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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 695 KB, 500x289, dittodeath.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10179462 No.10179462 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else lose their girlfriend as a result of the December crypto crash? I'm still trying to get over it.

>> No.10179487


>> No.10179524

GF NIGGER i lost my car my apartment went and got a wageslave job for a month and a half almost killed the boss left and now im selling drugs GF Nigger fuck that shit come back when you lose something real

>> No.10179526
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Anon: I lost most of my money in crypto.
Girl: Oh, when?
Anon: 3 days ago.
Girl: 3 days? How could you not tell me sooner? It's over, I can't be with someone I don't trust.
Anon: So now that I'm poor you won't be with me?
Girl: It's the fact that you lied and kept things from me.

>> No.10179603

no. women are fickle humans.

>> No.10179780

loose all gf money

she still with me


>> No.10179784

shes still with me
it was always a giant meme to her anyway
i found a pretty good girl

>> No.10179794

She’s just waiting until she finds someone better

>> No.10179804

lol where are you from

>> No.10179888


I did too OP.In her mind it was her or crypto. crypto might as well have been another woman. She was spiteful and no help at all in the stress dept.

It was good thing though, i don't believe in the concept of a bad breakup

>> No.10179956

So what? Women suck dick. I lost more important things - muh money.

>> No.10180014
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My Ex thought I loved my money and crypto more than her, but it was the exact fucking opposite. I invested in crypto to provide a future for her. I ate ramen noodles and shut myself in and sacrificed the leisures of life for hopes of a better future for us. It really made me mad and confused she would break up with me for a reason that seemed like complete bullshit to me.

>> No.10180032

yeah no, women dont want some work in progress, you need to be there 24/7 for her as well as have millions

>> No.10180160
File: 62 KB, 297x508, 1426856925198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this happen OP?

sorry bro
you sound kind of beta but hoes be trifling. you should know to keep your finances off gaurds.

>> No.10180243


My situation was somewhat similar. In the end the fact is she was and is kind of simple minded, especially where money is concerned. Now she's working a dead end job and literally paying everything into expenses. Her next step is taking gigantic student loans to get a masters in a dead end field.

Really, no common sense at all. She had other attributes I appreciated

So generally odds are better if you make it first, or rather, if you can afford bad women maybe the difference is negligible.

>> No.10180870

>having a gf

>> No.10180993

>masters in a dead end field
What field

>> No.10181101


speech therapy

>> No.10181244

Men obsess over looks, jawline, alpha confidence etc. They dont really understand that if you are not born a Chad the only way to sleep with beautiful girls is paying them. Some will acept a payment upfront (escorts, sugar babies...) and other will pretend they love you (they don't silly, they love chad) but they are really expecting to control how you spend all the money you make and leech from you tens of 1000s or even hundred of 1000s.

In the past girls werernt allowed to divorce you, and also in exchange of that beta prohider supporting effort you got a hot virgin teenage girl. Now at days the girl is able to steal most of your shit and dump you and also you wont marry a young hot teenage girl (those are only for Chad!) You will have to marry an used up old hag roastie.

So well some men are surprised why their girls leave them when they are fired from job or they are suddently broke (like loosing your crypto gains) well ask yourself, did I get hot teenage girls weeting themselves over me and begging me for sex before I had money or job or I showed some signs that in the future I will earn good money? If the answer is no then you are not a Chad, you are a beta provider, a subhuman in her head that she had to fuck to get free money. Now that the promise of money is gone, is like you defaulted you payment to her. So if she did not have the oportunity to leech some of that money before it was gone, in her head that was literaly rape, and she will be very mad at you, of course.

>> No.10181273

Is this a larp? who the fuck just says "I lost most of my money" to someone else, especially your gf. this conversation is too pathetic

>> No.10181311

>in her head that was literally rape
this disgusts me so much because it's probably true for most women

>> No.10181336
File: 150 KB, 1080x1644, Screenshot_20180116-165110~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was the girl of my dreams.

If only I could get rich again I could find a woman who would love me for me.

>> No.10181341

The only thing I lost was profit.

>> No.10181383


this gets reposted often so don't know if you're the guy in that picture. But if it is you, you should know that it's the single most beta thing I have seen all year.

>> No.10181402

So ask yourself, what do you prefer, to pay first and have sex no strings attached with a hot young girl? Or to pay later (much more money) and have sex with a uglier older girl, that also will have less and less sex with you over the years (but also you will have to pay her more and more over the years)?

