are going to monsoon soon.

>> No.10196987

Based on LinkPool’s offering closing on July 31, I think that was ChainLink’s original soft deadline. I think it’ll take a little longer though, probably in August/September. Then again, maybe they work at light speed and get all these aggregation and reputation tasks done quick

>> No.10197009

Yeah, a big dump.

>> No.10197118

>Thinking a pajeet has an IQ high enough to understand link

Never gonna make it.

>> No.10197179

Gfy jerkoff, u know nothing but lame fud.

>> No.10197208

Oracles have to be the next big thing or blockchain isn't worth 256 Billion, bitcoin, XMR are the only coins worth it maybe bcash idk

>> No.10197267


>> No.10197320


>> No.10197392


at this point fudding chainlink is the surest sign there is that someone has either a double digit iq or is compromised by some sort of pathology. it's so completely transparent that we're past the point that the price can be affected by fud that only those who are profoundly stupid or irreparably psychologically damaged would bother to expend any energy at all doing this. it cannot be justified by a thinking person.

>> No.10197400

see: >>10196383

>> No.10197495

its not FUD. we are only trying to help you.

>> No.10197517

dump coming. some people here want to help anons and you call legit advice FUD?

>> No.10197534


Announcing Node as a Service

>> No.10197545

What good is Ethereum if it can't figure out decentralized oracles? Having a centralized oracle system defeats the whole purpose relying that centralized info into a decentralized blockchain? I'm about to dump all my eth for link, bitcoin, bcash, XMR

>> No.10198043

Does this mean that someone can just run a node through link pool and stake their own link? So instead of buying into the crowd sale, we can just operate on their network and stake our link?

>> No.10198125

My problem with this is you're paying a fee in the form of LINK with no guarantee that your node will be used by anyone. Especially in the early stages....

>> No.10198389

Idk why any of you think you will be running a node of consequence. No one is going to want whatever shitty API you can gain access to. This entire oracle network is going to comprised of the biggest financial entities in the world. All they will be doing is making money off their APIs by having them available to the LINK network, and by extension, smart contracts from every fucking platform on earth. Just buckle up and hang on for dear life.

>> No.10198412

That's exactly my point...

>> No.10198432

You suck at this, get a new hobby.

>> No.10198450

Anyone else just looking for resources and trying to understand how to run a node?

>> No.10198499

The value of the LINK token will come from whoever Sergey gives the tokens to. They will be incentivised to inflate the price because they will be given them for a low price or even free. This means they get to put in less of their own actual money but are able to "back" more expensive LINK contracts. This earsn them more LINK. It's a cyclical money making system and it's genius IF these big entities care about providing smart contracts with information. That's a big if. Don't do anything with your tokens except hold them until the early 2020s and you will be insanely wealthy.

>> No.10198548

1/10 tier FUD.

I look forward to the day when you neck yourself after us link marines have made it to Lamboland!

>> No.10198592
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>ding ding ding ding

>> No.10198619

Next time you want to buy some LINK increase the amount of eth your trading for LINK by the smallest amount you can .0000001 and youll catch some of the LINK the big boys use for wash trading your buy order will go through almost instantly

>> No.10198627
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I can settle for a blue one marine

>> No.10198633

i dont understand how that works? why would it go through instantly?

>> No.10198638

Oracle's are so DAAPS can take off, not for every hillbilly to become a miner.

>> No.10198678

What happens when lots of people want to buy and their is little sell interest? Could you explain this to me and any lurkers?

>> No.10198708
File: 37 KB, 306x638, 415A5ECD00000578-4601362-image-m-21_1497386857986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This basically. Ultimately its in the interest of the Chainlink team and the initial big companies who are gifted link to keep prices low for a year or two so they can accumulate/get there partners in on the network but afterwords their only goal will be to inflate prices as high as possible so they can have high collateral nodes and run as many API calls as they could ever want. Us NEETS don't even register in their vision but we will still benefit from their plan. It's the genius of the token-economics but it all depends on the partnerships going on behind closed doors and NDAs so the general crypto crowd doesn't flock to Link and inflate its price before they are well established, hence why there is zero communication from the team to us besides some technical conversations when they are bored on slack.

I'm not even joking when I say Link will go to $100+ assuming the network gets any reasonable level of adoption, it just won't happen as soon as biz hopes.

>> No.10198741

To be a security they have to give some level of promise on return of investment, but their complete lack of communication completely negates that. Smartcontracts team has perfectly modeled Link as a utility and big business knows that

>> No.10198808

You are offering to pay an insignificant amount more in ETH per LINK and will catch the bot trading used by the big boys to keep the price suppresed

>> No.10198929

This is exactly what is happening right now. I feel bad for all the poor LINKies with no vision who will sell early. This is literally the comfiest hold in the world if you can wait a few years. This is THE best chance to get rich off any tech right now.

