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1017400 No.1017400 [Reply] [Original]

How financially advantageous is it to ignore romance and just live your life by yourself?

>> No.1017402

Part of wealth building is networking. Romance provides networking by giving your bond privilege to the other bonds in your significant other's life.

You can network just fine without romance, though, and become very successful dedicating that time to wealth-building.

The thing is, most people without romance don't do that. You risk falling into the r9k trap of pining after romance while still trying to claim you aren't influenced by its existence, leaving you with wasted time and no relationships to show for it.

>> No.1017447

Not advantageous at all. Romantic relationships have several positive mental effects. Things like family give people drive to get promoted and better wages. Of course that also means higher expenses, but when do you ever see someone successful that are alone?

And when you sit all alone in your huge mansion as a old man it might feel like a wasted life. If you don't want romance, then there is no need to get money either... Just die with no family to give your legacy to? Just tons of cash for the government to take when you die?

>> No.1017457

Id say no effect. Ideally you would marry someone who compliments you and who makes good money and all that. In reality most marriages turn into a drain on the man and the man takes a huge risk of losing half of his money.

Id say the best thing to do is be very selective and if that perfect bitch doesnt come along then be ok with it.

Warning: having money does not help very much. Women are not even smart enough to be proper whores these days.

>> No.1017462
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depends on mental discipline, a disciplined man can achieve a lot with having a romantic relationship, however a disciplined man can achieve even more without it.

>> No.1017604

When I become rich I'm just going to pay a women with good genes to sire and raise my children.

>> No.1017609

Things in life are not just financial.
~160k in salary and bonus.
Christmas alone and posting here.
New cars and hookers don't really fill the void anymore.

>> No.1017615

If you work at a large company, you are eventually going to be regarded as weird if you don't get married.

People tend to assume the worst about an older single person. Especially if they are happy and content with their life.

>> No.1017643

Can confirm.

Offsetting this is as you get older, you continue to care less about what other people think.

>> No.1017668

Dunno, but it's fucking tempting sometimes

>> No.1017677

try visual novels, 2D is amazing

>> No.1017867


I'm under the impression that the same applies if you're young and somewhat attractive. That's where rumors about so and so being gay start.

>> No.1017877

>People tend to assume the worst about an older single person. Especially if they are happy and content with their life.

Good thing I have at least half of my peeps seeing me as a sort of monk. People seem to find that more acceptable, if not something they understand.

>> No.1018019

Sure, but if the woman of your children is a common whore she might waste your money and the same might her children because the children is not raised right. Also raising children without a father will have a bad mental effect on the children and your money might likely be wasted. Such children have a lot of drug use and mental problems while having less education than their parents in general.

>> No.1018094

It's pretty terrible. I have a beautiful apartment, a nice car, good job, but no one to come home to. I spend my weekends playing vidya. I can't cook for shit and I'm always lonely. I know you may want to find escape in financial gain, dating can be very painful, but I would encourage you to find someone you care about and be happy with them. It will help your mental state tremendously

>> No.1018160


If they get the impression that you aren't actively trying to become like them - married, and then have a bunch of kids - they assume you are defective in some way.

The approach I like to use when someone asks about my personal life is to say something like, "Well, I haven't really dated anyone since before... the accident." It's a more vague and socially acceptable thing to say than whatever the truth is.

>> No.1018220

Just look at the divorce rate and I'm sure you'll come up with the right answer

>> No.1018221

Even normies realize marriage is a trap now. No one gives a shit if you remain single.

>> No.1018237

Right. These posters talking about being weird if your single are either full of shit, or I've just been lucky to have better experiences.

At my work I'd say 75 percent of the men have been divorced. I'm by far the youngest, and when I explain my views on marriage they just get jealous they didn't figure it out years ago.

People only find you weird if your just a strange person in general, if your fun to be around no one gives a fuck.

Come to think about it, this was some of the best advice I was ever given on biz. It was along the lines of

>no one likes a man who spends all his time working hard, if you want to get promoted just be the guy everyone wants to have a beer with.

This has been my experience, so I guess ymmv. But it the words of Hunter S. Thompson,
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.

>> No.1018271

It isn't a partner that you need, it is the struggle towards a new goal.

Looks like you're just too comfy, what's the last time you worked so hard that you ignored the world?

>> No.1018419

Depends. If you get a girlfriend who has connections because her dad is rich, who is making >$200k, and who doesn't want a new Lamborghini every year, then you will be one of the luckiest men on Earth. But you have 0 chance of this happening unless you make more money than her while looking physically attractive (rich girls have been around rich guys who are generally attractive as teens) and having the potential to earn more money than her dad.

>> No.1018498


You need some drugs in your life

>> No.1019016

>live alone
>have a lover who is quite independent

>> No.1019146

>You risk falling into the r9k trap of pining after romance while still trying to claim you aren't influenced by its existence, leaving you with wasted time and no relationships to show for it.
Shit, that's exactly the trap I'm in. I often waste hours lying in bed thinking about love and stuff like that... it's a trap I can't escape, despite fully acknowledging how much damage it's doing to me. It seems the only cure would be to totally block out the thoughts and treat them like the poison they are... I hate how my body can betray me like this.

>> No.1019162

If you're trying to live /frugal/ you're better off alone. Frugal girls are like finding a nigger at a job site. If you're just trying to live a normal life it's best to have a partner. Splitting bills and costs saves a good bit. Especially via family plans on phones or splitting car costs, etc.