The answer is clear. In the first option the girl will pretend she likes you for an arranged period of time, in the second option the girl will pretend she likes you for a much longer period of time. The only difference if that in the second option you may be fooled thinking that it is real, and in the first you clearly know it is pretended. Well, only in option 2 you may end heartbroken and living under a bridge.

If you still don't believe me then ask yourself, why most married guys complain for a lack of sex? Why most prostitution clients are married men? Because their wives are repulsed by them! They don't want to touch their husbands (they really didn't want since day one, but it was a necessary ritual to get them by the balls first). They are only with them to leech, and sex with was an inevitable hassle they had to put up with!

If you were guaranteed (like in the past) that the girl won't leave you and will have regular sex with you, then it may be worth it. But with the actual situation, my recommendation is that you stick to escorts (if you like quick hot sex), or sugar babies (if you want something more involved and "romantic").

And remember the old Spanish say: "¡El que folla pagando acaba ahorrando!" ("The one who fuck paying, ends up saving!")

>> No.10181412
File: 149 KB, 1080x1157, Screenshot_20180707-023912~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. This shit gets reposted? I haven't seen it. I'll scroll through my texts I'm sure I can find cringier stuff. Here's one

>> No.10181431
File: 550 KB, 1080x1545, Screenshot_20180707-024256~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10181442

lol ouch. I decided to save those 2 screenshots so I'll always have a good reminder of what not to say to a girl.

>> No.10181450
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>> No.10181468
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The ultimate beta cringe.

>> No.10181489

As someone who has fell for the relationship meme a few times I can 100% vouch for this.

>> No.10181496
File: 252 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180707-025206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't believe I lived this shit.

>> No.10181497

im glad this guy lost

>> No.10181498

fake and gay

guy is sad enough to larp and use a text generator

this isn't real screenshots of anything

ur all retarded but thats a good thing because you're in the same market that i am, and you are on the other end of my trades lmao

>> No.10181505

>Being so fucking ugly you have to pay to fuck a pussy

Lmao fix your life you pathetic cunt

Go to the gym
Get a haircut
Get some cofidence
Stop being a faggot

You can tell yourself you're buying whores because "I pay them to leave bro" but its all just larp... you're paying them because you're a retarded autist and/or ugly as fuck

>> No.10181509

dude what are you doing. i hope this is fake lol. i don't get how someone can be clueless enough to say it but self aware enough to laugh at it later

>> No.10181510

I swear on my life these are real saved texts on my phone. I'm dying.

>> No.10181524
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>you sent several messages when I was clearly upset

>> No.10181532
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Not crypto related but still gold

>> No.10181547

I actually lost 99% of my btc in November and yes lost my gf of 6+ years.

>> No.10181550
File: 443 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180707-030054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10181553

Whatever, I am fit have good haircut and not ugly. I am just a /biz/ person and don't want my finances raped thanks.

>> No.10181564


that is a really weird combination of hilarious and sad. I feel compelled to save all your conversations.

>> No.10181618

Curious to see a pic of the girl who put up with your autism in hopes for money, kek.

>> No.10181623

literally a good thing that she left you, you don't wanna have to deal with that kinda bitch AFTER you settle down

you dodged a bullet

>> No.10181803
File: 116 KB, 1200x500, hero_EB20091007REVIEWS910079998AR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are long term , when I was 20 I know where I wanted to be at 30. And now Im focusing where I want to be at 40.

Most woman can max look 1 year ahead. Therefor short term pain (saving money, cutting expenses , investing in career, focus on parentalhood) rather quick escalate in a break-up.

My ex left me just before our daughter was 1 year old. She wasn't feeling happy and didn't want to put any more effort in our relationship. The hate I felt, unbelievable.. We had to sold the house I carefully renovated , split the money I (mostly) had saved for our future. Sold all the furniture. And the worst, I had to miss the kid 50% of the time.

One big mess, I couldn't understand why she did it.

Now I can, she didn't want to put the effort short term for a long term relationship.

After she left me she found within 1 months an other beta cuck to provide her. Within 3 months she was already pregnant of him.

Learned some valuable lessons during that period .

>> No.10181809
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>> No.10181825


>> No.10181857

You didn't discuss your life plan with her before you two got married?

