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[ERROR] No.10153886 [Reply] [Original]

HELP. I bought a house a year ago and havent associated with my nig nog neighbors except for a fucking hand wave or nod and the motherfucker just invited them over. ON 4TH OF JULY. They're all drunk and high (probably on the marijuana or crack cocaine).


help me /biz. How do white people act around niggers? If they say nigga is it appropriate for me to say nigga back? I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO BLACK PEOPLE MAKE ME UNCOMFORTABLE. They admitted that they don't work much and have food stamps and want to get as drunk as possible tonight, but I don't know how to interact with them.


Also, do they all have aids because one is mixed and kind of cute?

Lastly, their names are "chardonnay," "sunshine," "dominique," and "La Fael".


>> No.10153892

do you have a Wii? Black people love playing Wii at parties

>> No.10153936

>get drunk
>be chill
>don't say nigga

>> No.10153937

How do snowflakes like you even survive in the real world?

>> No.10153950

Ask /pol/

>> No.10153955
File: 7 KB, 250x206, Cogitating-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.

Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Meme,Kek State

Behind all the hate.Behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational
pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.Every three or four threads created on
the board you will find one discussing them.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess
which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women
truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic
ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they
enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape
gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's
sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a
reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and
solemn disdain.For where the asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a
threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it. Based on our
assessment,doctor Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic
depressive autistic shizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Freudian-Jungian-Pavlovian
psychopathological negroid-complex.

>> No.10153980
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>> No.10153989

I have this problem, not with the negro, but with only lower class people.

>> No.10154000

if they refer to you as "nigga", you are supposed to respond the same
like "lol this nigga knows whats up am i right" - referencing you
you should respond "hell yeah nigga"

>> No.10154015

what if i told you that they're just people?

>> No.10154029

Run before party becomes a home invasion drunk looking at you the first thing that will pop up is to rob you

>> No.10154039

This, except it's considered inappropriate for white people to use the 'nigga' form of the word, which is more for internal use by the black community. To avoid causing unnecessary offense, use the orignal -er form of the word, which is considered the white man's form of the word.

Sample usage:
Black man: "Man, dis white nigga crazy!"
White man: "You bet your sweet bippy I am, my nigger!"

>> No.10154046
File: 801 KB, 1136x2200, bixnood gene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black people are just like everyone else :^)

>> No.10154078

This thread and the responses are A+++

>> No.10154080
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actual fact rofl

>> No.10154129
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they don't
>taking advice from beta pussy faggots
wew lad

>> No.10154135

Different genes moderate for different effects depending on race. For example, the genes which code for height in western european males, if used to predict height in sub-saharan africans, would predict average african height as 5" shorter than european height, which is incorrect.

>> No.10154151

TIL there is a stabbing gene

>> No.10154195

Holy shit what's the source of this

>> No.10154200


> picking on kids 5 years younger than you
triggered nog

>> No.10154203

>If they say nigga is it appropriate for me to say nigga back?
Just ask them. They are people, not SJWs.

>> No.10154232
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It's not the first time this happens to /pol/tards and they always shine for their cowardice

>> No.10154265

Trash doesn’t discriminate by race. And all trash is terrible

>> No.10154274

Bring over potato salad with grapes in it
Everyone loves it

>> No.10154275
File: 2.84 MB, 988x548, Soy cunt ko'd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in your mind

>> No.10154353

op it's 4th of July they are just enjoying their FREEDOM
kill yourself you pinko no fun commie scum

>> No.10154362

>roid raging numale neckbeard throws drink all over children
what's this webm meant to convey exactly?

>> No.10154364

Lying is bad anon.

>> No.10154380

Antifa needs to eat more. I'm going to start a charity to feed Antifa.

Just be friendly, don't say nigga, don't be snobby.
I also advise you to lock your valuables, all races can be dangerous or loose with their morals. I wouldn't trust a group of white or black people in a drunken state.

>> No.10154386

>t boomers

>> No.10154397


Those guys posted on /pol/, they're all in college.

>> No.10154407

That actually sounds pretty entertaining lmao
You only live once anon, go hang out with them and report back

>> No.10154414
File: 2.50 MB, 640x352, worthless shit dealt with.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in your mind

>> No.10154436

embolden nig put in its place

>> No.10154438

no matter how much of a faggot someone is being to you, sucker punching them is the gayest thing ever

>> No.10154440

That's a thing of beauty

>> No.10154441

yeah so they are probably under the age of 20 then
I still don't get what's so amazing about some jawline hiding neck beard roid muncher throwing soft drink all over two kids sitting down enjoying their meal then running away before anything else could happen

>> No.10154446

true cowardice

>> No.10154451

thats fucked up

>> No.10154458

From the negroid, yes. He was ranting to the white man about racism just before he received his rightful trip to hell.


>> No.10154464

sucker punches are for faggots, in every case

>> No.10154482

>sucker punches are for faggots
>previously celebrated someone stealing a hat and throwing a drink on them

>> No.10154484

That wasn't a sucker punch, negroe. The simian initially grabbed the white man to prevent him form leaving so he could rant about his voodoo religion known as "anti-racism", and was rightfully dispatched.

>> No.10154500

they are called dog shots for a reason
because only dog cunts resort to that
then again you are from are country where shooting someone in the back is seen as just conflict resolution. pussy.

>> No.10154502

>white guy tries to walk away
>white guy tells him to leave him alone
>nigger refuses
>nigger gets knocked out
Deserved it.

>> No.10154505

Perhaps he didn't want to waste his energy on some idiot coming up to him and causing trouble, ruining his day. He should have the advantage considering the nig was the offender. Never ruin someone else's day.

>> No.10154506

> leave me alone
> "No! I want to <indecipherable> you!"
> ...
> "r-racism..."
> *knocked the fuck out*

Pure justified, simian idiot. He refused to fuck off.

>> No.10154515

If he didn't do it first the ape in the background would have dog shot the whiteboi

>> No.10154522

>t. retard who can't into replies
the nig deserved it, no doubt. but sucker punching is nig-tier behavior

>> No.10154525

yes and a dog shot haymarker is totally the right way to go about it instead of taking his hand off your arm and pushing him away
do you get a little chub whenever you see subhuman behaviour like that? do you fantasize about clocking people from behind because that's the only possible chance you have of besting someone?
pussy American learn to act like a man

>> No.10154529

Nigs shouldn't feel they can run without consequences. They feel they've normalized it, so we need tougher laws to deal with these actions. Don't behave like an imbecile and get over emotional. Behave like a man, not like some cringe infested vermin.

>> No.10154538

>yes and a...haymarker is totally the right way to go about it

>> No.10154539

this 100%

>> No.10154545

>the nig deserved it, no doubt.
Yep, got what he deserved, end of story.
>b-but its nigger behavior
They're fucking killing white farmers in mass in that country and you want to bitch about a "cheap shot", get some perspective.

>> No.10154559

can confirm works

>> No.10154562

>muh dog shots!
So what? Why would I want to enjoy a fight when I can knock out the idiot and leave them unconscious? I'm not looking to dance. I'd rather they are dead anyway.

>> No.10154566
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Call the Nigger removal service (police) and say multiple drunk and armed niggers broke into your home now smoking crack in the living room.

>> No.10154583

OP you couldn't be more of a faggot. I'd try and not interact with them if I were you it doesn't seem like it will end well.

>> No.10154587

>you want to bitch about a "cheap shot
you're acting like i'm some sjw standing up for the oppressed black man. the nig deserved to be btfo, but sucker puches are gay, fucking brainlet