>> No.10199153

no it's not. you're deluded.

>> No.10199187

How long do you guys think it'll take to see serious price movement? I'd like to sell a portion at around $15-40 or so and hold the rest for triple digits

>> No.10199198

You've had enough time to cash in your McDonald's checks to buy more LINK. Sorry poorfag. Time's up kiddo.

>> No.10199211

hahaha, delusional linktard

>> No.10199238

this is the high iq early investor accumulating link

top cock

>> No.10199255

nice fud just bought 100k

this could be big im wondering what linkpool has in store for us

>> No.10199288

2020 is when we have a shot at those prices from what I can gather. Could be earlier but I doubt it. These big financial entities are still scared of all this shit even though they are starting to realize it will save them money. This will take time.

>> No.10199325

>This is THE best chance to get rich off any tech right now.

what if something better comes out?
what if ETH suffers another dao atack?

you sound so assured . sounds like delusion to me t.b.h

>> No.10199378

I'm glad we have the same time-frame. I think as much as $50 is possible by 2019. I've heard from people in private circles $200 by EOY 2019, but I doubt it.

>> No.10199394

Nothing even comes close to ChainLink at the moment, and even so something has to a SIGNIFICANT improvement over existing tech to be adopted over old tech. First mover advantage is everything in this space.

Also, ChainLink isn't tied to Ethereum's success. The only thing actually connected to Ethereum is the LINK token, which they could easily airdrop on another blockchain if need be.

>> No.10199430

except for oraclize, augur, mobius, Eth's own oracles, the numerous other coins working on their own oracles, etc etc..

>> No.10199466

we dont want oracles we want smart contracts

>> No.10199478

Nothing better is built as far as a decentralized oracle network goes. And ETH can all but die (which it won't) and Chainlink will be fine because it works with every blockchain.

>> No.10199500

>Nothing even comes close to ChainLink at the moment


>> No.10199502

If you think any of these are competition, you aren't paying attention.

>> No.10199547

I guess I was delusional while I was buying ETH under $10 too.

>> No.10199553

>what if something better comes out?
First mover advantage is huge in crypto...in tech in general.

>> No.10199597

Not decentralized, i.e. not secure for financial data
This one is the only actual competition, nevertheless they are not aiming to financial industry like Chainlink do, thus it's likely that Augur and Chainlink will be the biggest winners on the oracle competition
Pajeets, smoke and mirrors
>ETH own oracles
The thing is, they are currently focused on the scalability problem, if the moment comes and there is already a solution for the oracle problem, they will just let users choose

>> No.10199852

>Having a high IQ means you know how to do literally everything

Top zozzle

>> No.10199980

top fuckn kek

>> No.10199987
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Link 1k EOY checkem

>> No.10199998
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Link is the future of blockchain technologies

>> No.10200000

oh wait

>> No.10200010

link 10k eoy 2025.


>> No.10200014
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>> No.10200016


>> No.10200050

nice quints

>> No.10200076
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We all have been blessed with the knowledge of the next great crypto investment. HODL strong frens

>> No.10200077

>you make these threads every day since October
>link still in the shitter
>had one of the weakest altcoin pumps during the December normiefest
>still only on binance
>no one cares about this garbage except the cultists here
>Dev team is tiny and has already made it, so they have no motivation to do anything

Must hurt being a stinklet

>> No.10200146


This. The SEC can't do shit to LINK.

>> No.10200203

just bought 100k

>> No.10200259


>> No.10200273

The numbers show us signs like events in the past. Link 1000 EOY

>> No.10200282
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check the irony. beautiful

>> No.10200284
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> checked

>> No.10200295

>Fair warning

I'm in a safe place. How about you OP?
>there is going to be some investigations

This is the one thing you can be certain authorities won't go near

>> No.10200301

This is the actual truth about Link for you good hearted Anons out there still on the fence about Link. People just play when saying 1000 EOY but in reality it will be 50-100 if mainnet goes well.

>> No.10200353

It all depends on progress


pace is going to pick up to 5 a month in Q1 2019, and 10 a month Q2 bets are already in and juniors selected. This is beautiful. See you in the gathering! Are we still settled on Davros?

>> No.10200359

Look at it this way if you drop $100 on stinkylinky and it moons sweet. If it bombs out to nothing you're out $100.

>> No.10200407
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>good hearted Anons

>> No.10200411

Does sergey know /biz/
He might be trying to shake a racist politically warped forum from becoming rich and powerful?