>> No.10181866

Yes, and the thing is it could unironically happen to all of you. Don't make yourself deluded that because you have a good relationship now it won't happen.

>> No.10181882

Yes she knew where I wanted to be headed (good career, financial security , fatherhood). She claimed during the relationship to have the same goals.

>> No.10181943

>Ever telling your gf how much you have other than work income
Not gonna make it.

>> No.10182088

>the worst, I had to miss the kid 50% of the time.

50%? Ha larp more like 75%-90%

>> No.10182090
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>> No.10182193
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>> No.10182203
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>> No.10182222

Lol I lost mine due to the November highs.

>> No.10182225

Anon, I ...

>> No.10182231

Nah got lucky desu, although the system really hates dads.

>> No.10182284

thanks for reminding me to never bother with women

>> No.10182316

I was making so much she feared I wouldn't need her anymore and move out
she wasn't making sense at all
woman are not made to handle risk

>> No.10182371

I would never weep for the loss of a gold digger. Just fix yourself and go get another girl. Or even better, Chad up and pump and dump all the girls you can. Never let your happiness depend on another person, specially a woman.

>It's the fact that you lied and kept things from me.
lmao at this bullshit. No, it's that you're fucking poor now. She just says this not to feel like a gold-digger for leaving you.

>> No.10182505
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Would never happen with 2D girls. Get cucked, dumb 3DPD suckers.

>> No.10182619
File: 3.46 MB, 200x200, 1529835395819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah women are getting off the train?
Are niggers out already?
And cryptotwitter?

We might be entering an accumulation phase soon

>> No.10182825

>ever telling a roastie how much money you have

sure is 19 in here

>> No.10183077
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>> No.10183110
File: 631 KB, 600x579, What dis biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this is a mother fucking game son?

>> No.10183136

this is obviously fake. holy shit you guys are autistic and have no idea how actual people talk

>> No.10183346

My misso doesn't even care. The strangest thing is that she told me to sell literally the day the market peaked. All I did was send her a screenshot of how much our shit was worth and she said, "shit that's a lot you should sell it". In my absolute euphoric state I took it as friendly conversation and not financial advice.

Even now when we're down 75% neither of us give a fuck. I'm still increasing my position each week and haven't really "lost" anything as I haven't realised any profit yet. Price action up until the day we can spend our cryptocurrency at the supermarket or withdraw a lifetime to fiat doesn't matter.

>> No.10183376

Wake up beta faggot. She lied to you, blatant excuse you wanted to believe that was true. That's pure bullshit excuse

>> No.10183739

a u t i s m

>> No.10183802

Seems to me like OP is the Autist and not the gf. He does not understand nor take in to consideration his gf feelings. But what do I know this entire relationship thing is a mess

>> No.10183812

If your gf left you because you lost some money then she unironically didn't love you. It was only a matter of time.

>> No.10184440
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OP here, surprised this thread is still up.

I can relate to you since I had a child with my Ex as well, 1 year old daughter now. I wanted to be a good father and husband for both of them. Shortly after losing 80% of my stack in the crash however, she left me. There was no abuse, no neglect, no vices or destructive behaviors, and she knew I spent every penny I had on them and loved them both dearly. But it didn't matter. The emotional, financial, time investment, and even the child we had didn't seem to deter her from breaking up with me after 3 years being together.

After going through all this, it really seems like money is all women care about. Biz was right. Should just fuck escorts or something from now on.

>> No.10184495

not if you don't have a relationship

>> No.10184544
File: 192 KB, 800x533, D83DBEF9-D6C0-4692-8C43-75E0A26DAAD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to a woman about your loss
>her vagina when

>> No.10184579

There are people on this board in a relationship right now.

>> No.10184751

No but they repo’ed my fucking lambo

>> No.10184823


Anon did you take a wrong turn trying to get to /r9k/?

>> No.10184945

No and I fucked your ex girlfriend once or twice a week nothin personnel kid

>> No.10184963

>imagine being this much of a cuck

>> No.10184976

I cheated on my girlfriend with a stripper and got addicted to drugs. feelsbadman

>> No.10184979

You dodged a bullet, m8.

>> No.10185431

You are the pathetic one, I can never understand losers who complain about this. Even if you could get laid every single day for free by a 10/10 it is still fun to fuck whores sometime

>> No.10185484



>> No.10185512

All that is time consuming and poorfags only have the time to try to “win over” a bitch

>> No.10185544

Nice projection you absolute loser. Really hit a nerve it seems.

