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File: 133 KB, 800x988, Worst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10164437 [Reply] [Original]

Obama is the worst president of all time.

>> No.10164450


Strong agree

>> No.10164455

literally the worst. democrats have become socialist/communists who use social issues to distract from the real problems.

>> No.10164576

Without a doubt.

>> No.10164587

After Trump and Reagan who do you think was the best president?

>> No.10164615
File: 43 KB, 334x250, Andrew_Jackson-AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Andrew Jackson.

>> No.10164686

Unless you meant to throw "of our time" in there then the answer is unironically Dubya

>> No.10164739

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.10164742

He balanced the budget

>> No.10164762

Wait everybody so far is saying that they agree ironically right?

>> No.10164966
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yea i'm sure trump is doing a better job

>> No.10165030

Yes, by every measure he is doing a much better job.
In b4
>muh immigrants
>muh racism
>muh russia

>> No.10165049

Stupid fucking Muslim couldn't even wreck our economy right

>> No.10165106
File: 147 KB, 1200x1200, woodrow-wilson-9534272-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This [Federal Reserve Act] establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President
[Wilson} signs this bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized....
the worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."
-- Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. , 1913

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson near the time of his death (lacking official source)

>> No.10165353

He was no bueno.

>> No.10165857

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10165867

bush was countless times worse but you kids weren't even alive when he got into office so whatever

>> No.10165885

theyre marxist’s brainlet

>> No.10165903
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He actually IS doing a much better job.


Fuck off, reddit.

>> No.10165933

I salute Barack Obama, I have a different gesture for the current ‘president’

>> No.10165960

Lol, sure he was. He was a nothing president...worst prez is atoss up between Nixon and Regan.

>> No.10165996

>claims to be a left wing progressive socialist
>prints trillions and uses it to bail out the '''bankers'''

how did he get away with it

>> No.10166045

It was like watching an old tradesman friend party it up on credit then sell his tools to make rent. At least he told us he loved us while he was fucking us. Amirite?

>> No.10166079

yeah man

life was just so bad under this guy right

>> No.10166125

It's not possible to worse than Warren G. Harding, Millard Fillmore, or James Buchanan. If you disagree, count yourself fortunate, because that means you have't given yourself cancer from reading about their bullshit.

>> No.10166411

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10166438

Yea wow this guy totally ruined America. Get a grip neckbeards, your life would have sucked irregardless of the president. Its not Obamas fault you cant even compete with a nigger for a job. Trump is a fucking idiot and you fucking incels got him elected and will now watch him fuck our economy in the ass.

You still won't get a job or friends either.

>> No.10166508

never trust in a niga, historic rule number 323

>> No.10166831

Fuck Obama. He made poor people pay even more taxes through Obamacare.

>> No.10167159
File: 59 KB, 509x758, barryshead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true. This a-hole poured gasoline on race relations. We went backwards with this mutherfucker in office.

>> No.10167345
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fuck off back into the void you cam from, orcish rat.

>> No.10167432

>still only get 2.0% gdp growth after tax cuts
>budget deficits increasing despite inheriting a good economy
>starting a trade war with our allies while kissing up to dictators and getting nothing back
>killed 3x more civilians in his first year than Obama's 8 years
>more firings, resignations, and indictments than any other president.

Didn't vote for any of them, but Trump is a terrible president.

>> No.10167556


who gives a flying fuck about a few percentages more or less... fucking boomers and shitlibs worrying about such stuff while western civilization itself is flushed down the toilet.

I would sacrifice this entire fucking economy to save it. I hope the next president is going to be David Duke or some based fellow like that. Trump is not doing enough.

>> No.10167604

coolidge is the GOAT

>> No.10167813

>while western civilization itself is flushed down the toilet
he says while unironically backing the biggest imbecile to ever lead a country; he's a lying, scheming, self-serving moron with no class

what you *need* is free health care and education (gun control honorable mention); you have a perpetually fucked up country because you don't give a fuck about half the population. Without equal opportunity and basic services, people have shit lives and end up fucking the system in return, leaving things fucked indefinitely

leftists are shit in many ways (we deal with them here too), but republicans are the worst

t. the actual first world

>> No.10167840

>not knowing the real estate laws he’s changed which is the sole reason I have been adding millions to my financial statement every year.

