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[ERROR] No.10169536 [Reply] [Original]

the long game always wins

>> No.10169589

So eoy just became eo5y.
Sad but if it's what it takes..
Not selling at -95%.

>> No.10169632

Why would someone make this thread? Or even have that picture saved?

It makes no sense to me. How can a man be this pathetic?

>> No.10169693
File: 41 KB, 396x382, 1516078801431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, normie

>> No.10169700

There are millions of losers like you
You're the normie

>> No.10169741
File: 10 KB, 376x376, 1516870929606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even know who normie is?

>> No.10169758

Fuck off normie

>> No.10169764

it's time to leave, norman

>> No.10169780

Yeah normie is just a word used by pathetic failures to try and relate to eachother about being total failures

When you call someone a 'normie' what you're really saying is: "Your life is better than mine in every way, you are smarter, better looking, and more confident"
It's just a way losers can make eachother feel okay about being total worthless failures

>> No.10169788

>ITT normies calling other normies because they want to feel special

>> No.10169798

believe it or not. Your a normie. Or i'd like to call normalfaggots.
Normalfaggots like you dont have self awareness. You follow the crowd just like the rest of them. You have the same beleifs, the same desires, the same life goals (having lots of money, travel around the world and start a family). YOU are a normalfaggot. Just another disposable NPC in this world.

>> No.10169808

>Letting your bloodline that has survived since life on earth began end because you are too much of a pathetic faggot to leave your house and find a girl

Lmao the state of you

>> No.10169870

>muh dick is my life goal
Thanks for proving my point normalfaggot. Your just another NPC who says the same script all over again. I also know what you are going to say next after reading this. I am seriously starting to think im one of the few remaining self-aware persons on this planet.

>> No.10169938

>Family is dick
The state of your IQ and understanding of anything.

Enjoy extinction maggot, you're a total zero. Failure, bye bye lmao

>> No.10170249


Dude... You don't know what a normie is... And disregarding your biological imperative when you aren't striving for greatness is fucking pathetic.

You can do it. We believe in you.

>> No.10170285

> so stupid that he thinks he’s self aware
> lacks the self awareness to realize he is beneath Normie level
Sub-human kek. Disgusting waste of life. Absolute failure.

>> No.10170294

I member, we moon now

>> No.10170336

>And disregarding your biological imperative
You can still have "unique" life goals without compromising your biological desires. The problem with normal faggots like >>10169938
is that they think life is all about pussy and more pussy. NPC's like these are ripe for easy manipulation from people like me.

I do atleast 1.5 hours of meditation in cold shower everyday. I am part of the 0.001% of the population that is self aware.

You soulless NPCs all follow the same script. I pity you folks aren't one of the main characters. Blame the stars you were born under.

>> No.10170369

norman you should leave

>> No.10170383

Life is overcoming, about striving for greatness, and about ensuring genetic legacy.

Have you succeeded? That's a big fat no, right? Then perhaps its time you face up and realise YOU ARE WRONG, moron.

Secondly, you say I'm a "normal faggot", but it means nothing, it just means I'm not as much of a failure as you are. It's a defense mechanism.

Thirdly, have you even left the house this week cunt? What makes you think you know anything about people when you don't even interact with them? You know fuck all about the people you don't expose yourself to, you utter moronic faggot.

I hope you go extinct, you're dunning-kruger personified

>> No.10170511

>Life is overcoming, about striving for greatness, and about ensuring genetic legacy.
From which garbage bin from India did you get that knowledge?
>Have you succeeded?
I just turned 18 a few months ago. I dropped 1 btc on Trons ICO last august and sold literally near the peak. So yes, I have already "made it" by normal faggot standards. But i'm not satisfied, I have literally been bingeing on business related books for the past 2 months. Planning to make a big move once I have accumulated enough knowledge.
>You know fuck all about the people you don't expose yourself to, you utter moronic faggot.
I literally dont give two shits about other NPC's who have nothing to offer me. I rather formulate strategies about my future enemies than spend time with people who give nothing in return. STOP pleasing people you normalfaggot.

>> No.10170577

lol normies

>> No.10170592
File: 18 KB, 250x228, 1530139858689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin kekd checked and disrespek'd. this is why we don't fuck w/ normies

>> No.10170742

What a sad existence.I hope you do some serious introspection before your 30s go by.