>> No.1019176
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>when do you ever see someone successful that are alone?

Those guys are with someone because they're successful, not successful because they're with someone.

Women generally don't want to invest in a man's potential, they just want to cash in on it once he's realized that potential.

In any case, just don't get married. Very few pros, and they're significantly outweighed by the cons.

>> No.1019178

You're living the dream faggot. You got complete freedom, you just dont know it.

Imagine making a mediocre ~60 grand, and having to support your parents, a sibling, and gf with a degree in African Diversity Studies.
I can't even fucking go out for a beer anylonger without counting every $20-40.

>> No.1019191
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This, but it's usually only applicable to men.

Older bachelor=possibly gay, or at least a weirdo loser

Older bachelorette= strong empowered womyn who don't need no man

A lot of society revolves around female validation, and people look at the single man, especially the OLDER single man, with suspicion, not until he has been validated by women is he fully acceptable, because people tend to mistake attractiveness for moral virtue.

>> No.1019201
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hahaha like just ditch your bitch like wtf just leave her hahahaha wtf

>> No.1019218

just have prenuptial agreement that she wont get any of your money and vice versa

golddiggers btfo

>> No.1019221



relationships make life much more meaningful.

no man is an island.

>> No.1019226
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>he doesn't know prenups are thrown out on the whims of judges

>> No.1019232

fuck off racist

>> No.1019239

Fuck off darkie.

>> No.1019249


nigger detected

>> No.1019611

Old fag here.

Advantageous? It depends.

I got married at 32 and will be married 23 years next year. It's been a hell of a good ride. Most people who marry do it fucking wrong and get divorced. Marriage is wonderful if you do it smart and for the right reasons.

- Scale of Economy and tax breaks

- If they're intelligent, invest in their education. It's like any other investment but safer than most. I took care of my wife and paid for her college but now she works and makes ~110k a year, and I don't have to do anything. Better returns than you'll ever see with stocks.

- For men, have someone that will cook and clean for you (if they're not feminist garbage)

- If you marry right, she is your biggest supporter and will push you to better yourself when you're down and out. You'll have a companion for life who understands you better than anyone else. A woman's loyalty is not to be underestimated. We all find duds, but if you vet them properly you'll never have to worry.

- Marry if you haven't dated and lived together at least 3 years. You don't know shit about women or men if you haven't lived with them thru good times and bad.

- Marry based on looks. Seriously? Unless you're mega-wealthy it'll be a resource drain, always. Don't let your dick make your decisions.

- Marry under 25 under any circumstance. You don't know shit about yourself let alone life. Who you are at 18 is not who you are at 30. Same goes for women. I'd recommend 30 bare minimum for men for marriage.

- Stay/marry someone if you find yourself pitying them or feeling sorry for them (a.la whiteknights)

- Marriage makes zero-sense unless you're both on the same page about these things: in-laws, money, religion, politics and kids. I don't care how much you love someone if you can't agree on those thing I would wager your impending chance of divorce shoots up 10 fold.

This is just off the top of my head. I'll drop more old advice if you guys are interested.

>> No.1019619

Keep it going, this is good stuff

>> No.1019631


Do you have kids?

>> No.1019637


I understand you're in a special snowflake situation, but this implies that if you do everything "right" she'll never change, which is false.

At the end of the day, the gun is still loaded and in her hand. All she has to do is pull the trigger.

Aside from tax breaks I just don't see the point, and those breaks are outweighed by the risks.

>> No.1019647

I'll think of some other stuff after I finish breakfast

No kids.

Haha, special snowflake? C'mon don't cop out. You're too young to be this bitter. You think your life is set because you don't get married? You think you're automatically minimizing risk because you don't get married? No risk, no reward it applies to everything in life. Could she change? Sure, but I've got a 23 year track record that says it's not happening.

She gets half everything she's put in to my life? Sounds fair to me, I'll just have to make it on 3 million in assets instead of 6? Woe is me.

Your whole argument is predicated on the fact that the woman puts nothing into it. If you do that, then you're an idiot.

>> No.1019655

moar longtooth.

>> No.1019669
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> I hate how my body can betray me like this.

Your body hasn't betrayed you. Your body and mind are uniformly programmed to pursue a sexual partner for the purpose of replicating your genome when your own physical body begins to crumble and decay from genetic damage.

Love is the most selfish of human desires, and your entire life is focused towards it.

>> No.1019683

> Older bachelorette= strong empowered womyn who don't need no man

do you even go out of your bedroom? where did you saw something like this happend in real life

>> No.1019698
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You just have to be flexible with the legal structures surrounding a good partnership.

>> No.1019728


>where did you saw something like this happend in real life

Our entire fucking culture at the moment, which says that marriage is better for men than women (the fuck?) that women don't need men (even though in aggregate they do) and says that women can be cougars after escaping their "boring" marriage.

Hanna Rosin's The End of Men and Kate Bolick's All the Single Ladies in the Atlantic are 2 landmark pieces on the paradigm shift. The gist is, to quote "Put simply, women can no longer draw on a pool of men who are better educated and earn more than them as marriage material. What’s more, not only can they stand on their own two feet financially, but if they do want babies they can do so without men."

This is the narrative now. Funny thing is, part of the premise of feminism is that women can be breadwinners and gender roles are just social constructs, right? But now that men aren't as equipped to be the traditional provider anymore, they're considered worthless. Feminism was a bluff.