I have fucked more free girls than you, and I have still enjoyed fucking maybe 5 or so hookers.

I think not only are you what you say others are, but also you are so fucking poor you can't afford the pleasures of paid women

>> No.10185580
File: 127 KB, 128x128, 1526143516156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's still that many fucking normiefags in here?

no fucking wonder we still are in a fucking bear market

fuck your gfs, you privileged pieces of shit, the golden bull run will never commence untill every single one of you has sold your entire stash

>> No.10185619
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>> No.10185641

Oh man if that’s what having a relationship is like then /r9k/ is in for a treat. OP you’re gonna feel much better now without that load. Debt is debt but you shouldn’t have to suffer debt + nagging + drama

>> No.10185674

nah you haven't tho lad

you LITERALLY PAY to fuck pussy

LMAO who are you trying to fool you ugly cunt

>> No.10185769

I have fucked exactly 50 girls, like I said 5 of them hookers.
I have had 2 gfs for a total of 4 years, I currently have a gf. I'm 24 years old and look very good.

>> No.10185773



>> No.10185779

Your gains will recover and surpass the December top, whilst your "gf" will stay whoring. Who's the real loser

>> No.10185783

Paying for pussy is sometimes fun.
You give the girl some pocket change and you can treat her however you want, she is literally a sex slave to you that you buy.

Now fuck off back to rebbit you loser, and stop whining that you can't afford to even try a whore

>> No.10185804

lol i can afford more whores than you ever will but i'm not an ugly loser so i don't have to buy pussy

you're a pathetic faggot, admit it, and then fuck off

>wahh i do it becuase im le based xD red pill heheheh its totally not because no women would touch me otherwise

State of you

>> No.10185813

2D isnt real retard.

>> No.10185855

I lost her but I fucked up hard. Mentioning that we were close to being millionaires, and then telling her to return stuff because the dream was gone was the stupidest mistake a man can ever make.

>> No.10185867

Lol so butthurt you evem changed your id
I have no idea what your problem is and why you are so fucking mad that succesful and goodlooking guys, or well just anyone would enjoy fucking hookers every now and then, or at least try once in their life. Is it that you are a virgin and too afraid or "proud" to lose it to a prostitute?

Actually you should not even try a whore, save theat money instead for a visit to a psychiatrist.

>lol i can afford more whores than you ever will
No you really can't

>> No.10185905

nah you pay for pussy that i fuck for free LMAO

the utter state of you

keep telling yourself its totally because "I pay them to leave bro i swear, i promise"

heard it all, you're a loser

>> No.10185962

>keep telling yourself its totally because "I pay them to leave bro i swear, i promise"
Never once in this thread did I mention this. I have tried it 5 times because I liked it. I never pay them to leave, I just leave myself when I am done.

I like choosing my whore like choosing meat from a supermarket
I like giving her little money to own her body for a few hours
I like that she most likely is much better at sex than any "free" girl
I like throatfucking her and assfucking her hard as fuck like she is my literal slave, and after that just leave her abused with some money.
It is a fetish, do you understand retard

Now I'm done wasting my time on a faggot like you, continue being bitter and missing out on great sex, just like you missed out on the crypto bullrun I guess.

>> No.10186048

But you don't get any children out of that relationship and that's literally the point of sex.

>> No.10186069

didnt even read

>> No.10186091

you are one salty redditor
what are you even doing on biz

>> No.10186294

dont care virgin

>> No.10186374

You just confirmed it is 100 percent about looks

Any just average looking guy tried any of that they would get ignored

>> No.10186513

consider this bullets dodged my dudes

>> No.10186548

I need a solder in here whatty up whatty up I need a soldier in here whatty up I need a soldier in here be better be big if you know what I mean,(also there's something about how he as to be "ballinng".

Ohh see also made another song about only hooking up with ballers in the club and cheat onn their cuck bf.

Also a classic,
scrub is a guy that can't get non from me, i don't need to scrub scrub is a guy who's broke.

>> No.10186916


>> No.10187505

ayyy, anyone got that chad supposed pedo criminal and all the chicks spamming post about him?

>> No.10187533

shit. are women psychopaths? i mean does this explain how ted bundy got all those letters?

>> No.10187552
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>got rid of a golddigger before the inevitable cryptorevolution
Why are you sad, exactly?