>> No.10200419
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>> No.10200427

>you drop

>> No.10200428

>buy 400 link for $100
>link moons to $1000 eoy
>have some money but still have to wagecuck

>> No.10200448

he's trapped and hates what he is part of but has to carry on in silence he probably has more smartcontracts on him than anyone else alive kek

>> No.10200458

Mot people are in it for the money, some the adrenaline, some the power. Its a mixed bag.

>> No.10200493

Similarly to many anons here, I’m in it to leave the wage slave life. The worst that could happen is that I work my entire life, which is what most people do anyway minus a few expensive normie activities like weddings and “vacations” aka delusional escapades knowing you’ll still have to kiss ass when you get back to the office.

>> No.10200502

>The worst that could happen is that I work my entire life,

I'd have you. Better than option B death.

>> No.10200503

most optimistic best case scenario is $10 eoy, comprehend the market cap required for $1000 you stupid negros

>> No.10200504 [DELETED] 

Kinda nervous when LINK goes from something to check first thing when I wake up and read about/shit post all day to just being worth a lot of money. When it sets in that it's just worth a lot of money, I've lost my obsession. I'm going to need to find something else to obsess over. Something to talk about? This has been my thing for a while now. It's going to be rough. I'm not ready.

>> No.10200508

Same, I don't have enough LINK to make it completely, but it's a hell of a leap. I won't consider having made it until I have a network of $10MM desu

>> No.10200515

>Chainlink is 70 cents. Time's up kiddo, we moon now. You had enough time to accumulate.
>Chainlink is 60 cents. Time's up kiddo, we moon now. You had enough time to accumulate.
>Chainlink is 50 cents. Time's up kiddo, we moon now. You had enough time to accumulate.
>Chainlink is 40 cents. Time's up kiddo, we moon now. You had enough time to accumulate.
>Chainlink is 30 cents. Time's up kiddo, we moon now. You had enough time to accumulate.
>Chainlink is 20 cents. Time's up kiddo, we moon now. You had enough time to accumulate.

I sold all my link, put all my money into bitcoin and monero. You chainlink shills can suck my dick for tricking people into buying this.

>> No.10200539

This is what everyone said about BTC and ETH but at the time who could have imagined the impact and would have invested thousands? I hope my 5000 Link grow strong over the next year. I have great anticipation to see how the market values the missing link between crypto and the real world data.

>> No.10200541

No oracles mean no smart contracts right?

>> No.10200543

>don't have enough LINK to make it completely

Better to live a few years as a king then a lifetime as a pauper. How many do you have?

>> No.10200556

I'd say you will make it to Q1 next year and get your reward with 5K

>> No.10200574

Well if there is a total crypto marketcap of 10-20 trillion, and Link is top 5 or top 3, $1000 would be fud

>> No.10200605

Link has been following btc, just like every alt. If you had noticed the entire market crashing around you would understand

>> No.10200633

dear brainlet, the Chainlink project is not finished yet

>> No.10200678

Wait and hold until 2020 thats when your 5k will be worth 500k

>> No.10200715

20,000 LINK

>> No.10200733

is this the 9:45 PM EST news?

>> No.10200744

Yeah yeah whatever, if oracles were as important as everyone on biz makes them out to be they'd be worth much more than 50 cents.
Bancor and funfair have almost double the market cap of Link and they are fucking shitcoin unfinished projects too.
I opened my eyes and understood why shit like link, 0xbtc and turtlecoin are only shilled here and nowhere else. This place has no moderation and every faggot shiller can try to get you to buy their bags of shitcoins.

Fuck you link shillers, I'll stick to bitcoin, monero and Ethereum. You won't see another cent from me again.


>> No.10200761

No, but I'm still convinced a nice break upwards is coming soon. Pretty sure the guy talking about 9:45PM EST was just LARPING

>> No.10200776

this will happen in 5 years or smart contracts will fail and market cap will be slightly higher, that is, bitcoin being worth around 1 trillion and monero 300 billion

>> No.10200783


alright op, where's our sat explosion?

>> No.10200799

Remember, WEF says $8 Trillion by 2025-2027. If we form another bubble before or after that, $10-20 Trillion is certainly possible. $1000 LINK is not an impossibility in the long term, but it's absolutely not happening this year

>> No.10200804

I truly wonder about people like you. Can you not put everything aside that you read here and really see what is holding back smart contracts? It's oracles lmao. Whether it's ChainLink or something else is futile at this point. This is why ChainLink is shilled so much because people with an IQ over 120 have figured it out.

>> No.10200808

see: >>10200761
chart and order book lookin' JOOCY

>> No.10200813

You are going to want to kys for being weakhanded within the next 12 to 24 months.

