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File: 69 KB, 640x480, balls..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10153898 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to see if you guys see a potential market for something like this. I have also used them as a sort of anti stress ball, they give a very grounding feeling from their weight, shape, and texture. Appreciate your input.

>> No.10153906

how heavy?

>> No.10153946

A few pounds, it's sand stone so not extremely dense.

>> No.10153963

I-i don't understand the point. Are you selling just the stone or also the little circular base with it? What's the point, what am I supposed to do with it?

But for decoration or something, depending on size this seems like something I'd pay maybe 10 bucks for. Maybe. Closer to 5

>> No.10153968

maybe if they came with some snobby walnut stand you could sell them as overpriced decorations to some richfags

>> No.10153981

how much

>> No.10154063

grug have rock

>> No.10154067

jajajaja you fuking 1st world countrys buy anything with premium fees jajajajajaja


>> No.10154087

better than ur street shit tacos you dirty beaner

>> No.10154103

jajajaja short the molcajetes as a pice of art damnit jajajajajajajajajajajaajaj

>> No.10154143

it costs 5 usd in the south it sells @ 40 USD BIZ short it now.

>> No.10154164

I think they're cool, I'd like to have one on my desk to mess around with while thinking. You should make them with tiny healing 'crystals' in them and sell them as proven stress relievers. People eat that shit up you'd get $20 a pop easy.

>> No.10154176

how many berry for round rock?

>> No.10154202
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Market them as mythical magnetic pseudo sciency magic rocks from mount himalayas, you will get plenty of customers, some of them regulars as the placebo kicks in

>t. Made a killing selling pebbles to audiophiles

>> No.10154212

roc go xp want roc

>> No.10154214

I'm interested. How much would you sell these for?

>> No.10154256

Carve one of these pairs using my method and then see if you would only ask 10 bucks for them. I use the base stone to shape the sphere, they are two pieces but they made each other fit through friction.

>> No.10154281

They take me over 2 days of work by hand, so I'm figuring that out.

>> No.10154297

would you say the actual shaping of the sphere is the real stress relief?

>> No.10154304

Based hueranguetan

>> No.10154313

Pebbles? I would like the story here.

>> No.10154322
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To be honest, I'd be interested for the right price. Do they feel heavy for the size?

>> No.10154327

They do have quartz embedded in them, so I could say they emit a certain frequency which isn't completely untrue. I couldn't sell for 20 unless I found a way to automate the process. Glad you enjoy my work!

>> No.10154341

Def a market, but if you're going high dollar you're going to have to sell an image too. Market yourself as an outdoorsy naturalist type and have a Facebook and Instagram page with a lot of nature shots, creeks and shit, and really harp the hand made craftsmanship part. Give some to some high viz Instagram hippies in exchange for a tagged photo with them using them during yoga and meditation and shit.

Tl;dr create an image to market the rocks

>> No.10154354
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Trying to figure that out, the current supply is 2.5.

>> No.10154369
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The process also helps with stress and grounding, also teaches a lot of patience.

>> No.10154377
File: 229 KB, 2016x1512, 36678560_1806874356039057_5206963181368377344_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 3.50 dingle berries.

>> No.10154389

I'm so down.

>> No.10154393

Its called a rock tumbler.

>> No.10154408

For the size, yes. They are comforting to have in your hands.

>> No.10154411

Some snake oil company began selling the sham that tying aquarium pebbles to your audio cables would improve the sound quality, i basically rode on that meme and sold the same product (aquarium pebbles) at a discount compared to the original guys, 50 bucks a small bag 2 years ago

I stopped because i actually felt bad scamming all those people on a constant basis, the originals are still at it however http://www.machinadynamica.com/machina31.htm

>> No.10154422

I'll grab my camera and set one up, niche markets are comfy.

>> No.10154431

The base stone won't be carved if I use a tumbler...that's the issue. They need to be carved together.

>> No.10154434

Thats not even a good website. Jesus christ do they know that wordpress is a thing? Its amazing people would pay money for this.

Also you actually can attach a ferrite bead to your cables and actually improve the sound quality, at least in theory. Maybe you could sell those. Ferrite beads are the little cylinder things embedded in power supply wires near the jack.

>> No.10154449

I need to figure out how to make a website, I am not very good with that stuff.