Stay poor faggot

>> No.10167846

He IS the worst President of all time.

>> No.10168203

Nice bait

>> No.10168232
File: 2 KB, 125x101, pepecringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drUmphy is meaniehead!1
get deported, shitskin

>> No.10168256

wow so true I especially hate how he managed to give healthcare to people while helping our economy.

never trust a republican to help the economy, they love fucking it up.

>> No.10168273

Such shit thread

fuck off /pol/

>> No.10168292

fuck off with your "free" shit dirty commie

>> No.10168385

is there any way to be a bigger cuck than to idolize someone who would fuck you in the ass for personal gain without a second thought

>> No.10168406


>> No.10168444

Yea fucked up the prices of healthcare for people who actually work and then fine you during taxes if you don't have it. Really great. lmao

>> No.10168457

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10168458

True and he got a Nobel Prize just for being black, basically the biggest affirmative action that ever happened.

>> No.10168526

name one thing that has objectively fucked any AMERICAN... feelings not included

>> No.10168564

We have all what you mentioned in France and we are drifting toward a civil war or a Brazilian slum with some Islamic spices, basically paying Africans to replace and subjugate us, hell Arabs are now constantly bragging about how they will be in charge during the next decades, to tell how bad it is even our Marxist Jews are taking a far right turn since 5 years because they are shitting themselves.

Whites in America are 200% right to take their current path, it's for self preservation and assuring the basic safety for their children and grandchildren in a country where non-whites are being more aggressive and expressing more and more revenge fantasies on imaginary griefs toward whites.

>> No.10168722

tax cuts, climate science denial, anti-healthcare measures, disasterous foreign policy (iran deal, tariffs), and softer things like legitimizing idiot politicians - I'm sure there's more, and much we don't know about; how much else do you need to judge his character? literally recorded as saying he can grab people by the pussy because he's famous; you don't even have a standard for the fucking president of your country you degenerate ameriflaps? gullible fucking idiots

your entire political climate is centered around "lefty vs righty", as if either side isn't equally retarded. I feel sorry for all the sensible americans in the middle; the rest of you are fucking comical

I share the sentiment, we have the same problem in Denmark with MENA immigration, although to a lesser degree - which is why I said lefties are a problem here too

that doesn't justify Trump, whatsoever; when you let a large percentage of your population live in perpetual misery because you're too cheap and short sighted to pay slightly higher taxes, your country will suck indefinitely

america used to be the best country in the world, now it's a parody

>> No.10168735

>disasterous foreign policy (iran deal)
now i know you are either retarded or trolling

>> No.10168766


I'm off to work, gl americlaps

>> No.10168775

eh, I remember the Bush years, and that was pretty much the moment everything turned to shit. I think a century from now, Bush will go down as one of the worst presidents of all time.

Obama wasn't a good president at all, but he was hamstrung by a congress that wouldn't work with him and also became president during America's most politically corrupt era. He's definitely not as bad as the boomers and rightwingers wish he was, but he squandered every opportunity to fight the corruption that was around him.

>> No.10168787
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>> No.10168795

He doesn't even live in america. He's just another butthurt yuro

>> No.10168842

is this (and the reagan thread) a data collection thread?

>> No.10168865
File: 858 KB, 926x678, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they would already be fucked considering I bait both sides.

>> No.10168866

you forgot to add
>keeps bombing more random countries
>doesn't change anything at all in the US culture
yeah, """""leftist"""""... my ass
he was probably cucked by h. r. clinton

>> No.10168875

>>killed 3x more civilians in his first year than Obama's 8 years
source for this?
also, do you know how many people were killed only in libya and syria?

>> No.10168931

if this stat was true it wouldn't have been WaPo'd all over your face like a hot creamy load for the last year and a half?

>> No.10169026

that's why I'm asking. sounds like made up bullshit, taking into account the amount of damage obama the """""leftist""""" did in the many wars he started/kept going