>> No.10200817

Nobody cares hahaha

>> No.10200822
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yeah seems like it was a LARP,

god speed anon

>> No.10200831

The whales are making another run at your Link soon, hold firm Marines, don't get sucked in and lose your opportunity for big money.

>> No.10200838
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So Big companies won’t want small companies to easily get in on the rig, so they gobble gobble gobble. Reminds me of the steel industry. Once Vanderbilt/Carnegie saw that the railroads would control the economy they went on a buying spree. 1. To get a competive advantage 2. Solidify their standing within their market by creating a monopoly.

So if Vanguard wants to remain and become the best in their field- they will adopt ChainLink, get it on the price super cheap, gobble gobble gobble and make the competition pay higher to use ChainLink. Thus, keeping their competitiveness advantage.

This is fucking brilliant anon. But how do we know that a competition won’t create a better decentralized oracle down the line? What makes a decentralized oracle better than the new one that will come?

>> No.10200892

>Can you not put everything aside that you read here and really see what is holding back smart contracts? It's oracles lmao.

Oh fuck off man, you think smart contracts are revolutionary and can be applied everywhere because the "smartcontract everything" meme and because you've seen other anons shills chainlink. I was like that but starting seeing things objectively.
I'm a programmer and know for a fact that smart contracts fill a niche so small that you don't really need offchain data to fulfill, only thing you need is a trusted 3rd party and the smart contract dealing with the logic to act on the data (interest rates, etc).
These faggots saying weather, horse racing, etc. don't even know that in the real world it wouldn't work because tx fees would be massive and too slow.

Smart contract platforms are gonna appreciate some more, fuck link shills man. I'm keeping my ETH.

>> No.10200894

>Vanguard is one example of many corporatklns that can be given

1000 is not a fucking meme. “When” is the better and more in depth question. This would require a lot of foresight or insider knowledge.

>> No.10200911

writing HTML doesn't make you a programmer, anon

>> No.10200933

Let’s look at it. Manufacturing would use smart contracts. Financial industry (stock and bonds) would depend on smart contracts. The delivery and shipment of authenticated products would use smart contracts. God even online dating could be altered by smart contracts and oracles.

That is why I don’t fully rely on programmers for foresight. You can get the job done and create killer web/phone apps, but when it comes to taking things to the next level (like in most industries) the majority of the people are clueless. Imagination, a willingness to change the status quo is needed.

Same thing with bitcoin- everyone thought it was internet magic money. Very few people believed or even less read in into its underlying fundamentals.

Give us all hope, be quiet and go read Murray Mothbard.

>> No.10200940

t. C++ backend developer for high frequency data streams.
Also, don't discount web design fags. They make a lot of money depending on their skills.

>> No.10201018

>Manufacturing would use smart contracts.
How exactly anon?

>Financial industry (stock and bonds) would depend on smart contracts.
Partially agree, not even 4% of the 11 billion swift messages on swift are stocks and bonds (which is what chainlink is making a POC on, bonds).
Smart contracts fill a niche yeah, link would fill a smaller niche if it's even needed.

>The delivery and shipment of authenticated products would use smart contracts.
How do you authenticate the products?
You need a strong and trusted supply chain. RFID chips are a meme. Anyone can rip out the chips and put it in a counterfeit product.

>God even online dating could be altered by smart contracts and oracles.
I can't even... Explain please.

>That is why I don’t fully rely on programmers for foresight.
What do you do for a living? What are your qualifications? Don't tell me neet or student please.

>Same thing with bitcoin- everyone thought it was internet magic money.
Bitcoin isn't magic internet money, it's the most secure network of decentralized p2p money on the world. Governments cannot debase it or devalue it's worth using inflation, banks cannot freeze your bitcoin, government cannot use eminent domain to take it from you. Bitcoin is not a meme.

>Give us all hope, be quiet and go read Murray Mothbard.
>be quiet
I'm completely sure you don't have ulterior motives anon, we should all trust you and buy more chainlink. BUY BUY BUY!

>> No.10201040

This. It's all or nothing. I unironically just put 50 grand on LINK. GL.

>> No.10201054

In theory, would smart contracts even be viable without an oracle?

>> No.10201061


you are genuinely low IQ. look how you cant even think on a big pciture level. just a small thinking little drone. you miss the forest for the trees.

not one of those points matter. lmao @ "RFID chips can just be ripped out and put on counterfeit product. I hope you don't believe it. you are the kinda person who said "why the fuck is a phone with the internet and a touch screen a good idea? i already have a computer, and its way better and easier to do everything on a computer". brainlet.

Those chips wil become part of the item, or made in such a way that tampering = broken product visually. many solutions.