>> No.10154457
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Feel free to do it, audiophiles literally buy any snake oil you throw their way and they're always loaded as fuck, i'm ashamed to confess how much money i made abusing them

>> No.10154468

I collect spherical mineral specimens that I do sometimes use in meditation, and I probably wouldn't purchase these.

>> No.10154471

Do you just bang & grind the rocks together until one of them is a ball and the other is caved in?

>> No.10154475

At least you have somewhat of a conscience anon.

>> No.10154487

wh-what am I looking at exactly? Also are these people aware that there is actual science that goes into electrical engineering to make audio sound good? Like you really can buy things to tune sound if you know what you are doing and do a bit of math.

Also, how much money exactly? For research purposes only of course.

>> No.10154490

No banging, just grinding.

>> No.10154497

so you literally do it by hand, you just scrape the rock on the ground until its all round?
tools may come handy if you want to do it faster, sanding disks, rotary grinder, sanding belt whatever is useful

>> No.10154517
File: 28 KB, 510x342, mikro-pebbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides. Well played.

>> No.10154530

Not to mock you OP, but you can't charge an artisanal premium if there isn't a generic, manufactured version of this. No one wants to pay someone else rub rocks together. I'd pay 10 for reference. Upwards of 15-20 if a certain materials made neat patterns through the process.

>> No.10154531

I'm thinking about making them for couples, the symbolism with how they are made and how the longer they grind against each other the closer they fit.

>> No.10154552
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I just remembered my friend was telling me about this bullshit conspiracy stuff he heard about. He is one of those dipshits that takes alex jones seriously. He called it "monoatomic gold." Supposedly the egyptians built the pyramids so they could place gold ingots at the top so they would be struck by lightning. This would convert it to "monoatomic gold" which they would smear on their skin to receive spiritual enlightenment or somesuch.

I figure I could just get some sort of nontoxic paint and package it up real fancy in a glass bottle. I bet someone would buy that crap. I think I might be getting the hang of this.

>> No.10154560

You wouldn't pay for it, but others may see more value in the process and the relief they might get from them, also the current circulating supply is pretty low.

>> No.10154576

How about making a (somewhat) standardized size for them, and swipe some cheap wooden box from somewhere
and shove some woody strings in there too
hipsters love that shit
here you got wood, AND stone

>> No.10154577

Just putting in my two cents. On a personal level I think what you are doing is pretty neat and am glad you found something that works for you, I'm just nit in a position in my life where I would pay for the result, ya know? So take my post with a grain of salt. I think you should market the process way more than the result.

>> No.10154627

he does have a point though. if you could add some flair to it, something interesting that draws the eye or spices it up a bit.... you could easily double your price.

you have a foundation now, what would really make it a hot new thing hasn't been fleshed out yet.

>> No.10154636

i think you would need to peddle these to some kind of artifact shop anon, people will pick up little ornaments like this while browsing but it needs the surroundings to give it the right air then it can be sold on the handcrafted / unique angle. those shops will take the fat markup though and you won't get paid much.

if you can mass produce you can try get a contract with some shitty homewares chain, that is the big bucks.

>> No.10154669

>Also, how much money exactly?
Around 250k
Be careful, the nice part of audiophiles is that you can sell them any sham and there are really no true adverse consequences, your plan sounds like a potential toxic hazard that can get you into trouble

>> No.10154730

I could market the process itself and have classes? At the end of the class the participants get to keep their work.

>> No.10154737

Glad you see something here, I can work out some kinks and develop it more. Thanks for the input!

>> No.10154820

How did you find your customers? Did you just set up a website and they come to you or did you advertise?

>> No.10154830

op i would unironically buy one of those
it looks fun to play with
and rub on my cock

>> No.10154853

Use it however you like hah

>> No.10154855

Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10154886

Initially i went into audiophiles online communities and built up a reputation from there

>> No.10155291
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>> No.10156040

Make Chainlink cubes, I'd buy one.

>> No.10156163


There are mills where you just throw some semi-round stone in it and wait until it is perfectly round.
Initial setup sucks but the rest is eeeeasy.


>> No.10156393
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>> No.10156436

Good idea!

>> No.10156458
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OP in the video

>> No.10156506
File: 1.74 MB, 1000x602, itsbeenalongroad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no way this is real,
am know audiophiles are dumb with all the foam, silver cables, vacuum tube mods they have but no one in their right mind would fall for this