>Bitcoin isn't magic internet money, it's the most secure network of decentralized p2p money on the world. Governments cannot debase it or devalue it's worth using inflation, banks cannot freeze your bitcoin, government cannot use eminent domain to take it from you. Bitcoin is not a meme.

hind sight jackass. i guarantee you didnt think like tht in 2012. and even if you did, you wouldn't have held much for the long haul.

>> No.10201073


no. they would be like they are today. Only usefull for their own internal eco systems. bascially good for siphoning out money in scams.

anyone with an IQ over 120 who understands blockchain has come to this conclusion on their own already, even before they know link exists. we are very luck to know it exists.

>> No.10201087

...so buying LINK right now is like buying ETH in 2014? LINK holders are way ahead of the curve?

>> No.10201114


No. its going to crash to 0.01c but it might be a good by at this point. LINK is a useless ECR 20 token with a 2 man development team lmao

>> No.10201133

>you are genuinely low IQ. look how you cant even think on a big pciture level. just a small thinking little drone. you miss the forest for the trees.
You didn't refute my points at all, also your grammar is extremely bad.
I used logic facts in what I wrote, why do you feel the need to use name calling instead of refuting my points?
Seems like something a shill would do.

>hind sight jackass. i guarantee you didnt think like tht in 2012. and even if you did, you wouldn't have held much for the long haul.
Again, name calling. Control your emotions please.
Bought BTC in 2013 during the big pump.

>> No.10201136

Understood anon.

>> No.10201164

LINK is nothing like eth. Eth is a world changing smart contact platform. Link is a vaporware product from a guy who is squatting on smartcontract.com

>> No.10201192

Theres so many unthought of applications that could be marketed to various industries. For example, in nuclear manufacturing projects all source materials must be documented and tracked until the skid is sold to the manufacturer. its an extremely laborious paperwork project, and it could be streamlined with SC + oracles

>> No.10201229

you can fud better than that, anon. CMON!

>> No.10201279

>For example, in nuclear manufacturing projects all source materials must be documented and tracked until the skid is sold to the manufacturer. its an extremely laborious paperwork project, and it could be streamlined with SC + oracles
Must nuclear manufacturing projects have to be approved or are being handled by the government.
Traceability is extremely important and I guess you could use the blockchain as a distributed database to be completely assured that the records will remain immutable, however where does smart contracts would be used in that situation, explain please?
Most of these projects would use SAP to handle the project, this is not a good usecase for smart contracts, even less for decentralized oracles.
How would you use APIs for a project like this? Inb4 intel sgx, as if these kind of projects would have API providers in the first place, AND would want to share this data in the second place.

>> No.10201281

adding to that: the boomers getting scared about automation taking jobs - THIS is what theyre talking about. Decentralized SCs that can handle things humans are usually paid to do. Bullshit data entry cubicle jobs etc etc

>> No.10201308

>manufacturing- auto industry
More than 1 assembly plants are used to make a car, and more often than not they’re spread out around the world. The necessary products to complete the car can be taken under the blockchain to help speed the line of assembly and avoid waste

Im glad you see the point

> authentication
Agree Chips are a meme. Other efficient tools will likely be developed in 2-5 years time

>Online dating
Person A meets Person B at X location. Upon arrival and greetings, they receive a 10% automatic discount on the tab. They get enter into a relationship, couple receives discounts + establishment receives a payout for signing up with the dating app. Yes it’s laugbable but imaginable that scheme could exist- just as others have pointed out with Uber etc

Apologies didn’t mean to offend you. I’m an business attorney and I see a lot of my job being easily replaced by smart contracts. Easily within 2-7 years.

Oracles will be the next evolution. I see it in my industry/profession as clear as day. Hence I’m moving to litigation.

>be quiet
Again. Please don’t be quiet. You actually bring good idea. My ulterior motives: I see my profession, which for far too many years has been runner by lazy incompetentes, be 60-70% replaced. This I can’t wait for. I hate working with people who don’t take their work serious and are professional scam artist

>> No.10201314

lot of nuclear projects are contracted out to private companies. anyways it was just a thought anon. something to get the ol almonds activated

>> No.10201322
File: 35 KB, 712x664, chainstink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chainlink is going to explode

>> No.10201331

>Decentralized SCs that can handle things humans are usually paid to do. Bullshit data entry cubicle jobs etc etc
What jobs can Smart contracts do that can't be done with bare APIs?
Most of these uses are financial settlements, which again, is a small niche for smart contracts.

>> No.10201350


dgaf about my grammar and being articulate when posting on biz lmao. especially when some idiot is preaching such inane bullshit about link. i wil spend the least effort possible to call you out on it. you're lucky i even correct any typos.

I didn't refute them directly becase anyone with a brain and understands this shit realises your concerns are like worrying how many bottles of water you will need for your trip today, and thinking if you cant figure out this inane little detail your entire trip falls apart. think on bigger picture. you can get water whiel you travel. you may not need as much as you believe.

this is the problem with 99$ of crypto investors. they cannot look at the bigger picture, and its why most coins in the top 50 are bullshit and not even a good speculation. worrying about which platform will be better for dapps and has most TPS or "master nodes" when literally none of that shit matters in the slightest way and cannot be realised at all with the huge bottle neck facing blockchain.

>> No.10201359

basically hit the nail on the head. also very good product for companies looking to start small and scale a solution up if it works. small initial risk. I think you are underestimating the size of this "niche"

>> No.10201398

word to the big bird

>> No.10201436

>More than 1 assembly plants are used to make a car, and more often than not they’re spread out around the world. The necessary products to complete the car can be taken under the blockchain to help speed the line of assembly and avoid waste
This is solved by ERP systems and it's how every major car and any other mass production company has been working for the last 30 years. Most of these factories use SAP. All the parts of the product are on a BOM (Bill Of Materials) spread between multiple companies of suppliers and in-house suppliers too, everything is documented in SAP.

>>Online dating
Person A meets Person B at X location. Upon arrival and greetings, they receive a 10% automatic discount on the tab. They get enter into a relationship, couple receives discounts + establishment receives a payout for signing up with the dating app. Yes it’s laugbable but imaginable that scheme could exist- just as others have pointed out with Uber etc
This can be done with bare APIs, you don't need immutable extreme decentralization for this.

Ignored, write your arguments like the anon above. I won't go down to your level, write logical and well thought out points or I'll ignore you further.

>> No.10201456

>I think you are underestimating the size of this "niche"
Financial settlements are a huge niche, for smart contracts. Not necessarily decentralized oracles.

>> No.10201457

grow up

>> No.10201500

Crowdfunding like Kickstarter is a perfect use case for smart contracts. The project only gets the money when the goals are met, if not then the investors get their money back. No middleman needed.
You can probably cut out the middleman in most forms of sports betting.
Overall I agree with your sentiment of smart contracts only being used in niche cases for the foreseeable future.

>> No.10201583

Using a system of +30 years is a archaic. Smart contracts oracles can provide a better system. How? Would require more research, And specialized knowledge. But something is there to explore

>online dating + Uber
Creating an Uber or tinder based off blockchain would cut the 3rd party. This is a ton of $$ being left on the table

>> No.10201776

There will be a fomo pump, but this time instead of normies it will be small and medium businesses bidding like crazy to get in the door. Once the price of link is high enough, it will act as a barrier to entry - and that’s exactly what the early adopters want.
I fully believe we will hit $200/link by EOY 2019, but there will retracements along the way.

>> No.10201794

>Toyota already have the Prius, so Tesla will get no adoption and their stock is a bad buy

>> No.10201917
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>I fully believe we will hit $200/link by EOY 2019, but there will retracements along the way.

>> No.10201925

I just wanted to let you dicks know this thread convinced me to put more money than I should, as a poor fag, into link. I hope you're happy.

>> No.10202036

Why do some anons mention a mainnet release in September? IIRC there were no such confirmations.

>> No.10202186

Yes, we will run last $200 at some point next year but there will be a massive correction; I don’t see the price being above $200 at EOY

>> No.10202188

Holy fuck lmao I honestly hope you kill yourself when LINK moons.

>> No.10202373

It’s just speculation

Yeah, it’s expected, whenever it happens. Next year is going to be exciting as fuck

>> No.10202677
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I'm convinced.



>> No.10202858

>cares about USD when there is only BTC and ETH pairings.

Whew lad. You will not make it.

>> No.10202884

Enjoy those sweet 2-5x gains over the next decade. Lmao. You have the next 50-100x right in front of you and your are too dumb to see it. You are a leading candidate to neck yourself in 2020.

>> No.10202912

The fact that you are a programmer and can't realize how important oracles are to smart contracts tells me you are an actual fucking retard. Once you finish "Hello, World!", you let us know.

>> No.10202923

As far as a a timeline to adoption? Yes. They will almost be identical.

>> No.10202959

01000011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01101110 01101100 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 00100100 00110001 00110000 00110000 00110000 00100000 01000101 01001111 01011001

>> No.10203149

wrong. codeship adaption will delay this project for at least 1-2 years

>> No.10203187


10/10 fud boyz keep it up

>> No.10203195


Offshore tax havens don’t actually exist anymore since the advent of this thing called the internet.

>> No.10203202


Can’t set up own node but interested in operating one? Hmmm

>> No.10203233

sup guys sergey here,


>> No.10203270

The middleman is not cut out, chainlink’s ecosystem is the new middleman. Companies are obviously developing this product in secret so they don’t get screwed. Do you think they are like, “hey guys we’re almost done developing our system to replace you just one more year.” No of course not, these companies would make it a nightmare in the meantime for them. They will release it when it’s done and you’ll see a bunch of job losses. They are actually creating a new paradigm in the economy and it’s not gonna be positive press. You’ll have these mega companies making insane profits while all these companies that work off of feeding on these large corps will die off. The government won’t be able to save them. If it’s developed in the open, you’ll have these companies creating mass negativity revolving around smart contracts. Even though smart contracts push humanity towards a jobless society. Society still value jobs, look at Trumps tweets about creating jobs. Also companies not involved in chainlink will also be buying stacks from the current corps selling them their middleware. If you look from an outsider position chainlinks process of the ICO and only certain companies agreeing to use it is kind of scammy as they will have a huge monopoly. But it’s a business tactic and we’re lucky to be apart of it. If chainlink plays out to be the de facto smart contract verification ecosystem, 1000$ per link is extremely cheap. Most of these corps will stake and causing them to stake raises the value of their data. Since chainlink will be the currency of metadata / data, it’s a win win to stake. The more staked the less in cir, the higher the price is raising their stack. They need some in circulation for it to flourish though but I wouldn’t be surprised if only 100m was the circulation. Also remember chainlink is allowing users to sell data directly and not giving it away from google for free. We can price it accordingly now

>> No.10203284

TLDR; they created a currency for people to buy and sell data while cutting out useless middleman companies as nobody likes dealing with the middlemen.

>> No.10203301

Where can i buy oracles? I can't find them on coinbase?

>> No.10203334

I meant in terms of moon potential.

>> No.10203370



>> No.10203406

In terms of making money, the crypto market would have to grow so much for us to see anything over $5 link that you would.be far better off with something that you can accumulate more cheaply, lower supply, etc.

>> No.10203476

1k EoY confirmed<

KEK works in mysterious ways.

>> No.10203493

Posts like these make me comfortable in the knowledge that even people with direct exposure to the very early hype still haven't quite grasped the concept and implications of smart contracts.

>> No.10203564


>> No.10203587

>had one of the weakest altcoin pumps during the December normiefest
What are you talking about? It went into the CMC top 50

>> No.10203619

>so Tesla will get no adoption and their stock is a bad buy
Uh yes actually

>> No.10203691

It's simple as the following. Ask yourself 'Does this help companies to save money?'. If the answer is yes (and it is), then you should be buying if you want to be wealthy some day. Smart contracts make banks and companies more competitive replacing middlemen with middleware

>> No.10204213

it does if it doesnt fuck up.
thats why SC are a long way off.
Here Mr Corporation was can save you 15% on your middleman costs if you just trust our system handling billions of dollars with no comeback if it fucks up.

>> No.10204232

>with no comeback if it fucks up
What do you think staking is?

>> No.10204265

Once again, OP has failed to deliver and proven irrevocably that he is a fag

>> No.10204300

one part of the puzzle

>> No.10204518
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>This is solved by ERP systems

>> No.10204747

Is biz down again

>> No.10204906

Amazing, it can form sentences without coherent thought. Nature is incredible.

>> No.10204995




>> No.10205029
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Looks like OP just wanted people to buy his bags

>> No.10205037


Fuck I'm glad I'm getting more FIAT to accumulate this shitcoin tomorrow and didn't buy high today. Hopefully we get back to 15c so I can do my last buy.

>> No.10205151
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Why is reddit invading us lately. faggot basedboys

>> No.10205256

I’m surprised a pump didn’t happen, I actually bought more yesterday

>> No.10205407

sounds like you eat puzzle parts.

>> No.10205488

At least I dont suck dick on street corners for pocket change like your mom.

>> No.10205703

Gay non satania poster.

>> No.10205706

At least he doesn't eat puzzle pieces.

>> No.10205922

>it just won't happen as soon as biz hopes.
God I hope so. If I don't accumulate at least 10k before the singularity I will cry myself to sleep every day. And I fear prices may never be below 20 cent ever again.

>> No.10205939

Do you guys trust the Binance chink with your Chainlink tokens?

I've been thinking about taking them to a cold wallet to get rid of the 3rd party risk since I don't plan on trading them ever, just to accumulate as much as I can.
Anyone else doing that?

>> No.10205962

Never leave serious amounts of tokens on Binance, fren. Get a hardware wallet ASAP

>> No.10205975

Funds are more safu on binance than on a hardware wallet that can malfunction.

>> No.10205986
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Thanks fren, will consider it.

>> No.10206038

How does the contract know they completed their goals?

>> No.10206067

Because it's smart

>> No.10206077

That’s what seed words are for, doofus

>> No.10206094

>have 100k links since ico on Binance
>buy le hardware jew
>transfer 90k link coin
>half year later
>battery run out

Now only 10k link. Never moving them for the Binance!

>> No.10206103

The seed words are in case you forgot your PIN you brainlet. How could it work on other wallets kek

>> No.10206123
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>> No.10206149

If u honestly believe that.... what a waste of oxygen

>> No.10206160
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Truly the worst horror story.
ayy lmao

>> No.10206167 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10206211


hardware wallets like trezor are safe as fuck. holy shit. you keep your seed down somewhere safe and its as good as a paper wallet except you can actually use it without worrying about private keys.

>> No.10206242

Goal as in "reach funding goal of $X million." If reached pay out to founders, if not reached until date Y then repay the investors.

>> No.10206255
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>> No.10206270


How many LINK are in the Binance master wallet?

>> No.10206337

No shit dumbass.

>> No.10206452

>cannot be realised at all with the huge bottle neck facing blockchain.

What huge bottleneck? Storage space? Off chain storage in a DHT acting like a CDN. Main chain too big? Sharding/Sidechains (and Holochain!!!). Speed? See above too - a nice blend of PoS & PoA(ie masternodes) in the right places & there's no issue. You can trade off decentralisation for performance in areas that matter less.

Get a load of this faggot though haha. SAP is a monstrosity, wouldn't surprise me at all if it's upgraded to run as a blockchain. Whether it'll be public, or only companies that use it will run their own nodes is another story though.

>> No.10206475

>This can be done with bare APIs, you don't need immutable extreme decentralization for this.

I can do all of that with paper and sufficiently motivated trained chimpanzees. What's your point? If there's a better tool (ie, more secure, easier to develop with, architecture better matches the business case), why not use it?

>> No.10206739


You wont make it because you cannot figure out the massive bottleneck. its none of those things. im not going to spoon feed it to you. enough fags already have tried.

>> No.10206800 [DELETED] 

reckon you're referring to off chain data amirite?

>> No.10206828

Wait if there are 350m Link in criculation, why is there so few being traded on exchanges? Does that mean virtually all of the supply is being hodled?

>> No.10206840

We're all waiting to run nodes. Most of the trading is bots.

>> No.10206890

But won't there be a massive massive pump when any real fomo hits? Since everyone is holding and only a tiny percentage are trading it, won't it shoot up to like $1000 in a day? Is this what the singularity is?

>> No.10206895

wow, I'm surprised this didn't occur to me before

>> No.10206971

It’s a double-edged sword: no one is selling because they’re all sitting tight and holding for the singularity. No one is buying (significantly) because almost everyone who’s interested in it has invested all the money they can already. When people say “the price doesn’t matter until mainnet” they’re telling the truth. The majority of the price movement is facilitated by bots and small accumulations. People won’t be serious about buying or selling until there’s a working product.

>> No.10207010

No, it won’t shoot to $1000 because people will sell along the way. If everything is as we suspect and chainlink corners the oracle market and comes out with substantial partnerships, we can easily expect $10+. Remember that Ethereum had a lot of “cool down” periods, with an especially long one last summer after it reached $400. It went from $10 to $1400 but it took a year.

>> No.10207873
File: 38 KB, 680x510, b7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy you're in for a surprise.

>> No.10208168

You had so much time to accumulate. If you haven't made it by the time link reaches 10$ it's your own fault.

>> No.10208207

How so?

>> No.10208423

Idk man what you said seemed most logical but I think $100 is the moon not $1000

>> No.10208493

I'm thinking we go to multiple $k in the long run

>> No.10208535

I'm thinking this goes to $10 in a few years. Hopefully that's enough time for me to accumulate 100k of these. It's a good product. It will take awhile to start a million-dollar business with it though.

>> No.10208541

kek about 0.712738525% of the ciruclating supply is being traded daily, even less up until recently

>> No.10208841

>Measuring prices in USD
>Hur dur put my money into BTC

If you have your trade data you can check the sat price and figure out where you gained or lost money. Until then those numbers actually mean fuck all given the state of the market over the past 6 months

>> No.10208948

>I'm a programmer
>I'm not any of the middle office functions that smart contracts will disrupt
>Hur dur its ogre I am knowledgeable about this

Fucking kill yourself you webdev faggot

>> No.10209198

>also your grammar is extremely bad.

Go back to double nigger you piece of shit people from all over the western world and poo in the loos use 4chan. If you can't see through this and have to be a grammar nazi to feel superior you should use double nigger.

>> No.10209401

That's in a perfect world with zero speculation and natural growth but in this market there will be bubbles along the way.

>> No.10209755
